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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Evenflow said:
I'm young/single but have had a lot of health problems this year including a surgery that without insurance my costs would be around 40-45K of which of the top of my head my out of pocket is like 4-5k(my premium is like $60 a month), but I could be off(havn't really been on top of those bills:lol ) .

Yeah, you're fucked for life under the McCain plan. He supposedly has a program for "high risk" individuals with pre-existing conditions but hasn't talked about how he is going to fund it, which in GOP speak means it won't be funded.

So the gist I get is that pretty much either way, the plan hurts you. WTF is this pricks problem man, this is just insane. We have a national healthcare crisis so why don't we make it tougher on people. He needs to be stopped.

Republicans have a hard on about getting the burden of health insurance off the employer and onto the employee. The idea is that consumers will then have the choice to pick their most desirable plan. However, that's not the way it will work out-instead, the insurers will pick the most desirable policy holders and charge colossal rates for everyone else.

Now I agree that we need to start moving away health insurance from being such a burden to employers. Rises in premiums are a huge reason why wages are stagnant in "good" jobs-all the normal money goes instead to paying for health care. However, we have to do that transition in a way that serves the citizen, not the corporation. It's pretty clear from the huge differences in the two programs which one serves who.


PhoenixDark said:
So is this thing officially dead or can something be done?
The GOP is taking it to court to try and have the investigation thrown out. The next step is to see how that goes, and how the witnesses respond to the subpoenas.


RubxQub said:
...this shit is so god damned embarrassing for Palin.

"Let me tell you about the experience I've gained...as a mom"

What the fuck man...

Wait, someone asked her a question or was this just part of her programming?
GhaleonEB said:
The GOP is taking it to court to try and have the investigation thrown out. The next step is to see how that goes, and how the witnesses respond to the subpoenas.
How can a court stop a state legislature sanctioned investigation?


So I haven't really followed this thread for maybe the last 4-5 days. I saw some bits on the news during that time about McCain ads "going to far" and lies and stuff.

Did any of this help Obama/Hurt McCain? Or does the American Public not care?


not a medical professional
Oh Jesus, he's talking about how 2 years ago he warned that Fannie Mae, etc. needed to be fixed.

NOW is when the Obama camp brings up that voting record about deregulating.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Burton
Sent: Tue 9/16/2008 4:07 PM
To: Ben Smith

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld, a miracle made possible by John McCain.



Flo_Evans said:
OK this is NSFW and in no way would I ever wear this but, http://threadpit.com/store/product.php?productid=256&cat=254&page=1 :lol


Sweet, now I have election night attire!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
McCain fucking infuriates me with his speeches.

How can he talk about fighting off the special interests when his campaign is writhe with them?

How can he talk about fighting against corporate payoffs to CEOs when he has one as one of his main surrogates?

Why the fuck can't our media just call all this bullshit? Fuck this makes me made.
TheKingsCrown said:
How can a court stop a state legislature sanctioned investigation?

Presumably the legislature's authority for investigation comes from either legislation or from the Alaskan constitution. The investigation is subject to judicial review based off of how it complied with those rules.

In reality, they are trying to make the whole thing sound like a partisan witch hunt (which is half true, Palin is a fundie witch, but it's not partisan-most of the people going after her are people she clobbered on her way to becoming governor) so that the media will ignore it. Otherwise it's got all the hallmarks of the classic "drip drip drip" style story that eats at your credibility and threatens your entire campaign should shit hit the fan.
DrEvil said:
Oh Jesus, he's talking about how 2 years ago he warned that Fannie Mae, etc. needed to be fixed.


"I knew the shit was going to hit the fan, but I didn't do anything about it. Kind of like how I know how to catch Osama, but I'm not going to do anything about it"

-- John McCain
PhoenixDark said:
So is this thing officially dead or can something be done?
Not dead at all. Subpoenas have issued . . . including one for the 'The First Dude'.

Right now it is alive and running but the GOP have already tried 3 different techniques to stop it.
1) They tried to switch the investigation to a Palin appointed panel. (failed so far.)
2) They tried to stop the subpoenas from issuing. (The GOP representative from Wasilla broke the tie and said issue them.)
3) They just filed the lawsuit mentioned in my recent message.

Gee . . . these REFORMERS are working so much with TRIAL LAWYERS to stop an ETHICS investigation? Say it ain't so!


RubxQub said:
McCain fucking infuriates me with his speeches.

How can he talk about fighting off the special interests when his campaign is writhe with them?

How can he talk about fighting against corporate payoffs to CEOs when he has one as one of his main surrogates?

Why the fuck can't our media just call all this bullshit? Fuck this makes me made.

rife :p
Bebpo said:
So I haven't really followed this thread for maybe the last 4-5 days. I saw some bits on the news during that time about McCain ads "going to far" and lies and stuff.

Or does the American Public not care?

Well, McCain's bounce in polls has faded, but it's tough to say why. I don't think anyone in this thread, myself included, really represents the "American Public" - at least not the part of it that decides elections.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Bill Burton (Obama's Press Secretary I think) sending out that email from his Blackberry is hilarious. That's how you campaign-with a swagger, and with mockery when the other side says something so completely fucking stupid because they are off-message and off-balance.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
FIORINA'S EGO TRUMPS HER PARTISANSHIP: Neither McCain nor Palin has the experience needed to run HP.


This is HP we're talking about, not the most powerful country on Earth. This is the company she ran into the ground, laying off swathes of staff the same week she took delivery of her personal corporate jet, and was then forced to resign from. She should just sew her mouth shut.


Fragamemnon said:
Yeah, you're fucked for life under the McCain plan. He supposedly has a program for "high risk" individuals with pre-existing conditions but hasn't talked about how he is going to fund it, which in GOP speak means it won't be funded.

Republicans have a hard on about getting the burden of health insurance off the employer and onto the employee. The idea is that consumers will then have the choice to pick their most desirable plan. However, that's not the way it will work out-instead, the insurers will pick the most desirable policy holders and charge colossal rates for everyone else.

Now I agree that we need to start moving away health insurance from being such a burden to employers. Rises in premiums are a huge reason why wages are stagnant in "good" jobs-all the normal money goes instead to paying for health care. However, we have to do that transition in a way that serves the citizen, not the corporation. It's pretty clear from the huge differences in the two programs which one serves who.

Hopefully Obama's plan to lower premiums and focus on preventive care would help to offset the employer burden and place it more on the insurance companies/government subsidies.... but I'm not sure if that's how it's suppose to or will play out.

Thanks for explaining this everyone. I'll be sure to explain this to everyone I work with in case anyone there is buying into the GOP lie machine(although I'm in IL so it don't matter much but I still want to see a landslide in the popular vote so they get the message that Enough is seriously ENOUGH)
DrEvil said:
Oh Jesus, he's talking about how 2 years ago he warned that Fannie Mae, etc. needed to be fixed.

NOW is when the Obama camp brings up that voting record about deregulating.

They should jump on this like they did with "the fundamentals of the economy are strong".


Fragamemnon said:
Bill Burton (Obama's Press Secretary I think) sending out that email from his Blackberry is hilarious. That's how you campaign-with a swagger, and with mockery when the other side says something so completely fucking stupid because they are off-message and off-balance.

Oh, thank goodness.


Xisiqomelir said:
You really need to post more in these threads, y'know.

That's what happens when you have a life and a steady job and friends, less internet :p

Fragamemnon said:
- Carly proves she can run more than just HP into the ground.
- Obama goes on the attack in Colorado and speaks to the current economic issues with precision and knowledge.
- Tracking polls all are trending Obama.
- McCain copies another one of Obama's lines.
- Palin's approval numbers are cratering, if the GOP bunkered her down any more she'd be doing fundraisers from a undisclosed location.

Another bad, bad day for McCain. They can't seem to stay on message and no one is paying attention to their ads.

Obama has a fundraiser in CA tonight and McCain and Palin are back together in Ohio.

Much appreciated.


testicles on a cold fall morning
great article in Slate about the philosophical difference not only between Obama and McCain vis-a-vis Wall Street, but the parties as well -
But even if each party bears blame for both good and bad regulatory impulses, there is also at stake in this election a fight over fundamentals. There is a philosophy that says markets left to themselves perform best, and a philosophy that argues that well-regulated markets are the key to a strong economy. If the events of the last year and a half have achieved anything, they have at the very least profoundly weakened the argument that says Wall Street is best left to handle its own affairs without sensible supervision. When Obama refers to an economic philosophy that has "failed," this is what he is talking about: The theory that markets are perfectly self-correcting, that the best government is the government that lets the rich do as they please, and prosperity will trickle down to everyone else, has taken an enormous body blow.
also agree very strongly with the article's point that the type and focus of the regulations matter more than simply adding more. duplication and redundancy needs to be avoided- something echoed by Michael Lewitt also.



Every day this election draws out is a day that I can't believe the ridiculousness of the GOP. They really have become movie villains.
Bebpo said:
So I haven't really followed this thread for maybe the last 4-5 days. I saw some bits on the news during that time about McCain ads "going to far" and lies and stuff.

Did any of this help Obama/Hurt McCain? Or does the American Public not care?
It's hurting the McCain campaign's message delivering ability and credibility of anything they say, overall. It's been good for the Obama campaign (starting right at the moment the economy is in focus) simply because it stifles anything coming out of the mouth of McCain and any his lying, sack-of-shit corrupt surrogates. Polls are always behind (and usually not real-world accurate), so it's hard to say if it's doing a lot for the public yet though I think it has.

One thing's for certain, if you piss on the media, as the McCain campaign has by direct credibility attacks or by feeding the press complete lies and expecting them to simply repeat them without any critical thinking or by keeping the VP away from press interviews with less than two months before election day, you are being quite simply retarded as the media is the ultimate gatekeeper for all of your information dissemination and message carrying. Unless something crazy positive happens for the McCain campaign, I think it has peaked as McCain's campaign gets more dishonest and desperate to win.
Fragamemnon said:
Bill Burton (Obama's Press Secretary I think) sending out that email from his Blackberry is hilarious. That's how you campaign-with a swagger, and with mockery when the other side says something so completely fucking stupid because they are off-message and off-balance.
dude he's not prez yet lol
Evenflow said:
Hopefully Obama's plan to lower premiums and focus on preventive care would help to offset the employer burden and place it more on the insurance companies/government subsidies.... but I'm not sure if that's how it's suppose to or will play out.

It's sort of a shame he won't run with Hillary's program-which was far better-but Obama's plan has a stronger focus on controlling costs, which is where the problem relating to business is really rooted. It also gives huge breaks to small businesses so they can provide health care for their employees (HUGE deal, ask anyone with a 10-man consulting firm how hard it is to keep talent if you don't offer full health benefits) and forces big businesses that don't cover their employees to help pay into the national health care program, so we don't have companies like Wal-Mart driving up everyone's else's costs because they won't insure their employees (and then they don't get preventative care).

Thanks for explaining this everyone. I'll be sure to explain this to everyone I work with in case anyone there is buying into the GOP lie machine(although I'm in IL so it don't matter much but I still want to see a landslide in the popular vote so they get the message that Enough is seriously ENOUGH)

Full info on Obama's plan here:


I really wish we'd have gone with Hillary's plan-which would have gotten EVERYONE into the system instead of still having some ways to opt-out, but Obama's is (not suprising) a bit more pragmatic.


Setec Astronomer
Brannon said:
Every day this election draws out is a day that I can't believe the ridiculousness of the GOP. They really have become movie villains.
You should listen to today's Fresh Air. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94662546

Includes fun episodes like Dick Cheney telling Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader, that Saddam personally dealt with Al Qaeda and they were well underway to developing a suitcase nuke. In an alternate reality, Dick Armey objects to war authorization allowing many members of congress to follow suit without being branded as soft.
The Lamonster said:
dude he's not prez yet lol

That's his title, though I guess I should have said "the Obama campaign's press secretary" instead.

However, I think we can all agree that someone who pulls stunts like this will be a lot more fun to watch than Chemical Ari Fleischer or Scotty Doesn't Know McClellan.


Brannon said:
Every day this election draws out is a day that I can't believe the ridiculousness of the GOP. They really have become movie villains.
All the better to make a movie of it - the classic good vs evil.
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