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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fatalah said:
I still don't get how Palin is suddenly "bigger than Obama". I heard a right-wing radio host say tonight, "Well now we have our OWN celebrity".

Man I hate these people.

If Obama's popular, it's something that he's built over many months. The media should be doing their jobs and report on Palin's horrendous political skeletons.

Although, I suppose talking too much about Palin and not talking about McCain won't help the Dems at all. Keep your eye on the ball Obama! EYE ON THE BALL!

She's a flash in the pan, the media will get tired of her soon enough. Now that she won't talk to them and doesn't seem to have any new material, she'll be yesterday's news in due time.


CharlieDigital said:
You forgot about the super partisan judicial branch.

The incoming Democratic administration will get at least 1 judge, though that will probably just replace O'Connor, right? So nothing gained there.
John McCain scared people about Universal Health Care saying that a Bureaucrat will stand between you and your health care.

Isn't that what's going on with Health Care as it is now?


polyh3dron said:
John McCain scared people about Universal Health Care saying that a Bureaucrat will stand between you and your health care.

Isn't that what's going on with Health Care as it is now?

Are you saying that the insurance industry is a bunch of red tape? HOW DARE YOU!
deadbeef said:
The incoming Democratic administration will get at least 1 judge, though that will probably just place O'Connor, right? So nothing gained there.

Well, also attorney-gate and the fact that they're basically dropping charges against that scumbag Gonzalez: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2008154646_files03.html

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department refused to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for improperly storing in his office and home classified information about two of the Bush administration's most sensitive counterterrorism efforts.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations, and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a misdemeanor.

A report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Fatalah said:
I still don't get how Palin is suddenly "bigger than Obama". I heard a right-wing radio host say tonight, "Well now we have our OWN celebrity".

Man I hate these people.

If Obama's popular, it's something that he's built over many months. The media should be doing their jobs and report on Palin's horrendous political skeletons.

Although, I suppose talking too much about Palin and not talking about McCain won't help the Dems at all. Keep your eye on the ball Obama! EYE ON THE BALL!

I think you're overthinking it. A better question to ask the undisputed party of naked hypocrisy is: Why is a cult of celebrity great this week, when last week it was a matter of disgust?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I heard a radio host today mentioning how Palin had a great speech and that Obama's GOTTA be changing up his strategy now, worried that he should've picked Hilary.

there's a reason why this man wasn't in politics:lol


CharlieDigital said:
Will I be able to make it through this without losing faith in democracy and America and generally puking in disgust?

It's Moyers, he's always able to bring you back from the brink.


worldrunover said:
She's a flash in the pan, the media will get tired of her soon enough. Now that she won't talk to them and doesn't seem to have any new material, she'll be yesterday's news in due time.

That's exactly the phrase I was looking for "flash in the pan". I have to give huge props to Oprah for not extending an invitation for Palin to be on her show.

The Republicans are using her sex to get votes. It is blatant and cheap. I will not stand for American politics becoming a reality TV show.

It first started with Palin's first speech, when she used Hillary's 18 million cracks line. Then the Rudy speech solidified it, laughing at community organizers ----- This is such a low class campaign, it's mind numbing.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

Key Alaska allies of John McCain are trying to derail a politically charged investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner in order to prevent a so-called "October surprise" that would produce embarrassing information about the vice presidential candidate on the eve of the election.
The conservative blogs are furious over the media's attacks on Sarah Palin! The media being.... Conan O'Brien?


The desperation of Obama supporters keeps becoming ever more clear. We’ve now had them smear Palin and her daughter as sluts, notably Conan O’Brien and his crude “crease” reference on his show last night. Palin’s mothering quality has also been slandered, and her decision to have a successful career derided by those who would normally sneer at stay-at-home moms.

If you are a regular reader of this particular blog you've noticed that over the past few days they've been working on a narrative that any and all criticism of Sarah Palin is merely "Desperate Obama Supporters" trying to save his dying campaign. :lol

Seriously though, they're so hard-up for examples of bias that the right has decided to focus on late night comedy. O'Reilly had a similar story about the "bias" against Palin on late night earlier this week.
Fatalah said:
That's exactly the phrase I was looking for "flash in the pan".

IMO the hard truth is, she's not just going to be some overnight sensation. the right has been pining to have a rock star of their own. the whole obama has been driving them nuts.

but that's how its meant to be - she's a distraction. fortunately, there's still a very slim chance a republican would win this election, so i say let them masturbate all they want. there'll be the mccain-obama debates, and then people will remember what this is really about: not the VPs


OuterWorldVoice said:
I think you're overthinking it. A better question to ask the undisputed party of naked hypocrisy is: Why is a cult of celebrity great this week, when last week it was a matter of disgust?

Exactly. And the funny thing is, Dems weren't the one's touting Obama as a celebrity! They were!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
typhonsentra said:
The conservative blogs are furious over the media's attacks on Sarah Palin! The media being.... Conan O'Brien?


If you are a regular reader of this particular blog you've noticed that over the past few days they've been working on a narrative that any and all criticism of Sarah Palin is merely "Desperate Obama Supporters" trying to save his dying campaign. .

I've actually noticed the weirdest repeated meme in all conservative input (from the public) which is kind of hysterical repeat of, "ohmygod Palin is so awesome they are running scared!!!!" Bluntly she's the best thing that's happened for Obama supporters in months.

I don't want to ape that meme by saying this is a slightly terrified reaction, but I can't help but think that's what it is. And remember, Palin's real risk factors and scandals are dangling in front of her like a rotten ice shelf. Not behind her.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I've actually noticed the weirdest repeated meme in all conservative input (from the public) which is kind of hysterical repeat of, "ohmygod Palin is so awesome they are running scared!!!!" Bluntly she's the best thing that's happened for Obama supporters in months.

I don't want to ape that meme by saying this is a slightly terrified reaction, but I can't help but think that's what it is. And remember, Palin's real risk factors and scandals are dangling in front of her like a rotten ice shelf. Not behind her.

lol u scared
polyh3dron said:
John McCain scared people about Universal Health Care saying that a Bureaucrat will stand between you and your health care.

Isn't that what's going on with Health Care as it is now?
Yeah, that's what I thought. I busted out laughing at that part.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Who runs the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT? Probably liberals who let him off the hook under the withering glare of his angelic innocence.

Certainly not Bush appointees who could suck the barnacles off a U-Boat.

Who's Idea was it to elect Mukassey in the first place?...oh right. Seriously we need to get active locally and do away with the corporate Dems that infect the party a lot of that is already on the way but it needs to get stepped up we keep having these Manchurians re-elected and they are no better than electing a Republican. I personally can't stand Feinstein here in Cali she's consistently shown to be on the on the payroll of big money insterests not to mention her hubby is in the war machine bussiness. Ugh and Pelosi..geez
Hootie said:
Hmm, so we have 60 days left until the election, and with the Conventions over we're back to the old grind. At least Maddow's new show should prove much more informative/better than the Verdict with Dan Abrams. I just don't know if I can take 3 hours of political shows a day much longer. :lol

There's Hardball at 5pm and 7pm (usually just watch the 5pm airing), Olbermann at 8pm, and Maddow at 9pm. Race to the Whitehouse is not very interesting to me so I skip that, too.

Monday will be a great start going back into the day-to-day campaign coverage, with Obama on Countdown and the premiere of Maddow's show. It's so strange talking about this because never in a million years would I have thought I'd be spending so much time on a political election.

There's no absolutely no reason to watch any of these shows. Unless you like to torture yourself. Stick to the internet and you'll be a much calmer, saner person.


Incognito said:
There's no absolutely no reason to watch any of these shows. Unless you like to torture yourself. Stick to the internet and you'll be a much calmer, saner person.

Whatever you do, don't listen to Hannity. He's horrible right around an election. In 2004 I wanted to punch my radio.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
SpeedingUptoStop said:
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAS THIS WOMAN WRONGLY FIRED:lol :lol jeez, this is too much

Hey, JayDubya,

John Coghill, the GOP chairman of the state House Rules Committee is directly attempting to interfere with STATE'S rights. How do you feel about that?
deadbeef said:
The incoming Democratic administration will get at least 1 judge, though that will probably just replace O'Connor, right? So nothing gained there.

Get with the times. O'Connor was replaced 2 justices ago. She was replaced by the right-wing ideologue Alito . . . better known as Scalito.


speculawyer said:

Get with the times. O'Connor was replaced 2 justices ago. She was replaced by the right-wing ideologue Alito . . . better known as Scalito.

But wait, she's still on the Supreme Court. I don't understand what you mean. I just thought she is the next most likely to leave, and it will likely be under the Democrats' watch.

Granted, I'm not a Supreme Court buff, so I may not understand what you're saying. Are you just saying that it has been so unbalanced by all the conservative judges that have been put on the bench?


deadbeef said:
The incoming Democratic administration will get at least 1 judge, though that will probably just replace O'Connor, right? So nothing gained there.
I'm confused. Do you mean Ginsburg?

But wait, she's still on the Supreme Court. I don't understand what you mean. I just thought she is the next most likely to leave, and it will likely be under the Democrats' watch.

Granted, I'm not a Supreme Court buff, so I may not understand what you're saying. Are you just saying that it has been so unbalanced by all the conservative judges that have been put on the bench?
O'Conner was replaced by Alito. Looking at her Wikipedia page it does say "in office", though. Strange.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Who runs the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT? Probably liberals who let him off the hook under the withering glare of his angelic innocence.

Certainly not Bush appointees who could suck the barnacles off a U-Boat.

Yeah . . . it can't be those "law & order" republicans that are all about the rule of law. They wouldn't let someone off just because he is in their party would they?
Fatalah said:
Exactly. And the funny thing is, Dems weren't the one's touting Obama as a celebrity! They were!

it's part of their playbook. Obama hasn't pushed "community organizing" as some primary reason why you should vote for him, but you wouldn't know that watching the RNC. Also, Obama never pushed the "check your tire pressure" as some comprehensive energy plan (he simply answered a citizen who asked what average people could do to save fuel), but the McCain campaign went into full on mocking mode with the tire gauges.

Republicans are pros when it comes to manufactured outrage that isn't based on anything in reality.


We are looking at maybe 3 judges being replaced and that's what counts that's what this whole election is for a lot of people. The supreme court needs an Opus Dei enema bad.


deadbeef said:
Whatever you do, don't listen to Hannity. He's horrible right around an election. In 2004 I wanted to punch my radio.

He's been going on full-vitriol mode for 12 months now at least, I'm surprised he's able to keep it up.


deadbeef said:
But wait, she's still on the Supreme Court. I don't understand what you mean. I just thought she is the next most likely to leave, and it will likely be under the Democrats' watch.

Granted, I'm not a Supreme Court buff, so I may not understand what you're saying. Are you just saying that it has been so unbalanced by all the conservative judges that have been put on the bench?

O'Connor retired in '06.

EDIT: Oh looks like the issue's been resolved. I'm too late.
thefit said:
I personally can't stand Feinstein here in Cali she's consistently shown to be on the on the payroll of big money insterests not to mention her hubby is in the war machine bussiness. Ugh and Pelosi..geez
Yeah, I used to like Feinstein and hate Boxer . . . now I like Boxer and can't stand Feinstein.
soul creator said:
Republicans are pros when it comes to manufactured outrage that isn't based on anything in reality.
I'd go even further and say that faux outrage is the most powerful tool in their arsenal, something the Democrats would do well to use, especially when they don't even come out that strongly against real reasons for outrage such as Palin being praised for balancing a budget while leaving Wasilla $20 mil in the red, or that disgusting 9/11 video which got no response when Obama gets ridiculed for eating aragula.. The Repubs already call them the angry left anyways, why not get angry?


I beleive the enquirer is going to print details of the nasty divorce next week. Apparently the GOP tried to have the records sealed but where denied today. Palin has become anothe celebutard.
thefit said:
I beleive the enquirer is going to print details of the nasty divorce next week. Apparently the GOP tried to have the records sealed but where denied today. Palin has become anothe celebutard.
But is she ready to be a heartbeat away from leading?
thefit said:
I beleive the enquirer is going to print details of the nasty divorce next week. Apparently the GOP tried to have the records sealed but where denied today. Palin has become anothe celebutard.

I can't wait I'm so fucking giddy.
Tamanon said:
He's been going on full-vitriol mode for 12 months now at least, I'm surprised he's able to keep it up.

Should have kept his power dry. Now when anyone turns on this channel to see this moron still hyperventilating about Obama's supposed associates all anyone thinks of is the nutcase standing on the street corner hollering about ridiculous conspiracy theories.
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