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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Krowley said:
If it was obama or Biden in this position and the old republican congress was in charge of the investigation, a lot of people would be screaming "republican witch hunt!!!".

Oh, bullshit. Not level-headed supporters. If Obama or Biden were in her exact position, plently, including myself, would welcome an investigation. They'd also lose a lot of support, especially if they were ignoring subpoenas and having their party hire lawyers to sue in order to stop the investigation.

I know I'd vote third party.


Fragamemnon said:
New Obama ad up that undermines McCain on the economy:


The stuff about Carly and Gramm is just perfect. It's exact the message that needs to get out there, since the company you keep in your campaign really does influence how you are going to govern.

ahahaha, whoever is doing these new ads needs a fucking raise.

I love that Fiorina can't defend herself either, since the McCain campaign grounded her yesterday.
I think it's pretty hilarious how after the McCain campaign effectively removed Fiorina as a public spokesperson for the campaign, the Obama campaign decides to attack her in an ad.

Pretty smart of them. Where is she to defend herself?

EDIT: Get out of my head, DEO3.


Clevinger said:
Oh, bullshit. Not level-headed supporters. If Obama or Biden were in her exact position, plently, including myself, would welcome an investigation. They'd also lose a lot of support, especially if they were ignoring subpoenas and having their party hire lawyers to sue in order to stop the investigation.

I know I'd vote third party.

Clinton certainly lost a lot of supporters during the White Water investigation.


Setec Astronomer
Krowley said:
edit// also, even if she did it, the idea that a governer would want to remove a police officer who had threatened to kill her father doesn't exactly make me hate her. We don't need people like that in law enforcement, and there are too many of them as it is.
Palin got in trouble for slandering/defaming the guy before. I'd take such stories with a grain of salt.


Clevinger said:
Oh, bullshit. Not level-headed supporters. If Obama or Biden were in her exact position, plently, including myself, would welcome an investigation. They'd also lose a lot of support, especially if they were ignoring subpoenas and having their party hire lawyers to sue in order to stop the investigation.

I know I'd vote third party.

I'm not doubting you're reasonable, but personaly even as a McCain supporter, I would not blame Obama for ignoring such a subpeona. The old republican congress undoubtedly would be trying to smear him.

By the same token, there is no doubt that there are people that have a rooting interest in her being found guilty here and plenty of them are probably involved in the investigation. I don't blame her for turning against the whole proceedings until politics can take more of a backseat.

I have no faith in our legal system anyway, especially when politics is involved. I don't understand why anybody would. People get railroaded all the time.

Hitokage said:
Palin got in trouble for slandering/defaming the guy before. I'd take such stories with a grain of salt.

Apparently he was suspended for a period of time, so the police department believed it enough to punish him. If he actually did it, they probably should have went ahead and fired him.

I also don't deny that it's possible that she engaged in a smear campaign against him. There is so much conflicting stuff going on in this case that I don't know what to believe anymore. All I know is that it's' blown up into something huge and that can easily lead to corruption.


laserbeam said:
Obama's ad on McCain advisors seems like a we can do that ad too reply to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYI0mHWQeD8

And personally I think the McCain one is far more damaging considering that CEO is part of the actual economic problem right now.

But....Raimey isn't and wasn't an advisor to Obama:p

And you honestly believe that the ex-CEO of Fannie Mae was more instrumental in the economic problems than PHIL GRAMM?


laserbeam said:
Obama's ad on McCain advisors seems like a we can do that ad too reply to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYI0mHWQeD8

And personally I think the fact fannie mae and Freddy mac CEOs or former are advisors to Obama is far more damaging considering those CEOs ran those companies into the ground.

2 things:

- Obama's ad was out last week (this came out today)

- That ad is another lie (surprising!). The guy is not on Obama's team


laserbeam said:
Obama's ad on McCain advisors seems like a we can do that ad too reply to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYI0mHWQeD8

And personally I think the McCain one is far more damaging considering that CEO is part of the actual economic problem right now.

Hahaha. McCain attacking Obama on the economy. Good stuff.

Tamanon said:
But....Raimey isn't and wasn't an advisor to Obama:p

Yeah but the lying Republican scumbag said it so it must be true.


Krowley said:
I'm not doubting you're reasonable, but personaly even as a McCain supporter, I would not blame Obama for ignoring such a subpeona. The old republican congress undoubtedly would be trying to smear him.
But that's not the situation. It's a republican controlled House and committee that is overseeing this investigation. The vote to order the investigation was unanimous.

If Obama were being investigated by a Democratically controlled committee and both parties agreed an investigation should take place - and Obama had previously promised to cooperate - you can bet he'd lose a lot of support if he pulled half of what Palin is doing. Obstruction, intimidation, delaying. It reeks of corruption.


thekad said:
:lol @ Gaborn supporting the McCain campaign screwing with the investigation. Again, no shame.

From a legal standpoint I've never heard of ANY lawyer that would advise a client to cooperate fully with an investigation, have you? For that matter WOULD you cooperate with the police if you were arrested?

Tamanon - :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol no, but I certainly think they've got every right to resist the investigation as well. I just wish the Dems had more of a spine in pressing an investigation into the Iraq war. Seriously, what the hell are they doing, are they doing ANY investigations into Bush at the moment? There's... quite a bit of THERE there.


mj1108 said:
That guy was never an advisor for Obama.

Chalk up another McCain lie.... how many are we at now?

Do you have proof he hasn't been? Obama has refused to release his list of advisors etc. Easy to say that he isn't when you have no actual list. The Washington Post says he has been an advisor and may very well still be.


laserbeam said:
Do you have proof he hasn't been? Obama has refused to release his list of advisors etc. Easy to say that he isn't when you have no actual list

McCain eats babies and was raised by Hitler.

You have proof this isn't true? Because I'd like to see it.


laserbeam said:
Do you have proof he hasn't been? Obama has refused to release his list of advisors etc. Easy to say that he isn't when you have no actual list

Generally the burden of proof is on the accuser.


Cloudy said:
2 things:

- Obama's ad was out last week (this came out today)

- That ad is another lie (surprising!). The guy is not on Obama's team
To add to that:

The campaign puts out a statement from former Fannie Mae chief Franklin Raines, disowning ties to Obama, after a McCain ad attacked him for the ties.

The Washington Post reported -- with the kind of blind sourcing that suggests the source was Raines -- that Raines had "taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters."

Raines said in the statement through the campaign, "I am not an advisor to Barack Obama, nor have I provided his campaign with advice on housing or economic matters."

Obama spokesman Bill Burton added an attack:

This is another flat-out lie from a dishonorable campaign that is increasingly incapable of telling the truth. Frank Raines has never advised Senator Obama about anything -- ever. And by the way, someone whose campaign manager and top advisor worked and lobbied for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shouldn't be throwing stones from his seven glass houses.


laserbeam is right. Did you guys hear that Hitler is advising Obama?

edit: beaten

Gaborn: Sorry, but I can't take you seriously anymore; there's ni point in jumping in an argument with you. But I will say that, yes, if I was innocent, I would cooperate with the police fully.


Yeah if I'm innocent, I'd cooperate fully, but that's mainly because I'm selfish and want to make sure that at least they can cross me off their list:p

And that was an awesome infomercial/Hannity mashup on Daily Show.


GhaleonEB said:
But that's not the situation. It's a republican controlled House and committee that is overseeing this investigation. The vote to order the investigation was unanimous.

If Obama were being investigated by a Democratically controlled committee and both parties agreed an investigation should take place - and Obama had previously promised to cooperate - you can bet he'd lose a lot of support if he pulled half of what Palin is doing. Obstruction, intimidation, delaying. It reeks of corruption.

Maybe, but you forget that even the republicans over there hate her pretty bad.

Oddly enough, prior to her nomination as VP, she supposedly had better relations with the democratic party than with the republcan. Obviously once presidential politics became involved, that changed, but on the day of her pick there were plenty of alaskan republican legslators that went out of their way to make negative comments about her and plenty of dems that had good things to say about her.

Maybe she's guilty on this, but presidential politics isn't going to do her any favors. I personaly don't blame her for stonewalling a little bit.

edit// if i was innocent, I would be very careful about any kind of cooperation with any police investigation. I just don't trust law enforcement very much, and I have a lifelong phobia of being falsley accused of something. Maybe I've seen too many Hitchcock movies.


The Daily Show's been on fire since the RNC kicked off. Last night's "The Economy & You" was excellent. Especially Stewart's comment to the people on CNN.


Two Strategic Vision Polls to be released tomorrow. New Jersey and Washington

Strategic Vision will be releasing polls tomorrow in New Jersey and Washington. Both polls were conducted September 14-16 and had a margin of error of +/-3.0%.

In the Garden State, Barack Obama leads John McCain by 4 points, 47% to 43% with 2% for other candidates and 8% undecided. That is a tightening from SV's last poll in New Jersey taken back in the middle of July that showed Obama with a 9-point lead.

In Washington state, SV shows Obama leading McCain by five, 47% to 42%. That also represents a closing of the gap from SV's last poll in the Evergreen State back on July 25-27 which had Obama up 11 points, 48 to 37.

Overall tightening in favor of McCain. Still believe it's a non-issue considering it's Washington and New Jersey.


Why the hell is Washington polling so damn close? Pretty sure it was solid blue all throughout 2000 and 2004. I know people outside of Seattle are pretty conservative, but Seattle offsets all of it and then some based on previous results.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gaborn said:
Besides, marriage affords you the legal right you cannot be compelled to testify against your spouse

he doesnt have to testify about things related to the marriage.. but he can certainly testify about his actions and those of others.


perfectchaos007 said:
What do you mean? Did it look like there was weeks worth of editing and stuff?

No the line of questions. It was one of those fluff interviews where you say "Tell us about how awesome you are"


Diablos said:
Why the hell is Washington polling so damn close? Pretty sure it was solid blue all throughout 2000 and 2004.

Actually as I recall it was somewhat close in 2000, I KNOW for a fact the senate race was a very slim margin for Cantwell over Gorton.


perfectchaos007 said:
What do you mean? Did it look like there was weeks worth of editing and stuff?
it was on daily show.

she answered the same way and pretty much word for word as some infomercial they (daily show) found.


Krowley said:
Maybe, but you forget that even the republicans over there hate her pretty bad.

Oddly enough, prior to her nomination as VP, she supposedly had better relations with the democratic party than with the republcan. Obviously once presidential politics became involved, that changed, but on the day of her pick there were plenty of alaskan republican legslators that went out of their way to make negative comments about her and plenty of dems that had good things to say about her.

Maybe she's guilty on this, but presidential politics isn't going to do her any favors. I personaly don't blame her for stonewalling a little bit.
Presidential politics had nothing to do with this. Nada. Until McCain's lawyers injected themselves into it and took over for Palin's side. And frankly there's no defense for intimidating reporters who are, well, reporting on it. Or having McCain campaign lawyers ordering witnesses not to testify. Or for ignoring subpoenas. Or promising to cooperate, and then backing out.

And she's not "stonewalling a little bit". Unless this is a "little bit". It's dirty, plain and simple. This is *exactly* the kind of above the law shit we've had going down the past eight years.


quadriplegicjon said:
he doesnt have to testify about things related to the marriage.. but he can certainly testify about his actions and those of others.

Under spousal immunity (since in Alaska as I noted on the previous page civil proceedings are covered) he wouldn't have to testify on ANYTHING that could conceivably incriminate his wife.
Obama only up by 4 in NJ? Ouch.

The liberals in North Jersey and the college kids better turn out. Here in South Jersey, it seems like everyone is a Republican.


Gaborn said:
Actually as I recall it was somewhat close in 2000, I KNOW for a fact the senate race was a very slim margin for Cantwell over Gorton.
I was talking about the Presidential election, though. But yes, I recall reading about that one.

Also, one thing that just crossed my mind. Is Obama sinking some money into Wisconsin? Reason why I'm wondering:


Incredibly close in both 2000 and 2004, and could be a state to turn the election in either nominee's favor that no one is thinking about.


Diablos said:

Incredibly close and could be a state to turn the election in either nominee's favor that no one is thinking about.

Wisconsin's turned a bit bluer than 2004. Like Ghaleon says, it's like Iowa. I wouldn't worry.


Tony Blair looks old on there. I always liked the guy, though I disagreed with him much when he became Bush's lapdog. It takes a pretty sharp person to stand in front of Parliament and handle the volley of questions and insults. Bush would have crumbled in his place.

The video mash was good. I wish I wasn't at the fridge for the first part. TDS has been great, but I think Colbert's had the much better commentary. His interviews are much better too since being overbearing is his character. The guests have to know their shit, especially if he's feeling mean. PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
Tony Blair looks old on there. I always liked the guy, though I disagreed with him much when he became Bush's lapdog.
That was just damn sad. Tony Blair was one of the world's best leaders and then he let Bush take him out for a stroll. Unreal. I never thought he'd fall for such a complete moron.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gaborn said:
Under spousal immunity (since in Alaska as I noted on the previous page civil proceedings are covered) he wouldn't have to testify on ANYTHING that could conceivably incriminate his wife.

this is the link you posted: http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/ctrules/evcom/EVC-28.htm

is this a criminal case? or a business case?

(F)0In business cases under subdivision (a) (2) (F), the need for third parties to have information outweighs the spouse's need for protection, especially about non-personal, commercial matters.

and what does this mean: ?

This exception does not permit disclosure of communications that merely reveal a plan to commit a crime or fraud; it permits disclosure only of communications made to enable or aid anyone to commit or plan to commit a crime or fraud.
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