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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Jesus Christ @ chuck schumer's ad squad over at the DSCC:


That's BRUTAL, I'm as heartless and souless of a person as you can get and I choked up a bit watching that.

In other senate news, Kay Hagan's challenge to Liddy Dole in NC is now listed as a "toss-up" according to CQ. I'm so glad Obama is competing hard here-without him leading the ticket Bev Perdue would be in huge trouble in the Gov. race and Liddy would be cruising to re-election.
RubxQub said:
McCain fucking infuriates me with his speeches.

How can he talk about fighting off the special interests when his campaign is writhe with them?

How can he talk about fighting against corporate payoffs to CEOs when he has one as one of his main surrogates?

Why the fuck can't our media just call all this bullshit? Fuck this makes me made.

Carly Fiorina was being interviewed this afternoon on MSNBC and she answered a question by saying that McCain wants to stop these fat cat CEOs from leaving failing companies with these huge severance packages and the reporter interviewing her never called her on it (for those who don't know she was CEO of HP and left with $45 million in compensation).

I actually slapped the sides of my face like Macaulay Culkin when she said that.


Brannon said:
Every day this election draws out is a day that I can't believe the ridiculousness of the GOP. They really have become movie villains.
I just want to know how a candidate for one of the two top seats in the country can refuse to cooperate with an investigation and not get totally lynched by the MSM. How is it even possible she's not being strung up right now? PEACE.
maximum360 said:
And that was the sad part. The guy's age is catching up to him. He's nowhere as sharp as he used to be. Toss Palin into the equation and his presidency is a nightmare waiting to happen. Instead of a reasonable thinking republican running mate he chose Bush in a dress...with lipstick.
Clips of McCain from even a few months ago make him look like a much younger man. This campaign is aging him rapidly, and it's nowhere near the stress level of the presidency.


I wish McCain would stop changing the definition of words. And did McCain actually co-sponsor a bill that introduced new regulation on Fannie Mae?


Melanie Scarborough said:
"Having five children in six years is the best training in the world for speaker of the House," Nancy Pelosi said after she was elected to that post last year. "It made me the ultimate multi-tasker and the master of focus, routine and scheduling." Asked how motherhood provided an understanding of national security, she said, "Think lioness when you think of women in politics. You threaten our cubs, you're dead."

Yet many of the same people who didn't blink at - indeed, applauded - Pelosi's claim that motherhood qualifies her to be second in line for the presidency now harp that the same circumstance disqualifies Sarah Palin from being first.

That is just one of the many hypocrisies Palin's candidacy exposes, and Democrats are palpably panicked. It was easier to maintain the pretense that multimillionaires such as John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama identify more with working-class Americans when Republican candidates were wealthy blue-bloods such as the Bushes. Palin is not of that ilk - and Americans can sense the difference.

"I'm a working mother, and she speaks for me," 40-year-old Pamela Hamlett told the Philadelphia Inquirer last week. "She understands a household budget, she understands a government budget. She doesn't come from money. She's someone like me, and we work for every dime we get."

Media outlets that report only hagiographic profiles of Obama are frantically trying to discredit Palin, as was evident when ABC anchor Charles Gibson interviewed the governor in Alaska. A transcript of the full interview released by the Media Research Center reveals the extent to which ABC went to portray Palin as dangerously hawkish.

Among the parts of the interview that landed on the cutting-room floor was her response when Gibson asked about U.S. relations with Russia. "You're in Alaska," she pointed out. "We have that very narrow maritime border between the United States and Russia. They are our next-door neighbors. We need to have a good relationship with them. Well, I'm giving you that perspective of how small our world is and how important it is that we work with our allies to keep good relations with all of these countries, especially Russia.

"We will not repeat a Cold War. We must have good relationship with our allies, pressuring, also, helping us to remind Russia that it's in their benefit, also, a mutually beneficial relationship for us all to be getting along."

The portion of the conversation ABC aired was when Gibson asked Palin about pre-emptive strikes, and the governor responded that we have a right to protect ourselves if there is unequivocal evidence that our nation is about to be attacked. Undoubtedly ABC hoped to make Palin look like a war-monger; the answer only made her look sensible. Wasn't that the "lioness" quality Pelosi said made mothers fit for high office?

Contrast that to what finally outraged Barack Obama last week. Recall that when asked about terrorists who want to destroy America, Obama remains cool and calm, promising that he will sit down and talk to the fanatics, and everything will be just fine. But when the McCain campaign accused him of alluding to Palin with his "lipstick on a pig" remark, Obama got fist-pounding mad.

Palin got fired up by the prospect of Americans being attacked; Obama got fired up because he was attacked. It could not have been a clearer demonstration of which ticket genuinely puts the country first.

Much to the Democrats‚ horror, Palin is viewed by many Americans as the candidate who represents real change. Despite Obama's slick talk and silly pretense of identifying with ordinary peoples' struggles, more and more voters now view Palin as the more reliable ally. No one has said it better than Hamlett in explaining why she trusts Palin: "I believe that if I sent her to the grocery store, she'd come home with change, and I couldn't say that about Obama."


Can anybody on the right make a sound argument for Sarah Palin? This is getting seriously silly.


*drowns in jizz*
OuterWorldVoice said:
FIORINA'S EGO TRUMPS HER PARTISANSHIP: Neither McCain nor Palin has the experience needed to run HP.


This is HP we're talking about, not the most powerful country on Earth. This is the company she ran into the ground, laying off swathes of staff the same week she took delivery of her personal corporate jet, and was then forced to resign from. She should just sew her mouth shut.

Fuck Carli Fiorina. HP has exploded and has made massive gains since she left. It probably would have been filing for bankruptcy if she was still there.


No one has said it better than Hamlett in explaining why she trusts Palin: "I believe that if I sent her to the grocery store, she'd come home with change, and I couldn't say that about Obama."





Zeliard said:
Can anybody on the right make a sound argument for Sarah Palin? This is getting seriously silly.

Melanie Scarborough said:
Yet many of the same people who didn't blink at - indeed, applauded - Pelosi's claim that motherhood qualifies her to be second in line for the presidency now harp that the same circumstance disqualifies Sarah Palin from being first.

Ah, the infamous "many of the same people". Not to be confused with "Some people think". And citing the parts of her interview that were cut and somehow I haven't seen any evidence of it not provided by Mark Levin. What a vast conspiracy it all is. So far, so left.


KTallguy said:



Obama's a sucker for

But it's so darned expensive!


Setec Astronomer
Fragamemnon said:
In other senate news, Kay Hagan's challenge to Liddy Dole in NC is now listed as a "toss-up" according to CQ. I'm so glad Obama is competing hard here-without him leading the ticket Bev Perdue would be in huge trouble in the Gov. race and Liddy would be cruising to re-election.
A recent Dole ad claims Hagan RAISED TAXES and DOUBLED THE STATE DEBT...

...but we're running a surplus.


Pimpwerx said:
I just want to know how a candidate for one of the two top seats in the country can refuse to cooperate with an investigation and not get totally lynched by the MSM. How is it even possible she's not being strung up right now? PEACE.
Because in the last 8 years, the government and corporations have made sure to break everything there is to know about the media's supposed "objectivity" - the less informed a voter is, the better for the republicans in general.
KTallguy said:


If Obama loses this election, I'm probably going to disown and never again respect or forgive any and all family members, friends and co-workers who I know voted for McCain. They will eternally be on my shit list.

It's all I can do, because I'm NOT moving to Canada.


KTallguy said:


Obama is after your change. Or something.



Terry McAuliffe To Campaign Extensively For Obama In Virginia

Terry McAuliffe irked plenty of Obama supporters with his eternally jovial but aggressive advocacy for Hillary during the Dem primary, but now McAuliffe is set to make amends -- he's finalizing plans to put his unique species of garrulousness at Obama's disposal.

McAuliffe has agreed to campaign extensively for Obama in his longtime home state of Virginia -- and he's in discussions with Obama advisers about the possibility of doing as many as two dozen or more events, according to advisers to both men.

McAuliffe's first Virginia event is set for September 24th at a high school in Chesterfield County, where he'll speak on Obama's behalf, Tracy Sefl, a top aide to McAuliffe, confirms. McAuliffe will be a counterweight to former Virginia Senator George Allen, who will speak at the school on John McCain's behalf a week earlier.
I've missed Terry. His enthusiasm was just epic, and that was before he got drunk.


PhoenixDark said:
Obama would just spend it at KFC apparently

Yea, don't hand your money to black people, they'll run off with the change!

I mean, seriously. What the fuck. :(

You know, I love America because it's my country, but hearing stuff like this is seriously depressing. Like... really fucking sad.

It really sucks that my country is becoming such an object of ridicule.


Dude Obama is totally gonna steal our change if we send him to the store to buy smokes! Thats not change we can believe in! Thats stealing my mother fucking grocery (cigarette) change!


*drowns in jizz*
Contrast that to what finally outraged Barack Obama last week. Recall that when asked about terrorists who want to destroy America, Obama remains cool and calm, promising that he will sit down and talk to the fanatics, and everything will be just fine. But when the McCain campaign accused him of alluding to Palin with his "lipstick on a pig" remark, Obama got fist-pounding mad.

Palin got fired up by the prospect of Americans being attacked; Obama got fired up because he was attacked. It could not have been a clearer demonstration of which ticket genuinely puts the country first.

Do these shit-faces genuinely believe what they type/say? Or is it a role they have to step into, then laugh off? I genuinely am curious to know, just from a psychological perspective.


KTallguy said:
It really sucks that my country is becoming such an object of ridicule.

Let's just say re-electing Bush hasn't helped the US's status in the world, but I agree on one point - electing McCain after the last 8 years with a republican president, electing the guy who has little economic knowledge during a "once-in-a-century" economic crisis... Yeah, there'd be no words.

Complete laughingstock of the world, and rightfully so.

Also, did anybody notice Colbert having to go even more over the top as usual recently? He usually just does the phony outrage and righteousness routine in just the right amount to expose the Republicans, but lately he had to kick it up a notch, because the Republicans themselves totally jumped the shark in their ridiculousness. I mean, that lipstick on a pig line was totally comedy show material and yet they were actually trying to push it in earnest.


Flo_Evans said:
Dude Obama is totally gonna steal our change if we send him to the store to buy smokes! Thats not change we can believe in! Thats stealing my mother fucking grocery (cigarette) change!

I don't think that was what she was implying. I think she was implying she thinks Palin has had to live on a tighter budget than Obama and shop. Now, personally I'd say that means she doesn't know Obama's background all that well (growing up relatively poor), but certainly that perception is not uncommon and it's real enough he's probably going to have to try to address it in some way.


Slurpy said:
Do these shit-faces genuinely believe what they type/say? Or is it a role they have to step into, then laugh off? I genuinely am curious to know, just from a psychological perspective.
They don't believe it. Just two weeks ago, two conservative commentators were heard saying the exact opposite of the opinions they had proclaimed on air when they thought they were off camera. They only want to win.
Slurpy said:
Fuck Carli Fiorina. HP has exploded and has made massive gains since she left. It probably would have been filing for bankruptcy if she was still there.

To be fair, Carly Fiorina knows a LOT about not being able to run HP.


Gaborn said:
I don't think that was what she was implying. I think she was implying she thinks Palin has had to live on a tighter budget than Obama and shop. Now, personally I'd say that means she doesn't know Obama's background all that well (growing up relatively poor), but certainly that perception is not uncommon and it's real enough he's probably going to have to try to address it in some way.

Why is the perception not uncommon? How can these voters only care about personality issues and yet still not bother to find out the personality of the candidate?


The Lamonster said:
FUCK. YES. I always loved Terry.
I think we need a Terry McLawlauffe for NeoGAF. We just have a bunch of hand-wringers.

I'll try to be PoliGAF's Terry McLawlauffe. Let's begin:

We are just SO PUMPED UP about todays polls! People are EXCITED, they're ENTHUSISATIC, and we can't wait for NOVEMBER!



Gaborn said:
I don't think that was what she was implying. I think she was implying she thinks Palin has had to live on a tighter budget than Obama and shop. Now, personally I'd say that means she doesn't know Obama's background all that well (growing up relatively poor), but certainly that perception is not uncommon and it's real enough he's probably going to have to try to address it in some way.

So Obama had to steal people's money to become rich?

I don't get her point at all.

She's saying that you can't trust Obama because he doesn't have experience running a tight budget... because he's rich?

Then why would he need to steal change in the first place? The comment is just completely out of left field...

Haunted said:

:( :(


Palin got fired up by the prospect of Americans being attacked; Obama got fired up because he was attacked. It could not have been a clearer demonstration of which ticket genuinely puts the country first.

Much to the Democrats‚ horror, Palin is viewed by many Americans as the candidate who represents real change. Despite Obama's slick talk and silly pretense of identifying with ordinary peoples' struggles, more and more voters now view Palin as the more reliable ally. No one has said it better than Hamlett in explaining why she trusts Palin: "I believe that if I sent her to the grocery store, she'd come home with change, and I couldn't say that about Obama."

Never has so much wrong been written!!!!

Sadly, race plays a huge part in this election, if only people voted with their minds and not their eyes. :(


Tanned Greyface said:
Why is the perception not uncommon? How can these voters only care about personality issues and yet still not bother to find out the personality of the candidate?

Because people are lazy and believe what they can easily see. They see pictures of Palin with her family and shooting moose and caribou and doing all sorts of activities, they respond well to that. With Obama you don't see him doing things people relate to day to day. Again, I don't think it's fair because I'm a reasonably informed voter, but it's another way of stating the "who would you want to have a beer with?" question. Obama seems more cultured than people are used to and they unfairly associate that with wealth and a life of leisure.


No one has said it better than Hamlett in explaining why she trusts Palin: "I believe that if I sent her to the grocery store, she'd come home with change, and I couldn't say that about Obama."

She would trust a person who put a town of 9,000 people $20 million in debt with her money.

Okay, cool. Just wanted to be sure I read that right. *brainsplosion*


What's interesting to me (OK scary is the word I am looking for) is that this election has been successfully steered into Obama vs. Palin.


Flo_Evans said:
What's interesting to me (OK scary is the word I am looking for) is that this election has been successfully steered into Obama vs. Palin.
Which will backfire big time, since Palin's favorability ratings are cratering.


Flo_Evans said:
What's interesting to me (OK scary is the word I am looking for) is that this election has been successfully steered into Obama vs. Palin.

Eh it's better than before when it was Obama vs Not Obama.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Flo_Evans said:
What's interesting to me (OK scary is the word I am looking for) is that this election has been successfully steered into Obama vs. Palin.

I think it went that route after she was announced, but I think we are moving in a new direction:

McCain vs McCain

...and McCain vs the Media

I think Obama can stay above the fray at this point and let McCain and his advisors run the Straight Talk Express off the road as long as the media keeps covering the McCain lies and shenanigans.
Tony Todd's for Obama? Cool.

The focus on Palin by the campaign to cover for their distinct lack of looking different from the Bush Republican platform and policies will end soon enough. With all of that attention, she is going to probably show off just how awesome she is if this ethics investigation story goes further before election day. That on top of her own lies and bullshit.
No one has said it better than Hamlett in explaining why she trusts Palin: "I believe that if I sent her to the grocery store, she'd come home with change, and I couldn't say that about Obama."
Why don't you believe he'd come back with change? What gave you that thought? Is it because the black folk like to steal de munniez?
Flo_Evans said:
What's interesting to me (OK scary is the word I am looking for) is that this election has been successfully steered into Obama vs. Palin.

Actually, I think that in a few weeks we may be wishing it was Obama v. Palin. The bridge to Nowhere lie is being exposed everywhere, Tina Fey is cutting her down with wit, her more extremist positions are becoming known (no abortion even in cases of rape & incest, thoughts about banning library books, etc.), her leaving Wasilla $20 Million in debt, . . . and Troopergate is heating up.

Troopergate could become difficult for Palin . . . some ugly truths will dribble out as the investigation proceeds. Even if the GOP were to stop the investigation, it they becomes a big talking point . . . So, why did this alleged 'reformer' get a bunch of high-priced lawyers to stop an ethics investigation? What does she have to hide? I thought she was supposed to be reformer!
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