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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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domokunrox said:
Is this a joke post?

I want to know why people are so extreme that your well being shouldn't be profited upon = communism.

Its a ridiculous claim

Choose to live? That = Communism?

Makes no fucking sense to me.

It was a joke.
"Executive abilities? She doesn't have any," said former Wasilla City Council member Nick Carney, who selected and groomed Palin for her first political race in 1992 and served with her after her election to the City Council.

Four years later, the ambitious Palin won the Wasilla mayor's office -- after scorching the "tax and spend mentality" of her incumbent opponent. But Carney, Palin's estranged former mentor, and others in city hall were astounded when they found out about a lavish expenditure of Palin's own after her 1996 election. According to Carney, the newly elected mayor spent more than $50,000 in city funds to redecorate her office, without the council's authorization.

Carney confronted Mayor Palin at a City Council hearing, and was shocked by her response.

"I braced her about it," he said. "I told her it was against the law to make such a large expenditure without the council taking a vote. She said, 'I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'"

"I'll never forget it -- it's one of the few times in my life I've been speechless," Carney added. "It would have been easier for her to finesse it. She had the votes on the council by then, she controlled it. But she just pushed forward. That's Sarah. She just has no respect for rules and regulations."

like a female version of Kwame Kilpatrick lol


PrivateWHudson said:
The fine line between over-regulating and under-regulating isn't one that I have enough facts to draw...That's why we hire people to do it for us...too bad they are all corrupt.

We have a few choices too, but most of the choices are "Expensive PPO from Company A" or "Less Expensive HMO from company B". What if I like company C in the middle? Pay a little more for better co-pays, but not the out-of-this world price for a PPO. Sorry find a different employer.
Yeah, healthcare regulation isn't something I know enough about either. I tend to lean more toward the idea of truly universal healthcare, but in the context of our current system more portability and choice is a good thing. However, I think McCain goes about it the wrong way (as I outlined earlier). But in reality, we have these two proposals on the table. McCain's is in some ways a big step backward, so I instinctively recoil from it. Obama's isn't my vision of ideal either, but it's a huge step in the right direction, IMO.


New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close


JCreasy said:
does the pursuit of happyness gif exist somewhere? One with the happy clapping at the end.

Seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZI_O1vwZhQ

If not, can someone make a gif for me of the clapping part.

I want that locked and loaded for the day after the election :)

You're killing me man. There was hysteria here just a mere hours ago, I'm not ready to assume anything. I've been let down too many times!


Cheebs said:
New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close

There have been some oddball polls as of late. Even New York polled only a 5 point difference last week for one poll firm when their prior poll was an 18 point difference.
Jonm1010 said:
You need to go watch this, especially the part about Switzerland who did practically what you and McCain are advocating, further privatizing the market and why they went to a more regulated UHC system. Also not all UHC systems are government controlled and operated at every level - do your research.


I will watch it (can't right now). But I'm not arguing as much against UHC, as I am arguing that I think not having it linked to your employer is the first step no matter what direction we should go in the future. Do you know how much per year you and your employer pay for Healthcare?

It's like when someone is in car wreck. The first thing you need to do is cut off their clothing to assess the damage. We need to expose the industry before we can fix it.


PrivateWHudson said:
I will watch it (can't right now). But I'm not arguing as much against UHC, as I am arguing that I think not having it linked to your employer is the first step no matter what direction we should go in the future. Do you know how much per year you and your employer pay for Healthcare?

It's like when someone is in car wreck. The first thing you need to do is cut off their clothing to assess the damage. We need to expose the industry before we can fix it.
that's right. In order to fix the healthcare crisis everyone must cut off their clothes!

Found this on reddit. Even google's servers can't help it.



laserbeam said:
There have been some oddball polls as of late. Even New York polled only a 5 point difference last week for one poll firm when their prior poll was an 18 point difference.
Only oddball in that it was a no-name firm who did the NY one. CNN/Time is solid.


Cheebs said:
New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close
Those two especially are good numbers. And remember, Wisconsin was a ~1% margin in 2004. Like Iowa it's tipped more blue this cycle but I don't think it will be as strong.
Cheebs said:
New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close

Just a single source but those are damn good numbers.


First tragedy, then farce.
PrivateWHudson said:
Good point. While we socialize Healthcare, we should probably socialize lending as well. Really, the free market is shit. Let's socialize energy production and food too. Let's just socialize anything that doesn't grow continuously without ever having any setbacks.


show me where I said we should socialize it.


Cheebs said:
New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close
CNN said if they included 3rd party nominee, Obama lead by 4 pts!


GhaleonEB said:
Those two especially are good numbers. And remember, Wisconsin was a ~1% margin in 2004. Like Iowa it's tipped more blue this cycle but I don't think it will be as strong.
Iowa is unique. He has like double digits lead there. He'll win by far more than Clinton did in Iowa.

Iowa takes pride in being the state that "created" Obama in this campaign and votes for him as if he was a candidate from the state.


PrivateWHudson said:
I will watch it (can't right now). But I'm not arguing as much against UHC, as I am arguing that I think not having it linked to your employer is the first step no matter what direction we should go in the future. Do you know how much per year you and your employer pay for Healthcare?

It's like when someone is in car wreck. The first thing you need to do is cut off their clothing to assess the damage. We need to expose the industry before we can fix it.
I think this post deserves some sort of a tag.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Palin's private e-mail hacked, posted to 'Net
The activist group called "anonymous," best known for its jousts with the Church of Scientology, has apparently hacked into the private Yahoo e-mail account of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for vice president. Contents of that account, including two sample e-mails, an index of messages and Palin family photos, have been posted by the whistleblower site Wikileaks, which contends that they constitute evidence that Palin has improperly used her private e-mail to shield government business from public scrutiny, an issue that had already been raised by others.


Prolly old but oh well


Cheebs said:
Iowa is unique. He has like double digits lead there. He'll win by far more than Clinton did in Iowa.

Iowa takes pride in being the state that "created" Obama in this campaign and votes for him as if he was a candidate from the state.

I think Iowa likes Obama because they're both big on using vowels.
Cheebs said:
New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close

Not bad at all, although I still dunno about Ohio.
GhaleonEB said:
Those two especially are good numbers. And remember, Wisconsin was a ~1% margin in 2004. Like Iowa it's tipped more blue this cycle but I don't think it will be as strong.

I'm wondering what, besides something out of his control, could McCain use to bring the trends back into his favor? He'll have to succinctly flatten him in the debates, not with policy, obvs, but with some Magic Zinger.

Obama really needs to go Bartlett on him.
gamerecks said:
Ugh, I just heard my coworker repeat her rhetoric about Obama: "If I cant pronounce his name, why would I vote for him?" all this while on the phone with a customer.

Tell her if she cannot pronounce Iraq, Why attack it in the first place?


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm wondering what, besides something out of his control, could McCain use to bring the trends back into his favor? He'll have to succinctly flatten him in the debates, not with policy, obvs, but with some Magic Zinger.

Obama really needs to go Bartlett on him.

Ramping up the negativity, doing his damnedest to get people off the issues.



I still don't think the demographics are right for Obama here in Ohio. He'll need the college students to be voting in record numbers to overcome the old/racist voters.

However, from what I've seen, the Obama machine has been working insanely hard to register new voters and get Obama materials out here.


PrivateWHudson said:
Those are valid points. I just want to see it out in the free market, not linked to your employer, before we say it's worthless and socialize it. Obviously it's McCain, and the details are for shit.

I'd like to be able to shop around and find less expensive insurance that, for instance, covers accidents but not oil changes.

So, you want to kind of just throw it out there and see if it sticks? And when it bombs (btw, it will bomb), let the next administration undo the mess?


Cheebs said:
New CNN numbers:
Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48
Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45
North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47
Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47
Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

Great news all around, other than Wisconsin being oddly close

I've seen many more Obama/Biden yard signs then I have McCain/Palin, and that's saying a lot for IN. It would be so amazing if Indiana actually went blue, it won't though, but at least I hope it's closer this time around.


PrivateWHudson said:
I will watch it (can't right now). But I'm not arguing as much against UHC, as I am arguing that I think not having it linked to your employer is the first step no matter what direction we should go in the future. Do you know how much per year you and your employer pay for Healthcare?

More than every other country in the world. We also pay more taxes on healthcare than every country in the world that has UHC.


aka iby.h
GhaleonEB said:
Those two especially are good numbers. And remember, Wisconsin was a ~1% margin in 2004. Like Iowa it's tipped more blue this cycle but I don't think it will be as strong.

dont mean to take credit on the FL #s, but that all me.

Yes I am joking, but I did get 3 people to vote for Obama.
Xisiqomelir said:
So, you want to kind of just throw it out there and see if it sticks? And when it bombs (btw, it will bomb), let the next administration undo the mess?

Of course, "bombing" here has a very real consequence because, as I've mentioned multiple times, you're gambling with people's lives at this point.


CharlieDigital said:
Of course, "bombing" here has a very real consequence because, as I've mentioned multiple times, you're gambling with people's lives at this point.

Why are you such a godless Commie, CharlieDig? :(


Jonm1010 said:
More than every other country in the world. We also pay more taxes on healthcare than every country in the world that has UHC.

And have one of the least effective health care systems to boot.


Cheebs said:
Iowa is unique. He has like double digits lead there. He'll win by far more than Clinton did in Iowa.

Iowa takes pride in being the state that "created" Obama in this campaign and votes for him as if he was a candidate from the state.
I'm crazy-proud of my home state for adopting Obama. And the people there are as white as the snow on a fresh winter morning in December.


Conservative talk show host in Anchorage blasts Palin:


The governor has given so many different reasons for firing Monegan I've lost count. From the "we need new direction" and "new energy" to "he wasn't hiring enough cops," to "he wasn't doing enough about alcohol in the bush" to "he lobbied for budget increases" to the latest version, which is a doozy; Monegan displayed "egregious rogue behavior."

As conservatives, we are no better unless we demand full disclosure from our governor when it comes to Troopergate.

No politician is so popular and charismatic that they should be above accountability and telling the truth. Not even Sarah Palin.


I'm probably late with this, but:

I am honestly clueless as to where McCain stands on regulation. I realize a 26 year career in Congress will sometimes produce a schizophrenic voting record, but just in the last decade he has fought much-needed oversight of the financial sector while co-sponsoring a bill that would regulate the mortgage giants. And just this year, he said "I am always against more regulation," or something to that effect and now it's central to his generic economic plan.

I think we can scrap the saying that "John McCain is the first presidential candidate to oppose two bills with his name on them" and replace it with "John McCain is the first presidential candidate to change entire economic philosophies within the course of one campaign."
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