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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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artredis1980 said:

life of the rich and famous starring john mccain, his closest advisors, rothsberg and trump

'I dont know how many houses I own , I would have to have my staff check on that'

Rothsberg: I endorse McCain - 'Rothsberg is a multimillionare married to a knight and lives between London and NY'

Trump: I endorse McCain - 'Donald Trump is a billionare building big buildings in NY and show is big wedding and gold platted hotels and then qoute him 'I dont want the rich to be taxed'

Seriously they have to do that. Rothsberg actually got totally caught off guard trying to defend her position of calling Obama an elitist "He said he was the one who could save us.". Wow


Guys, I clicked "oir" on the TPM link about the "who's zapatero lol" story, but I can't hear any of the audio. Do I need a plugin or something?



O'REILLY 3,060,000
GRETA 2,908,000
HUME 1,977,000
COOPER 1,828,000
SHEP SMITH 1,724,000
KING 1,710,000
OLBERMANN 1,635,000
GRACE 1,166,000
DOBBS 1,156,000
HARDBALL 821,000

From Drudge

Very interesting that Rachel is still beating Keith out. That's looking like a really good signing by MSNBC.
Ether_Snake said:
Seriously they have to do that. Rothsberg actually got totally caught off guard trying to defend her position of calling Obama an elitist "He said he was the one who could save us.". Wow

They shouldn't. It's petty. And most importantly, it can be easily countered with Obama's elitist/celebrity friends.


Tamanon said:
From Drudge

Very interesting that Rachel is still beating Keith out. That's looking like a really good signing by MSNBC.

Unlike most other new hosts, she has a dedicated audience (from AA). Good for her..

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JayDubya said:
The country, as it exists on paper, would already be all but dead at that point. The federal government has no just and Constitutional authority to run socialized medicine programs. We need to kill Medicaid, not expand it and make it the standard for everyone.

I'd wonder how someone could suppose Congress could get away with a bill like that, but then the "SCotUS will be ours for 100 years mwhahahaha!" falls into context.

Progressives. Ugh.

Do you just hate anyone who doesn't make a whole lot of money?

If the government had no control over medicine programs and it was entirely left to the free market, do you think it would be even semi-affordable for people with low incomes? What do you propose that poor people do when they get sick or get in an accident that requires surgery or something else? Should they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a better job to pay for it or something?


viciouskillersquirrel said:
The USA's inevitable ascendancy as a military and economic superpower was well known and talked about throughout the nineteenth century, just as China's inevitable ascendency is being talked about now.

Taxes distort economic systems, that much is certain, but you can't ascribe the US's wealth to taxes or government spending. It's much more complicated than that.

Agreed. It is a lot more complicated, there is still a positive correlation between low taxes and growth. Government appropriation of any kind of funding is know for being horrifically inefficient.


Health care has gotten way too expensive in this country for a number of reasons, and socializing medicine without taking measures to reduce costs would be a bloated disaster. While I'm generally against socialized medicine, the current system is so terrible that I wouldn't mind it, assuming that it is coupled with other changes to the health system.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cloudy said:
Wow, Chris Matthews destroyed that chump. Damn...


Instigator said:
They shouldn't. It's petty. And most importantly, it can be easily countered with Obama's elitist/celebrity friends.

Not if you combine it with the "McCain doesn't know how many HOUSES he has."

You know: mortgage crisis... houses.


I pay a ton of money for a PPO because I have to.
If I wasn't part of a company sharing some of the burden, I'd be paying an average of $2000 a week for this medication.

The insurer continually attempts to rebrand my medication as "medical supplies" because of loopholes in their policy text.

We need a health care service that isn't run by greed.
Obviously the system would need to be entirely rehauled, and costs must come down, but having UHC would be a great step forward for our country.


Yaweee said:
Agreed. It is a lot more complicated, there is still a positive correlation between low taxes and growth. Government appropriation of any kind of funding is know for being horrifically inefficient.


Health care has gotten way too expensive in this country for a number of reasons, and socializing medicine without taking measures to reduce costs would be a bloated disaster. While I'm generally against socialized medicine, the current system is so terrible that I wouldn't mind it, assuming that it is coupled with other changes to the health system.

Government intervention in times of crisis is actually historically efficient. So as far as the current situation is concerned, and the near future, government actions and LAWS are the only solutions.


demon said:

Cantor is a fucking embarrassment. I'm ashamed that he represents my state. At least both of Virginia's Senators will be respectable for the first time in my adult life come November.
Gaborn said:
Charlie - although considering this seems to have been a subsidiary account there's some question if that was actually her account conducting state business or someone setting up the account as a decoy (or series of decoys) to make it look like that is what she was doing.
You really do bend and twist to explain away everything that might be negative about them, despite your protests that you don't even support their policies.


adamsappel said:
You really do bend and twist to explain away everything that might be negative about them, despite your protests that you don't even support their policies.

I'm assuming he's playing Devil's advocate, at least part of the time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.

What? Are you serious? How can you honestly have this opinion? You must be extremely rich, have never experienced having a loved one get injured or sick, or are a heartless bastard. Do you honestly think that medical services, that are required in some instanced to keep people alive, are just like other services and just a part of "business"? How can you honestly believe in this?
Tamanon said:
From Drudge

Very interesting that Rachel is still beating Keith out. That's looking like a really good signing by MSNBC.

That many people watching O'Reilly is bad but even more people watching Hannity is embarrassing.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
3-4 years in the senate, half of the time running for president. that's experience? Never ran a business, never been in the military, never even ran anything. Has he ever even had people that work for him besides in his campaign?

Im not saying hes not qualified to be president, but his record is not experience. sorry its not. If this was McCain's record you would say the same thing. Your blind partisanship keeps you from admitting this.

Your posts are so stupid it boggles the mind. Lets just think about what we are typing for a minute.

"never ran a business" - Ronald Reagan never ran a business, was he a terrible President?

"never been in the military" - Ronald Regan was never in the military, Bush jr. was

"never ran anything" - I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.

You do realize that the only thing you do is spew the most simplistic form of Republican propaganda, right? Do you even realize that half of your arguments against Obama would be null depending on who the Republicans chose to run as a candidate? According to the criteria you listed, I think you just disqualified as incompetent about half of the Republican Presidents in our nation's history.
Yaweee said:
Agreed. It is a lot more complicated, there is still a positive correlation between low taxes and growth. Government appropriation of any kind of funding is know for being horrifically inefficient.
Depends on the situation, really. If you have a situation where negative externalities are occuring, extra taxation can actually be a good thing (i.e. increased economic efficiency due to reduction of negative effects). Unaffordable, unguaranteed health care like you have in the US is, I believe, one of those situations.

Market failures, i.e. situations wherein the market fails to meet all of the requirements of the "free market" definition, often don't correct themselves without government intervention. Even achieving a free market in the first place is difficult, if not impossible in some situations because of the nature of the product being traded (natural monopolies/monopsonies, asymmetry of information, prohibitive switching costs etc.).


Iraq is costing 10 billion a month. Would national healthcare would cost that much? What happened to the "compassionate" conservatives?


Yeah she is.

Also from the Palin/McCain town hall!

Asked for "specific skills" she could cite to rebut critics who question her grasp of international affairs, she replied, "I am prepared."

"I have that confidence. I have that readiness," Palin said. "And if you want specifics with specific policies or countries, you can go ahead and ask me. You can play 'stump the candidate' if you want to. But we are ready to serve."

GOP presidential nominee John McCain stepped in, pointing out that as governor of a state that is oil and gas plentiful, Palin was familiar with energy. She knows it to be "one of our great national security challenges," he said.

He also cited her nearly two years as commander of Alaska's National Guard. "I believe she is absolutely, totally qualified to address every challenge as the next vice president of the United States," McCain said.


Well I'm confident now.


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PhoenixDark said:
If they come around here in Michigan I'll ask a question. I'm sure they'd love to let a black dude speak to show some diversity

btw time to rehost the pic Tam
If the opportunity did present itself, would you ask a serious question or a "gotcha" question out of curiosity?


PhoenixDark said:
If they come around here in Michigan I'll ask a question. I'm sure they'd love to let a black dude speak to show some diversity

btw time to rehost the pic Tam

:( Gotta host mojo elsewhere dangit!


Ithink the media is slowly starting to realize what a McCain prdsidency would entail, so they are starting to be more critical. As the days go on, it becomes obvious what a disaster 4 years of McCain and Palin would be.


RubxQub said:
If the opportunity did present itself, would you ask a serious question or a "gotcha" question out of curiosity?

i bet PD would ask her if the Cat or the buttered toast would hit the ground first..


First tragedy, then farce.
KTallguy said:
I've never donated money to a political candidate until today.

Thanks! Its the best way to support the candidate. Give what you can so Obama can keep the ball rolling.


First tragedy, then farce.
PhoenixDark said:
If they come around here in Michigan I'll ask a question. I'm sure they'd love to let a black dude speak to show some diversity

btw time to rehost the pic Tam

Easiest question in the world:

"I support your ideas about reforming Washington, cutting down on pork and increasing oversight into the financial sector... I was just wondering why we should trust the governor of the state that gets more pork than any other state in the country and a Senator who has fought to kill regulation of the markets for 26 years to get it done"


kevm3 said:
Ithink the media is slowly starting to realize what a McCain prdsidency would entail, so they are starting to be more critical. As the days go on, it becomes obvious what a disaster 4 years of McCain and Palin would be.

You know, they have money in them banks and stock markets too;)
Funky Papa said:

I think we have new material for a motivational poster:

Wow . . . I was assuming this was a joke.

I guess it is real. Holy crap. God, if you exist please save us from your followers. :-/



First tragedy, then farce.
kevm3 said:
Ithink the media is slowly starting to realize what a McCain prdsidency would entail, so they are starting to be more critical. As the days go on, it becomes obvious what a disaster 4 years of McCain and Palin would be.

Actually, I think the real problem is the McCain camp started talking poorly about the media and calling them sexist for reporting a story the McCain camp put out there (Palins daughter being knocked up).

Then, after they started lying they said "Yeah, we are lying, and there aint shit you can do about it"

Guess what? Media wins that bet.


JayDubya said:
No, that's just people that can't pay for a service not getting a service, which generally isn't a problem in any other business, it's just that bleeding hearts get all whiny about this one.

I'm really, really confused by you.

You have claimed that one's inaction is as important as one's actions in determining guilt or responsibility.

You have claimed in the past that doctors who perform abortions are hitmen in white coats.

Yet a patient being refused service is somehow not murder? The doctor's inaction in this case is not all that bad? You mock "bleeding hearts" as getting all whiny about friends and loved ones dying, and yet you go into hysterics about hitmen in white coats over a clump of half-formed cells?


Mumei said:
I'm really, really confused by you.

You have claimed that one's inaction is as important as one's actions in determining guilt or responsibility.

You have claimed in the past that doctors who perform abortions are hitmen in white coats.

Yet a patient being refused service is somehow not murder? The doctor's inaction in this case is not all that bad? You mock "bleeding hearts" as getting all whiny about friends and loved ones dying, and yet you go into hysterics about hitmen in white coats over a clump of half-formed cells?
that half formed clump of cells could grow up to be a rich person and it doesn't really have a choice. Where as the patient that doesn't have money to pay for a doctor is verifiably poor. And poor people are poor because they obviously chose to be.
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