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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ronito said:
that half formed clump of cells could grow up to be a rich person and it doesn't really have a choice. Where as the patient that doesn't have money to pay for a doctor is verifiably poor. And poor people are poor because they obviously chose to be.

... and heeeeeeeeeeree wee goooooo

Hey, what about people who chose to have diabetes or cancer?
I bet that they're poor because they chose those things too.


ronito said:
WTF? And the asker of that question wasn't like "Ok, then let's stump the candidate.." and then ask something a VP should know? Good gosh, even GAFFers would be smart enough to do this.

Well it makes no sense either, it seems like the questioner was asking so they know what to use when defining their support for Palin. Instead they got "Well she just is!"

:lol Colbert just randomly blindsided this GM VP about electric cars and global warning.


Setec Astronomer
People, Lincoln had less experience than Obama! Just shows how fucking delusional all you Lincoln fanboys are.

Tamanon said:
Actually I think Morgan Stanley is buying Wachovia. Not the other way around. If Morgan Stanley was the one in trouble, it'd be even worse!
No, I paid special attention to this. Wachovia is the one offering to buy. Morgan Stanley is the one being put up for sale.


KTallguy said:
... and heeeeeeeeeeree wee goooooo

Hey, what about people who chose to have diabetes or cancer?
I bet that they're poor because they chose those things too.

See what JayDub has done to this thread? Now posters can't even be satirical without being taken seriously. :lol


KTallguy said:
... and heeeeeeeeeeree wee goooooo

Hey, what about people who chose to have diabetes or cancer?
I bet that they're poor because they chose those things too.
Charity will take care of them. I mean what? Am I my brothers keeper? Can't it just be somebody else's problem?

Jak140 said:
See what JayDub has done to this thread? Now posters can't even be satirical without being taken seriously. :lol

That's especially bad when the poster in question is me in response to a JayDubya post.


Hitokage said:
People, Lincoln had less experience than Obama! Just shows how fucking delusional all you Lincoln fanboys are.

No, I paid special attention to this. Wachovia is the one offering to buy. Morgan Stanley is the one being put up for sale.

Oh...then there is definitely trouble. That explains why Morgan Stanley is also in discussions with China-based Citic to be purchased.:lol


"GAF's biggest wanker"
RubxQub said:
If the opportunity did present itself, would you ask a serious question or a "gotcha" question out of curiosity?
Any question from off script would be regarded as a "gotcha" question.

McCain to handlers: "That guy was earnest and sincere about his question! You guys gotta vet these people better!" *wipes sweat from brow*


Indianapolis - It's been a long time since Indiana was at play during a presidential election but the latest Indianapolis Star-WTHR poll is showing just that.

The presidential race numbers indicate a real race shaping up in Indiana: 44 percent of likely voters polled support Republican John McCain, 47 percent support Barack Obama with 6 percent not sure.

Obama's support comes mainly in metro areas from women, the young and minorities.

"Because Hoosiers want change. They want someone who will tackle these economic challenges. I think we can win," said Jonathan Swain, Obama campaign.

McCain's support comes in the suburbs and rural areas from men and white voters.


If IN goes blue I'm gonna shit my pants with joy come November.


That girl in the bunny hat
Tamanon said:
:lol "Charlene I'm right behind you" is available free for Rock Band 2. Awesome!

Between that and the Beastie Boys nod on Daily Show it's like Rock Band-Gaf and PoliGaf have collided.
GhaleonEB said:
Hmm. I'm going to call this an outlier until another poll backs it up. Though Bams was within five in that CNN poll today.

I think in a week we'll have a much more accurate post bounce post convention picture of everything but then of course the debates will be kicking in right around that time. ;)
Obama hits McCain in the nuts in Late night jab

Before a crowd of roughly 14,000 residents of Las Vegas, Nev., sitting in the bleachers of Cashman Center -- home to the minor league baseball team the Las Vegas 51s -- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Wednesday evening continued to mock Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., as out of touch on the economy.

Proceeding through a litany of what he perceives to be McCain missteps, Obama mentioned that McCain had recently "bragged about how, as chairman of the Commerce Committee in the Senate, he had oversight of every part of the economy. Well, all I can say to Sen. McCain is nice job."

The audience laughed.

"Nice job!" Obama repeated, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "I mean, where is he getting these lines? The lobbyists running his campaign?

"You all remember Phil Gramm," Obama said, once again bringing up the former Texas senator and McCain friend whom McCain distanced himself from several months ago. "He says we’re just going through a mental recession and called the United States of America a nation of whiners. I’m not making this up. You can’t make this up. It’s like a 'Saturday Night Live' routine."

The crowd roared with approving laughter.

"So, then yesterday, Sen. McCain’s big solution to the crisis we’re facing is -- put on your seatbelts -- a commission," Obama said. "A commission! Well, that’s Washington-speak for 'We’ll get back to you later.'"

Trying not to project pessimism, even as he's labeled this current economic crisis the worst since the Great Depression, Obama insisted he has "every confidence that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis ... because that’s who we are, that’s what we’ve always done as Americans.

"But the one thing I do know is this: we can’t steer ourselves out of this crisis if we’re heading in the same disastrous direction," Obama said. '''We can’t steer ourselves out of this crisis using the same old map, we can’t steer ourselves out of the crisis if the new driver is getting directions from the old driver, and that’s what this election is all about."



Hitokage said:
Wow, if that holds then it's not outside the realm of possibility that Obama will get 364 Electoral votes, sweeping Kerry/IA/NM + NV/CO/IN/OH/VA/NC/FL.

Of course, I wouldn't ever put money on this outcome. :p


That's a siiiiick bet.


quadriplegicjon said:
obama is the first politician i have donated money to as well.
I voted for Kerry, but never gave him a dime. My first presidential election was for "Not Bush".

I'm kind of jealous that first time Democratic voters get to vote for Obama and I got stuck with crusty stiff white guy.
I already said Obama would win Ohio and Florida back in June. You all better step off this bandwagon...Those Indiana numbers are pretty damn nice, though.


Thunder Monkey said:
I voted for Kerry, but never gave him a dime. My first presidential election was for "Not Bush".

I'm kind of jealous that first time Democratic voters get to vote for Obama and I got stuck with crusty stiff white guy.


That girl in the bunny hat
Thunder Monkey said:
I voted for Kerry, but never gave him a dime. My first presidential election was for "Not Bush".

I'm kind of jealous that first time Democratic voters get to vote for Obama and I got stuck with crusty stiff white guy.

Well, this is my first presidential, but I did vote in '06 state elections. So I got stuck with crusty not-as-stiff white guy.

Still, in a way it kinda sucks. Somehow I don't think there'll be a candidate so 'worth it' for a while. Not sure I want my first to be my best. :p


MaddenNFL64 said:
Is President Bush hiding for McCain's sake?

I hate the guy, but he is our president... i'd like to hear the guy say some shit.

Dude, he is in full-on lame duck mode now. May as well just pencil him in for the ranch from now until January.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
In 2000, the Voter News Service (VNS), predecessor to the NEP, reported a Gore victory among Latinos of 62-to-35 percent, or 27 votes per 100. In 2004, the NEP 20-state set, as balanced above, finds Kerry winning 59.67 percent of Hispanic votes, compared to 38.07 percent for Bush — a 21.6-vote advantage per 100.

In 2000, roughly 6 million Hispanic votes were cast. At 62-to-35 percent, this gave Gore a 1,620,000-vote victory over Bush among Latinos nationwide.

In 2004, Hispanic turnout rose by roughly 25 percent, to 7.5 million voters.
Had the Democrats held their 2000 margin, their national advantage among Hispanics would have grown by 405,000, to 2,025,000. The improved Bush percentage in 2004 nullified this gain completely, holding the Democrat advantage in the Hispanic community to the same 1,620,000 as in 2000. The impact of a massive and successful Democratic voter registration drive was nullified.


Here's stats from 2000 and 2004 for the Latino vote. Keep in mind that Obama is winning the Latino vote 69% to 29%.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Full Recovery said:

If IN goes blue I'm gonna shit my pants with joy come November.

If my state goes blue this year, it'll be like Christmas to me. Most of the state, including myself, will be in a state of absolute fucking shock. Indiana is normally the first state declared on election night. If Indiana is blue, then everyone already knows whats up for the rest of the night. :D
RubxQub said:
If the opportunity did present itself, would you ask a serious question or a "gotcha" question out of curiosity?
So if if the question is to Palin, what would be the difference between the two? . . .Charlie,
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