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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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devilhawk said:
There is an excuse. We don't want socialized health care. All you really want is free health care. It doesn't work like that and it won't work like that.
I didn't say anything about a free lunch. I understand our taxes would pay for it. Most people would rather their taxes go to that then what they go to now. Or even if most was subsidized. There's gotta be something better than being held ransom by insurance companies. We already pay for the President's and Congress's superior medical plans. Why can't every American get health coverage like that? This "only the rich" shit is really getting old.
PantherLotus said:
Oh yeah, bitches? I'm actually volunteering for the Obama Campaign on Friday.

You're gonna have lots of fun.

Offtopic, but did anyone else at their Camp Obama sessions play a game involving a invisible maze through a box with two "teams" across from each other? Shit was off the wall...
PantherLotus said:
Oh yeah, bitches? I'm actually volunteering for the Obama Campaign on Friday.
Oh yeah? Well, volunteering for the campaign is KIND OF like being a supporter on an internet forum who posts while on the clock except that I have ACTUAL responsibilities... that I'm neglecting.


Incognito said:
You're gonna have lots of fun.

Offtopic, but did anyone else at their Camp Obama sessions play a game involving a invisible maze through a box with two "teams" across from each other? Shit was off the wall...
Obama campaign is scientologist-like whacko confirmed.
A few random thoughts...

- Do we even have a President? Or is our Executive branch on auto-pilot right now. We just had a string of financial disasters the past few days and Bush is completely MIA. He should at least say something....

- Chris Matthews has been on an absolute warpath ever since he lost his anchor duties. The stock market crash seemed to have pissed him off as well. If I was a Republican strategist I would stay say from his show for the next two months. :lol

- I know we keep saying this, but Palin will get embarrassed in the debates against Biden. Today and during the Townhall has shown that anytime she has to speak on a subject that she's not familiar with, she begins to ramble and evade the question. Or in other cases she simply doesn't make sense. The VP debate is just a couple of weeks away. It doesn't seem like she's getting up to speed fast enough.

- Also with Palin's favorability rating dropping rapidly, you're starting to hear more grumblings from some in the Republican establishment about the Palin pick. Someone like Mittens would probably serve McCain much better right now given the economic news. With gas prices going down (as they always do at this time of the year), energy (Palon's supposed strong suit) is becoming less of a hot button issue. Drill Baby Drill is not going to fix the housing market or Wall Street's woes. As a few pundits on TV said today, not many people necessarily want a hockey mom to handle are complex economic troubles.

- It's nice to see Obama regaining the momentum in the polls. However I hope the race stays close. The Obama campaign always does better when things are tight. Yet when they're up by 6-8 points they seem to get complacent. Also for the young voters to turn out in huge numbers, I think the race has to stay close. If it appears Obama will win handily, most college kids I bet won't bother to show up. Just look at PoliGAF. You guys donated the most and gave the most effort toward his campaign when he appeared to be in trouble the last couple of weeks. That sense of urgency needs to carry through to Nov. 4th.
Guy Legend said:
Anyone know when Obama/Biden yard signs come out. I want to display one. :D

Go to your local Obama office. I bought three the other day for $15 and gave two out to family members.

To wit: parent's front yard. (Both are Republicans)


Mine is plastered on my balcony.


actually when i saw my parents couple of weeks back i discovered that my dad's voting for ron paul and my mom is voting for obama because she's apparently a huge biden fan

both voted for bush twice, so the tides are turning


Odrion said:
actually when i saw my parents couple of weeks back i discovered that my dad's voting for ron paul and my mom is voting for obama because she's apparently a huge biden fan

both voted for bush twice, so the tides are turning

A vote for Ron is a vote for OBAMA!


Unconfirmed Member
Odrion said:
actually when i saw my parents couple of weeks back i discovered that my dad's voting for ron paul and my mom is voting for obama because she's apparently a huge biden fan

both voted for bush twice, so the tides are turning
One point of data is an anecdote, but two, TWO are a trend-line *highfives*


Mumei said:
I'm really, really confused by you.

You have claimed that one's inaction is as important as one's actions in determining guilt or responsibility.

You have claimed in the past that doctors who perform abortions are hitmen in white coats.

Yet a patient being refused service is somehow not murder? The doctor's inaction in this case is not all that bad? You mock "bleeding hearts" as getting all whiny about friends and loved ones dying, and yet you go into hysterics about hitmen in white coats over a clump of half-formed cells?

Aw great. I would respect their choice, I don't care, but jeez man...my work area has people who pick McCain because they accuse Obama of constantly changing his stance and McCain is the one that is going to bring the change....now I know I'm not much into politics....but what?

Drilling in Alaska and offshore drilling is great too!

All media lies, the great answer....

....but that just places it all on everyone, you can't just single it out for McCain.

It's the Democrat's fault! At least it wasn't Kerry, and his flip-floping, we sure wouldn't know how we would have turned out!! I know, Bush wasn't so bad in retrospect, huh!!

9/11 was Clinton's fault! Why of course, okay....now explain the last 7 years since!!

.....seriously, my head hurts.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Aw great. I would respect their choice, I don't care, but jeez man...my work area has people who pick McCain because they accuse Obama of constantly changing his stance and McCain is the one that is going to bring the change....now I know I'm not much into politics....but what?

Drilling in Alaska and offshore drilling is great too!

All media lies, the great answer....

....but that just places it all on everyone, you can't just single it out for McCain.

It's the Democrat's fault! At least it wasn't Kerry, and his flip-floping, we sure wouldn't know how we would have turned out!! I know, Bush wasn't so bad in retrospect, huh!!

9/11 was Clinton's fault! Why of course, okay....now explain the last 7 years since!!

.....seriously, my head hurts.


The Chosen One said:
A few random thoughts...

- Do we even have a President? Or is our Executive branch on auto-pilot right now. We just had a string of financial disasters the past few days and Bush is completely MIA. He should at least say something....

*I agree with every point you made. I'm pretty sure Bush is staying off of tv because he and his advisors know that if his face pops up anywhere, McSame's numbers will plummet.

- Chris Matthews has been on an absolute warpath ever since he lost his anchor duties. The stock market crash seemed to have pissed him off as well. If I was a Republican strategist I would stay say from his show for the next two months. :lol

*Yup. He's pissed and heaven have mercy on any Republican that goes on his show that doesn't know the facts.

- I know we keep saying this, but Palin will get embarrassed in the debates against Biden. Today and during the Townhall has shown that anytime she has to speak on a subject that she's not familiar with, she begins to ramble and evade the question. Or in other cases she simply doesn't make sense. The VP debate is just a couple of weeks away. It doesn't seem like she's getting up to speed fast enough.

*Yeah. Her poll numbers are in a downward spiral and I look for her numbers to completely bottom out the day after the debate. It's also reassuring that people are calling her on her lies. If the media plays up "Troopergate" and the Republicans decision to try to end it, she will have lost all credibility (which she also did with Charlie Gibson anyway).

- Also with Palin's favorability rating dropping rapidly, you're starting to hear more grumblings from some in the Republican establishment about the Palin pick. Someone like Mittens would probably serve McCain much better right now given the economic news. With gas prices going down (as they always do at this time of the year), energy (Palon's supposed strong suit) is becoming less of a hot button issue. Drill Baby Drill is not going to fix the housing market or Wall Street's woes. As a few pundits on TV said today, not many people necessarily want a hockey mom to handle are complex economic troubles.

*Kinda what I was thinking. If McCain ends up losing, a good deal of the blame would be directed toward Palin and those that keep hiding her from the media. Still, if he had picked Mitts, there's no telling what would've happened. The GOP fallout would've been legendary though. :lol

- It's nice to see Obama regaining the momentum in the polls. However I hope the race stays close. The Obama campaign always does better when things are tight. Yet when they're up by 6-8 points they seem to get complacent. Also for the young voters to turn out in huge numbers, I think the race has to stay close. If it appears Obama will win handily, most college kids I bet won't bother to show up. Just look at PoliGAF. You guys donated the most and gave the most effort toward his campaign when he appeared to be in trouble the last couple of weeks. That sense of urgency needs to carry through to Nov. 4th.

*Bingo! I hope it stays close. That'll make the youngsters and minorities flock to the polls. I know I usually donate when I see shit like the speeches at the RNC or Palin's/McSame's bullshit ads.



Setec Astronomer
Steve Youngblood said:
I donated a hundo during the RNC. I'll donate more if things get heated and I think the campaign needs it, but after seeing the August numbers, I don't think I'll be donating again until we all hit our next "the sky is falling" moment.
Did you see the Obama Campaign budget for Florida alone? They still need that money.


Small balls, big fun!
Hitokage said:
Hold on, that has new information...

...Alaska is still planning to build that bridge? Using federal earmark money? Under Palin's direction???

Last I heard they were still planning on a bridge or ferry but at a lower cost ($70 million?).

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
They still continued to build the road that leads to the "Bridge to Nowhere" even though it serves no one as is, and it is not part of any of the alternate plans/routes.


Still, if he had picked Mitts, there's no telling what would've happened

Mitt would have been a disaster with these market situations given his big-business background. It would look VERY bad.

At least they can still con ignorant feminists, PUMAs and religious zealots with Palin..


Hitokage said:
Did you see the Obama Campaign budget for Florida alone? They still need that money.
They need to raise another $200 million, or $4 million a day through November 4.

Yes, they need your money.
You have to buy the Obama yard sign?

Shouldn't they be coming to your lawn and putting it in there for you?

In Canada you either ask the candidate's campaign for a sign or they'll canvass you and ask

Or are you just choosing to buy one instead of letting them do it for free?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
BigJonsson said:
You have to buy the Obama yard sign?

Shouldn't they be coming to your lawn and putting it in there for you?

In Canada you either ask the candidate's campaign for a sign or they'll canvass you and ask

Or are you just choosing to buy one instead of letting them do it for free?
You're donating to the campaign and in exchange they send you a Obama/Biden merchandise of your choosing.
Rhindle said:
They need to raise another $200 million, or $4 million a day through November 4.

Yes, they need your money.

Speaking of which - anybody got the GAF group donate link on hand?

I just cleared myself of all my credit card debt out of fear and sheer ignorance of the higher levels of economics, but I can still help the cause.

There is honestly NOTHING I fear more in this day and age then another four years of republican control. Nothing.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


*drowns in jizz*
Lynn de Rothschild: Obama has trouble connecting with ordinary Americans.

Wow. I feel like I'm living in the Onion.

Also, I have a feeling the 'I don't trust him' line is code for 'I am a racist fuck'.


the_zombie_luke said:
I didn't say anything about a free lunch. I understand our taxes would pay for it. Most people would rather their taxes go to that then what they go to now. Or even if most was subsidized. There's gotta be something better than being held ransom by insurance companies. We already pay for the President's and Congress's superior medical plans. Why can't every American get health coverage like that? This "only the rich" shit is really getting old.

A quote from an actual member of the health care industry:
Americans will still want to have their cake (access to superb critical care) and to eat it too (comprehensive coverage with little direct, personal cost).

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.

The problems of the industry will not be solved with a single payer system. However, health care access needs to be greatly improved.
ryutaro's mama said:
That's an elitist statement.
How the hell did elitism become a bad thing?

The best surgeons are the elites of their field.

In a position like the presidency isn't it better to have someone smarter then you doing the job?

Bush is like that slightly slow cousin everyone has. It's hard to carry a conversation with the guy that doesn't have bewbs somewhere in it, but he can get some pretty good pot (or other drugs in Bushies case).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Thunder Monkey said:
How the hell did elitism become a bad thing?

The best surgeons are the elites of their field.

In a position like the presidency isn't it better to have someone smarter then you doing the job?

Bush is like that slightly slow cousin everyone has. It's hard to carry a conversation with the guy that doesn't have bewbs somewhere in it, but he can get some pretty good pot (or other drugs in Bushies case).

It is the anti-intellectual cultural movement that is going on in the U.S. right now. Look at television and music and even video games. Everything is geared towards the lowest common denominator. Although I didn't like the movie very much, I think Idiocracy did a great job of drawing some parallels with what is currently going on in American society. I'm sure the country will collapse and there will be a revolution before society ever gets to the point of Idiocracy, but it is definitely going down that path at the moment. It doesn't help that most schools are a complete joke right now with high school graduates not even able to solve basic math problems or understand basic English grammar.

The common idiot sees people more intelligent than them as a thread and someone who will potentially trick them so they don't want them in charge of anything. They want someone who they can relate to and "enjoy a beer with".

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
Zefah said:
It is the anti-intellectual cultural movement that is going on in the U.S. right now. Look at television and music and even video games. Everything is geared towards the lowest common denominator. Although I didn't like the movie very much, I think Idiocracy did a great job of drawing some parallels with what is currently going on in American society. I'm sure the country will collapse and there will be a revolution before society ever gets to the point of Idiocracy, but it is definitely going down that path at the moment. It doesn't help that most schools are a complete joke right now with high school graduates not even able to solve basic math problems or understand basic English grammar.

The common idiot sees people more intelligent than them as a thread and someone who will potentially trick them so they don't want them in charge of anything. They want someone who they can relate to and "enjoy a beer with".

Someone should distribute that DVD in every newspaper in America, instead of Anti-Islam Propaganda.


Thunder Monkey said:
How the hell did elitism become a bad thing?

The best surgeons are the elites of their field.

In a position like the presidency isn't it better to have someone smarter then you doing the job?

Bush is like that slightly slow cousin everyone has. It's hard to carry a conversation with the guy that doesn't have bewbs somewhere in it, but he can get some pretty good pot (or other drugs in Bushies case).
The elitist argument isn't an academic argument, it's a social argument. A surgeon can be an elitist or can not be an elitist.

Elitist is just another way of dividing people. Other groups do it all the time. Question Obama you're racist, Question hillary or palin, you're sexist, etc etc...

I don't agree with it, because it's irrelevant, but It's not anti-intellectual argument at all.

Hell, Society has always been "anti-intellectual" according to the morons who like Idiocracy, but that is clearly not true.

Oh and for shits and giggles http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2002/cr071602.htm

I love house.gov


devilhawk said:
The problems of the industry will not be solved with a single payer system. However, health care access needs to be greatly improved.
Universal health care will be cheaper in the long run, especially if it's decently managed. Right now we have a huge problem with the uninsured getting sick and doing nothing until it's a critical issue, then going to the ER when they have to be accepted, risking their own health and costing the hospital a hell of a lot more money if they were insured and took care of things at the start. That puts the burden on the hospital, which gets passed onto the government, and then back to the tax payers. Other problems are the cost of malpractice suits, the unchecked rising cost of medicine, and the cost drain on the system caused by the obese and other self-inflicted health problems.

The system needs a complete overhaul. 'Free' healthcare can and won't work, but universal healthcare is absolutely one step that needs to be taken. As someone who works in a hospital, McCain's plan is ignorant to the point of insulting.


Aaron said:
Universal health care will be cheaper in the long run, especially if it's decently managed. Right now we have a huge problem with the uninsured getting sick and doing nothing until it's a critical issue, then going to the ER when they have to be accepted, risking their own health and costing the hospital a hell of a lot more money if they were insured and took care of things at the start. That puts the burden on the hospital, which gets passed onto the government, and then back to the tax payers. Other problems are the cost of malpractice suits, the unchecked rising cost of medicine, and the cost drain on the system caused by the obese and other self-inflicted health problems.
And how is this different from patients being put on waiting lists?


avatar299 said:
And how is this different from patients being put on waiting lists?
I'm not sure what you mean. If insured patients aren't being treated in a timely manner, it has less to do with coverage and more to do with not having sufficient facilities and doctors to see to their needs. It's also a problem that's greatly worsened if they wait on an illness to be treated at ER and end up clogging that system, depriving care from people who truly are in an emergency situation.

There are a number of issues with healthcare in this country, and universal system is hardly a fix all, but it's a step in the right direction.
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