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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fatalah said:
Point #2:
"You know what I think? We don't really have a good selection to choose from. I mean, both of them aren't too great". - My friend

]This election's extra-long election cycle has effected the everyday voter's ability to distinguish the right candidate for them. How can the average American get behind a candidate when all they hear are their shortcomings? A segment of people have become indifferent toward both McCain and Obama.

Fatalah said:
This election's extra-long election cycle has effected the everyday voter's ability to distinguish the right candidate for them.

Fatalah said:
This election's extra-long election cycle

Yeah, that must be it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


So I just found out Obama is going to be in terre haute, IN tomorrow (30 minutes away) Anyone local know if all the tickets are gone? I'd call the 509 but it's obviously too late to call tonight.


GhaleonEB said:
come to me

we can fill each other's needs

OK This TDS installment needs to be The Ultimate Obama Campaign Video.

They ROASTED McCain, going WAY further than the Democrats have the balls to go.


polyh3dron said:
OK This TDS installment needs to be The Ultimate Obama Campaign Video.

They ROASTED McCain, going WAY further than the Democrats have the balls to go.
The really did. It was kind of sad to watch.


"Small town America is having a tractor outside your house, having a cow in the barn. You know, 1950s America."

"So what's your job?"

"I'm a lobbyist."



Hootie said:
"Small town America is having a tractor outside your house, having a cow in the barn. You know, 1950s America."

"So what's your job?"

"I'm a lobbyist."

The kissing part was the best! :lol :lol


Miroku said:
Someone convince me the following isn't true:

Obama's raising tax cuts on the rich will hurt the economy more than it will help. The top 5% earners are the ones who own all the companies and hire all the workers. All of these people will raise prices on their products and services to make up for the money they will now be losing to taxes, thereby negating any extra income from the tax cuts proposed for the other 95% of the country.

Nothing will be fixed by taxing the rich and redistributing wealth. Jobs will be lost, not created.

That's the same bullshit nonsense Republicans have been marketing for decades now, and history's clearly shown it to fail. This line alone...

The top 5% earners are the ones who own all the companies and hire all the workers.

...should give you great pause as to its credibility. And as Hitokage pointed out, it makes some very large assumptions that just don't pan out in action. It makes for a good sound bite and little else.


AniHawk said:
I really hate that the GOP implies that over half the country is not American because of where we live.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess the real America isn't...Cosmopolitan enough for you



AniHawk said:
I really hate that the GOP implies that over half the country is not American because of where we live.
"American" is one of the many words that the GOP feels entitled to define.
holy shit you guys, I am finally unbanned after a bad mistake and a month-long sentence.

Built-up thoughts for GAF:
Dems had an awesome convention, great Biden speech especially
Palin wtf lol
Reps were nastier than ever
Palin wtf I hate this woman, how could she attack Michelle?
woah look at polls and reaction, Dems going to lose again this year
now I remember what the onset of depression feels like again :((((((((((((((

8 weeks remain, there is still hope. :D

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Miroku said:
I cant fathom a guess as to what will happen under the proposed Obama plan. AFAIK nobody has ever tried that before. Maybe it will be rockin'. Maybe that plan won't make it through congress, who knows. Maybe someone who is more economically educated can answer...

McCains plan I believe is to stay the course and let outsourcing continue? Free markets and all that. I dont really care about any of McCains plans anymore since he put Palin on the ticket and turned this election into a culture war.

Exactly, we don't know because we have no empirical evidence yet.

However, we have plenty of empirical evidence of the "trickle-down" economy not really working. Just like another poster said, the economy was stronger when Clinton was in office and those in the highest earning echelons were taxed more. With Bush and "trickle-down" the Economy has stagnated and unemployment has risen. Sure there are tons of other factors that caused the economy to be strong during the Clinton years and weaker with Bush, but I am pretty certain that taxes was a part of it.
PrivateWHudson said:
Who's the girl on Maher. Shit she's hot.

Yes she is. That's Kerry Washington (I think I love my Wife) and she is very hot but this is also why I find Real Time to be unwatchable on occasions. When it turns into a shouting match. Very similar to GAF in that respect.
I can't believe how many people are freaking out that all polls show Obama tied or slightly ahead on one of the big RNC bump days...relax! I wouldn't even be freaked out if McCain were five points up today.

sp0rsk said:
That's a lot of space for a mostly useless post.

I can't believe the video that TDS made. They really savaged McCain, who was their most-frequent guest. Stewart must be really disappointed in what he'd become. I thought it was hilarious, but... Wow.
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