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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AniHawk said:



:lol :lol

I didn't even notice the handfade at first.

Amir0x said:
The debates are going to solidify this thing.

If Obama can firmly be seen as putting this away to most media outlets, I think then PoliGAF can really begin to get excited.

Here's the thing, though, did have you seen the two forums? Obama is thoughtful, inteligent speaker. But he isn't very fast, much slower than McCain, which is weird. Honestly, as far as the media interpretation goes, it's not going to be a sure-thing for Obama.


TheGrayGhost said:
Here's the thing, though, did have you seen the two forums? Obama is thoughtful, inteligent speaker. But he isn't very fast, much slower than McCain, which is weird. Honestly, as far as the media interpretation goes, it's not going to be a sure-thing for Obama.

I dunno. The only times we've really seen him on the offensive in a big way was against Keyes. He was nicer to Clinton because I think he genuinely thought they were very similar on a lot of issues. At the two forums, I think he took it more as an interview/conversation with the people hosting.


Where Gaming & PoliGAF collide--

Heh, the new Political Machine 2008 patch really makes the higher difficulty games more fun. Just won a squeaker on Painful. The final map was absolutely absurd, but whatever, I got over 280.



get some go again
i have a question for poli-gaf. i've always wondered do people that make obama t shirts or mccain t shirts have to pay them anything? how does that work?
Rur0ni said:
Good 'ol Boy network in action. Troopergate derailed until after the election.

They can kill the actual investigation but those headlines aren't going to go away. We're going to see news about their refusal to participate straight into the elections and people, while stupid, aren't that stupid; everyone knows what it means when you are doing everything you possibly can to not participate with an investigation.


Some random news:

Morgan Stanley bank in Buyout talks... with CHINA:

WSJ: Worst Crisis Since '30s, With No End Yet in Sight:

Humor: Stephen Colbert points out the idiocy of McCain's attacks:

McCain attacks Obama for something he didn't say:

McCain refuses to meet with Spanish president, offends Spain:

Fed Now Asking For $40 Billion From The U.S. Treasury:

McCain Attacks Wall Street Greed—While 83 Wall Street Lobbyists Work for His Campaign:

Catholic Voters Guide - The Five No Noes, Leans Heavily In Favor Of McCain:

NY State sticking RFID tags in Drivers Licenses (still remains optional):

Humor: McCain and Palin Dance in High School Mucial 3! - JibJab:

Business Week: The 65 mpg Ford the U.S. Can't Have:

Obama "Economy" Ad:

Obama "Honor" Ad:

Obama "Plan For Change" Video:

Palin Fundraises With Ohio CEO Behind Massive Job Losses:

Cheney Turned Down Request To Oversee Katrina Recovery Because ‘He Doesn’t Do Touchy-Feely’:

Karl Rove: McCain's Ads Have Gone Too Far (VIDEO)(Hell freezes over):

Anyways just some recent stories from the last couple of days. Some might be old but many should be new.
BobLoblaw said:
Yup. One thing that he's gonna have to repeat several times in EACH debate is how many people are gonna get a tax cut. That's the most important thing that he needs to get out there because the Repubs are still trying to make it sound like everyone's taxes are going up (they even released a new ad today to continue the tax misinformation campaign).
And when he lays it out in plain English during the debates in front of the millions-strong television, radio, and newspaper audiences, looking back on McCain's adverts and constant claims to the contrary all these months will, I think, engender more than just a little resentment and distrust among those who believed McCain before. And this group who was targeted with these statements are the kind of folks who are the middle and lower-middle income folks who greatly desire and benefit from exactly the kind of tax plans Obama has already set forth. McCain's campaign is sitting on a lot of political time-bombs when they have to come clean with the fact that he's only really interested in promoting the majority of his tax relief for the already very, very wealthy and massive corporations.

After all that has happened up to this point, with corruption, deception, and market greed being at the heart of the recent collapses, the average person will only have a more suspicious, if not hostile, view of big business and the mega wealthy who are publicly endorsing his plans as what is best for the whole (which is, of course, practically fossilized horse shit given how old and stinky the argument is). The GOP and McCain can't rewrite the nearly 30-year old history of pushing this broken shit on people within a few weeks just as they aren't going to rewrite their deregulation, big business-friendly/trickle down economics plan.

The debates WILL nail McCain/Palin to the wall because real life issues have intruded on the election in such a way that very, very few are going to be so receptive to nice-sounding quips with little substance. In other words, people are listening more closely for what they really want to hear.


WickedAngel said:
They can kill the actual investigation but those headlines aren't going to go away. We're going to see news about their refusal to participate straight into the elections and people, while stupid, aren't that stupid; everyone knows what it means when you are doing everything you possibly can to not participate with an investigation.

i think it makes sense since the members of the obama campaign were doing the investigating. Thats quite a conflict of interest
minus_273 said:
i think it makes sense since the members of the obama campaign were doing the investigating. Thats quite a conflict of interest

Uhh... the investigation has been going on before it was known that she would be the VP nominee. So do explain your post, please?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Slurpy said:
Canada should acts as sort of a barometer. Culturally, the 2 countries are almost identical, so its always interesting the see the large gap in opinion between the 2 countries. Id say Canada is a 'saner' version of the US, devoid of Fox News. All polls Ive seen from Canada on which candidate Canadians would support range anywhere between 75%-88% for Obama. Also, I think its safe to say every other country on Earth would also overwhelmingly support Obama, save possibly for Israel.

israel is split.. at least thats the sense i got when i was there.. his AIPAC speech was all over the papers and got extremely favorable coverage.. i think their major concern is iran, and they believe that mccain would be stronger on that front..


MightyHedgehog said:
And when he lays it out in plain English during the debates in front of the millions-strong television, radio, and newspaper audiences, looking back on McCain's adverts and constant claims to the contrary all these months will, I think, engender more than just a little resentment and distrust among those who believed McCain before. And this group who was targeted with these statements are the kind of folks who are the middle and lower-middle income folks who greatly desire and benefit from exactly the kind of tax plans Obama has already set forth. McCain's campaign is sitting on a lot of political time-bombs when they have to come clean with the fact that he's only really interested in promoting the majority of his tax relief for the already very, very wealthy and massive corporations.

After all that has happened up to this point, with corruption, deception, and market greed being at the heart of the recent collapses, the average person will only have a more suspicious, if not hostile, view of big business and the mega wealthy who are publicly endorsing his plans as what is best for the whole (which is, of course, practically fossilized horse shit given how old and stinky the argument is). The GOP and McCain can't rewrite the nearly 30-year old history of pushing this broken shit on people within a few weeks just as they aren't going to rewrite their deregulation, big business-friendly/trickle down economics plan.

The debates WILL nail McCain/Palin to the wall because real life issues have intruded on the election in such a way that very, very few are going to be so receptive to nice-sounding quips with little substance. In other words, people are listening more closely for what they really want to hear.

I am truely looking forward to the debates and am hoping Obama/Biden will deliver a smackdown.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Uhh... the investigation has been going on before it was known that she would be the VP nominee. So do explain your post, please?

she cooperated until she became the VP and suddenly the investigators were people who were actively campaigning against her


"Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the investigation has been "hijacked" by "Obama operatives" for the Democratic presidential nominee -- namely, Alaska state Sen. Hollis French, the Democratic lawmaker managing the investigation and an Obama supporter. French has denied working on behalf of the Obama campaign."


if the tables were turned and mccain supporters were investigating biden do you think you would be saying the same thing?
Frank the Great said:
Are you dense? McCain has so many more options left.

For one, he could always kick Palin off the ticket. It would at first be seen as a horrible move, but he could then put her back on the ticket. This would get Palin's name back in the spotlight for a few days, and restore some of the newness of her by making her a sympathetic figure. It would also make women voters like her even more, because she could show that she is used and abused by men just like they are.

Another thing the McCain campaign can do is announce another Vice President. Someone like Mittens would breathe incredible life into the ticket. The campaign can play off some social group dynamics of the threesome; McCain, the old grumpy fathering figure, with Palin and Mittens as his flashy and personable younger counterparts. They would all campaign together, and the dynamic duo would stand formerly and politely while Father McCain is speaking, but make funny faces towards each other and the audience while he's not looking. The audience will start laughing, causing McCain to get confused and grumpy, while Mittens and Palin do innocent gestures as if they didn't upset the grumpy old fart.

A final, obvious thing is to plaster Palin's face with massage oil, and shave her head and put oil on it. This will attract a lot of attention and would restore what some pundits have referred to as "shiny object" syndrome. The nation would be captivated by Palin once again, and McCain's numbers would rise.

So clearly, there are many things McCain can do. You're just not seeing them.

It's amazing the amount of garbage I post when I have a paper to write :-/

I LOLed at the spoiler. So true.


minus_273 said:
if the tables were turned and mccain supporters were investigating biden do you think you would be saying the same thing?

If it looked like Biden might be guilty, then of fucking course. Same goes for Obama. The guy who's investigating her, and has since before she became a VP candidate, is just a Democrat, he's not on their campaign.

And if Biden or Obama wouldn't answer to government subpoenas, then I wouldn't vote for them.
minus_273 said:
she cooperated until she became the VP and suddenly the investigators were people who were actively campaigning against her


"Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the investigation has been "hijacked" by "Obama operatives" for the Democratic presidential nominee -- namely, Alaska state Sen. Hollis French, the Democratic lawmaker managing the investigation and an Obama supporter. French has denied working on behalf of the Obama campaign."


if the tables were turned and mccain supporters were investigating biden do you think you would be saying the same thing?

If she's innocent then why not cooperate? I don't see how her (or her staffs) testimony would get them into trouble if they are truly innocent. The sooner they do so the faster it gets out of the headlines, no?


Actually if Palin comes out and says she's leaving the ticket because of the liberal media "attacks", it could get them a lot of sympathy votes...


Clevinger said:
If it looked like Biden might be guilty, then of fucking course. Same goes for Obama. The guy who's investigating her, and has since before she became VP, is just a Democrat, he's not on their campaign.

And if Biden or Obama wouldn't answer to government subpoenas, then I wouldn't vote for them.

did you look at the picture? the CNN link also has him talking about october surprises. Very impartial investigation.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
If she's innocent then why not cooperate? I don't see how her (or her staffs) testimony would get them into trouble if they are truly innocent. The sooner they do so the faster it gets out of the headlines, no?

Anyone with any knowledge of the legal system would tell you that you DON'T do more than you're legally required to, and in this case you cooperate as far as you're legally required to and no more.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
If she's innocent then why not cooperate? I don't see how her (or her staffs) testimony would get them into trouble if they are truly innocent. The sooner they do so the faster it gets out of the headlines, no?

if the investigator actively wants you to lose the election would you trust the investigator?
I hope they slap Todd Palin with contempt of court, ala the Whitewater people in the 90's. It'd be fun to see him being frog-marched off to jail, and what that would do to the McCain campaign.

Next time, Senator, vet your running mate.


Gaborn said:
Anyone with any knowledge of the legal system would tell you that you DON'T do more than you're legally required to, and in this case you cooperate as far as you're legally required to and no more.

haha he's probably the kind of guy who would volunteer to talk without a lawyer present if picked up by the police. he has nothing to hide.


minus_273 said:
did you look at the picture? the CNN link also has him talking about october surprises. Very impartial investigation.

A Democrat is an Obama supporter? Get outta town!

And if it were a Republican investigator, I'm sure you'd be objecting to their supposed bias, no?
minus_273 said:
she cooperated until she became the VP and suddenly the investigators were people who were actively campaigning against her


"Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the investigation has been "hijacked" by "Obama operatives" for the Democratic presidential nominee -- namely, Alaska state Sen. Hollis French, the Democratic lawmaker managing the investigation and an Obama supporter. French has denied working on behalf of the Obama campaign."
Hijacked? WTF? Not a single person changed. It is the McCain camp that has hijacked the investigation with a pack of lawyers flown in from the lower 48.

if the tables were turned and mccain supporters were investigating biden do you think you would be saying the same thing?
Tables were turned? Look, it isn't Obama's fault that McCain PICKED SOMEONE THAT WAS IN AN ACTIVE INVESTIGATION!
Gaborn said:
Anyone with any knowledge of the legal system would tell you that you DON'T do more than you're legally required to, and in this case you cooperate as far as you're legally required to and no more.

That's what a subpoena is. He's flaunting the law if he does not go.

It doesn't matter what the motives of the investigators are. He has to at least testify. If they think the investigators are biased, then they can argue about the conclusion, not the summons.

This is over the line, and they ought to get roasted for it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
speculawyer said:
First dude refuses to testify. Why do Republicans hate America and law & order? Wait . . . I know why he hates America.

Ignoring a legislative subpoena is punishable by a fine up to $500 and up to six months in jail under Alaska law. But courts are reluctant to intervene in legislative matters and the full Legislature must be in session to bring contempt charges, Wielechowski said. The Legislature is not scheduled to convene until January.


sounds like they are going to get away with this. pretty fucken disgusting.


minus_273 said:
haha he's probably the kind of guy who would volunteer to talk without a lawyer present if picked up by the police. he has nothing to hide.

Better yet, he probably knows enough he wouldn't say a WORD to the police without a lawyer present but he's just trying to make her look guilty because she's sticking to the law and doing what any sane person would do, particularly in what has quickly become a high profile case.


Clevinger said:
A Democrat is an Obama supporter? Get outta town!

And if it were a Republican investigator, I'm sure you'd be objecting to their supposed bias, no?

just like you are supporting the investigation. thanks im glad we agree.
speculawyer said:
Hijacked? WTF? Not a single person changed. It is the McCain camp that has hijacked the investigation with a pack of lawyers flown in from the lower 48.

You beat me to it. It was a bipartisan council (the majority of the council being Republicans) who got this ball rolling in the first place.


when is my burrito
minus_273 said:
if the investigator actively wants you to lose the election would you trust the investigator?

which is why the Alaska legislature unanimously approved hiring an independent investigator.


Ignatz Mouse said:
I hope they slap Todd Palin with contempt of court, ala the Whitewater people in the 90's. It'd be fun to see him being frog-marched off to jail, and what that would do to the McCain campaign.

Next time, Senator, vet your running mate.

i know blue collar union member frog marched because someone has a vendetta against his wife is going to sell really well.


If it was obama or Biden in this position and the old republican congress was in charge of the investigation, a lot of people would be screaming "republican witch hunt!!!". The simple fact that even the republicans in alaska don't liker her much means that she has no friends over there and everybody wants to ruin her.

As soon as she was picked for VP, she obviously became a richer target for her enemies and I'm sure the tone of the investigation changed rapidly. I don't blame her for trying to stall.

edit// also, even if she did it, the idea that a governer would want to remove a police officer who had threatened to kill her father doesn't exactly make me hate her. We don't need people like that in law enforcement, and there are too many of them as it is.


minus_273 said:
i know blue collar union member frog marched because someone has a vendetta against his wife is going to sell really well.

Besides, marriage affords you the legal right you cannot be compelled to testify against your spouse
Gaborn said:
Better yet, he probably knows enough he wouldn't say a WORD to the police without a lawyer present but he's just trying to make her look guilty because she's sticking to the law and doing what any sane person would do, particularly in what has quickly become a high profile case.

If I were innocent I'd have my lawyer present while I told the truth just to make sure my rights are not trampled.

I probably would avoid the shit out of a subpoena if I were guilty, though. I get where she's coming from.


Fragamemnon said:
New Obama ad up that undermines McCain on the economy:


The stuff about Carly and Gramm is just perfect. It's exact the message that needs to get out there, since the company you keep in your campaign really does influence how you are going to govern.
I love the reaming of Fiorina, because it highlights how hypocritical McCain is for railing against golden parachutes. And the fundamentally strong --> fundamentally wrong tagline was clever.

You know what I'd like to see? Expand on that two minute ad of Obama just talking to the camera and turn it into a series of one-minute ads, one for each issue. Run one focused on taxes, one on his energy plan, another on healthcare. Just Bams talking about the issues.
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