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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Krowley said:
As I said. It's not so much his outlined positions as a sense of trust. I know that the Clinton's are centrist democrats. They governed that way in the past. It's their legacy. They governed basically according to the polls and were pretty good public servants in that way. The American people got what they wanted under them. Obama seems much more ideologically pure in a way that makes me uncomfortable.

The bottom line is: I think the Clinton's were running to the left during the primary, but I think Obama was probably actually running to the right of his actual beliefs. I don't think Obama's real beliefs are that far off from Dennis Kucinich.

Just watching a minute or so of This clip from the religious forum should explain my concern.. Just a little too much ideologically leftist. This ad scares the hell out of me on foreign policy.

Hmm, well if you're a religious person I hope it's not Christianity that you ascribe to, cause Jesus should scare you then...(take that and run with it). It appears your basing your opinions on their left-right position on how much you trust them. I think you're getting into "no longer take me serious" territory if you cannot actually base those kind of opinions on any actual legislation or platforms. You begin to sound like lady de rothchild with the "there's just something about him"... which is a little worrying. I'll respond on the foreign policy thing in a bit...

foreign policy - working to not weaponize space is an idea not an action. Clearly, if other nations move forward on that front we would have little choice but to do so as well, but if we get that ball rolling our selves we're going to be dealing with "rogue satellites" in the future.


Instead of listing words and phrases that we hate can someone list a couple of reasons why the independends-slash-morons decided on Saturday that Obama is not good enough for president and his polls fell?

No seriously what happened this week? WTF are these people thinking and in what are they basing their moronic decisions?


typhonsentra said:
Both states are governed by Democrats.
Also as for names Beau Biden, Joe Biden's son will most likely take over his fathers seat as for Obama it isn't as clear. However I believe I have heard Rahm Emanuel's name thrown around.
Cloud said:
Instead of listing words and phrases that we hate can someone list a couple of reasons why the independends-slash-morons decided on Saturday that Obama is not good enough for president and his polls fell?

No seriously what happened this week? WTF are these people thinking and in what are they basing their moronic decisions?

You can't analyze polls on a daily basis like that especially when nothing happened. It could have been noise. It could have been people being more re-assured by the stock market going up. etc. Nobody is going to pull ahead by 6 or more in this race and stay there I'm guessing.
Palin - Why isn't Obama sharing plans for this financial crisis that will undermine the current administration's intiative? This really shows a lack of leadership. Stop Greedy Wall Street. (on cnn now)


teruterubozu said:

Fuck it's annoying.
Maybe the concept of narrative is annoying, but the actual word does a great job of describing how the media cycle works. It's one of the most useful words, imo.


Cheebs said:
Also as for names Beau Biden, Joe Biden's son will most likely take over his fathers seat as for Obama it isn't as clear. However I believe I have heard Rahm Emanuel's name thrown around.

It'll be Rahm.


I think her debate with Joe Biden will never happen. The Republicans will pull something off to get it canceled.
My High School guidance counselor once said of me "Some are made to excel, others are made for labor. Tyrone is the latter."

He figured I'd never go to college, he doubted I'd even graduate High School. I've proven him wrong on both counts.

I've said a lot of the same things he said of me about our own people. "They can't be this stupid." "If they elect those two they deserve what they get."

This is a moment where they either prove me wrong, or confirm my fears.


GhaleonEB said:

:lol :lol :lol That's awesome.

In a controversial move sure to upset millions of people, Barack Obama’s campaign has decided to forgo the traditional time-wasting distribution of chum (yard signs, bumper stickers, etc.) to try and win the election.

Settling on what they call a “get voters to register by approaching them on the phone and at the door with an army of volunteers” strategy, Obama’s senior staff has directed state, regional, and local field organizers to use their finite time to make tangible progress toward winning.
Thunder Monkey said:
My High School guidance counselor once said of me "Some are made to excel, others are made for labor. Tyrone is the latter."

He figured I'd never go to college, he doubted I'd even graduate High School. I've proven him wrong on both counts.

I've said a lot of the same things he said of me about our own people. "They can't be this stupid." "If they elect those two they deserve what they get."

This is a moment where they either prove me wrong, or confirm my fears.

What an asshole of a guidance counselor.


Hootie said:
Government coordinated terrorist attack?

No, something simpler than that:p Some bullshit excuse, a stupid phone threat, whatever.


Hootie said:
Government coordinated terrorist attack?

Bastard, I was just about to say they'd do another 9/11.
Also if you reply saying anything about being super rad I will cut your face


Byakuya769 said:
Palin - Why isn't Obama sharing plans for this financial crisis that will undermine the current administration's intiative? This really shows a lack of leadership. Stop Greedy Wall Street. (on cnn now)
Did she really say that? If he isn't sharing it, then how does she know it will undermine anything?



According to a sweeping report released by the Center for American Progress and authored by researchers from the UMass Department of Economics, if the US government were to invest $100 billion dollars over two years in six key areas of green and sustainable development — including advanced biofuels — the result would be the creation of 2 million high-paying jobs across nearly all sectors of employment.

This represents four times the amount of jobs that would be created if that same $100 billion were invested in the oil industry for things like more offshore drilling. It also represents significantly more jobs of much higher diversity, pay, and longevity than were created by the $100 billion spent last April so that all us ‘mericans could all get our $600 tax rebates.


So, I feel as if McCain is going to have a much more solid week of campaigning this week. Just seeing him speak to the Coast Guard today, he seemed more confident and didn't stumble over his words at all. Then again, maybe it's easier for McCain to talk to that crowd.

This election swings back and forth like a pendulum. Just when you think Obama is going strong, McCain/Palin figure out a way hit Obama hard. They say a line to make America confused about whether they know the *real* Obama. I just hope the pendulum swings on the side I want come that week in November.
ryutaro's mama said:
out of touch
main st.
small town values
ground campaign
staff meeting
my friends
eletrify the base
dead heat

that church
20 years
hates america
20 years
that church
race card
working class whites
rural white voters
white middle class
suburban white voters
regular people
most liberal voting record in the senate
RapeApe said:
Did she really say that? If he isn't sharing it, then how does she know it will undermine anything?

no, she criticized him for not sharing a plan. I paraphrased her comments with the notion that coming out with a "if I was president I would do this" plan is counterproductive to what the current administration is trying to do. I feel that much of the shit McCain has said/done this week has been highly political and works to undermine what the administration is currently working on, and whether you agree with them or not you cannot go around talking about firing current administrators and discrediting their efforts while they deal with a crisis in real time.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
It's funny how it seems like every major NA cities has a "Main Street" that is just really shitty :lol Poor Main Street.
ryutaro's mama said:
What an asshole of a guidance counselor.
I was one he expected nothing from, and some of his star pupils are now living in that hometown with multiple kids. Some married, some not. While I'm in school. A junior college yes, but still school.

Though I think I'm going to need to switch schools soon. 105 credits at a Junior college is a funny high number though. I should be a second year Senior when I hit a four year.


Byakuya769 said:
Hmm, well if you're a religious person I hope it's not Christianity that you ascribe to, cause Jesus should scare you then...(take that and run with it). It appears your basing your opinions on their left-right position on how much you trust them. I think you're getting into "no longer take me serious" territory if you cannot actually base those kind of opinions on any actual legislation or platforms. You begin to sound like lady de rothchild with the "there's just something about him"... which is a little worrying. I'll respond on the foreign policy thing in a bit...

I think it's absolutely crazy to vote for politicians based on their stated positions and promises, because they ALWAYS do totally different things once they get into office. It's better to try and divine the real intentions and instincts under their politically motivated positions. I've seen too many presidents come into office and act in a totally different way than they promised. How can you have any confidence in anything being said by a presidential candidate? History says that they are probably lying at least half the time, or circumstances will make their ideas impossible to implement.

Don't forget, Bush initially ran as a fiscal conservative and a non interventionist on foreign policy, now we have massive spending and corporate welfare on a scale that could never be imagined, along with the most interventionist foreign policy of any president in recent years (maybe ever). The one thing you could say about Bush before he got elected was that he wasn't very experienced and it would all depend on the quality of his advisor's. Most of his advisor's, especially early in his presidency, were pure ass, and now we're in the shitter. His stated positions during the election didn't matter one Iota. His character as a corporate schill and empty suit is what got us into this trouble. I saw that he was a spoiled brat and an empty suit, and I didn't vote for him, even though I agreed with him on a number of issues. I knew he would need a lot of luck to be a good president. He didn't get lucky. This is why voting on character and history isn't such a bad idea. If I had voted on issues, I would have voted for Bush the first time.

So I look at Obama and I have a very short history of him serving a very very liberal constituency. I look at the Clinton's and I see a centrist history of practical minded governance. I look at McCain and I see a war hero and a centrist republican. He's the guy I like most on a personal level, but he's totally jumped the shark for me this week during this economic crisis.

This is one of those times when you need to put politics aside and talk honestly about the issue at hand. Obama has done so, but McCain has tried a smoke and mirrors strategy. He's trying to skim past it because he knows it hurts him politically. That's not leadership. It's not so much his stated policy that's bothered me (although that's obviously been mindless). It's the attempt to politicize this moment as a way to avoid talking about a really important issue. Bush has honestly looked more presidential on this than him.

This weeks action has also shown me that McCains weak spot (domestic policy) is even weaker than I thought because his advisor's are just plain horrible, and these are undoubtedly the same people he will put into key positions in his administration. I can't vote for Obama but I don't think I can vote for McCain either.
Krowley said:
I think it's absolutley crazy to vote for politicians based on their stated positions and promises, because they ALWAYS do totally different things once they get into office.

Hmm, but his stated positions on foreign policy scares you?


Krowley: Obama's governing, economic, and foreign relations philosophies are well-stated and haven't changed. Policies may change based on the circumstances, but you know where he stands. Your "fear" isn't grounded in reality.


Ugh.. just got this email forwarded from my mom under the subject line "Who am I?" who it seems she also sent to most everyone she knows....

email said:
Who Am I?

I am under 45 years old,
I love the outdoors,
I hunt,
I am a Republican reformer,
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,
I have many children,
I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than
years in the governor's office.

Did you guess?
I am Teddy Roosevelt, in 1900.

Hmmm..., so Sarah Palin is not qualified?

Too good not to share! For those who do not remember he was Governor
York. Founder of the Civil Service System.



Krowley said:
So I look at Obama and I have a very short history of him serving a very very liberal constituency. I look at the Clinton's and I see a centrist history of practical minded governance. I look at McCain and I see a war hero and a centrist republican. He's the guy I like most on a personal level, but he's totally jumped the shark for me this week during this economic crisis.
What does being a war hero have to do with anything?
How in the hell is McCain centrist?? Pre 2000 maybe, but have you seen his voting record and political positions the past 8 years?


mj1108 said:
Ugh.. just got this email forwarded from my mom under the subject line "Who am I?" who it seems she also sent to most everyone she knows....


Yeah they forgot the part where Teddy Roosevelt was totally awesome. Sarah Palin gave a speech while she went into labor (because she's apparently an irresponsible mother). Teddy Roosevelt gave a speech immediately after being SHOT IN THE CHEST (because he's apparently totally awesome).
Byakuya769 said:
... well Alaska is bigger than New York.

Palin is more qualified than Teddy Roosevelt was. Yep.

hell she's even more qualified than jesus was. woman has five kids. thats enough experience regardless the size of state she governs


mj1108 said:
Ugh.. just got this email forwarded from my mom under the subject line "Who am I?" who it seems she also sent to most everyone she knows....


"Too good not to share! For those who do not remember he was Governor of New York. Founder of the Civil Service System."
mj1108 said:
Ugh.. just got this email forwarded from my mom under the subject line "Who am I?" who it seems she also sent to most everyone she knows....


Hurr hurr...

Let me play.

I'm a lawyer, I'm from Illinois and an outspoken opponent to an issue that divides the nation and I'm running for President.

Who am I?

Abraham Lincoln
ryutaro's mama said:
porkbarrel spending
90% of the time
taking on my own Party
(Not)Change you can Believe in
Shake up Washington


Seriously it was being used so much at the end of the Dem primary that news analysts were just one flub away from saying, "Hilary has yet to give Obama her Deep Throat endorsement."


Byakuya769 said:
Hmm, but his stated positions on foreign policy scares you?

Yes, because it fits very much into my picture of him ideologically. He seems like the kind of democrat that would strongly favor cutting military spending in every possible area in order to free up money for massive domestic spending. I certainly don't agree with that stance in most cases, although I understand it.

But I didn't come into this thread to bash Obama or praise McCain today.. Obama supporters always drag me into that argument, and I'm not inclined to make it today. I spend way less time bashing Obama than Obama supporters spend bashing McCain. If you are a progressive liberal democrat, he's exactly the kind of guy you need to vote for, and I think most people on GAF are fairly progressive.

This week Obama has handled himself better than McCain, and he deserves praise for that. He looked presidential during this situation and McCain did not.

I have been supporting McCain since the start of the general election and today I stopped really caring which one of them won. McCain doesn't really deserve to win after this week. It was a crisis moment and he couldn't articulate a reasonable approach without falling into political rhetoric. Being president is all about dealing with crisis moments. I don't mind extreme hardball politics, and a certain amount of ruthlessness is important for a president, but there are times when you need to actualy talk about something and stop trying to distract people. This was one of those times. McCain should have a strong belief on this situation.. He shouldn't be struggling around trying to find his footing on something so important.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!

I wish they had a bigger version of this picture (from the Kos article Loudninja linked)
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