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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ronito said:

Breaking Fox News: Obama reunites with his out of wedlock child.


Ether_Snake said:
Sorry for quoting you a second time but I just saw this on Bloomberg:


Frank Seeks Oversight of Paulson Asset-Purchase Plan, Executive Pay Limits

Great. I have no problem with the government bailing out corporations that are essential to the economy, but not one dime of that money should go to the executives whose failure forced that bail out. As far as I'm concerned once the government's been forced to inject money into your company and executive contract should be null and void and there should be no golden parachute or severance packages to executives.


Aight, that's all I can take of McCain. It's just so bizarre to not hear any ideas whatsover.

Lamonster: He's on later on 60 minutes.


Krowley said:
I have been supporting McCain since the start of the general election and today I stopped really caring which one of them won. McCain doesn't really deserve to win after this week. It was a crisis moment and he couldn't articulate a reasonable approach without falling into political rhetoric. Being president is all about dealing with crisis moments. I don't mind extreme hardball politics, and a certain amount of ruthlessness is important for a president, but there are times when you need to actualy talk about something and stop trying to distract people. This was one of those times. McCain should have a strong belief on this situation.. He shouldn't be struggling around trying to find his footing on something so important.
To be fair, McCain was the one that cosponsored a bill looking into more regulation into FM/FM.

To me neither came out looking that hot. McCain clearly doesn't understand what is happening and Obama seems to be more than willing to use the situation to build support for some pretty drastic policies, reality be damned.
Tamanon said:
Aight, that's all I can take of McCain. It's just so bizarre to not hear any ideas whatsover.

Lamonster: He's on later on 60 minutes.
Did they start late or something? By my clock, this should be over in about 11 minutes, and they said there's more McCain stuff too...?


Iksenpets said:
Great. I have no problem with the government bailing out corporations that are essential to the economy, but not one dime of that money should go to the executives whose failure forced that bail out. As far as I'm concerned once the government's been forced to inject money into your company and executive contract should be null and void and there should be no golden parachute or severance packages to executives.

Sadly the cynic in me also believes that the changes the Dems are looking for are basically just a label on the package, the golden parachutes will still be there, just somewhat altered to some extent. But it's better than nothing. Not doubt Paulson's plan as it stands is his ideal one, he knows there could be some compromises to be made, which is probably why it is so extreme to begin with. But we'll see how dedicated he his to the ones he's serving; either he'll attempt to force Pelosi/Frank/Co. to back off by letting the markets react negatively to a modification of the plan (by willingly stalling the process under the guise of being forced to negotiate), or he'll actually negotiate. Considering the way this administration and its key constituents have acted so far, I'm going with the former. Expect at least a big drop on the Dow this week if that's the case, followed by another surge once it passes.


Lamonster: Yes. THey started late due to a football game.

This is a pretty interesting interview. McCain said that he would get Cox* to resign and then replace him with Andrew Cuomo.

He also reaffirmed his support for including Georgia and Ukraine in NATO. WHen the interviewer said that Russia's reaction would be "sharp" McCain simply said that that's regrettable. If the outcome is regrettable then why do it? I really don't understand this need to expand NATO, it's funny since there is a lot of rhetoric about Russia going back to Cold War politics yet we push for this.

*edit: THanks, Stooge.


AniHawk said:
Wow. I never thought it'd go higher than the convention bounce.
It's the state polling that's doing it. Florida, Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina have all closed down since the convention,
It's pretty cool how Obama can turn stupid questions on their head... come on, we take on O'reilly, step your game up when you step up to the O.

GrotesqueBeauty said:



First tragedy, then farce.
Trurl said:
Lamonster: Yes. THey started late due to a football game.

This is a pretty interesting interview. McCain said that he would get Paulson to resign and then replace him with Andrew Cuomo.

He also reaffirmed his support for including Georgia and Ukraine in NATO. WHen the interviewer said that Russia's reaction would be "sharp" McCain simply said that that's regrettable. If the outcome is regrettable then why do it? I really don't understand this need to expand NATO, it's funny since there is a lot of rhetoric about Russia going back to Cold War politics yet we push for this.

not Paulson, Cox.

McCain is blaming the SEC for lack of regulation. He took the cops bullets away and is now blaming the cop for not stopping the robbers.

Its a distraction. Hes shouting fire and hoping no one notices he's holding the gas can.


First tragedy, then farce.
dude, Obama is spitting fire on 60 minutes.

McCain just bumbled through his section and Obama did great.


60 Minutes starts in, um, 120 minutes in my time zone (west coast). I'll be watching. The second half, anyways.

Any specifics stand out?


GhaleonEB said:
60 Minutes starts in, um, 120 minutes in my time zone (west coast). I'll be watching. The second half, anyways.

Any specifics stand out?

It's pretty straightforward stuff. Only thing new is some little thing about McCain not having the political council in the White House, whoopity-do.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
60 Minutes starts in, um, 120 minutes in my time zone (west coast). I'll be watching. The second half, anyways.

Any specifics stand out?

McCain says he will cut defense budget, as well as other vaugue departments.

Continues to sound like a bumbling old man, 60 min. calls him out.

Obama = waterbottle.gif
GhaleonEB said:
60 Minutes starts in, um, 120 minutes in my time zone (west coast). I'll be watching. The second half, anyways.

Any specifics stand out?

the economy? McCain knows how to fix it!

stoney: he said something along the lines of "areas of the defense budget"
McCain interview = Bullshit "fix it" rhetoric mixed with intense questioning
Obama interview = Obama rapidly dishing out details on what he wants to do with America

Obama (paraphrase) "Iran w/nuke is a game-changer in the region. That would be unacceptable."
Y2Kev said:
I just bumped into obama'ers on the street trying to get people to register.

Even in new york city.

They got this.

Tell them to not bother registering New Yorkers and get their asses to Penn. Or phonebank to FL, OH, NV, CO, NC, MI, MN, etc.
Tamanon said:
Yeah he did, said he'd "trim some stuff" from it. Nothing specific, just kinda glossed over it.

lol I don't believe it for a second but that's hilarious considering Republicans never cut defense spending... I assume this is based off of decreased costs in Iraq. I'll have to watch the interview when it's placed online.


Eeny Meenie Penis
I know im gonna be jumped on for this but I think they both did well during these interviews on 60 minutes.
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