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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?
First, teenagers in a basement are different from the federal government intruding on the privacy of normal citizens. It might not be legal, but at least it's not illegal activity sanctioned by the government.

Second, while I don't know all of the relevant laws, I have no pity for someone who actively tries to circumvent government archiving practices by using personal email. As far as I'm concerned, the emails of those in government, as long as they do not involve matters of national security are ALREADY the property of the public, and should be available for scrutiny.
Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?
Well I don't think 'generally pleased' is very accurate. The people that did this could face prosecution.
Revengeance said:
Second, while I don't know all of the relevant laws, I have no pity for someone who actively tries to circumvent government archiving practices by using personal email. As far as I'm concerned, the emails of those in government, as long as they do not involve matters of national security are ALREADY the property of the public, and should be available for scrutiny.
We are also talking about an administration that has decided to dodge subpoenas issued by a bi-partisan investigation. Perhaps if they'd open up and share the truth, some hackers wouldn't be so eager to do unscrupulous things to find more info.
Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?

You're missing the point here as using a Yahoo! email account for official government business is a pretty good sign that she was irresponsible, reckless, and woefully ignorant on even the most basic measures of information security. The lulz are for the fact that such a person is even qualified for the VP slot considering that she'd have access to secrets vital to national security, strategic information, and other types of sensitive data as a VP.


Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?
I find it equally amazing that the same people that scream about how we need FISA and the Patriot security act and yell up and down that "If you're doing nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about." are all up in arms about this.

Fact is, she setup the email to get around some public servant laws. She should've known it would happen. Regardless of right or wrong.


Setec Astronomer
Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?
No, just observing the amusing result that when these people actually do it, they only do pointless shit. Kinda like a mob boss sending out a hitman who only manages to run down the street screaming at people.


Revengeance said:
First, teenagers in a basement are different from the federal government intruding on the privacy of normal citizens. It might not be legal, but at least it's not illegal activity sanctioned by the government.

Certainly true but either way you have a pretty basic guarantee of privacy with email and people shouldn't be so eager to look through emails gotten this way, just as it's immoral to benefit from research the Nazis did, same basic (though obviously to a lesser degree) principle

Second, while I don't know all of the relevant laws, I have no pity for someone who actively tries to circumvent government archiving practices by using personal email. As far as I'm concerned, the emails of those in government, as long as they do not involve matters of national security are ALREADY the property of the public, and should be available for scrutiny.

No, you just have people trying to make political hay out of emails that were illegally obtained. Taking advantage of this would be as bad as actually stealing it in the first place.

Charlie - although considering this seems to have been a subsidiary account there's some question if that was actually her account conducting state business or someone setting up the account as a decoy (or series of decoys) to make it look like that is what she was doing.
Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?
You're reaching, here. To my knowledge, nothing has been found that would hurt her, and nobody is sitting here wishing that the Obama campaign would hack into her account and dig up some dirt for advertisements. Any reasonable person would be condemming this action.

Those sitting on the sidelines getting a kick out of it are doing so for the same reasons that they might curiously view a friend or loved one's email/social networking site if given the chance. The allure is just too juicy to ignore, and there's a potential that something might turn up that is suspect. Of course, if you did find something, it would be completely inadmissible, and you might be more guilty of wrong-doing than the person you're accusing, but dirt is dirt!

For the record, I don't agree with hacking the account.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
speculawyer said:
Well I don't think 'generally pleased' is very accurate. The people that did this could face prosecution.

I think they should too. If a bunch of hackers fuck up the Palin investigation I will be pissed. My opinion is that it is piss poor to cheer these people on. People are happy when they go after Scientology or Palin, or whoever the internet has deemed 'evil' at the time, but what happens when they go after someone we like. Would people be happy if they went after the Obama campaign? Supporting criminals just because they are on your side seems like a big mistake.


The Lamonster said:
Yup. Bams and Biden have been mentioning the tax element of it on the stump lately, but I'd love to see him really focus on it at some point. And this:'

While there might be less money in the paycheck, that would not be anything to worry about, according to Senator McCain. That’s because the government would be offering all taxpayers a refundable tax credit — $2,500 for a single worker and $5,000 per family — to be used “to help pay for your health care.”

You may think this is a good move or a bad one — but it’s a monumental change in the way health coverage would be provided to scores of millions of Americans. Why not more attention?
The credits are pegged to increase at the rate of inflation. The only problem? Healthcare costs are going up waaaaay faster than inflation.


Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?

It is an invasion of privacy, it's not good. But if you're a VP candidate, don't be retarded & use Yahoo accounts.

Seems like it wasn't used for state business, but if it had...

Also, the government invading everyones private life, and some idiots from 4chan hacking a fucking yahoo account aren't equal.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, the McCain bounce is dead a week before the debates. The Palin bounce is gone and she now has negative popuarity ratings.

The economy keeps getting worse, the news is worse, people are generally scared, and Mcanti-regulation wants to set up a comitee.

The presidency was decided Monday morning and reinfoced last night.


Steve Youngblood said:
You're reaching, here. To my knowledge, nothing has been found that would hurt her, and nobody is sitting here wishing that the Obama campaign would hack into her account and dig up some dirt for advertisements. Any reasonable person would be condemming this action.

I'm not sure why that's relevant. Whether this was just an exchange of regular emails or some secret lover scandal or anything in between isn't the point, the point is people had no right to look in the first place and people find it titillating because they want it to bring someone down politically.

MaddenNFL - They're equal in the sense that they're wrong for EXACTLY the same reason.


StoOgE said:
So, the McCain bounce is dead a week before the debates. The Palin bounce is gone and she now has negative popuarity ratings.

The economy keeps getting worse, the news is worse, people are generally scared, and Mcanti-regulation wants to set up a comitee.

The presidency was decided Monday morning and reinfoced last night.

PhoenixDark said:
So is that 2min TV ad actually running on TV, or will it be cut to 30sec?
Apparantly, they're running the full ad though we don't know where.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Gaborn said:
I'm not sure why that's relevant. Whether this was just an exchange of regular emails or some secret lover scandal or anything in between isn't the point, the point is people had no right to look in the first place and people find it titillating because they want it to bring someone down politically.

Agreed. There is enough dirt on Palin without a bunch of internet vigilantes invading her privacy. People shouldn't encourage these guys.
Hitokage said:
Are you insinuating that she's unfamiliar with security protocol? DID YOU FORGET RUSSIA IS NEXT DOOR TO HER?

You know, Cindy said it, McCain said it, and then Palin said it to Gibson. And NO ONE asked "WTF does that even mean?" Maybe they were flabbergasted that it was being used as credible foreign policy experience of a veep candidate, but seriously; what the fuck does that even mean? Why hasn't anyone asked that yet.
StoOgE said:
So, the McCain bounce is dead a week before the debates. The Palin bounce is gone and she now has negative popuarity ratings.

The economy keeps getting worse, the news is worse, people are generally scared, and Mcanti-regulation wants to set up a comitee.

The presidency was decided Monday morning and reinfoced last night.

I would say its dead, but the bounce to him is still sustained at where its at and hes winning so far.
Gaborn said:
No, you just have people trying to make political hay out of emails that were illegally obtained. Taking advantage of this would be as bad as actually stealing it in the first place.
As others have said, by using personal email (and deleting anything incriminating), she may be able to avoid handing over messages that would have been archived and available to the court had she used her official .gov account.

This is shady as hell, and to me, obstruction of justice is absolutely as bad as some kid hacking her account. Also, it represents a Cheney level obsession with secrecy, and I'm ready for some damn transparency.
worldrunover said:
You know, Cindy said it, McCain said it, and then Palin said it to Gibson. And NO ONE asked "WTF does that even mean?" Maybe they were flabbergasted that it was being used as credible foreign policy experience of a veep candidate, but seriously; what the fuck does that even mean? Why hasn't anyone asked that yet.

She's not blind?
Gaborn said:
I'm not sure why that's relevant. Whether this was just an exchange of regular emails or some secret lover scandal or anything in between isn't the point, the point is people had no right to look in the first place and people find it titillating because they want it to bring someone down politically.
It isn't, really. I'm simply saying that for those of us who aren't part of Anonymous, anything we've seen may or may not be legitimate to begin with, and even if it is, is inconsequential.

So, the relevance is that I hope you aren't really trying to point out the hypocrisy of individuals such as those on this forum. Right now, it's not like those who have only seen this crap second-hand are running around circulating these headline-worthy scandals.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Hey guys should I watch FOX news for LULZ? I work a 12 hour at work and have the TV on most of the time here. I usually have the TV tuned in too MSNBC and sometimes CNN. Kinda interested on how different the coverage is for the campaigns.


Revengeance said:
As others have said, by using personal email (and deleting anything incriminating), she may be able to avoid handing over messages that would have been archived and available to the court had she used her official .gov account.

This is shady as hell, and to me, obstruction of justice is absolutely as bad as some kid hacking her account. Also, it represents a Cheney level obsession with secrecy, and I'm ready for some damn transparency.

The ends justify the means, then?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Gaborn said:
It's really amazing, people are correctly screaming about the abuses of FISA and under the PATRIOT Act, but they seem generally pleased that people are hacking email accounts?
*shrugs* People just coming around to self-regulation without government interference, I guess.


The Russian Stock Market crashed for the second day in a row. They were also one of the largest holders of Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac stock, and their market is seriously fucked.

Quick Sarah, now is our chance to attack! Nuke em' while they're down!!



First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:

Apparantly, they're running the full ad though we don't know where.

My point exactly, the race is returning to a sense of normalcy, back to where it was a few weeks ago before the conventions. Obama's positives are now higher than they were.

I know the numbers dont show it now, but I'm calling the shot, this race is over as of Monday. McCain cant win and he cant run from his anti regulation record.


Wednesday, September 17
Race Poll Results Spread
National Gallup Tracking McCain 45, Obama 47 Obama +2
National Rasmussen Tracking McCain 48, Obama 47 McCain +1
National Hotline/FD Tracking McCain 42, Obama 45 Obama +3
Virginia PPP (D) McCain 46, Obama 48 Obama +2
National Reuters/Zogby McCain 45, Obama 47 Obama +2
National Ipsos Public Affairs McCain 45, Obama 45, Nader 2, Barr 1 Tie

Obama back on top.


Revengeance said:
As others have said, by using personal email (and deleting anything incriminating), she may be able to avoid handing over messages that would have been archived and available to the court had she used her official .gov account.

This is shady as hell, and to me, obstruction of justice is absolutely as bad as some kid hacking her account. Also, it represents a Cheney level obsession with secrecy, and I'm ready for some damn transparency.

Keep in mind considering the source we don't even know if this was actually even HER email account or Anonymous setting up the email account, filling it with these things and then alerting everyone to the hack.


The Lamonster said:
Also, the e-mail address was already known to the public, so Palin's people could have gone in and deleted anything questionable.

Which may turn out as obstruction of justice, since she's currently under investigation.
Gaborn said:
Keep in mind considering the source we don't even know if this was actually even HER email account or Anonymous setting up the email account, filling it with these things and then alerting everyone to the hack.

Nothing to worry about in that case.


StoOgE said:
My point exactly, the race is returning to a sense of normalcy, back to where it was a few weeks ago before the conventions. Obama's positives are now higher than they were.

I know the numbers dont show it now, but I'm calling the shot, this race is over as of Monday. McCain cant win and he cant run from his anti regulation record.
His record with regulation is going to be very significant, I think. It's something he can't run from and just a few weeks ago he was still talking about LESS regulation, not more. Hopefully that's still front and center in a few weeks; we know how compressed the media cycles are these days.


Gaborn said:
Keep in mind considering the source we don't even know if this was actually even HER email account or Anonymous setting up the email account, filling it with these things and then alerting everyone to the hack.

I'm pretty sure it's already been confirmed that it was really hers, and that at least some of those e-mails are legit.
From the comments on the Gawker story:

"Newsweek just broke a story that conservatives are now pushing the idea of moving Palin from the Vice Presidency to the Supreme Court if McCain wins the Presidency! There is just no stopping this dame!"



OuterWorldVoice said:
There's nothing to win. I find most of your arguments lacking any and all human empathy except where you talk about embryos. It's not a contest Jay. But if it were, you're welcome to your medal.

I doubt Jay actually gives a shit about embryos, anyways. Seems like more of a politcal arguement thing.


Palins yahoo account has now been deleted according to this source - possibly destroying evidence in the process - oops

Did the internet just cause Sarah Palin to destroy evidence? The potential Veep is in a bit of trouble for using her personal, unarchived email address (gov.sarah@yahoo.com) to conduct state business. Which is, you know, questionable, because it violates public records requests and could stall information gathering in the Troopergate scandal. Now comes word that Anonymous, the fun-loving Internet gadflies based loosely around mostly lawless message board 4Chan, got a hold of the password to another Palin email account: gov.palin@yahoo.com. It all looks legit! The offending posts, screenshots, heretofore unseen family photos, and emails have all been deleted from Imageshack and 4Chan. But we have them. You want to read Sarah Palin's email?
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