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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AniHawk said:
Wisconsin's turned a bit bluer than 2004. Like Ghaleon says, it's like Iowa. I wouldn't worry.
And look at the margins in the midwest in 2004:

Iowa: 1%
Minnesota: 3%
Wisconsin: 1%
Michigan: 3%

And for that matter -

Pennsylvania: 3%

Obama's numbers are generally better this year - Iowa is just over and done with - but all four of those others will be close. I think they'll ultimately be less close than in 2004, but it's not like Obama has them in the bag. It's going to be a fight.
GhaleonEB said:
And look at the margins in the midwest in 2004:

Iowa: 1%
Minnesota: 3%
Wisconsin: 1%
Michigan: 3%

And for that matter -

Pennsylvania: 3%

Obama's numbers are generally better this year - Iowa is just over and done with - but all four of those others will be close. I think they'll ultimately be less close than in 2004, but it's not like Obama has them in the bag. It's going to be a fight.

He's pretty fucked if he loses any of those Kerry states


Good lord, even Blair is trying to spin this now into Hamas/Hizbollah/Al Qaeda all being tied together. Bizarre.

Oh shit, Jon layin' down the truth. "I don't think we can ever go to war enough that 19 people won't want to attack us"

Mike M

Nick N
Diablos said:
Why the hell is Washington polling so damn close? Pretty sure it was solid blue all throughout 2000 and 2004. I know people outside of Seattle are pretty conservative, but Seattle offsets all of it and then some based on previous results.

Not so much. Our current Democrat governor only won the race on the *third* vote count and even then by only 129 votes.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Diablos said:
I was talking about the Presidential election, though. But yes, I recall reading about that one.

Also, one thing that just crossed my mind. Is Obama sinking some money into Wisconsin? Reason why I'm wondering:


Incredibly close in both 2000 and 2004, and could be a state to turn the election in either nominee's favor that no one is thinking about.
2004 and 2000 for that matter were scary close for wisconsin (not that it mattered). I'll be so fucking ashamed if we blow it. :(


quadriplegicjon said:
this is the link you posted: http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/ctrules/evcom/EVC-28.htm

is this a criminal case? or a business case?

Because there's no threat of jail time it's a civil case. This isn't a dispute over a business's assets of any sort where you NEED to know what a CEO or CFO was doing and when they were doing it.

and what does this mean: ?

From what I can tell it means that if a CEO or whatever is sending their spouse confidential communications relevant to the case, they MAY be admissible under Alaska's rules of evidence, but really there's a lot of statutes they reference there so it could be something a little different.


BrandNew said:
Holy shit TDS Moment of Zen :lol

I like Blair. He's a good guy, but he was misled obviously. I thought Jon was quite calm even when he was arguing.

Yeah it was a good interview. It was still kinda weird seeing half-hearted spin about all terrorists being connected.

I mean, you'd think he'd lay off that stuff now that he's out of power.


GhaleonEB said:
Presidential politics had nothing to do with this. Nada. Until McCain's lawyers injected themselves into it and took over for Palin's side. And frankly there's no defense for intimidating reporters who are, well, reporting on it. Or having McCain campaign lawyers ordering witnesses not to testify. Or for ignoring subpoenas. Or promising to cooperate, and then backing out.

And she's not "stonewalling a little bit". Unless this is a "little bit". It's dirty, plain and simple. This is *exactly* the kind of above the law shit we've had going down the past eight years.

If her alligations against the cop are true, and it all goes back to her urging the firing of a guy that shouldn't be a police officer anyway, and firing the dude who wouldn't do it, then I question whether or not it should even be an issue, in the same way I question whether or not Bill Clintons adultery should have been an issue. It would be a waste of everybody's time to investigate such a situation, even if there was some small wrong doing.

You look at this situation and the worst possible thing is that she tried to get a cop fired because he had a bad personal history with her sister and she thought he was a bad guy... Or possibly (if she is to be believed) tried to get a cop fired for issuing terroristic threats and tasering a kid.

At the very core, it seems like small potatoes to me. This is not watergate. Even if she's guilty it's not worth raising much of a fuss over. Now it will be tried in front of the whole nation, and whether shes' guilty or not it will stain her and could possibly ruin McCains chances.

I'm just not remotley impressed with this troopergate thing. If I was her, I would tell them all to fuck off.
GhaleonEB said:
I love the reaming of Fiorina, because it highlights how hypocritical McCain is for railing against golden parachutes. And the fundamentally strong --> fundamentally wrong tagline was clever.

You know what I'd like to see? Expand on that two minute ad of Obama just talking to the camera and turn it into a series of one-minute ads, one for each issue. Run one focused on taxes, one on his energy plan, another on healthcare. Just Bams talking about the issues.
Good idea.
Diablos said:
Why the hell is Washington polling so damn close? Pretty sure it was solid blue all throughout 2000 and 2004. I know people outside of Seattle are pretty conservative, but Seattle offsets all of it and then some based on previous results.

Western Washington (Seattle,Tacoma,Redmond,etc..) & Eastern Washington (Spokane,?,?,?) are like 2 separate states.

Don't think Obama has anything to worry about up here regardless of what the polls say.


Krowley said:
If her alligations against the cop are true, and it all goes back to her urging the firing of a guy that shouldn't be a police officer anyway, and then firing the dude who wouldn't do it, then I question whether or not it should even be an issue, in the same way I question whether or not Bill Clintons adultery should have been an issue. It would be a waste of everybody's time to investigate such a situation, even if there was some small wrong doing.

You look at this situation and the worst possible thing is that she tried to get a cop fired because he had a bad personal history with her sister and she thought he was a bad guy... Or possibly (if she is to be believed) tried to get a cop fired for issuing terroristic threats and tasering a kid.

At the very core, it seems like small potatoes to me. This is not watergate. Even if she's guilty it's not worth raising much of a fuss over. Now it will be tried in front of the whole nation, and whether shes' guilty or not it will stain her and could possibly ruin McCains chances.

I'm just not remotley impressed with this troopergate thing. If I was her, I would tell them to all fuck off.

If her allegations were 100% true, then why wouldn't she actually go through the legal system to do it? That's the thing that throws me off. You're the governor. You control the police force already, you can press charges.
Tamanon said:
If her allegations were 100% true, then why wouldn't she actually go through the legal system to do it? That's the thing that throws me off. You're the governor. You control the police force already, you can press charges.
Maybe that's how you do it in your precious cosmopolitan cities, but that's not the way justice is handed out in the wilderness of Alaska, where small town values reign supreme.


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Steve Youngblood said:
Maybe that's how you do it in your precious cosmopolitan cities, but that's not the way justice is handed out in the wilderness of Alaska, where small town values reign supreme.
...and wolves are shot from airplanes!...and then their feet are hacked off for a cash reward!



Tamanon said:
If her allegations were 100% true, then why wouldn't she actually go through the legal system to do it? That's the thing that throws me off. You're the governor. You control the police force already, you can press charges.

They decided he was guilty, and the alaskan police gave him a 5 day suspension. My understanding is that she was pretty upset about that and thought he deserved worse, but she didn't have the power to do anything about it, and obviously there was a conflict of interest.


Krowley said:
You look at this situation and the worst possible thing is that she tried to get a cop fired because he had a bad personal history with her sister and she thought he was a bad guy... Or possibly (if she is to be believed) tried to get a cop fired for issuing terroristic threats and tasering a kid.
Palin has offered up four different reasons for why he was fired now. None of the evidence points to the reasons above.


Krowley said:
They decided he was guilty, and the alaskan police gave him a 5 day suspension. My understanding is that she was pretty upset about that and thought he deserved worse, but she didn't have the power to do anything about it, and obviously there was a conflict of interest.

Um, if the allegations of wife-beating and tasering were prosecuted he wouldn't get a suspension, he'd be fired. That's what I'm refering to. His suspension was for something else.
Palin expects Biden to be a 'great debater'
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Sep 18, 5:29 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said she expects a challenging debate next month when she faces a Democratic opponent who was elected to the Senate when she was 8 years old.

"Sen. (Joe) Biden has tremendous amount of experience," Palin said in an interview scheduled to air Thursday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes.""I think he was first elected when I was like in second grade. He's been in there a long, long, long time."

Lowering expectations is typically part of the political gamesmanship before a debate. Biden has said he has debated "an awful lot of tough, smart women" and Palin will be no exception.

"She's a smart, tough politician, so I think she's going to be very formidable," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" earlier this month.

Biden, 65, was elected Delaware senator in 1972 at age 29. He turned 30 before taking office. He serves as chairman of Foreign Relations Committee and is a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

"So he's got the experience," Palin noted. "He probably has the sound bites. He has the rhetoric. He knows what's expected of him. He is a great debater, also. So yes, it's going to be quite a task in front of me."

Palin, 44, was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 6,500, before becoming Alaska's governor in December 2006.

The vice presidential contenders are to meet Oct. 2 at Washington University in St. Louis.



Tamanon said:
Um, if the allegations of wife-beating and tasering were prosecuted he wouldn't get a suspension, he'd be fired. That's what I'm refering to. His suspension was for something else.

I'm not aware of wife beating charges in detail, but here is what's on wikipedia about the subject.

Before Palin became governor, she and other members of her family had made various allegations of misconduct against Wooten. An internal investigation upheld some charges and rejected others. On March 1, 2006 the chief of the Alaska state police issued a letter of reprimand to Wooten, and he served a five-day suspension as penalty. After Palin became governor in December 2006, she, her husband Todd Palin, and various aides had further contacts with Monegan about Wooten. Monegan told both Sarah Palin and Todd Palin that the disciplinary proceeding against Wooten was concluded and could not be reopened.

so apparently this all started before she became governer, and the police were contacted and they just suspended him.

Small town police forces are notoriously corrupt and I don't doubt that he was guilty of something.


Krowley said:
I'm not aware of wife beating charges in detail, but here is what's on wikipedia about the subject.

So there ya go. Now what justifies firing Monegan again?:p

Krowley: Alaska is definitely corrupt, so I definitely suspect her of something!


Tamanon said:
So there ya go. Now what justifies firing Monegan again?:p

Krowley: Alaska is definitely corrupt, so I definitely suspect her of something!

As far as monegan goes, she claims all kinds of reasons for firing him, but I don't doubt that she just fired him for not firing this cop. I suspect she's just lying :p

I would not be a bit surprised if she was guilty of this, but I also wouldn't be surprised if the cop is guilty of the charges she alleged, in which case I don't blame her at all.
Krowley said:
I would not be a bit surprised if she was guilty of this
What are we arguing about, then?
but I also wouldn't be surprised if the cop is guilty of the charges she alleged, in which case I don't blame her at all.
Ah, that. Subjectivity and the ability of the electorate to empathize with her. I don't think that's the issue. Personally, I don't really think that Troopergate is the single, biggest objection to her candidacy, but it does raise concerns of hypocrisy about her whole transparency angle, and how she's going to clean up D.C.

Saying "I would have done the same thing" hardly seems relevant. After all, I'm not running for the office of Vice President.
Son of Godzilla said:
So how much of the sky fell today?
It didn't. Thanks to their ruining of the economy for their own selfish, political gain, the Democrats are on a gravy train with biscuit wheels right now. As long as Americans can't afford the basic necessities, and Wall Street continues to collapse, Obama's got this thing locked up.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
Apparently he was suspended for a period of time, so the police department believed it enough to punish him. If he actually did it, they probably should have went ahead and fired him.

I also don't deny that it's possible that she engaged in a smear campaign against him. There is so much conflicting stuff going on in this case that I don't know what to believe anymore. All I know is that it's' blown up into something huge and that can easily lead to corruption.

Dude! She didn't fire him because the guy because her ex-brother in law threaten to kill her dad!!!

Educate yourself on this situation.

Flemington, NJ, September 16, 2008 – A new national focus group among 312 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents, revealed that after viewing a new ad by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund regarding "Palin's Wildlife Record", there was moderate movement among all parties toward Barack Obama.

The study was conducted by HCD Research and the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion (MCIPO) on September 15, to obtain Americans' perceptions of a new ad which questions Governor Sarah Palin's record in regard to wildlife in Alaska.

"The ad which focuses on Governor Palin's record regarding the treatment of wildlife in Alaska seemed to strike a chord with voters," commented Glenn Kessler, president and CEO, HCD Research. "The recent ads from both parties have had little impact among voters. This is the first ad in over a month that seems to have broken through," he added.

Among the study findings:

The ad earned Barack Obama a Political Communications Impact Score (PCIS) of 29.4 and John McCain received a score of 5.9, resulting in a net score of 23.5 for Barack Obama. The scores can be compared to a mean score of 9.3 for previously tested Obama ads and 7.5 for previously tested McCain ads. To date, the total mean score for all previously tested ads is 8.3

The most prevalent emotional responses reported from voters were "angry" and "disturbed" after viewing the ad.

Click link to watch video with real time response from voters.


Krowley said:
I'm not aware of wife beating charges in detail, but here is what's on wikipedia about the subject.

so apparently this all started before she became governer, and the police were contacted and they just suspended him.

Small town police forces are notoriously corrupt and I don't doubt that he was guilty of something.

So, because Wooten may have been a bad person, but was only punished for some of his crimes, this somehow justifies Palin in firing Monaghan? I don't think so. That would be a failure of the legal system and something that Palin has to suck it up and live with. If there were some legal way for Palin or her family to try to get Wooten thrown in jail or fired or whatever she should have pursued it instead of firing an honest man.

Given the scandals of the current administration, especially in the justice department, we cannot afford to have anyone in power who is even anywhere near performing unjust firings. That's why this is a big deal. It reflects on Palin's personality and leadership style in reference to recent events which are beyond the point of absurdity. We simply cannot have someone abusing power like this in office.
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