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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Duane Cunningham said:
From the comments on the Gawker story:

"Newsweek just broke a story that conservatives are now pushing the idea of moving Palin from the Vice Presidency to the Supreme Court if McCain wins the Presidency! There is just no stopping this dame!"


She's already the new Harriet Miers, so might as well make that official.
Zeliard said:
I'm pretty sure it's already been confirmed that it was really hers, and that at least some of those e-mails are legit.
They seem legit to me, and anyway it has been established that she used a personal account for official business, and regardless of whether those screencaps are of her actual account, my point stands.

Zeliard said:
She's already the new Harriet Miers, so might as well make that official.
:lol :lol


Zeliard said:
I'm pretty sure it's already been confirmed that it was really hers, and that at least some of those e-mails are legit.

From the Gawker story:
Now comes word that Anonymous, the fun-loving Internet trouble-makers based loosely around the message board 4Chan, gained access to another Palin email account: gov.palin@yahoo.com. It looks legit! The offending posts, screenshots, heretofore unseen family photos, and emails have all been deleted from Imageshack and 4Chan. But we have them.
So, essentially, the claim is this hacked email account is an unknown 2nd yahoo account. Possible? sure, but why not hack the other one if that's accurate?




The Supreme Court? :lol

The Supreme Court? :lol

Does no one on the right have any concept... any idea at all... on competency to govern, to legislate, and to adjudicate? (Besides David Brooks?)


Evlar said:
The Supreme Court? :lol

The Supreme Court? :lol

Does no one on the right have any concept... any idea at all... on competency to govern, to legislate, and to adjudicate? (Besides David Brooks?)

I think they were making a Harriet Miers reference considering there's no such story on Newsweek's website


How the hell can McCain claim that Obama will "raise taxes on the middle class" when HIS plan wants to tax the hell out of workers lucky enough to have a health plan? IS HE CRAZY?! I love the shell game of "oh we will tax your benefits, but you get a credit!"

Seriously. WTF. Who comes up with this shit? I don't see how ANY person working 9-5 and counting on their employer for health care can vote for this shit.


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BenjaminBirdie said:
WOw! Thanks, man! Do they have this for every engagement?
As far as I've seen. Everytime a GAFer links to CNN, I've been able to use the live link off the 'bama website.

Edit: "The Old Boys Network....In McCain's campaign that's called a staff meeting...come on!"



First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
His record with regulation is going to be very significant, I think. It's something he can't run from and just a few weeks ago he was still talking about LESS regulation, not more. Hopefully that's still front and center in a few weeks; we know how compressed the media cycles are these days.

No, this is like oil prices. This isnt some fly by night gotcha moment that doesnt affect people. People are truly scared right now. This is a bread and butter "How is my family going to survive this" moment. This will last for 6-12 months in the news cycle.

This is what the campaign has wanted. A real honest to god issue at the front of the debate and the pedal is to the metal right now. Obamas 2 minute speech/ad is presidential, substantive, easily understood and confidence inspiring. Morning Joe can mock it, but right now, America wants a leader to step up and tell them things are going to be ok and we are going to get through it. Obama did that. He empathised with the American people and said "look, its not about these corporations failing, its about you and your wallet and how these people are running you into the ground". McCain isnt saying that, he cant say that. He's the one holding the rope.
Evlar said:
Does no one on the right have any concept... any idea at all... on competency to govern, to legislate, and to adjudicate? (Besides David Brooks?)
David Brooks is pretty much a big shill . . . he is a cleverly subtle shill, but a shill nonetheless. I was pretty surprised to see him make such a move . . . but he's clever so I wonder if there is some strategy to it.


HOLY SHIT at the saff meeting line.

"John says he's going to take on the old boy's network in Washington. In his campaign, that's called a staff meeting."


Edit: beaten twice.


Gaborn said:
From the Gawker story:
So, essentially, the claim is this hacked email account is an unknown 2nd yahoo account. Possible? sure, but why not hack the other one if that's accurate?

I'm assuming her other e-mail is her official one and probably much harder to hack into than Yahoo's e-mail service. I'm not sure why that would make this any less likely. A lot of people have at least two e-mail accounts, one for business that their work provides them with, and another personal one to keep in touch with friends/family/etc.

This is mostly just an amusing situation rather than anything serious, but it doesn't help the questions surrounding Palin's competence and experience to see that she has been using a personal Yahoo e-mail for work, which isn't all that trivial in her line of business.
Flo_Evans said:
How the hell can McCain claim that Obama will "raise taxes on the middle class" when HIS plan wants to tax the hell out of workers lucky enough to have a health plan? IS HE CRAZY?! I love the shell game of "oh we will tax your benefits, but you get a credit!"

Seriously. WTF. Who comes up with this shit? I don't see how ANY person working 9-5 and counting on their employer for health care can vote for this shit.

I'm thinking that since Democrats have been known to increase the marginal tax rates through a majority of all income brackets, voters tend to believe what McCain and the Republicans are saying that Obama will raise your taxes. =\


Zeliard said:
I'm assuming her other e-mail is her official one and probably much harder to hack into than Yahoo's e-mail service. I'm not sure why that would make this any less likely. A lot of people have at least two e-mail accounts, one for business that their work provides them with, and another personal one to keep in touch with friends/family/etc.

This is mostly just an amusing situation rather than anything serious, but it doesn't help the questions surrounding Palin's competence and experience to see that she has been using a personal Yahoo e-mail for work, which isn't all that trivial in her line of business.

no, you didn't read it closely. Apparently she DOES have a known yahoo account gov.sarah@yahoo.com, and the claim is that Anonymous broke into a DIFFERENT account, gov.palin@yahoo.com. that's in addition to her official account on the state of alaska's website. My question is, 1. If this is accurate why wouldn't anonymous have broken into the gov.sarah account which the Alaska Daily News reports is hers, and 2. why would she maintain 2 Yahoo accounts like that?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Fatalah said:

My friend is a smart guy, he was really digging Obama during the primaries. But Obama's popularity and the media's undying love for him (as he put it), has turned him away.
I'm sorry but...what? Isn't the elected going to be the most popular person?

o wait



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I've said it so many times before...but fuck.

Barack Obama understands these issues. He can speak to the problems with clarity and without bullshit fluff and soundbytes.

This shouldn't be considered an achievement for someone running for President, but it appears to be one when compared to the opposing camp.

Let me see John McCain speak to the problem in detail. Old man would crumble.
Gaborn said:
no, you didn't read it closely. Apparently she DOES have a known yahoo account gov.sarah@yahoo.com, and the claim is that Anonymous broke into a DIFFERENT account, gov.palin@yahoo.com. that's in addition to her official account on the state of alaska's website. My question is, 1. If this is accurate why wouldn't anonymous have broken into the gov.sarah account which the Alaska Daily News reports is hers, and 2. why would she maintain 2 Yahoo accounts like that?
My question is who in their right mind would conduct official government business using a Yahoo account to begin with? I don't care what's in it or if it's juicy. The fact that she has used it is Bush League. A Yahoo account!?
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm sorry but...what? Isn't the elected going to be the most popular person?

o wait


Being "popular" is only bad when you are a Democrat. Then you are a celebrity. Not like Reagan or Schwarzenegger...
Steve Youngblood said:
My question is who in their right mind would conduct official government business using a Yahoo account to begin with? I don't care what's in it or if it's juicy. The fact that she has used it is Cheney League. A Yahoo Account!?


RubxQub said:
Let me see John McCain speak to the problem in detail. Old man would crumble.

For five years John McCain didn't have anyone to speak to about the nation's problems, because nobody visited his bamboo cage other than VIETCONG!
Can someone give me the link to contact the Obama camp about this health plan of McCain's

also can someone give me links to contact CNN, ABC, FOX, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC and the rest?


Steve Youngblood said:
My question is who in their right mind would conduct official government business using a Yahoo account to begin with? I don't care what's in it or if it's juicy. The fact that she has used it is Bush League. A Yahoo account!?

You're right, that would seem to be a serious mistake. It's odd though that the mighty Anonymous hasn't cracked it open yet.
artredis1980 said:
Can someone give me the link to contact the Obama camp about this health plan of McCain's

also can someone give me links to contact CNN, ABC, FOX, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC and the rest?
Use the internets, man!


artredis1980 said:
Can someone give me the link to contact the Obama camp about this health plan of McCain's

also can someone give me links to contact CNN, ABC, FOX, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC and the rest?
I'm sure the networks are completely oblivious of this NYT piece


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waterbottle.gif :lol
:lol @ sign, sealed, delivered

Good speech though. I hope peeps from Nevada really feel what Obama said at the end and start telling people everything he just told them.


Setec Astronomer
MSNBC bringing up McCain's vote to repeal the wall between banking and investment services and his responsibility for today's situation.
PrivateWHudson said:
This is great! I can't believe that I finally agree with McCain on something. This is the first step to true Healthcare reform.

Go McCain, Go!

But if paycheck gets cut, how will your parents pay for your videogames
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