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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Trakdown said:
oh wow.

article said:
A top McCain official contacted by CNN said, on condition on anonymity, "No big deal, but not how you get on the surrogate all-star team. Very Biden-like."

“This campaign source said Fiorina would be discouraged from additional media interviews.

Another top campaign adviser was far less diplomatic.

"Carly will now disappear," this source said. "Senator McCain was furious." Asked to define "disappear," this source said, adding that she would be off TV for a while – but remain at the Republican National Committee and keep her role as head of the party’s joint fundraising committee with the McCain campaign.

Fiorina was booked for several TV interviews over the next few days, including one on CNN. Those interviews have been canceled.

A third source said "it was another bad day for her, and important people are mad because the timing is horrible.


Presenting the new Obamabet.jpg, now with 100% more Motivator and 1/10,000 the "wtf are these numbers" factor!



Stoney Mason said:
24-7 spin. "Biden-Like". Give me a fucking break.

I guess that means "truthful". As in, "John McCain/Sarah Palin/Joe Biden/Barack Obama don't have the experience necessary to run a company
into the fucking ground like she did

Anyhow, I'm glad. When the economy's falling apart, the last person I want to hear is some Enron-style CEO who jumped ship while people lost jobs.


Door2Dawn said:
I saw that edit.

And to answer your question, it's that temper of his.

Xisiqomelir said:
Presenting the new Obamabet.jpg, now with 100% more Motivator and 1/10,000 the "wtf are these numbers" factor!
the wtf factor is still pretty high here. So you bet 3000$ on Obama winning. wtf do these numbers mean? >_<


Xisiqomelir said:
I guess I could do little arrows to each column, but that would be rather cluttered. The text doesn't make it clear enough?
Explain it to me like I'm Sarah Palin.

Door2Dawn said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Carly Fiorina ended up dead somewhere. That was a pretty messed up statement.
I'm glad the interviewer asked for clarification on "disappear". :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Zefah said:

I just finished watching this and I must say it was a pretty amazing speech. It's good to hear some actual concrete plans about what a candidate will actually try to do about the economy once elected. We got McCain saying everything is fundamentally good and that he will set up a committee (in other words, pay some people to do research on a question we already know the answer to). How can anyone, at this point, support McCain over Obama on the economy?

Has Obama's speech been getting much play in the media today? How are the respective networks covering it? What are the pundits saying about it?

Damn you must have started watching it when I did, because I just finished watching it too.

Its gotten some play on the networks, but not too much at all! 2 people on CNN said that all Obama said today was that McCain is like Bush and that's it.


scorcho said:
technically you're a shade under 3 grand, so i say the text is highly misleading

I'll stab you

Haunted said:
Explain it to me like I'm Sarah Palin.

"Posn" is the number of contracts I have. They each fluctuate from 0-100 points, which correspond to $0.00 to $10.00 exactly

"Risk Down" is money I put up.

"Risk Up" (stupid term) is profit I can win

"Curr" is the US Dollar


Haunted said:
Explain it to me like I'm Sarah Palin.

I'm glad the interviewer asked for clarification on "disappear". :lol

McCain campaign: I'm not saying we're going to do anything, but sometimes, former CEOs vanish all by their-fuckin'-selves, you know?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
mckmas8808 said:
Damn you must have started watching it when I did, because I just finished watching it too.

Its gotten some play on the networks, but not too much at all! 2 people on CNN said that all Obama said today was that McCain is like Bush and that's it.

They must have only watched the first 5-10 minutes or they are just damage controllers for McCain. I don't know how anyone could watch that whole speech and feel that Obama would do a worse job with the economy than the current administration or McCain.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Xisiqomelir said:
I guess I could do little arrows to each column, but that would be rather cluttered. The text doesn't make it clear enough?

Yes because I have no idea what the numbers still mean.


Xisiqomelir said:
I'll stab you

"Posn" is the number of contracts I have. They each fluctuate from 0-100 points, which correspond to $0.00 to $10.00 exactly

"Risk Down" is money I put up.

"Risk Up" (stupid term) is profit I can win

"Curr" is the US Dollar

Good, good. Now peer over your glasses condescendingly and act like he should understand this already.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Xisiqomelir said:
I'll stab you

"Posn" is the number of contracts I have. They each fluctuate from 0-100 points, which correspond to $0.00 to $10.00 exactly

"Risk Down" is money I put up.

"Risk Up" (stupid term) is profit I can win

"Curr" is the US Dollar

So if Obama wins do you get your original 3K back plus another $2,700?


StoOgE said:
Its like field dressing a moose, and then you look up and BAM its Russia on the Horizon.

Xisiqomelir said:
"Posn" is the number of contracts I have. They each fluctuate from 0-100 points, which correspond to $0.00 to $10.00 exactly

"Risk Down" is money I put up.

"Risk Up" (stupid term) is profit I can win

"Curr" is the US Dollar
Now that's what I'm talking about, Charlie. Thanks.


mckmas8808 said:
So if Obama wins do you get your original 3K back plus another $2,700?

Yes. It will immediately go towards purchasing this:


and these:


and then I will gloriously watch Pres. Bambam's Inauguration Day on them while wearing this (<--Possibly NSFW):

scorcho said:
nope - he only gets 2997 back plus another 2703

Goddamnit :lol
I feel that this was a smart idea for Obama to be in Colorado at this point in time/situation talking about the economy. This will help gather major support there, and make Colorado turning blue a near certain possibility.

I also have a crazy feeling that the small time window in between the VP debate and the 2nd Presidential debate will be a huge opportunity (or disaster) for Obama. Either something big will happen at the VP debate or in those few days after, which will change everything for the 2nd debate. I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling.


GhaleonEB said:
538 has McCain gaining today on the state polling.

I thought this was interesting...

538 said:
Presently, Ohio is polling slightly behind Obama's national numbers, whereas Colorado is polling a point or so ahead. If this dynamic continues, then Ohio will gradually become less important, placing more emphasis on either Obama's IA/NM/CO parlay, or perhaps Virginia, which is one state where he's had some favorable polling of late.
Trakdown said:
McCain campaign: I'm not saying we're going to do anything, but sometimes, former CEOs vanish all by their-fuckin'-selves, you know?
Well, Carly had to go if only due to McCain/Palin's new Talking Point: We are gonna get rid of those CEO golden parachutes for CEO's that fail yet make millions of dollars. (What . . . like Carli who walked away with tens of millions despite having failed at HP and got kicked out?)
GhaleonEB said:
538 has McCain gaining today on the state polling.
The McCain campaign has done an excellent job cultivating cognitive dissonance among the majority of the American people.

This is how they can rail against lobbyists while the same lobbyists run their campaign.
This is how they can rail against greedy CEOs getting Golden Parachutes with Carly Fiorino as one of their main spokespeople.

It makes me fucking sick.
i feel kind of bad for carly over this gaffe, i guess. i mean who knows. maybe corporate management is a comepletely different animal from governing country/state/meth capital.

but it's whatever. anything that'll make them fall on their sword. and like speculawyer said its ridiculous they have her as the campaign's biggest mouthpiece while she pretty much epitomizes golden parachute CEOs.


polyh3dron said:
The McCain campaign has done an excellent job cultivating cognitive dissonance among the majority of the American people.
That's the sad truth.

Another thing that irritated me: CNN was holding a forum of women when Palin was first picked, and they asked one of them about Palin's speech concerning the war in Iraq and one woman said "I know what she said about going to war, but she's a woman. I just don't believe that she'd do it. I know she said it, but she's a woman, and I don't think women do that."

Sad thing is, them repeating these lies about Obama won't get much traction for the people who go to these rallies anyway, because likelihood is that they won't bother to do any fact-checking when it comes to Obama anyway.
polyh3dron said:
The McCain campaign has done an excellent job cultivating cognitive dissonance among the majority of the American people.

This is how they can rail against lobbyists while the same lobbyists run their campaign.
This is how they can rail against greedy CEOs getting Golden Parachutes with Carly Fiorino as one of their main spokespeople.

It makes me fucking sick.

it's like a hilarious satire. only that it's real life.


3pheMeraLmiX said:
That's the sad truth.

Another thing that irritated me: CNN was holding a forum of women when Palin was first picked, and they asked one of them about Palin's speech concerning the war in Iraq and one woman said "I know what she said about going to war, but she's a woman. I just don't believe that she'd do it. I know she said it, but she's a woman, and I don't think women do that."

Ladies and gentlemen, the American voting public. How goddamn naive can you get?

I can just see if we do elect her and McCain, it'll turn to "Yeah, we're at war AGAIN, but at least she did what she said she would."


formerly sane
Tyrone Slothrop said:
it's like a hilarious satire. only that it's real life.

Perception is relative and calling living in a bubble of relative ignorance is an insult to actually living life or existing in any form.

Trakdown said:
Ladies and gentlemen, the American voting public. How goddamn naive can you get?

I can just see if we do elect her and McCain, it'll turn to "Yeah, we're at war AGAIN, but at least she did what she said she would."

More like ignorant and easily emotionally exploited by fear.


formerly sane
polyh3dron said:
Once more in english please?

English won't help.

The point is simple if you only live in one culture and find every reason to hate/dismiss another than you're doomed by the very self-fulfilling perception you created. Forgive my casual writing style it gets broken at times. Saying you live when you have committed to only one way of sensing perception is an insult to the idea you live or exist for that matter.

Ronito nice post but I see you have no examples and need a childish statement to to assert a claim with no substance, hence the reply to begin with.


McCain: I can has do-over?


WASHINGTON - A decade ago, Sen. John McCain embraced legislation to broadly deregulate the banking and insurance industries, helping to sweep aside a thicket of rules established over decades in favor of a less restricted financial marketplace that proponents said would result in greater economic growth.

Now, as the Bush administration scrambles to prevent the collapse of the American International Group (AIG), the nation's largest insurance company, and stabilize a tumultuous Wall Street, the Republican presidential nominee is scrambling to recast himself as a champion of regulation to end "reckless conduct, corruption and unbridled greed" on Wall Street.
I really fucking hope people don't put the guy in charge who helped create the mess.


formerly sane
mckmas8808 said:
Has anybody seen a black guy on video saying Bristal's baby is his and not Levi's?

Nope but I think the tabloids would blow this story up if it was legit or even partially legit.
LCGeek said:
English won't help.

The point is simple if you only live in one culture and find every reason to hate/dismiss another than you're doomed by the very self-fulfilling perception you created. Forgive my casual writing style it gets broken at times. Saying you live when you have committed to only one way of sensing perception is an insult to the idea you live or exist for that matter.

Ronito nice post but I see you have no examples and need a childish statement to to assert a claim with no substance, hence the reply to begin with.
O RLY? Culture Wars you say?

John McCain has been very vocal on his hands-off economic philosophy and he has voted to pass the very bills that have gotten us into this mess and now after telling us numerous times that the economy is fine he's finally telling us that it's fucked up, but it took Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Freddie Mac, Fannie May and Lehman Bros going under and a huge stock market crash to make him acknowledge it. Now, after being an accomplice in creating the conditions that allowed these financial institutions to go buckwild with subprime lending he's finally saying that Washington needs to be fixed. He doesn't say how he wants to fix it, just that he wants to fix it. Note that he doesn't know shit about the economy and is just being told how to deal with it by Phil Gramm, architect of the Enron Loophole and other deregulation measures that got us in this mess.

He says he's going to lessen the influence that lobbyists have in Washington, yet his whole campaign is being run by lobbyists. Of course we keep getting told to pay no attention to the hundred or so lobbyists behind the curtain.

The Republicans "trickle down" philosophy has been proven to shrink the middle class and redistribute the wealth in this country to the rich. They know they can't win if they actually show you what they want to do economically so they just say that it's bad and that they're going to fix it with no strategy on how they will fix it because they really don't want to fix it.

This being the case, they attempt to discredit the media that calls them out on it which they've been doing for years; and they have been despicably exploiting religion to get the religious vote and generally creating an "Us vs. Them" culture war kind of narrative which is complete bullshit. They have made it so that a large portion of the people only believe the lies they are told by the Republicans, and they reject the truth. The Republicans can tell their base huge lies and repeat them ad nauseum, and they become the truth to their base.

It has gotten to the point where the media has been bullied into presenting the truth, and the Republican distortion of the truth as two equally valid sides of a coin. In past times it would be the Democratic distortion of the truth on the other side but under the Bush Administration the GOP has swung this country so far to the right that the Democrats, the ones that the Republicans say are on the far left are still a little right of center.

You are trying to say that there is something wrong with those of us pointing out that the GOP is completely full of shit and that their perspective is just as valid. I am saying that given everything we have seen in the last 7 years and what John McCain wants to do with the next 8 years that there is something wrong with you.
mckmas8808 said:
Has anybody seen a black guy on video saying Bristal's baby is his and not Levi's?
oh dear, this is exactly what the GOP wants to dominate the airwaves, fuck the economy we want to get all up in Bristol's baby mama drama.


polyh3dron said:
O RLY? Culture Wars you say?

John McCain has been very vocal on his hands-off economic philosophy and he has voted to pass the very bills that have gotten us into this mess and now after telling us numerous times that the economy is fine he's finally telling us that it's fucked up, but it took Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Freddie Mac, Fannie May and Lehman Bros going under and a huge stock market crash to make him acknowledge it. Now, after being an accomplice in creating the conditions that allowed these financial institutions to go buckwild with subprime lending he's finally saying that Washington needs to be fixed. He doesn't say how he wants to fix it, just that he wants to fix it. Note that he doesn't know shit about the economy and is just being told how to deal with it by Phil Gramm, architect of the Enron Loophole and other deregulation measures that got us in this mess.

He says he's going to lessen the influence that lobbyists have in Washington, yet his whole campaign is being run by lobbyists. Of course we keep getting told to pay no attention to the hundred or so lobbyists behind the curtain.

The Republicans "trickle down" philosophy has been proven to shrink the middle class and redistribute the wealth in this country to the rich. They know they can't win if they actually show you what they want to do economically so they just say that it's bad and that they're going to fix it with no strategy on how they will fix it because they really don't want to fix it.

This being the case, they attempt to discredit the media that calls them out on it which they've been doing for years; and they have been despicably exploiting religion to get the religious vote and generally creating an "Us vs. Them" culture war kind of narrative which is complete bullshit. They have made it so that a large portion of the people only believe the lies they are told by the Republicans, and they reject the truth. The Republicans can tell their base huge lies and repeat them ad nauseum, and they become the truth to their base.

It has gotten to the point where the media has been bullied into presenting the truth, and the Republican distortion of the truth as two equally valid sides of a coin. In past times it would be the Democratic distortion of the truth on the other side but under the Bush Administration the GOP has swung this country so far to the right that the Democrats, the ones that the Republicans say are on the far left are still a little right of center.

You are trying to say that there is something wrong with those of us pointing out that the GOP is completely full of shit and that their perspective is just as valid. I am saying that given everything we have seen in the last 7 years and what John McCain wants to do with the next 8 years that there is something wrong with you.

Saving this.


polyh3dron said:
O RLY? Culture Wars you say?

John McCain has been very vocal on his hands-off economic philosophy and he has voted to pass the very bills that have gotten us into this mess and now after telling us numerous times that the economy is fine he's finally telling us that it's fucked up, but it took Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Freddie Mac, Fannie May and Lehman Bros going under and a huge stock market crash to make him acknowledge it. Now, after being an accomplice in creating the conditions that allowed these financial institutions to go buckwild with subprime lending he's finally saying that Washington needs to be fixed. He doesn't say how he wants to fix it, just that he wants to fix it. Note that he doesn't know shit about the economy and is just being told how to deal with it by Phil Gramm, architect of the Enron Loophole and other deregulation measures that got us in this mess.

He says he's going to lessen the influence that lobbyists have in Washington, yet his whole campaign is being run by lobbyists. Of course we keep getting told to pay no attention to the hundred or so lobbyists behind the curtain.

The Republicans "trickle down" philosophy has been proven to shrink the middle class and redistribute the wealth in this country to the rich. They know they can't win if they actually show you what they want to do economically so they just say that it's bad and that they're going to fix it with no strategy on how they will fix it because they really don't want to fix it.

This being the case, they attempt to discredit the media that calls them out on it which they've been doing for years; and they have been despicably exploiting religion to get the religious vote and generally creating an "Us vs. Them" culture war kind of narrative which is complete bullshit. They have made it so that a large portion of the people only believe the lies they are told by the Republicans, and they reject the truth. The Republicans can tell their base huge lies and repeat them ad nauseum, and they become the truth to their base.

It has gotten to the point where the media has been bullied into presenting the truth, and the Republican distortion of the truth as two equally valid sides of a coin. In past times it would be the Democratic distortion of the truth on the other side but under the Bush Administration the GOP has swung this country so far to the right that the Democrats, the ones that the Republicans say are on the far left are still a little right of center.

You are trying to say that there is something wrong with those of us pointing out that the GOP is completely full of shit and that their perspective is just as valid. I am saying that given everything we have seen in the last 7 years and what John McCain wants to do with the next 8 years that there is something wrong with you.


Good post.


polyh3dron said:
O RLY? Culture Wars you say?

John McCain has been very vocal on his hands-off economic philosophy and he has voted to pass the very bills that have gotten us into this mess and now after telling us numerous times that the economy is fine he's finally telling us that it's fucked up, but it took Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Freddie Mac, Fannie May and Lehman Bros going under and a huge stock market crash to make him acknowledge it. Now, after being an accomplice in creating the conditions that allowed these financial institutions to go buckwild with subprime lending he's finally saying that Washington needs to be fixed. He doesn't say how he wants to fix it, just that he wants to fix it. Note that he doesn't know shit about the economy and is just being told how to deal with it by Phil Gramm, architect of the Enron Loophole and other deregulation measures that got us in this mess.

He says he's going to lessen the influence that lobbyists have in Washington, yet his whole campaign is being run by lobbyists. Of course we keep getting told to pay no attention to the hundred or so lobbyists behind the curtain.

The Republicans "trickle down" philosophy has been proven to shrink the middle class and redistribute the wealth in this country to the rich. They know they can't win if they actually show you what they want to do economically so they just say that it's bad and that they're going to fix it with no strategy on how they will fix it because they really don't want to fix it.

This being the case, they attempt to discredit the media that calls them out on it which they've been doing for years; and they have been despicably exploiting religion to get the religious vote and generally creating an "Us vs. Them" culture war kind of narrative which is complete bullshit. They have made it so that a large portion of the people only believe the lies they are told by the Republicans, and they reject the truth. The Republicans can tell their base huge lies and repeat them ad nauseum, and they become the truth to their base.

It has gotten to the point where the media has been bullied into presenting the truth, and the Republican distortion of the truth as two equally valid sides of a coin. In past times it would be the Democratic distortion of the truth on the other side but under the Bush Administration the GOP has swung this country so far to the right that the Democrats, the ones that the Republicans say are on the far left are still a little right of center.

You are trying to say that there is something wrong with those of us pointing out that the GOP is completely full of shit and that their perspective is just as valid. I am saying that given everything we have seen in the last 7 years and what John McCain wants to do with the next 8 years that there is something wrong with you.

Do you want to put it in my ass or anything? No homo.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
polyh3dron said:
O RLY? Culture Wars you say?

John McCain has been very vocal on his hands-off economic philosophy and he has voted to pass the very bills that have gotten us into this mess and now after telling us numerous times that the economy is fine he's finally telling us that it's fucked up, but it took Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Freddie Mac, Fannie May and Lehman Bros going under and a huge stock market crash to make him acknowledge it. Now, after being an accomplice in creating the conditions that allowed these financial institutions to go buckwild with subprime lending he's finally saying that Washington needs to be fixed. He doesn't say how he wants to fix it, just that he wants to fix it. Note that he doesn't know shit about the economy and is just being told how to deal with it by Phil Gramm, architect of the Enron Loophole and other deregulation measures that got us in this mess.

He says he's going to lessen the influence that lobbyists have in Washington, yet his whole campaign is being run by lobbyists. Of course we keep getting told to pay no attention to the hundred or so lobbyists behind the curtain.

The Republicans "trickle down" philosophy has been proven to shrink the middle class and redistribute the wealth in this country to the rich. They know they can't win if they actually show you what they want to do economically so they just say that it's bad and that they're going to fix it with no strategy on how they will fix it because they really don't want to fix it.

This being the case, they attempt to discredit the media that calls them out on it which they've been doing for years; and they have been despicably exploiting religion to get the religious vote and generally creating an "Us vs. Them" culture war kind of narrative which is complete bullshit. They have made it so that a large portion of the people only believe the lies they are told by the Republicans, and they reject the truth. The Republicans can tell their base huge lies and repeat them ad nauseum, and they become the truth to their base.

It has gotten to the point where the media has been bullied into presenting the truth, and the Republican distortion of the truth as two equally valid sides of a coin. In past times it would be the Democratic distortion of the truth on the other side but under the Bush Administration the GOP has swung this country so far to the right that the Democrats, the ones that the Republicans say are on the far left are still a little right of center.

You are trying to say that there is something wrong with those of us pointing out that the GOP is completely full of shit and that their perspective is just as valid. I am saying that given everything we have seen in the last 7 years and what John McCain wants to do with the next 8 years that there is something wrong with you.

Quoted for emphasis
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