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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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State      Difference in change of        Other            Period             Bush-Kerry(04)
           registered voters (D-R)    
AK         2,628-2836 = [b]-208[/b]              6,825            March-Sep          [b]79,864[/b]
AZ         68,480-32,141 = [b]36,339[/b]         4,359            January-Sep        [b]210,770[/b]
CA         417,793-46,497 = [b]371,296[/b]       117,313          January-May        [b]-1,235,659[/b]
CO         66,516-13,352 = [b]53,164[/b]         23,437           January-July       [b]99,523[/b]
DE         4,428-676 = 3,752              2,200            July-Sep           [b]-28,492[/b]
FL         209,442-77,196 = [b]132,226[/b]       26,100           January-June       [b]-380,978[/b]
IA         69,301-7,515 = [b]61,786[/b]          -62,922          January-August     [b]10,059[/b]
KS         13,159-1,553 = [b]11,606[/b]          -1,704           January-March      [b]301,463[/b]
MD         12,338-4,260 = [b]8,078[/b]           5,544            January-July       [b]-309,790[/b]
NV         51,547-1,230 = [b]50,317[/b]          7,550            January-August     [b]21,500[/b]
NH         1,118-(-1,285) = [b]2,403[/b]         269              June-August        [b]-9,274[/b]
NY         102,559-1,526 = [b]101,033[/b]        -164             November-March     [b]-1,351,713[/b]
NC         171,955-20,363 = [b]151,592[/b]       123,605          January-August     [b]435,317[/b]
OR         122,518-(-13,349) = [b]135,867[/b]    -?               January-July      [b] -76,332[/b]
PA         98,137-289 = [b]97,848[/b]            15,907           April-August       [b]-144,248[/b]
WY         3,409-1,390 = [b]2,019 [/b]           5,892            January-August     [b]-96,853[/b]

So as it looks now, the only states that got a huge shift the other way are Iowa and Nevada. This would be enough for Barack to win in November, assuming all democrats vote democrat and the independent guys do too. CO's numbers aren't quite there yet, but the last check on those were from 2-3 months ago, so it's probably closer now.

So right now, from that list:

Solid Republican: AK, AZ, KS, WY, NC (37 EC votes)
Weak Republican: CO, FL (36 EC votes)
Solid Democrat: CA, DE, IA, MD, OR, PA, NY (134 EC votes)
Weak Democrat: NH, NV (9 EC votes)

The only reason I have FL listed as weak Republican in my amateur analysis is because the last numbers were gathered in June, and it's still somewhat close. I don't think it's going blue this year, just like I don't think NH is going red this year. The two actual wildcards are CO and NV.
MaddenNFL64 said:
Holy shit Oregon made some repubs flip.

So did NH. I thought that was McCain territory, lolz.

AniHawk said:
So as it looks now, the only states that got a huge shift the other way are Iowa and Nevada. This would be enough for Barack to win in November, assuming all democrats vote democrat and the independent guys do too. CO's numbers aren't quite there yet, but the last check on those were from 2-3 months ago, so it's probably closer now.

I'm pretty sure ~100k new Democrats in PA and almost no Republicans is pretty big, especially considering that most people consider it a battle ground state and that Kerry barely won it.

Also, I find the Arizona numbers pretty funny, considering who Obama is up against.


omg rite said:
Could someone explain why someone else in this thread called Palin "racist"?

Yeah. Not only racist, but blatantly racist. I missed all that in the speech. Hell, I didn't even catch Rudy's affirmative action dig re: Obama's magical trip to the doorstep of the White House.


Uncooked said:
Nice counter, glad you back it up with facts or anecdotes. No wonder I don't see any independents, republicans, or third party supporters in here. Don't worry guys, what I meant to say is that Obama is the best ever.

No, what you meant to say is what you said: that people who sign up painlessly are less likely to vote. I don't know where you live, but here in Center City Philadelphia, the groups collecting registrations do not hound you to register. They don't follow you down the street. People who register here mean to do so, and appreciate such groups making it painless. Will they all turn out? Of course not. But to pretend the numbers are meaningless is silly.


omg rite said:
Could someone explain why someone else in this thread called Palin "racist"?

A blog post claims they spoke to a bunch of scared (and unnamed) Alaskans who say she's a horrible person in many ways, including being racist.

Odrion said:
no proof so what's the point



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
kevm3 said:
I'm a bit concerned that the Dems are virtually ignoring Palin. I believe this is a HUGE mistake. Hillary said she's not going to attack Palin. Barack and Biden have been essentially ignoring her. What are they going to let her do, build herself up and attack when it's too late? SOMEBODY needs to address her, and it's not something I would leave up to the media to do.

They are taking their time. They will go after her if they need to. It's what the Obama team does.

And it's a smart move.
Odrion said:
no proof so what's the point

There was no proof to lend credit to the Obama=Muslim Terrorist and look how long that lingered.

I don't know if she's racist or not, but get used to baseless, personal attacks; Obama has been dealing with them for well over a year and a half now and the Republicans are the ones who started it.


mckmas8808 said:
They are taking their time. They will go after her if they need to. It's what the Obama team does.

And it's a smart move.
Really, I don't think it won't be too long before Palin screws up on her own. Just wait and watch everyone. If she screws up even once, the floodgates open.


Are you fucking kidding me? A complete no-proof story and we have people saying this?

I can only hope some of Palin's blatant racism can get into the public eye.

But I'm sure people like you were up in arms at shit like Reverend Wright or Obama being a Muslim terrorist or whatever.

And no, him being treated that way doesn't mean she should be. Neither should happen.

That's disgusting. You're no different than the republicans.


AniHawk said:
So as it looks now, the only states that got a huge shift the other way are Iowa and Nevada. This would be enough for Barack to win in November, assuming all democrats vote democrat and the independent guys do too. CO's numbers aren't quite there yet, but the last check on those were from 2-3 months ago, so it's probably closer now.
I'm expecting the pace of registrations to pick up as well, as Obama's drive ramps and deadlines near.

And nearly 30 states this year let new voters actually vote at the time they register. So for example in Ohio:

The bottom line is that as of early 2006, Ohio residents can cast ballots early, whatever the label applied to that action is. The significance of October 6, a call to the Secretary of State's office confirmed, is that is Ohio's deadline for voter registration. From Sept 30-Oct 6, early voting is a one-stop shop for unregistered voters. Beginning October 7, no-excuse-needed, in-person absentee voting is ongoing right through November 3, but only for registered voters. None of the ballots are counted until the polls close on Election Day.
Obama's camp is going to do massive canvassing of likely Democratic voters from Sept.30 - Oct. 6. They're apparantly going to try and bank tens of thousands of votes using the new early voting window.

And lots of states do something similar this year.


Obama's voter registration drive is going to be swarming over the early voting windows in those states. Part of what they're doing now is canvassing areas so they know which to target.
HylianTom said:
Gallup: Obama by 2.
(edit: according to MSNBC)

Edit again.. apparently, Obama by 4!

Quick on the draw there..... I was about to say (prior to edit) that Obama should just pack up and go home.


HylianTom said:
Edit.. apparently, Obama by 4!



That's yesterday's chart. MSNBC sometimes gets the early word on today's.


I overheard a conversation at work where someone said that most university/college professors in the U.S. are voting for Obama. Is this true?
There's no_reason_at_all to go after Palin if you're Obama or Biden. Why give her credence? You're not running against her; you're running against John McCain. Forget about Palin. She's their celebrity and that's it.


GhaleonEB said:
That's yesterday's chart. MSNBC sometimes gets the early word on today's.

So that's what it was. Gallup's man on MSNBC had hinted earlier today that there was some movement in this direction..


omg rite said:
Are you fucking kidding me? A complete no-proof story and we have people saying this?

But I'm sure people like you were up in arms at shit like Reverend Wright or Obama being a Muslim terrorist or whatever.

And no, him being treated that way doesn't mean she should be. Neither should happen.

That's disgusting. You're no different than the republicans.

It's especially dubious that the article alleges slurs against eskimos, when I believe her husband is part-eskimo.

That said, is it really unlikely that a backwoods far-right alaskan politician would be racist? In any case, she is demonstrably vindictive and mean. Spite firings and all that. Plus the speech.


HylianTom said:
So that's what it was. Gallup's man on MSNBC had hinted earlier today that there was some movement in this direction..
Yeah. MSNBC said just recently todays Gallup will have Obama down a bit from yesterday, only up by 2.
Jenga said:
Really, I don't think it won't be too long before Palin screws up on her own. Just wait and watch everyone. If she screws up even once, the floodgates open.
The campaign is not letting her give any interviews. She isn't being given a chance to screw up. She is reading teleprompters and that is it.
Jenga said:
Really, I don't think it won't be too long before Palin screws up on her own. Just wait and watch everyone. If she screws up even once, the floodgates open.

She screwed up long before she was ever picked to be VP. The bad news about her is going to be a constant stream for the next two months; people don't remember facts, they remember allegations. It takes a lot of time for those allegations to fade. That won't happen within two months.
Maybe Obama is wise not to go after Palin:


"So this is interesting. US WEEKLY is losing subscribers because of it's Sarah Palin cover story, "Babies, Lies and Scandals."

There were reports as many as 10,000 subscribers bailed, but US told Page Six the number was closer to 1,000. Apparently the mag -- and to be fair just about everyone else in the media -- misjudged Palin's impact once she opened her mouth."


gkrykewy said:
It's especially dubious that the article alleges slurs against eskimos, when I believe her husband is part-eskimo.

That said, is it really unlikely that a backwoods far-right alaskan politician would be racist? In any case, she is demonstrably vindictive and mean. Spite firings and all that. Plus the speech.

95% of people have at one point said a racial slur. Everyones is racist in some way, whether they mean to be or not.
Lazy vs Crazy said:
The campaign is not letting her give any interviews. She isn't being given a chance to screw up. She is reading teleprompters and that is it.

I wouldn't underestimate her. At this point, the Republicans are setting the expectations of Palin so low that when she does sit for her first real interview and passes it without sounding a like a complete W, then she will be hailed as the next philsophier king.

Like I said, the focus should be squarely on John McCain and W.

Sarah who?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Lazy vs Crazy said:
The campaign is not letting her give any interviews. She isn't being given a chance to screw up. She is reading teleprompters and that is it.
It's stuff like this that should be a gigantic red flag to Americans. They bring this person out and say she's ready, and has more experience than Barack...but then they need to hide her behind the curtains as all of the top Repub advisors help her cram on the issues, because she doesn't know jack about that much outside of energy (she is from Alaska, afterall).
dasein said:
I overheard a conversation at work where someone said that most university/college professors in the U.S. are voting for Obama. Is this true?
Probably. Generally speaking, democrats win the higher intelligence population.


dasein said:
I overheard a conversation at work where someone said that most university/college professors in the U.S. are voting for Obama. Is this true?
Yeah, but those guys are idiots. PEACE.
gkrykewy said:
It's especially dubious that the article alleges slurs against eskimos, when I believe her husband is part-eskimo.

That said, is it really unlikely that a backwoods far-right alaskan politician would be racist? In any case, she is demonstrably vindictive and mean. Spite firings and all that. Plus the speech.

Well, isn't Lou Dobbs' wife Mexican (or part Mexican) as well. That doesn't seem to deter him much.
RubxQub said:
It's stuff like this that should be a gigantic red flag to Americans. They bring this person out and say she's ready, and has more experience than Barack...but then they need to hide her behind the curtains as all of the top Repub advisors help her cram on the issues, because she doesn't know jack about that much outside of energy (she is from Alaska, afterall).
She doesn't know much about energy. She says we have lots of oil in Alaska, and we just don't. We have some oil, but not a whole lot.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
AniHawk said:
Wow. That Steele guy is a piece of shit.
"we still don't know who barack obama is"
"That's because you haven't been listening"

I wanted someone to just call him a dipshit talking point repeater like the GOPAC is.


GhaleonEB said:
Everybody panic!
OH MY GOD how can americans be this stupid? They don't deserve a president like Obama if they're this dumb. I'm moving to Canada, goddamnit.



φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Lazy vs Crazy said:
She doesn't know much about energy. She says we have lots of oil in Alaska, and we just don't. We have some oil, but not a whole lot.
I'd imagine energy would certainly be her strongest area of knowledge, as Alaska is basically run on oil. She surely must have had to deal with various energy issues because of this alone.

That being said, it's impossible to know how versed she is in just about any subject because they won't let her fucking speak.

It's very telling when you won't let your hot new addition to the ticket speak to the people. If she was so great, then more is better than less...right!?

But no...not right...because she doesn't know crap.
RubxQub said:
It's stuff like this that should be a gigantic red flag to Americans. They bring this person out and say she's ready, and has more experience than Barack...but then they need to hide her behind the curtains as all of the top Repub advisors help her cram on the issues, because she doesn't know jack about that much outside of energy (she is from Alaska, afterall).

But Bush and Cheney aren't known for accepting many interviews either. It just seems par for the course for Republicans.


Y2Kev said:
"we still don't know who barack obama is"
"That's because you haven't been listening"

I wanted someone to just call him a dipshit talking point repeater like the GOPAC is.

A better question in response to that is "Then who the fuck is Sarah Palin?"

Also, it seems the only interview McCain's camp wanted for Palin was to get her on Oprah, then they tried to guilt Oprah into letting her on. Shocking that they don't want her on Ellen.:p


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teruterubozu said:
But Bush and Cheney aren't known for accepting many interviews either. It just seems par for the course for Republicans.
...uh? If you are campaigning for Pres/VP, and there are only 60 days before the election, you think it's normal to be hiding your candidates?

Surely you jest.


*drowns in jizz*
dasein said:
I overheard a conversation at work where someone said that most university/college professors in the U.S. are voting for Obama. Is this true?

I can't possibly see how it wouldn't be true.

1. They're educated
2. They're not rich as fuck
Incognito said:
I wouldn't underestimate her. At this point, the Republicans are setting the expectations of Palin so low that when she does sit for her first real interview and passes it without sounding a like a complete W, then she will be hailed as the next philsophier king.

Like I said, the focus should be squarely on John McCain and W.

Sarah who?
This guy knows the score. I'm glad all the reactionaries in this thread aren't involved in his campaign.
RubxQub said:
...uh? If you are campaigning for Pres/VP, and there are only 60 days before the election, you think it's normal to be hiding your candidates?

Surely you jest.

Cheney hardly gave ANY interviews while campaining in 2000 and 2004. I don't jest.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
teruterubozu said:
Cheney hardly gave ANY interviews while campaining in 2000 and 2004. I don't jest.
Wowza. Being my first political campaign that I'm actively paying attention, I suppose I'm taking my cues from Barack/Biden. Biden is out there stumping just as much as Obama, and I think that's awesome.

I don't imagine Cheney had that much to offer to the public either, so perhaps that is why they tucked him away.

Fucking hate this situation.


*drowns in jizz*
teruterubozu said:
Cheney hardly gave ANY interviews while campaining in 2000 and 2004. I don't jest.

And look how that turned out. What a fucking ridiculous situation. The media should NOT give the GOP a free pass at this. They should be questioning day to day why she's remaining hidden, and making this clear to the viewers.
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