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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Dr_Cogent said:
No, we shouldn't. This idea is just dumb. Our courts should make decisions based on our Constitution.
Hey he showed up again...Care to respond now to the bullshit claims that "Clinton did nothing" in regard to Bin Laden? Or is this another "drive-by"?

Also, do you even realize that the Constitution was influenced from "foreign" documents like the Magna Carta? In any case, you are probably right but I don't see the harm in looking at other countries for guidance at times.
RubxQub said:
Anyone get that Obama Camp e-mail?

I signed up for the Jersey Shore training on 9/29. Actually kind of excited to see if I'd get selected.

Prepare for a long day. Unless your session is two days. Anyway, at the end you'll be so stoked you'll sign your next month or so away to the Obama campaign.


3rdman said:
Also, do you even realize that the Constitution was influenced from "foreign" documents like the Magna Carta?


Also, there are a lot of laws that are just plain stupid in other countries. We are not obligated to incorporate other countries laws into our own. We should do what is best for our citizens, not what other countries think is best for theirs.

You people are fucking insane.


Dr_Cogent said:
Regardless, they shouldn't have anything to do with what other foreign countries do. The idea to the contrary is ludicrous.

I don't think you know anything about the American legal system.

American courts are already bound by certain foreign laws in deciding particular cases, and even sometimes have to decide a case using entirely foreign laws. The only thing the article is suggesting is that American courts be allowed to cite foreign laws in the dicta of their decisions. Judges are permitted to cite music, books, poetry, etc., whats so different about citing different laws in their dicta?
xnipx said:
I swear to God I wish I could just backhand mccain and ask him why he keeps blatantly lying on obama to the public. and CNN just replayed the clip without even calling him out on it. is it not their job to refute lies and inform the general public of the truth? if mccain flat out said obama was a muslim terrorist would they just play the clip and just go to commercial?
Well, you bring in a panel to discuss all the angles that this could be examined from, and then you let the public decide.

Frankly, I love the approach. Facts are cold, and ultimately meaningless. If McCain wants to make outlandish assertions about his opponent, I'm willing to take them at face value. After all, he sacrificed a lot for this country. If it's his opinion that Obama single-handedly destroyed the economy, then I'm sure he has a good reason for believing so.
JayDubya said:
Um. Good? Let them be pissed?

Rulings in other countries have no bearing in ours.

This whole bit about 'OMG he looked at foreign law' is just really narrow-mind jingoism. Foreign rulings are clearly not controlling, but what is wrong with looking around and seeing what others have done? Using good ideas others have come up with is good. Are we really supposed to avoid good ideas because they were not invented here? Dude . . . you are a Libertarian . . . think of it like it is free trade.

But this was not really a statement about law, it was just another indication about how low the reputation of the USA has sunk. And yes, that matters . . . in trade, in gaining international support for international matters, in trade negotiations, in investment, etc.
Dr_Cogent said:
Also, there are a lot of laws that are just plain stupid in other countries. We are not obligated to incorporate other countries laws into our own. We should do what is best for our citizens, not what other countries think is best for theirs.

You people are fucking insane.

OMG these 'foreigners' have an idea! Run away! Run away!

And look, no one is suggesting we incorporate stupid ideas. That would be . . . uh . . .stupid.


GhaleonEB said:
McCain just called for the head of the FEC to resign.



I think McCain actually has a decent campaign strategy on this one. You identify a single Republican as the sacrificial lamb, and attempt to lay all the blame on him. That way, he keeps his 'Maverick' image by showing he isnt' afraid to throw a Republican under the bus..... never mind the fact that McCain would have fired him anyways if elected.... shh, don't tell Republicans about that, it distracts from the MAVERICK image.


TheKingsCrown said:
This bailout is ridiculous. Does anyone have links to that stuff about when laws were repealed and who voted for them that led to this?

They have to do it or the economy will go in the tank and millions of dollars (and jobs) will be lost. When they draft the legislation, they have to put huge penalties on these banks though...

I never thought I'd see this kind of bailout in a "conservative" presidency :lol


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Incognito said:
Prepare for a long day. Unless your session is two days. Anyway, at the end you'll be so stoked you'll sign your next month or so away to the Obama campaign.
Have you been to one before? I'm pretty curious as to what all is involved.


lawblob said:
I think McCain actually has a decent campaign strategy on this one. You identify a single Republican as the sacrificial lamb, and attempt to lay all the blame on him.
He meant the head of the SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission. Instead he called for the head of the Federal Election Commission to resign.
speculawyer said:
OMG these 'foreigners' have an idea! Run away! Run away!

And look, no one is suggesting we incorporate stupid ideas. That would be . . . uh . . .stupid.
All foreign ideas are stupid ideas. Why? Because they're un-American. That's why.


TheKingsCrown said:
And does Bush control regulators?

The Prez appoints the agency heads, but can only fire them 'for cause.' In other words, Bush technically doesn't have the power to fire Chris Cox right now even if he wanted to.

Originally Posted by GhaleonEB:
He meant the head of the SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission. Instead he called for the head of the Federal Election Commission to resign.

I know. The head of the SEC is Chris Cox, a former Republican Congressman.


get some go again
obama should tell mccain to make all those advisers he has in his campaign that helped make this mess resign as well if he really wants to clean up washington.
The Lamonster said:
"And we have to fix it! We have to fix it."

and Palin's plan: "We have to shake things up and fix it!"

And what would you have us do instead? Blink? Hesitation - if only for a second - will make things worse. I, for one, have never heard Obama say he'll "fix it!" Only empty rhetoric and attempts to pinpoint the source of the problem. He must not be interested in solutions.

McCain, though, has pledged to "fix it!"
lawblob said:
American courts are already bound by certain foreign laws in deciding particular cases, and even sometimes have to decide a case using entirely foreign laws. The only thing the article is suggesting is that American courts be allowed to cite foreign laws in the dicta of their decisions. Judges are permitted to cite music, books, poetry, etc., whats so different about citing different laws in their dicta?
Exactly. This whole bit on referencing foreign cases is just far-right jingoism paranoia.

There is nothing wrong with adopting good ideas just because they come from other places. This is just one of those far-right jingoist talking-points that really makes no sense. I'm sure it is also hypocritical because I'm sure there are plenty of examples of conservative judges that cite foreign cases.
speculawyer said:
This whole bit about 'OMG he looked at foreign law' is just really narrow-mind jingoism. Foreign rulings are clearly not controlling, but what is wrong with looking around and seeing what others have done? Using good ideas others have come up with is good. Are we really supposed to avoid good ideas because they were not invented here? Dude . . . you are a Libertarian . . . think of it like it is free trade.

But this was not really a statement about law, it was just another indication about how low the reputation of the USA has sunk. And yes, that matters . . . in trade, in gaining international support for international matters, in trade negotiations, in investment, etc.

Oh STFU Zapatero.



Father_Brain said:
I hate to defend McCain, but this is really a pretty minor slip of the tongue, unlike yesterday's Spain brouhaha. This doesn't indicate in any way that he doesn't know the difference between the FEC and SEC.
Of course not. It's just funny. There's a cumulative effect at work here.
Father_Brain said:
I hate to defend McCain, but this is really a pretty minor slip of the tongue, unlike yesterday's Spain brouhaha. This doesn't indicate in any way that he doesn't know the difference between the FEC and SEC.
Yeah, but I like it when he sticks to his guns. Like yesterday, he should double down on this. "Yeah! I did mean the head of the FEC! So what! In fact, if your agency ends in 'EC' at all, you're outta here! Any other stupid questions?"


speculawyer said:
Exactly. This whole bit on referencing foreign cases is just far-right jingoism paranoia.

There is nothing wrong with adopting good ideas just because they come from other places. This is just one of those far-right jingoist talking-points that really makes no sense. I'm sure it is also hypocritical because I'm sure there are plenty of examples of conservative judges that cite foreign cases.

Our motivations shouldn't be to keep other countries court systems happy with us. Taking good ideas and using them is fine. Doing it to somehow "appease" others is stupid. That was what was suggested here.


I'm sick of all this Don't Fix It bullshit from The Left. It's comforting to see a good brave man like John McCain speaking out against all this bullshit and making a stand for Fixing It.

EDIT: Tenses lol


Cloudy said:
I never thought I'd see this kind of bailout in a "conservative" presidency :lol

Why? The last bailout like this was under a conservative Presidency. The Savings and Loans bailout started under Reagan and finished under Bush Senior (whose son was intimately involved).


speculawyer said:
OMG these 'foreigners' have an idea! Run away! Run away!

And look, no one is suggesting we incorporate stupid ideas. That would be . . . uh . . .stupid.

Right, but I'd rather not have it just be a judgment call about this is stupid or that is not while our courts windowshop for foreign laws and verdicts we'd like to cite as legal precedent.

America, a formerly English colony, took English legal tradition and the idea of natural rights and natural law and ran with it to do its own thing. Two widely divergent paths.

What works for them, great, I'm glad it works for them. But to borrow a common legal expression and put it in a wholly different context... "fruit from a poisonous tree," I believe the term is? Yes, quite simply, I find certain aspects of various other Western societies as repulsive, no doubt, as they find ours.

Good examples: 1st Amendment rights in contrast with "hate speech" legislation. 2nd Amendment rights in contrast with "governmental monopoly of force" coupled with "duty to retreat."
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