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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cloudy said:

McCain speech...no questions

Bush speech...no questions

Obama speech..takes questions. A politician that actually has a clue about financial stuff..

The choice is clear on Nov. 4th..
The man just hits shit out of the park every time.


has calmed down a bit.
lawblob said:
Drudge Report is really getting desperate. The lead right now is about the 'soaring financial markets.' I don't know if I would be celebrating a 400 point gain the same week the Feds nationalized about 10% of the fucking economy! :lol

Viva Los Estados Unidos
This HAS to be new:

ARG: IN, ND, OK, WA (9/15-18)
By Eric Dienstfrey

American Research Group
~9/15-18/08; 600 LV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

McCain 47, Obama 44

North Dakota
McCain 52, Obama 43

McCain 61, Obama 34

Obama 50, McCain 44
lawblob said:
Drudge Report is really getting desperate. The lead right now is about the 'soaring financial markets.' I don't know if I would be celebrating a 400 point gain the same week the Feds nationalized about 10% of the fucking economy! :lol

Sheesh. Hannity economics.


New Polling 9/19/08


SurveyUSA          Research 2000
[U]Alabama[/U]            [U]Alaska[/U]
64% McCain         55% McCain
34% Obama          38% Obama
[B]+30[/B] McCain         [B]+17[/B] McCain

Marist             Marist              Marist
[U]Michigan[/U]           [U]Pennsylvania[/U]        [U]Ohio[/U]
52% Obama          49% Obama           47% Obama
43% McCain         44% McCain          45% McCain
[B]+9[/B] Obama           [B]+5[/B] Obama            [B]+2[/B] Obama


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Fatalah said:
Because if you asked him to tell us the full name of the organization, he would say the "Security and Exchange Commission".
No way, with his campaign in full-on circle-the-wagons mode, they'd claim he really meant what he said which was, the "Fecurity and Exchange Commission".


Seems Obama is actually challenging McCain for Indiana. Impressive.

Pennsylvania and Michigan seem to be in Obama's hands, and Obama is going head-to-head in Ohio.

Looking really good.


Rur0ni said:
New Polling 9/19/08


SurveyUSA          Research 2000
[U]Alabama[/U]            [U]Alaska[/U]
64% McCain         55%
34% Obama          38%
[B]+30[/B] McCain         [B]+17[/B] McCain

Marist             Marist              Marist
[U]Michigan[/U]           [U]Pennsylvania[/U]        [U]Ohio[/U]
52% Obama          49% Obama           47% Obama
43% McCain         44% McCain          45% McCain
[B]+9[/B] Obama           [B]+5[/B] Obama            [B]+2[/B] Obama

interesting... they are putting so much money in Florida, but why not push in Ohio. He already is pretty much tied or slightly ahead if you average the latest group of polls... which is better then he is polling in Florida. He can forget about florida, shore up Ohio, and he would win without the IA + NM + CO needed. Shit, take the money and hit up VA and Ohio...
Rur0ni said:
New Polling 9/19/08


SurveyUSA          Research 2000
[U]Alabama[/U]            [U]Alaska[/U]
64% McCain         55%
34% Obama          38%
[B]+30[/B] McCain         [B]+17[/B] McCain

Marist             Marist              Marist
[U]Michigan[/U]           [U]Pennsylvania[/U]        [U]Ohio[/U]
52% Obama          49% Obama           47% Obama
43% McCain         44% McCain          45% McCain
[B]+9[/B] Obama           [B]+5[/B] Obama            [B]+2[/B] Obama

Oooh you should be in charge of posting these. So readable!


has calmed down a bit.
GhaleonEB said:
From NBC's Domenico Montanaro
Marist battleground polls (among registered voters):

-- MICHIGAN: Obama 50%, McCain 41%
-- OHIO: Obama 44%, McCain 44%
-- PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 45%, McCain 42%


Good numbers all around.

Those numbers in Pennsylvania are too close for me, though. I don't see how Obama could lose Pennsylvania and somehow win Ohio (and perhaps Indiana?). It just seems inconceivable. Pennsylvania is a state he has to keep.
mamacint said:
Conservatism can't fail, if it fails then it wasn't conservatism. See Bush, George W.

Or every other Republican President in history since government spending has increased with every single one of them just as it has with Democrats and in many cases it's increased less with Democrats. The debate over small government is a farce that only dumb Republican voters really fall into. The only true question is where you want more of your money directed. All to the military or more to social services in some form.
Ignatz Mouse said:
anything interesting come from the Hannity/Palin interview?
I haven't seen it nor did I know there was one, but I can take a guess, i.e. the first panel here:



VanMardigan said:
Those numbers in Pennsylvania are too close for me, though. I don't see how Obama could lose Pennsylvania and somehow win Ohio (and perhaps Indiana?). It just seems inconceivable. Pennsylvania is a state he has to keep.
Here's a strange shift: MSNBC posted the registered voter version. I prefer those because likely voter models tend to discount new voters. But the likely voter version of those same polls have Obama doing better - up two in Ohio and up five in Pennsylvania. Not too long ago Obama did worse in most likely voter versions.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gcubed said:
interesting... they are putting so much money in Florida, but why not push in Ohio. He already is pretty much tied or slightly ahead if you average the latest group of polls... which is better then he is polling in Florida. He can forget about florida, shore up Ohio, and he would win without the IA + NM + CO needed. Shit, take the money and hit up VA and Ohio...

The ground game numbers are waaaay too enticing for Obama to forget about Florida. They believe they have the numbers on their side in FL.


VanMardigan said:
Those numbers in Pennsylvania are too close for me, though. I don't see how Obama could lose Pennsylvania and somehow win Ohio (and perhaps Indiana?). It just seems inconceivable. Pennsylvania is a state he has to keep.

Seriously, Pennsylvania and now New Jersey needs some extra lovin' from the Obama camp.


gcubed said:
interesting... they are putting so much money in Florida, but why not push in Ohio. He already is pretty much tied or slightly ahead if you average the latest group of polls... which is better then he is polling in Florida. He can forget about florida, shore up Ohio, and he would win without the IA + NM + CO needed. Shit, take the money and hit up VA and Ohio...

Note the Ohio field offices - more than any other state:



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
VanMardigan said:
Those numbers in Pennsylvania are too close for me, though. I don't see how Obama could lose Pennsylvania and somehow win Ohio (and perhaps Indiana?). It just seems inconceivable. Pennsylvania is a state he has to keep.

He's tied in Ohio, down by a couple points in Indiana and up by a few points in Pennsylvania.

Do you think he could actually lose Pennsylvania?


wtf? Yesterday's Hotline poll:

Obama - 46
McCain - 42

Obama - 45
McCain - 44

McCain has closed Obama's advantage on economics to 3 points.


Cheebs said:
wtf? Yesterday's Hotline poll:

Obama - 46
McCain - 42

Obama - 46
McCain - 45

McCain has closed Obama's advantage on economics to a single point.
You are not going to get me to panic. I refuse!


has calmed down a bit.
mckmas8808 said:
He's tied in Ohio, down by a couple points in Indiana and up by a few points in Pennsylvania.

Do you think he could actually lose Pennsylvania?

In one pole he's within the MOE. In another, he's just outside of it. What do you think?


Cheebs said:
wtf? Yesterday's Hotline poll:

Obama - 46
McCain - 42

Obama - 45
McCain - 44

McCain has closed Obama's advantage on economics to 3 points.

People are fucking stupid; it isn't that surprising...


So we've gone from a couple of hundred billion for a bailout to now discussing multi trillion dollar amounts?

But heaven forbid we point fingers and hold people responsible.
Door2Dawn said:
I remember reading some where that someone from the Obama camp was saying that they had a better chance in florida than ohio.

Maybe. They are both really tough states but I'm secretly hoping he can pull one of them to crack open this election without losing any of the Kerry States. Ohio was closer last election than Florida and Florida's older demographic is tough to crack. Not to mention the further north you go into the state the more it becomes like Southern Georgia.


well then, thanks for the replies about Ohio... and if they have a better shot in FL then Ohio (or they think so) with all the recent polling numbers, then color me surprised and hoping for a few shockers come election eve.


Mumei said:
People are fucking stupid; it isn't that surprising...

Anyone who is undecided at this point has been living under a rock, or is just a moron. Read the candidates plans and make a selection. Who are these idiots changing their minds daily?


Cheebs said:
its a bit strange
Yeah it is. But the trackers often diverge in daily results. Watch the trends over several days. That means McCain had a very good day in their daily result yesterday. No biggie.

It's going to be a roller coaster for the next 45 days.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stoney Mason said:
Maybe. They are both really tough states but I'm secretly hoping he can pull one of them to crack open this election without losing any of the Kerry States. Ohio was closer last election than Florida and Florida's older demographic is tough to crack. Not to mention the further north you go into the state the more it becomes like Southern Georgia.

Yeah but Obama's team has seen that there's more people there that didn't vote and weren't registered than in Ohio.

But like you said he probably needs to win one of them.

"Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans who get stuck holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It's got to flow into our domestic markets first."



Stoney Mason said:
Maybe. They are both really tough states but I'm secretly hoping he can pull one of them to crack open this election without losing any of the Kerry States. Ohio was closer last election than Florida and Florida's older demographic is tough to crack. Not to mention the further north you go into the state the more it becomes like Southern Georgia.

if he wins either one of those 2 states, its a pretty definitive victory for Obama then


CNN Fact Check: Did Obama 'profit' from Fannie and Freddie?
Partially true, but misleading. Donations don't come from companies. A list of employee contributions puts Obama second, but a different list including lobbyists and directors shows McCain getting more.


Cloudy said:

McCain speech...no questions

Bush speech...no questions

Obama speech..takes questions. A politician that actually has a clue about financial stuff..

The choice is clear on Nov. 4th..

Did we just watch the same speech? If Obama bumbles his way through the debates like he just did addressing these questions, he's going to come off looking very bad. Anyone with even a very basic understanding of what's happening right now could have just done what Obama did. You act like he just gave some major insights into the situation.
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah but Obama's team has seen that there's more people there that didn't vote and weren't registered than in Ohio.

But like you said he probably needs to win one of them.

This sounds harsh and I probably shouldn't say it, but I don't trust the black vote showing up in the numbers needed down here in this state to turn the tide. If it was another state maybe but something about FLA...

Anyway here's hoping for the best.
GhaleonEB said:
From NBC's Domenico Montanaro
Marist battleground polls (among registered voters):

-- MICHIGAN: Obama 50%, McCain 41%
-- OHIO: Obama 44%, McCain 44%
-- PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 45%, McCain 42%


Good numbers all around.

Edit: BB, yup, those are new as well. Good showing in Indiana and Washinton.
What the fuck? Tied in Ohio? No, I refuse to believe it. That's just people pretending to like the black man when confronted about it.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I don't know how the gap is CLOSING on the economic issue. This is mccain's most blatant flip flop yet.

While a focus on the economy is overall good for Obama, I kinda didn't think this was going to be end game unless something crazy unusual happened on the political trail. It certainly favors Obama and helps but a segment of the public will go back to believing the republican party line. The initial shock of it happening I think is what tilted the polls so far and punished the incumbent party. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Gallup numbers closer today.
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