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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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mckmas8808 said:
Dude! She didn't fire him because the guy because her ex-brother in law threaten to kill her dad!!!

Educate yourself on this situation.

Were do you reccomend I start.. Maybe the daily kos? Huffington post? Maybe Olberman had something interesting to say about it, or Chris Mathews. I don't watch their stuff so I may have missed something. Maybe I can learn something from the NY times.

I've been mostly paying attention to Limbaugh and Hannity for my news during this campaign.

But seriously, who do I believe? Everybody is saying different things. This seems like a distraction to me. It's definitly taken the shine of Palin and hurt McCain to some extent but It just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. As I stated a few posts up, I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill with this.

And for the record, I don't blame the liberals for exploiting this. It hurts me to see her wounded, because I immediatlley liked her as a choice, and I still do, but this is a presidential campaign, and people are going to make hay when they can.

As I said above, the firing was probably improper from a legal standpoint, but I suspect that she had her reasons.

Miroku said:
So, because Wooten may have been a bad person, but was only punished for some of his crimes, this somehow justifies Palin in firing Monaghan? I don't think so. That would be a failure of the legal system and something that Palin has to suck it up and live with. If there were some legal way for Palin or her family to try to get Wooten thrown in jail or fired or whatever she should have pursued it instead of firing an honest man.

Given the scandals of the current administration, especially in the justice department, we cannot afford to have anyone in power who is even anywhere near performing unjust firings. That's why this is a big deal. It reflects on Palin's personality and leadership style in reference to recent events which are beyond the point of absurdity. We simply cannot have someone abusing power like this in office.

That's a pretty reasonable argument I suppose. But honestly, the biggest problem with Bush has been the people he hasn't fired.. All the people that he kept in office even though they had no buisness in their positions, All the shitty people he defended endlessly even though their incompetence was obvious.

Palin has a record of being very very quick to fire people, and I don't think that's nessecarily bad. whether or not this guy deserved to be fired will eventually come out, but I don't nessecarily buy the opposition spin that she's fired an honest guy. Why should I believe them over her?


Krowley said:
Were do you reccomend I start.. Maybe the daily kos? Huffington post? Maybe Olberman had something interesting to say about it, or Chris Mathews. I don't watch their stuff so I may have missed something. Maybe I can learn something from the NY times.

I've been mostly paying attention to Limbaugh and Hannity for my news during this campaign.

I'd recommend not listening to the extreme of either side, whether they be Hannity or Olbermann.

Try to find good writers in papers or magazines among The Washington Post, NYT, Time etc.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
As far as monegan goes, she claims all kinds of reasons for firing him, but I don't doubt that she just fired him for not firing this cop. I suspect she's just lying :p

I would not be a bit surprised if she was guilty of this, but I also wouldn't be surprised if the cop is guilty of the charges she alleged, in which case I don't blame her at all.

But you DO realize that your post means that she's corrupt right?
Steve Youngblood said:
It didn't. Thanks to their ruining of the economy for their own selfish, political gain, the Democrats are on a gravy train with biscuit wheels right now. As long as Americans can't afford the basic necessities, and Wall Street continues to collapse, Obama's got this thing locked up.
Really? I've just watched the nightly news and Leno and the only thing I saw was the dems being a bunch of opportunistic jerks.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
AniHawk said:
Panic Time over?


Krowley said:
Palin has a record of being very very quick to fire people, and I don't think that's nessecarily bad.


Because you did it twice.

And yeah, her history of firing people quickly and without good cause is what you should be alarmed about. She's pretty corrupt.


AniHawk said:

Because you did it twice.

And yeah, her history of firing people quickly and without good cause is what you should be alarmed about.
Quick to fire people over personal or ideological reasons, not ones based on performance or qualifications.
Krowley said:
This seems like a distraction to me. It's definitly taken the shine of Palin and hurt McCain to some extent but It just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. As I stated a few posts up, I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill with this.
In all honesty, the problem is that we often lose sight of in these situations is that it doesn't matter what we think, at least on an individual level. The reason why this gets attention is because there is an actual investigation going on concerning abuse of power. Now, this could be bad for even seasoned, well-liked politicians. However, it's especially going to gain some time in the spotlight when the allegations are against a largely unknown person who was, overnight, elevated into the national scene as the new force to be reckoned with in the manner she was. Furthermore, she was unveiled with this narrative as a maverick who is going to kick out corrupt politicians.

In that light, there is a story here. Is it a good one? Who knows? If anything comes from it from a legal standpoint, then it's a big deal. If it continues getting attention, and her favorability ratings drop, then it's a big deal. If the investigation goes nowhere, and she achieves good favorability, then it's not a story.

It's not unlike us when we complain about the attention on, say, Reverend Wright. We complained that the media was making a mountain out of a molehill, and that there were better stories to cover. However, if there were voters out there that were turned off by Obama's association with such a divisive figure, then it's not really up to us to cry that there's nothing there. Now that the dust has settled, I would argue that we were right, but at the time, it wasn't really our place to argue that the media needed to stop with this nonsense.


GhaleonEB said:
Quick to fire people over personal or ideological reasons, not ones based on performance or qualifications.

Welcome to the delightful world of modern politics. If you want to start holding Palin accountable for this shit, better get out the list of your local politicians and start making phone calls.

Edit: Hell why did I say modern? This is politics. Hell this is the US. People get fired for personal reasons all the time.


GhaleonEB said:
Quick to fire people over personal or ideological reasons, not ones based on performance or qualifications.

Yeah, pretty much. It's kinda funny since there was a motion to impeach her based on her performance and qualifications.
Smiles and Cries said:
I do not see McCain as a Delorean owner... I see him as someone who owns one of those early bikes. As seen in the movie with Paul Newman riding this bike with a 8 feet tall wheel and a smaller one in the back. Not that McCain could ever join the hole in the wall gang. Still that bike is McCain
You are misremembering Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.


Although the sentiment is apt.



mckmas8808 said:
But you DO realize that your post means that she's corrupt right?

I think it's more a sign that the system is corrupt.

It's hard to deal in that for very long without having some of it rub off on you.

At first she looked pretty clean, but she's obviously gotten her hands a little dirty as well and she's shown herself to be a politician to the core with some of her claims (like the halftruth about the jet and shit like that). It was a little disapointing at first, but then you realise that you can't win unless you play the game.

There isn't anybody in this campaign that doesn't have some kind of poison cloud in their background.


Krowley said:
I think it's more a sign that the system is corrupt.

It's hard to deal in that for very long without having some of it rub off on you.

At first she looked pretty clean, but she's obviously gotten her hands a little dirty as well and she's shown herself to be a politician to the core with some of her claims (like the halftruth about the jet and shit like that). It was a little disapointing at first, but then you realise that you can't win unless you play the game.

There isn't anybody in this campaign that doesn't have some kind of poison cloud in their background.

That isnt true. Obama turned his poison cloud into a hope cloud. Which rains chocolate. And virgins.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
Palin has a record of being very very quick to fire people, and I don't think that's nessecarily bad. whether or not this guy deserved to be fired will eventually come out, but I don't nessecarily buy the opposition spin that she's fired an honest guy. Why should I believe them over her?

Do you even know who was fired? Can you tell me right now who she got fired?

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
The trooper admitted to tasering his son with a training bolt that cops are required to take as part of their taser training. His son had asked him to do it, and apparantly he did it at a family gathering.

He also admitted to shooting a Moose without a permit, however his wife who did have a permit was with him at the time so this is a non issue, except it was brought up in the acrimonious custody battle which ensued when the couple broke up. Also as part of this custody battle allegations were made that he drank on duty, he threatened his father in law.

These allegations were apparently made by Sarah Palin, who was asked by the judge in the custody case to refrain from smearing the trooper.

He was suspended for tasering his son, which he freely admitted, and said he regretted.


NewLib said:
That isnt true. Obama turned his poison cloud into a hope cloud. Which rains chocolate. And virgins.
Does it depress you, NewLib? To know just how alone you really are? Does it make you feel responsible for the right's current predicament?


AniHawk said:
lol Republicans.

Indeed lol Republicans. Who are we laughing at in particular? I like to throw rocks at the Republicans I laugh at.

Edit: I dont know why I would feel responsible for the GOP current predicament. I mean I didnt vote an idiot who was easily manipulated twice. Well I couldnt vote the first time, but I did vote Not-Bush the 2nd.

Maybe I caused the financial crisis or War in Iraq? I dont think I planted WMDs and then hid them to make the GOP look bad. I also dont think I was in charge of most of the major financial institutions in this country and ran part our economy in the ground.

So I dont know what I have to feel bad for.
AniHawk said:
Does it depress you, NewLib? To know just how alone you really are? Does it make you feel responsible for the GOP's current predicament?

There are no Republicans on this board. Only Libertarians , Independents, and Conservatives who only attack the Democratic candidate...


NewLib said:
Indeed lol Republicans. Who are we laughing at in particular? I like to throw rocks at the Republicans I laugh at.

I've discovered that oftentimes, rocks don't hurt nearly as much as I want them to.

Stoney Mason said:
There are no Republicans on this board. Only Libertarians and Conservatives who only attack the Democratic candidate...

Ah yes. I get libertarians and republicans confused if they're not named Gaborn or JayDubya (who are good people).


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
NewLib said:
Indeed lol Republicans. Who are we laughing at in particular? I like to throw rocks at the Republicans I laugh at.

It's funny that you think DEMs believe that Obama is Jesus Christ in black face. That's what's funny.
mckmas8808 said:
It's funny that you think DEMs believe that Obama is Jesus Christ in black face. That's what's funny.
I still stand by the idea that Jesus was a typical Jewish man for the time and area he lived in.

Nappy headed, and dark as night.

I knew Jesus, and Obama is no Jesus. Jesus used marijuana throughout his life. Obama just smoked it in college.

The only thing Palin smoked in college was Alaskan grass. Seriously, she didn't realize someone sold her grass clippings. Her husband was pissed.


mckmas8808 said:
It's funny that you think DEMs believe that Obama is Jesus Christ in black face. That's what's funny.

I dont think Ive implied that at all. Do I think some DEMs look past Obama's faults? Yes, but I was more making fun of the message than anything. Its a silly message. Effective, but silly.

Thats not to say I dont agree with many things Obama says. I just wish he get down to the nitty gritty and quit with these high ideal messages that dont reach seem to touch on anything important. Now he has done MUCH better recently which is I think a big reason with the change in poling. After the Palin shit, he seems to have dropped the training gloves.

Now I could make fun of McCain, but come on the man is a self-parody. I think the hilarity is obvious to anyone who watches him and it doesnt take me to point it out.


mckmas8808 said:
Do you even know who was fired? Can you tell me right now who she got fired?

She fired Walt Monegan the public saftey commisioner.

Yes I understand the situation. I suspect that after it became clear that he wouldn't fire the cop, she no longer felt very comfortable working with him, and I suspect that their working relationship was strained, so she removed him. Is that wrong? maybe... Should he have fired the cop? Maybe.

As has been stated, she has a history of firing people that aren't really "on board" with her administrations. If there was tension between her and this guy creating a poor working relationship, and she felt he had poor judgement due to his decision not to fire this cop, maybe she thought somebody else would be better in the position.

edit// And Anihawk..

I am too sleeply to bother spelling shit right tonight, but thanks for the heads up. That one always gets me.

I also sometimes get my "there's" confused, but I've been working on it.

edit// :lol had to edit again to spell thanks right.


Krowley said:
As has been stated, she has a history of firing people that aren't really "on board" with her administrations.

The sign of a truly great leader indeed!

Fuck the whiners, lets go hunt some moose!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
She fired Walt Monegan the public saftey commisioner.

Yes I understand the situation. I suspect that after it became clear that he wouldn't fire the cop, she no longer felt very comfortable working with him, and I suspect that their working relationship was strained, so she removed him. Is that wrong? maybe... Should he have fired the cop? Maybe.

As has been stated, she has a history of firing people that aren't really "on board" with her administrations.

edit// And Anihawk..

I am too sleeply to bother spelling shit right tonight, but thinks for the heads up. That one always gets me.

I also sometimes get my "there's" confused, but I've been working on it.

Okay that's great. So you do see how this completely goes against her talk of reform and less corruption right?

You do understand that she is running away from your explantation of her firing the guy. If she is constantly changing the reason why she fired an innocent guy, this doesn't go hand-in-hand with with her reform talk either.


Miroku said:
The sign of a truly great leader indeed!

Fuck the whiners, lets go hunt some moose!

As i added in my edit.

If there was tension between her and this guy creating a poor working relationship, and she felt he had poor judgement due to his decision not to fire this cop, maybe she thought somebody else would be better in the position.

Or maybe she's in the wrong on this.


Krowley said:
As i added in my edit.

If there was tension between her and this guy creating a poor working relationship, and she felt he had poor judgement due to his decision not to fire this cop, maybe she thought somebody else would be better in the position.

Or maybe she's in the wrong on this.

Way to put yourself out on a limb.


mckmas8808 said:
Okay that's great. So you do see how this completely goes against her talk of reform and less corruption right?

You do understand that she is running away from your explantation of her firing the guy. If she is constantly changing the reason why she fired an innocent guy, this doesn't go hand-in-hand with with her reform talk either.

Yes as I said above, I don't think she's a saint.. This is a presidential race and she's probably just lying.

I also know that McCain isn't a saint, and neither is Obama and neither is Joe Biden.

Are there any successful politicians that haven't done something questionable at some point? Are there any successful politicians that haven't been caught in a few lies or questionable activities?

She has a few things in her record that speak to a relativley strong character, but that doesn't mean she's perfect. I've been a bit disapointed with some of the revelations recently but compared to most other pols, she still seems pretty clean.


*drowns in jizz*
Son of Godzilla said:
Really? I've just watched the nightly news and Leno and the only thing I saw was the dems being a bunch of opportunistic jerks.

Oh yeah, definitely. They're opportunistic because they're actually talking about the economy, and using it 'for political gain'. They should just shut the fuck up about the economy, and talk about sillier things. This also seems to be the new GOP talking point.


The problem here is that, by his own admission, the instant Krowley saw Palin, he decided he liked her, and every time some new dirt comes up on her, or another one of her claims turns out to be a lie, or she insults the intelligence of the American people (she has foreign policy experience because Russia is close to Alaska!) he is willing to jump through the mental hoops to justify it away.

It doesn't matter that she is woefully unqualified for the job or that she is a proven pathological liar, he just likes her, dammit!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
Yes as I said above, I don't think she's a saint.. This is a presidential race and she's probably just lying.

I also know that McCain isn't a saint, and neither is Obama and neither is Joe Biden.

Are there any successful politicians that haven't done something questionable at some point? Are there any successful politicians that haven't been caught in a few lies or questionable activities?

She has a few things in her record that speak to a relativley strong character, but that doesn't mean she's perfect. I've been a bit disapointed with some of the revelations recently but compared to most other pols, she still seems pretty clean.

But these two things don't go together. You've only known about her for 3 weeks. That's the bad thing. Yeah all politicians do something bad in life, but at the end of the day Palin isn't what you or anybody else thought she was when we were first introduced to her.

And McCain picked her knowing that she was in the middle of a serious investigation.
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