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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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lawblob said:
The problem is that about 50% of all health care spending in the US is actually spent on the bureaucracy of the HMO system, etc.

The US health care system's main problem, IMO, is that it is horribly anti-competitive and wildly inefficient.

On another topic, anybody else see this NY Times article? Interesting stuff; apparently over the last 8 years the number of foreign courts that cite to the decisions of the US Supreme Court has decreased dramatically.

Because the US is the oldest constitutional democracy, foreign courts have always looked to US Supreme Court decisions in drafting their own opinions, which in turn has been one of the primary ways the US has exported its democracy throughout the world. But as other nation's legal systems develop, the US remains adamant in never referencing other countries legal decisions in our own cases, and other countries are starting to get pissed. This raises some interesting questions.


The notion of referencing another country's legal decisions is absolutely laughable. It just doesn't make sense. I can see for a newer country without a legal history, but for America? Give me a break.
Frank the Great said:
The notion of referencing another country's legal decisions is absolutely laughable. It just doesn't make sense. I can see for a newer country without a legal history, but for America? Give me a break.

By that reasoning, we should be looking to most of Europe and the Middle East and even China or Russia for legal guidance.


McCain: Lobbyists caused mortgage crisis!

Better fire your campaign staff, dumbass.

CharlieDigital said:
By that reasoning, we should be looking to most of Europe and the Middle East and even China or Russia for legal guidance.

I said without a legal history. Actually, it's kind of ridiculous for ANY country to reference another country's legal history.


So are any NC Gaffers going to see Obama in Charlotte on Sunday?

Mandark said:
OuterWorldVoice: Congratulations! May she live to see a saner future than our present.

Amen to the bolded. Congrats OuterWorldVoice!


I spoke to a buddy about his choice for President. He stated they he agrees overwhelmingly with most of McCain's positions on issues. I asked that he state his postion on one. My buddy mentions the foriegn policy is one of the big issues for him. So he brings up Iran, stating that Obama would talk to "the crazy Iranian President" and that he has little faith the Obama would attack these people if need be. He stated that McCain has been clear that he would not hesitate to attack if necessary.

I got frustrated from the answer because it is so incredibly faith based. And this kind of "diplomacy" got us into Iraq... :p

I feel the pendalum needs to swing back the other way...


Frank the Great said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

does he know the fine line he is walking? or is anything before 1990 a blank to him?


so I'm watching mccain on CNN live and apparently not only did obama vote for the laws that causes this credit crisis but he also profited from it! the nerve of this man obama! :lol
Loudninja said:
What.....in the hell?

During a speech he's giving, he blamed Obama for personally profiting off the mortgage crisis which lead to the financial crisis. He said Obama did nothing to stop it because he was profiting off it, and said that it's time for Obama to step up and take responsibility.


Frank the Great said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
LOL No way...The guy who has been in the Senate for 26 years in trying to toss the blame on a first term senator???? Seriously the McCain camp is starting to implode...they've become a caricature of themselves.

Does anyone believe anything they say anymore???


Frank the Great said:
During a speech he's giving, he blamed Obama for personally profiting off the mortgage crisis which lead to the financial crisis. He said Obama did nothing to stop it because he was profiting off it, and said that it's time for Obama to step up and take responsibility.

:lol Wow


CharlieDigital said:
Basically, we're no longer the cool kids?

Pretty much. I think it also exposes the myth that many conservatives have, the idea that it doesn't matter if we 'respect' the rest of the world, or if the world 'likes' us, because our influence on the world can only be projected through traditional realms of power.

This article, IMO, shows that being a good actor on the global stage really does have benefits. If other countries respect us and don't think we are bloodthirsty morons, then they will be more likely to incorporate American laws into their society, which will foster democracy, etc.


Frank the Great said:
During a speech he's giving, he blamed Obama for personally profiting off the mortgage crisis which lead to the financial crisis. He said Obama did nothing to stop it because he was profiting off it, and said that it's time for Obama to step up and take responsibility.

so basically he called out a large majority of the country?


is now taking requests
JayDubya said:
I've got this great plan, see, that'll reduce that by 200%.

And how much will your great plan affect life expectancy? I guess thats a non-issue for a libertarian but it's still an interesting stat to some people.
Where the fuck is Obama, Obama should have done this public speech ages ago! This is all hogwash talk but the stupid American public will eat it up! why the hell doesnt Obama come out with a big economic speech
Frank the Great said:
During a speech he's giving, he blamed Obama for personally profiting off the mortgage crisis which lead to the financial crisis. He said Obama did nothing to stop it because he was profiting off it, and said that it's time for Obama to step up and take responsibility.

Time to roll out the Keating 5.

Where the fuck is Obama, Obama should have done this public speech ages ago! This is all hogwash talk but the stupid American public will eat it up! why the hell doesnt Obama come out with a big economic speech

Later today.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh this will need some follow up and context plaese.

I did:

Frank the Great said:
During a speech he's giving, he blamed Obama for personally profiting off the mortgage crisis which lead to the financial crisis. He said Obama did nothing to stop it because he was profiting off it, and said that it's time for Obama to step up and take responsibility.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
xnipx said:
so I'm watching mccain on CNN live and apparently not only did obama vote for the laws that causes this credit crisis but he also profited from it! the nerve of this man obama! :lol

Wow, almost 7 weeks till the election, one week to the debates and he's already this desperate?


Cloudy said:
They want Obama to bring up the Keating 5 so they can bring up Rev. Wright w/o looking bad..

Yeah it's just bait. If Obama rolls out the Keating 5 today, most of the talking about it would take place over the weekend and will be forgotten by Monday.

Obama needs to answer with McCain's senate votes in the last 8 years, not with the Keating 5.
McCain also in his speech was peddling the Raines lie, and he was bashing the former Obama VP-search lead Johnson for being an ex CEO of Fannie. He specifically said that these types of people won't be welcome in his white house.


All Obama needs to do is call him out on the lies and hypocrisy. Obama shouldn't even give any response to the ridiculous notion that he personally caused all this, and should not bring up Keating.
By the way, Stewart was on fire again last night. Each and every night he's been slowly skewering Palin and it's brilliant stuff.


Hannity as the girl in the Kevin Trudeau infomercials.


Cloudy said:
They want Obama to bring up the Keating 5 so they can bring up Rev. Wright w/o looking bad..

1, like Ayers, Rev Wright is boring and will do nothing to shift voters. It was played to death...

on the other hand, do you know how many people actually know McCain was involved in the S&L scandal? Not that i think Obama should roll it out... but he's starting to kind of "dare" the media
3rdman said:
LOL No way...The guy who has been in the Senate for 26 years in trying to toss the blame on a first term senator???? Seriously the McCain camp is starting to implode...they've become a caricature of themselves.

Does anyone believe anything they say anymore???

Sadly I can guarantee that some idiots are going to think that Obama as complacent in all this while McCain was an ignored whistle blower who saw it all coming 2-3 years ago.


Cheebs said:
Andrew Sullivan is not opposition anymore. He supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 but supports Obama in 2008. He is still conservative, but just a pro-Obama conservative. He sees Obama as the new Ronald Reagan from what I gather.

To be fair Maher also used to be opposition at one time. According to him he voted Dole in 96, supported McCain in 2000 but when he lost he voted Nader, and in 2004 supported Kerry, and 2008 Obama. He has grown more and more liberal after being fairly libertarian in the 90's.

Yes, I knew all of that. I'm bemoaning the fact that Maher's show was once worth a damn.

3rdman said:
That actually sounds like a decent list of guests...the show works much better when everyone is on the same "team"...objectivity and fairness be damned. The show is infinitely easier to watch when they don't invite a Republican as the show almost always devolves into a shouting match.

The percentage on that "always" would be a bit less if it wasn't Maher shouting.

Objectivity would meaning calling people on their bullshit, right or left, which is what I used to like about Politically Incorrect. Last week, you had Garofalo spouting absolute drivel with impunity, and this week Naomi Klein will probably get a free pass as well.


gcubed said:
on the other hand, do you know how many people actually know McCain was involved in the S&L scandal?

Not many, but not many will remember it if it's brought up on a Friday 2 months before the election.

If Obama was to bring up the Keating 5 he should do it on a Monday 2 or 3 weeks before the election. Doing it today would be blowing his load early.


Kildace said:
Not many, but not many will remember it if it's brought up on a Friday 2 months before the election.

If Obama was to bring up the Keating 5 he should do it on a Monday 2 or 3 weeks before the election. Doing it today would be blowing his load early.

eh, i dont think Obama should bring it up personally... i'm just saying that McCain is leaving himself wide open to a media that clearly doesn't like him anymore
Kildace said:
Not many, but not many will remember it if it's brought up on a Friday 2 months before the election.

If Obama was to bring up the Keating 5 he should do it on a Monday 2 or 3 weeks before the election. Doing it today would be blowing his load early.

He won't bring it up. There's really no need.
Byakuya769 said:
Sadly I can guarantee that some idiots are going to think that Obama as complacent in all this while McCain was an ignored whistle blower who saw it all coming 2-3 years ago.

Is there any validity to McCain's claims that he foresaw this and warned Congress a few years back? Or is it just highly contrived bullshit?

I know he's been for deregulation, so I don't see how this flies.
Cloudy said:
They want Obama to bring up the Keating 5 so they can bring up Rev. Wright w/o looking bad..

Keating 5 is basically an A-Bomb. It's mutually assured destruction. Obama would be crazy to bring it up because the Republicans will bring out Rev. Wright in full force. I think McCain will still try to bring it up sometime in October, but it's better for the McCain campaign to look desperate doing it rather than it appearing Obama instigated them.
The Chosen One said:
Keating 5 is basically an A-Bomb. It's mutually assured destruction. Obama would be crazy to bring it up because the Republicans will bring out Rev. Wright in full force. I think McCain will still try to bring it up sometime in October, but it's better for the McCain campaign to look desperate doing it rather than it appearing Obama instigated them.

There are whispers and mummerings about the Keating 5 from the media every now and then. Hopefully, Obama can push the ball along to a point where he leaves the media to connect the dots therefore leaving Obama's hands relatively clean.


Frank the Great said:
He won't bring it up. There's really no need.
This. This place can be a little too impatient when it comes to attacking...Half the people here were ready to jump out of windows following the Republican convention only to see them eat crow. Relax...Obama has proven to be a master politician and he'll know when to pull trigger on the Keating Five.

Besides, his job is already being done for him...He has cleverly brought up the S&L bailouts of the 80's and have opened the door for the media to remind the public about it. Like the "Lipstick on a Pig controversy", he's playing a politcal "rope-a-dope" and letting McCain burn himself out so that he can deliver the finishing punch.
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