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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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speculawyer said:
Exactly. This whole bit on referencing foreign cases is just far-right jingoism paranoia.

There is nothing wrong with adopting good ideas just because they come from other places. This is just one of those far-right jingoist talking-points that really makes no sense. I'm sure it is also hypocritical because I'm sure there are plenty of examples of conservative judges that cite foreign cases.

I actually know of a good one. In a Supreme Court case, Chief Justice Rehnquist cited a European social science statistic & subsequent foreign law in his explanation of his decision. I can't remember the case name, I will have to look it up.


Price Dalton said:
Must you bring bitter partisan politics into this? Our nation's economy is in a crisis, and all you can do is play games and point fingers.
It's the PoliGAF thread.

EDIT: And (in this liberal's opinion) economic policy is fair game when discussing politics. Call me crazy.


Price Dalton said:
Are you going to believe a former POW or a 1st term Senator who's been padding his resume with typical bleeding-heart "volunteer" work?
I just want to know why you're putting things like "volunteer" and "community organizing" in scare-quotes. Is it because you don't know what the terms mean? Or is volunteering for stuff dangerous and unethical in some manner?

Oops, you're joking. Heh. In here it's hard to tell sometimes.


"The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.

The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."


The Lamonster said:
oh shit Congress actually votes for the president? How do we know Obama would win? Wouldn't it be another tie?
Why would it be a tie when democrats have like a 30 seat majority?
Evlar said:
EDIT: And (in this liberal's opinion) economic policy is fair game when discussing politics. Call me crazy.
You are. There are far more important things to discuss. This is an election! McCain's on the right track, though. He recognizes that this is a distraction -- one that Obama is capitalizing on, and he's calling a spade a spade.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
And the REPs will still saying health care for Americans provided from the Government is socialism, 2 seconds after saying the bail out is needed.


Price Dalton said:
Are you going to believe a former POW or a 1st term Senator who's been padding his resume with typical bleeding-heart "volunteer" work?

I love how sarcasm never gets picked up in this thread.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Steve Youngblood said:
You are. There are far more important things to discuss. This is an election! McCain's on the right track, though. He recognizes that this is a distraction -- one that Obama is capitalizing on, and he's calling a spade a spade.

Hey Steve I just wanted to say I love your new character. It's like we have our own McCain surrogate as a member of GAF.



besada said:
Youngblood and Astrolad got there before you. There's only so much room for this sort of thing.

You say this, and yet it's almost certain that laserbeam will come trotting along 5 pages later to resume this exact same "line of attack".
Evlar said:
I just want to know why you're putting things like "volunteer" and "community organizing" in scare-quotes. Is it because you don't know what the terms mean? Or is volunteering for stuff dangerous and unethical in some manner?

I've never heard a definition of those terms that satisfies me enough to leave them quotation-less. As far as I'm concerned, they remain nebulous, meaningless fluff.


Cheebs said:
Why would it be a tie when democrats have like a 30 seat majority?
It's not quite that simple as each state delegation gets one vote, not each representative. I think the 2009 house would break the tie though so democrats would have an even larger majority. Also some states allow Electors to vote against the popular vote.


Drudge Report is really getting desperate. The lead right now is about the 'soaring financial markets.' I don't know if I would be celebrating a 400 point gain the same week the Feds nationalized about 10% of the fucking economy! :lol


Fragamemnon said:
They'll throw the same BS that they always do-that conservatism hasn't failed, only its politicians have failed, and that if we could just get new politicians like Sarah Palin or John McCain in office, conservatism magically solves all ills.

They're borrowing Communism's wholesale nationalization of industry, might as well borrow Communism's standard excuses for utter failure as well.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
lawblob said:
Drudge Report is really getting desperate. The lead right now is about the 'soaring financial markets.' I don't know if I would be celebrating a 400 point gain the same week the Feds nationalized about 10% of the fucking economy! :lol

Has Gaborn spoken on these buy outs yet?
Steve Youngblood said:
You are. There are far more important things to discuss. This is an election! McCain's on the right track, though. He recognizes that this is a distraction -- one that Obama is capitalizing on, and he's calling a spade a spade.

Yep, and spades are black by the way.
Fragamemnon said:
They'll throw the same BS that they always do-that conservatism hasn't failed, only its politicians have failed, and that if we could just get new politicians like Sarah Palin or John McCain in office, conservatism magically solves all ills.
Conservatism can't fail, if it fails then it wasn't conservatism. See Bush, George W.
another clinton backer endorses McCain . Is this is the end of Clinton's hopes in 2012?

As Barack Obama and John McCain battle for the Hispanic vote, a leading Latino backer of Hillary Clinton is crossing party lines to support the Republican presidential nominee.

In an interview Thursday, Miguel D. Lausell, a Puerto Rican businessman and longtime Democratic activist and fund-raiser, came out for Sen. McCain. While he said he doesn't agree with all the policy positions of the Republican candidate and his running mate, Sarah Palin, Mr. Lausell added: "I find McCain to be a sound person and a man with a track record. I know where he is coming from." Mr. Lausell had been a major backer of Bill Clinton and served as a senior political adviser to Sen. Clinton's unsuccessful bid this year for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Mr. Lausell said he feels Sen. Obama "doesn't really regard the Hispanic community as important." Sen. Clinton won a large majority of the Hispanic vote in most primaries, and Latino voters are an important bloc in swing states such as Florida, Nevada and New Mexico. Most polls show Sen. Obama leads Sen. McCain among Latinos.

Mr. Lausell said that as a "lifelong Democrat," this is the first time he has supported a Republican presidential candidate. A Harvard Law School graduate, Mr. Lausell's business career has included a stint as chief executive of the Puerto Rico Telephone Co. and chairman of PonceBank, a large Puerto Rican financial institution. Mr. Lausell once had a position with the Democratic National Committee and served on a national finance board for Al Gore's unsuccessful 2000 presidential run. In 2004, he helped start a nonprofit aimed at boosting Latino turnout for Democrats.

Sen. Clinton, for her part, has firmly come out for Sen. Obama and asked her supporters to do the same. While many of her biggest backers have gotten on the Obama bandwagon, numerous others have held back and some have been looking to support Sen. Obama's general-election opponent. Earlier this week, another prominent Clinton supporter, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, declared for the Republican nominee. Other former Clinton backers may be declaring for Sen. McCain in the days ahead, according to someone familiar with the situation.

Public-opinion polls in recent weeks also show that a potentially significant minority of Clinton voters from the primaries still haven't decided whether to vote for Sen. Obama. If the Democratic nominee loses a large number of Clinton voters, it could prove crucial in a close presidential race.

A spokesman for Sen. Obama declined to comment on the move of some Clinton backers to the McCain camp. In recent weeks, the Obama campaign has touted the endorsements of current and former Republican officeholders, including Rep. Wayne Gilchrest of Maryland, former Iowa Rep. Jim Leach and former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee.

Mr. Lausell cited several objections he has with Sen. Obama. "The U.S. is in a very difficult situation these days and I don't want someone without experience at the helm," he said. Mr. Lausell said he likes Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, but felt that if Sen. Obama was going to reach inside of Washington for a vice presidential running mate, he should have chosen Sen. Clinton, "who received 18 million votes" during the presidential primaries.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
mamacint said:
As dumb as the electoral college already is, it's still pretty amazing that they came up with an even number of total votes. WTF.

The numbers are based off the number of representatives in Congress.

And by "they", who are you talking about? The Founding Fathers?



McCain speech...no questions

Bush speech...no questions

Obama speech..takes questions. A politician that actually has a clue about financial stuff..

The choice is clear on Nov. 4th..
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