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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Did anyone see what James Carville said?

He basically said that Sep. 15th was the day that McCain's chances for the Presidency evaporated and that this election is pretty much finished.

Here's hoping he's correct.
ViperVisor said:

Where did you get these stats? can you compare contries side by side, if so then sweet.


Right now, is the time Presidents step up. Lame duck that he is, i'd like Bush to address our nation. It's wierd I guess, but even though I'd call his 8 years in office a disaster, a presidential address would still be nice. Even if it's bullshit. Feels like there's a leadership vacuum atm.
MaddenNFL64 said:
Right now, is the time Presidents step up. Lame duck that he is, i'd like Bush to address our nation. It's wierd I guess, but even though I'd call his 8 years in office a disaster, a presidential address would still be nice. Even if it's bullshit. Feels like there's a leadership vacuum atm.

He only does those when we go to war or need more soldiers for the war...


MaddenNFL64 said:
Right now, is the time Presidents step up. Lame duck that he is, i'd like Bush to address our nation. It's wierd I guess, but even though I'd call his 8 years in office a disaster, a presidential address would still be nice. Even if it's bullshit. Feels like there's a leadership vacuum atm.
Are you kidding? Bush loves his party more than his country. Right now any leadership could be blamed for any possible failures from the time that leadership takes over. No, he'd rather let the situation deteriorate and keep the republicans out of it as much as he can rather than take the chance with some failures (which are inevitable given any major undertaking)


Agent Icebeezy said:
If my state goes blue this year, it'll be like Christmas to me. Most of the state, including myself, will be in a state of absolute fucking shock. Indiana is normally the first state declared on election night. If Indiana is blue, then everyone already knows whats up for the rest of the night. :D

That's true, and if we do go blue we all might as well pop the cork and drown in the bubbly goodness early OBAMA '08!


MaddenNFL64 said:
Right now, is the time Presidents step up. Lame duck that he is, i'd like Bush to address our nation. It's wierd I guess, but even though I'd call his 8 years in office a disaster, a presidential address would still be nice. Even if it's bullshit. Feels like there's a leadership vacuum atm.

Any address he makes at this time would end up as a mea culpa.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Guts Of Thor said:
Did anyone see what James Carville said?

He basically said that Sep. 15th was the day that McCain's chances for the Presidency evaporated and that this election is pretty much finished.

Here's hoping he's correct.
I am getting the feeling that the more we hear about the economy (and thusly, real issues), the closer Obama is to winning.


*drowns in jizz*


Steve Youngblood said:
Well, if Pelosi would quit standing in the way of progress and let us drill, perhaps the financial markets would be in good shape.
That and if we only had less regulation!


Steve Youngblood said:
Well, if Pelosi would quit standing in the way of progress and let us drill, perhaps the financial markets would be in good shape.

Actually I love that Pelosi had that drilling compromise on the table and the Republicans all decried it because it didn't allow drilling 3 miles offshore, instead saying to do 50 miles offshore.:lol

So now it's not drill now, it's drill everywhere now, or nowhere!
Tamanon said:
Or drilling is needed.:lol I sense more Chris Matthews rants as each day ticks by.

I no I'm probably wrong but I really do feel like Bill Clinton made more prime-time national addresses to the American Public. I could be totally wrong of course and I'm too lazy to search but it certainly feels that way.... Or maybe just so much bad shit has happened it 8 years it just feels like he should have been saying more just due to that factor.


Guts Of Thor said:
Did anyone see what James Carville said?

He basically said that Sep. 15th was the day that McCain's chances for the Presidency evaporated and that this election is pretty much finished.

Here's hoping he's correct.
To be far James is as hardcore of a democrat as they come. I really doubt he'd predict a McCain victory, ever.
Tamanon said:
Actually I love that Pelosi had that drilling compromise on the table and the Republicans all decried it because it didn't allow drilling 3 miles offshore, instead saying to do 50 miles offshore.:lol

So now it's not drill now, it's drill everywhere now, or nowhere!
What was funny about that was I got to work, and the discussion came up (keep in mind that my office is very, very Republican) First, I hear them bitching about what a bunch of disingenuous do-nothings the Democrats are for proposing a crap bill that doesn't do enough.

Then, I put on my headphones, and start listening to the previous night's Rachel Maddow Show, and hear her lambasting the Democrats for caving at all on drilling.

Apparently, nobody liked that bill.
i sense when MSNBC said fu to mathews and demoted him to not be on political conferences, he got pissed and started to go publicly after republicans. he is now even more anti-mccain than olbermann


I'm seriously thinking about getting out of this country if McCain/Palin gets voted in. After the implosion of the financial markets, I simply can't bear the direct vote against intellectualism in America.

People thought Bush was bad? McCain will be even worse. At least Bush started off with a great economy, so we had some reserves to burn off. Bush also had a guy, who although evil, was at least intelligent calling the shots. Look at McCain's recent gaffe about Spain and his overly simplistic foreign policy. "We will build relationships with our allies and attack our enemies!" Really insightful. Call me Chicken Little and laugh all you want, but America has been so wealthy that we haven't been really punished for our times of incompetence. However, our margin of safety has greatly diminished, and you'll seriously start to feel the effects if you get 4 years of mismanagement.

Maybe some of these "journalists" had their cushy nest eggs smashed against the wall with the recent happenings in the financial market and now they are realizing that it is indeed 'about the issues'.


Steve Youngblood said:
What was funny about that was I got to work, and the discussion came up (keep in mind that my office is very, very Republican) First, I hear them bitching about what a bunch of disingenuous do-nothings the Democrats are for proposing a crap bill that doesn't do enough.

Then, I put on my headphones, and start listening to the previous night's Rachel Maddow Show, and hear her lambasting the Democrats for caving at all on drilling.

Apparently, nobody liked that bill.

That's a good point. That's supposed to make it a good compromise then, right?:p

artredis: That's a good point also, Matthews might've said "fuck being an 'objective' pundit" after being pulled.


Mumei said:
I'm really, really confused by you.

You have claimed that one's inaction is as important as one's actions in determining guilt or responsibility.

You have claimed in the past that doctors who perform abortions are hitmen in white coats.

Yet a patient being refused service is somehow not murder? The doctor's inaction in this case is not all that bad? You mock "bleeding hearts" as getting all whiny about friends and loved ones dying, and yet you go into hysterics about hitmen in white coats over a clump of half-formed cells?

Most true statement of the night


Tamanon said:
That's a good point. That's supposed to make it a good compromise then, right?:p

artredis: That's a good point also, Matthews might've said "fuck being an 'objective' pundit" after being pulled.
Pelosi should get the Mediator's Toolchest. It worked wonders for Michael!


mckmas8808 said:
And why isn't this video being pushed more on GAF? So now I ask, why do people still say Obama isn't good at foreign policy when in (even) 2002 Obama sound 100% correct on Iraq before we even invaded? :lol

Digg it


kevm3 said:
I'm seriously thinking about getting out of this country if McCain/Palin gets voted in. After the implosion of the financial markets, I simply can't bear the direct vote against intellectualism in America.

People thought Bush was bad? McCain will be even worse. At least Bush started off with a great economy, so we had some reserves to burn off. Bush also had a guy, who although evil, was at least intelligent calling the shots. Look at McCain's recent gaffe about Spain and his overly simplistic foreign policy. "We will build relationships with our allies and attack our enemies!" Really insightful. Call me Chicken Little and laugh all you want, but America has been so wealthy that we haven't been really punished for our times of incompetence. However, our margin of safety has greatly diminished, and you'll seriously start to feel the effects if you get 4 years of mismanagement.

Maybe some of these "journalists" had their cushy nest eggs smashed against the wall with the recent happenings in the financial market and now they are realizing that it is indeed 'about the issues'.
Go awaaaay!
ok. my grandfather and grandmother have my uncles address in florida and my aunt in Pensylvannia.

they were changing thier address from fl to penn, i told them to wait until the election is over because i am having them cast thier absentee ballots for Obama in November. is this right or should I let them vote in pennsylvania???


artredis1980 said:
i sense when MSNBC said fu to mathews and demoted him to not be on political conferences, he got pissed and started to go publicly after republicans. he is now even more anti-mccain than olbermann
More that he feels free to share his views than in the past. I mean after all he was Jimmy Carter's chief speech writer and worked for the Democrat Speaker of the House for a decade and ran for a house seat in PA as a Democrat. It;s just now he feels more willing to share his views.
Cheebs said:
More that he feels free to share his views than in the past. I mean after all he was Jimmy Carter's chief speech writer and worked for the Democrat Speaker of the House for a decade and ran for a house seat in PA as a Democrat. It;s just now he feels more willing to share his views.
Yeah, if he's going to be demoted from anchoring election coverage on the grounds that he's a partisan hack, he might as well act like it.

Either that, or he's just fed up with McCain's campaign.
artredis1980 said:
ok. my grandfather and grandmother have my uncles address in florida and my aunt in Pensylvannia.

they were changing thier address from fl to penn, i told them to wait until the election is over because i am having them cast thier absentee ballots for Obama in November. is this right or should I let them vote in pennsylvania???

Dems are more likely to win PA and less likely to win FLA. So however that works into the equation.


I think now would be good time for Obama to deliver 'one of those speeches.' Since Bush is flat out ignoring the crisis, now would be the time for Obama to make a 'presidential move' and call for unity and start outlining some real solutions on how to fix the problems ahead of us. He should clearly outline the problems and start giving solutions on how to fix them. It's obvious McCain and Palin don't know anything when it comes to in depth policy, so this would play in Obama's favor.
kevm3 said:
I think now would be good time for Obama to deliver 'one of those speeches.' Since Bush is flat out ignoring the crisis, now would be the time for Obama to make a 'presidential move'
He would just be regarded as 'presumptuous'.


kevm3 said:
I think now would be good time for Obama to deliver 'one of those speeches.' Since Bush is flat out ignoring the crisis, now would be the time for Obama to make a 'presidential move' and call for unity and start outlining some real solutions on how to fix the problems ahead of us. He should clearly outline the problems and start giving solutions on how to fix them. It's obvious McCain and Palin don't know anything when it comes to in depth policy, so this would play in Obama's favor.

He did that yesterday though..


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Holy crap, this woman is nuts. Lady Rothschild says that DEMOCRATS use abortion as a wedge issue?!?

And she REVERES the life Sarah Palin has lived?!?!


mckmas8808 said:

Why isn't GAF talking more about this incredible video from David Plouffe? Obama's campaign is talking directly to us telling us their strategy.

This is pretty cool.
I was glad to see how their strat is going. It sounds good on paper.

In other news...


In response to several inquiries, I just sent this e-mail to our Virginia press list:

I have received several questions about the disparity between our Public Policy Polling survey today showing Barack Obama with a two point lead in Virginia and a Christopher Newport University survey showing John McCain leading by nine points in the state.

While only the election will answer who is right or wrong, the demographic composition of the polls can easily be compared to the state’s demographics.

About 20% of Virginians are black and according to the 2004 exit polls for the state, 21% of voters that year were black. PPP projects blacks to make up 22% of the electorate, while Christopher Newport projects blacks to be less than 10% of the electorate.

To put this into voter turnout figures, for the Christopher Newport survey to be correct there would have to be 55% turnout from non-black eligible voters, while only 25% of black eligible voters would have to turn out. PPP thinks that black voters and those who are not will turn out at roughly equal levels.

There is also an age disparity. We project that 44% of the electorate will be under 45 years of age, while Christopher Newport anticipates only 12% of the electorate being under the age of 40. According to the 2004 exit poll 49% of voters were under 45.

A poll that significantly undercounts young and black voters will also significantly undercount support for Barack Obama. It is vitally important to look at the demographic compositions of polls and how they compare both to the demographics of the state and those of past electorates when trying to sift through disagreements like the ones found in today’s polls.

PPP                          09/13 - 09/14	1090 LV	   46	   48	   Obama +2
CNU Virginia Poll            09/10 - 09/14	500 RV	   48	   39	   McCain +9
quadriplegicjon said:
obama is the first politician i have donated money to as well.

Same here. It's not much but I currently have 2.50 taken out of every check to go towards his campaign. It's something my SEIU union set up since here in Chicago he's worked very closely with us.


aka iby.h
Stoney Mason said:
Dems are more likely to win PA and less likely to win FLA. So however that works into the equation.

Ima make sure that Dems win FL this year. my total is to get 20 new people to register, to vote for obama of course. so far I got 5 now. got 2 today :D . tomorrow we have a big family gathering, ima take registration cards with me and push them like crazy, seriously I am going to be annoying. isnt much, but it helps, and latest polls shows that its pretty close in FL.
IcebergSlim3000 said:
Same here. It's not much but I currently have 2.50 taken out of every check to go towards his campaign. It's something my SEIU union set up since here in Chicago he's worked very closely with us.
I donated a hundo during the RNC. I'll donate more if things get heated and I think the campaign needs it, but after seeing the August numbers, I don't think I'll be donating again until we all hit our next "the sky is falling" moment.


Rur0ni said:
I was glad to see how their strat is going. It sounds good on paper.

In other news...


PPP                          09/13 - 09/14	1090 LV	   46	   48	   Obama +2
CNU Virginia Poll            09/10 - 09/14	500 RV	   48	   39	   McCain +9
About 20% of Virginians are black and according to the 2004 exit polls for the state, 21% of voters that year were black. PPP projects blacks to make up 22% of the electorate, while Christopher Newport projects blacks to be less than 10% of the electorate.
Thanks for posting that, I was wondering what was up with the Newport poll. 10% black composition is absurd - half the turnout of 2004? Um, no. :lol


*drowns in jizz*
Y2Kev said:
Holy crap, this woman is nuts. Lady Rothschild says that DEMOCRATS use abortion as a wedge issue?!?

And she REVERES the life Sarah Palin has lived?!?!

Yeah, she's pretty much a fucking joke. Her whole claim to the middle-class is MY PARENTS WORKED 2 JOBS TO RAISE US!!- I CARE ABOUT THE MIDDLE-CLASS, REALLY- while being a multi-millionaire before marrying a billionaire. The expression on Campbell Brown's face while questioning her was just classic. She knew she was talking to a clown.
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