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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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when is my burrito
GhaleonEB said:
Also, Palin has a net unfavorable rating of -1 now. It's dropped every single day of their poll. McCain only has a +3 favorability - way down from last week.

The parallels of the primary are becoming unmistakeable. Obama has some teflon coating that keeps McCain attacks from sticking and jsut brings McCain's negatives down. I expect McCain to get nastier and nastier to little effect. McCain campaign and the media completely ignoring Obama's ground game.


"We don't think it's much to break a glass ceiling for one woman and leave millions of women behind," said Eleanor Smeal, chairman of the Feminist Majority Political Action Committee.

That is a great line..
rSpooky said:
That is a great line..

It should also be noted that being appointed to something for purely political purposes when you're not actually qualified to the job you were appointed to does not constitute "breaking a glass ceiling".


scorcho said:
stuff like this makes me a bit sick. yeah, there was a lack of proper regulation and Greenspan was an asshat, but i can't see how making this into a partisan witch hunt is productive.

I've been promised Congressional oversight since 2006, and yet so far:

-Bush remains happily unimpeached
-We're still in Vietnam 2: Sandy as hell Boogaloo
-Repugs are freely misbehaving throughout both houses

Throwing out a few subpoenas and ordering some investigations is nothing compared to what ought to have been happening.
GhaleonEB said:
Daily Kos/Research 2000 daily tracker is out. Total is unchanged from yesterday, Obama +4. But yesterday's daily sample was Obama +5, so if that holds it goes up tomorrow.

Also, Palin has a net unfavorable rating of -1 now. It's dropped every single day of their poll. McCain only has a +3 favorability - way down from last week.

Daily Kos Polling Data for September 17, 2008
Overall	  44	  48	  2	  2	  2	  2
MEN	  48	  43	  3	  2	  3	  1
WOMEN	  40	  53	  1	  2	  1	  3
DEM	  12	  84	  0	  1	  1	  2
REP	  90	  6	  2	  0	  1	  1
IND	  44	  43	  4	  4	  3	  2
OTH/REF	  42	  45	  3	  4	  4	  2
WHITE	  55	  36	  3	  2	  3	  1
BLACK	  3	  94	  0	  0	  0	  3
LATINO	  29	  67	  0	  1	  0	  3
OTH/REF	  2	  88	  0	  1	  0	  9
18-29	  30	  64	  0	  1	  2	  3
30-44	  46	  45	  4	  1	  3	  1
45-59	  45	  48	  2	  3	  1	  1
60+	  53	  40	  1	  3	  1	  2
NO EAST	  35	  58	  1	  2	  1	  3
SOUTH	  55	  37	  3	  1	  2	  2
MIDWEST	  42	  51	  2	  2	  2	  1
WEST	  42	  50	  2	  2	  2	  2

I'm always a little leery of that Kos poll (probably not justified) because I'm scared they might be using a favorable demo sample balance but I do love that you get the demo breakdown in every single poll.


GhaleonEB said:
Zogby is pretty good, it's Zogby Interactive that blows.

http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/search/label/pollster ratings

Middle of the pack.

Daily Kos/Research 2000 daily tracker is out. Total is unchanged from yesterday, Obama +4. But yesterday's daily sample was Obama +5, so if that holds it goes up tomorrow.

Also, Palin has a net unfavorable rating of -1 now. It's dropped every single day of their poll. McCain only has a +3 favorability.

ah ok, didnt know they were separate entities.
tanod said:
The parallels of the primary are becoming unmistakeable. Obama has some teflon coating that keeps McCain attacks from sticking and jsut brings McCain's negatives down. I expect McCain to get nastier and nastier to little effect. McCain campaign and the media completely ignoring Obama's ground game.

Personally I always I feel there is a drag effect back to a country-wide trend always in place that benefits either tradition or a reflection of discontentment with the status quo. Or the national level there is great discontent with the status quo so I always kind of believe that on a nation level there will always be a subtle drag effect on Mccain and a slight boost to Obama that is a little bit inevitable. Of course on a state level I think this functions slightly differently with different drags and boosts taking place at the same time based on the demographics of the state and their voting history.


HylianTom said:
DOW is now down 200+.

Assuming an inverse relationship between the DOW and Obama's chances: go, baby, go! :lol

no baby no

ah well, i have years and years for my 401k to recover from the ass whooping it has taken this year


testicles on a cold fall morning
gcubed said:
no baby no

ah well, i have years and years for my 401k to recover from the ass whooping it has taken this year
yeah. my savings account has kicked the crap out of my 401k. i'm thinking of stopping my deposits, putting the difference into my ING account and push it back into an IRA once the market settles.
The Chosen One said:
I think cognitive dissonance is one of the most overused phrases in PoliGaf the last couple of months. There should be a temporary restraining order.

I hope the media doesn't give the Palin/Hannity interview too much play. Only give her coverage when she actually does legit interviews.
It's because cognitive dissonance is the best term to describe how the Republican base buys the McCain campaign's increasingly outrageous lies.
Loudninja said:

More uppity elitism! Drudge Siren this please.

While Obama raked in the cash, rival John McCain accused Obama of jetting off to Hollywood to be with “his celebrity friends” just hours after he spoke of “siding with the people” in Golden, Colorado. “Let me tell you my friends, there is no place I’d rather be than here with the working men and women win of Ohio,” McCain said on the campaign trail.


scorcho said:
yeah. my savings account has kicked the crap out of my 401k. i'm thinking of stopping my deposits, putting the difference into my ING account and push it back into an IRA once the market settles.

my company 100% matches my 401k at 6% of my salary, so i still cant beat it even if i'm losing... plus... hey, look at it this way, any funds/stocks its going to, you are now getting at a discount!! :D


Yesterday, I thought long and hard at how my friends will vote this year.

Some of aren't into politics as much as us, so their perception of the candidates have been shaped by various sound bytes on the news.

One of my best pals is extremely unsure about Obama: "The more I hear about Obama, the less I like him. His economic plan is too close to Carter's. And he spent 20 years listening to that Reverend! And Obama took money from Lehman Brother's, he's bullshitting when he says he only gets money from individual donors."

What about Palin?

"Yeah, I don't like what I've heard so far, but I need to hear more".

On Obama's policy:
"He's all fluff, what exactly does he plan on CHANGING. He never explains."

My friend is a smart guy, he was really digging Obama during the primaries. But Obama's popularity and the media's undying love for him (as he put it), has turned him away.

I'll compare it to when someone kills a band for you because it's all they ever talk about.

But wow-- what a way to use your vote.


Stoney Mason said:
More uppity elitism! Drudge Siren this please.

While Obama raked in the cash, rival John McCain accused Obama of jetting off to Hollywood to be with “his celebrity friends” just hours after he spoke of “siding with the people” in Golden, Colorado. “Let me tell you my friends, there is no place I’d rather be than here with the working men and women win of Ohio,” McCain said on the campaign trail.

Another example of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, considering that McCain had his own fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton hotel a few weeks ago, complete with various 'celebrities.'

McCain makes me.... sick to my stomach.

gcubed said:
my company 100% matches my 401k at 6% of my salary, so i still cant beat it even if i'm losing... plus... hey, look at it this way, any funds/stocks its going to, you are now getting at a discount!! :D

I pulled all of my 401k out of stock market funds four months ago and put it all in cash and money market.
lawblob said:
Another example of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, considering that McCain had his own fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton hotel a few weeks ago, complete with various 'celebrities.'

McCain make me.... sick to my stomach.


Yes but look at that invite list.

Stephen Baldwin
Pat Boone
Wilford Brimley
Dean Cain
Jon Cryer
Robert Duvall
Angie Harmon
Patricia Heaton
Lorenzo Lamas
Craig T. Nelson
Gail O’Grady
Jason Sehorn
Gary Sinise
Jon Voight

That's the heart and soul of America right there. PAT BOONE! You can't get anymore America than that!

Not raging socialists and communists!
GhaleonEB said:
Rasmussen still +1 McCain, unchanged.

Yes but there is major error in that poll.

McCain leads 58% to 38% among those who regularly shop at Wal-Mart while Obama leads 61% to 36% among those who don’t frequent the retail giant. Overall, Obama leads among those who earn less than $40,000 a year while McCain leads among those with higher earnings. Among white voters, Obama has the edge only among those who earn less than $20,000 a year and his advantage among those lower income white voters is just four percentage points

This is impossible. Only rich snobby elites don't shop at Walmart but Obama is winning those below $40,000 so clearly something isn't right with the polling.


Stoney Mason said:
Yes but look at that invite list.

Stephen Baldwin
Pat Boone
Wilford Brimley
Dean Cain
Jon Cryer
Robert Duvall
Angie Harmon
Patricia Heaton
Lorenzo Lamas
Craig T. Nelson
Gail O’Grady
Jason Sehorn
Gary Sinise
Jon Voight

That's the heart and soul of America right there. PAT BOONE! You can't get anymore America than that!

Not raging socialists and communists!

I think we can pretty much replace the American flag with a picture of Wilford Brimley.
scorcho said:
and this is rich, and right on the mark - http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/13525.html

Congressional GOP members bristle at McCain's campaign pledge to veto every single earmark. hell, everyone should. it's a disingenuous argument and ignores the fact that many projects within our districts are paid for by federal dollars through earmarks.
I'm actually with McCain on this one. I have no problem with local projects being funded by federal money, but the allocation of money should be done in its own bill, or a separate pork bill. Including earmarks in random, unrelated legislation is shady.
Revengeance said:
I'm actually with McCain on this one. I have no problem with local projects being funded by federal money, but the allocation of money should be done in its own bill, or a separate pork bill. Including earmarks in random, unrelated legislation is shady.

The Constitution gives Congress authority to appropriate money. Even though McCain may have good intentions in vetoing every single bill with earmarks in it, it would probably be the largest executive power grab since FDR.

It will NEVER happen if he's elected, though. Would piss off WAY too many people.

I think it's really hilarious how McCain always talks about how he will work across party lines and be bipartisan, but then he says he will veto every bill with an earmark. If his idea of bipartisanship is to piss off BOTH parties so they are continually forced to override his vetoes, making the legislation process even longer, then count me out.

old, but good (for those who haven't seen it):



Unconfirmed Member
So when was the last time we raised the terror alert level and what are the odds on it being "raised" during or leading up to the election?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Heyyyy so Lynn Forester de Rothschild is a retard.

“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”

and her husband is named Evelyn

Oh was this posted:


Carly will now disappear :lol


MaddenNFL64 said:
A 2 minute long national ad? That's going to cost a ton. I want him on tv so much T. Boone Pickens gets jealous.

It won't air TOO much, I'm guessing one big airing, then sporadic other ones and being used for viral purposes otherwise.

BTW, Clinton pulled out of that anti-Iran rally because it was becoming partisan with a running VP candidate speaking there. I'm thinking Palin will be asked not to come now.
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