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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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RubxQub said:
Reporting back in after my Camp Obama experience.

Our session was from 12:30 - 6:00. We had a guy who worked as a community organizer with Barack back in Chicago, which was awesome. Great speaker and did a crazy job of explaining the strategy of the campaign.

Essentially, it's all about power. He (quite controversially) described Barack Obama as a power-hungry, ruthless person. Going into detail about how he got his seat on the Illinois senate by getting all other candidates disqualified.

The reasoning for this power spiel was to show how Barack gains more power by empowering the people. Without an empowered organization, he is no better than any other politician. His strength is in teaching his followers how to obtain their own power, and through them, he attains his own. It's the embodiment of Barack's line "This election is not about me, it's about you." The guy did a great job, although I'm not quite sure everyone there was following along.

They taught everyone about how to connect with people while you're canvasing or phone banking, you need to be a great listener, not a great arguer. By finding out other people's self interests, you can relate and connect with the people and potentially sell them on your goals without even pitching them anything.

I found the community organizer guy an extremely effective speaker and I learned a lot about some of the core principles that drive Barack's campaign forward.

The second speaker broke down the New Jersey strategy for the campaign. While NJ is a firmly blue state (referred to as a safe state by the Field Director), the campaign was setting ambitious goals for voter turnout. He described the raw numbers of how many houses needed to be visited and the number of calls that needed to be made. He further broke into strategy as well as the specifics of what you'd need to do.

It ended with everyone going out to these tables and to sign up for events for their local districts. My district was not represented (as I drove quite a ways to get there), but they provided me the contact information I'd need to connect both with my local campaign office, as well as contacts out in Philadelphia. So I wasn't able to directly sign up for anything, however I have the information I'd need to get myself out there and will be reaching out to the Philadelphia office ASAP.

The people there were actually mostly of the older woman variety. I'd say about 3/4 people were 40-70 year old women. I was really only 1 of maybe 3 young folks there.

The experience was really cool, and hopefully I'll actually make a difference out in PA to ensure that bitch stays blue.
Quoted for the new page. Thanks for the write-up.


mAcOdIn said:
I don't give a fuck about what one guy says when talking about the government as a whole. It was sold to the American people and the world as Iraq posed an Imminent threat, what a few people on the sidelines say to support their agenda doesn't mean anything when I'm trying to describe why Americans let themselves be goaded into something. If it was sold as a humanitarian effort and that's what it took for Americans to rally behind a war we'd have every swinging dick in the military overseas.

I think you and Stooge are arguing two different things. Yes, the war was sold to the American people as a pragmatic idea, but the people doing the selling were neo-con ideologues pushing their agenda. It was a war fought on idealism under the guise of pragmatism.

other stuff

That's quite a childish outlook.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
GhaleonEB said:
Quoted for the new page. Thanks for the write-up.
Appreciated, there were 30 posts made between when I hit "reply" and "post", putting me in the dreaded dead zone. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
mAcOdIn said:
I don't give a fuck about what one guy says when talking about the government as a whole. It was sold to the American people and the world as Iraq posed an Imminent threat, what a few people on the sidelines say to support their agenda doesn't mean anything when I'm trying to describe why Americans let themselves be goaded into something. If it was sold as a humanitarian effort and that's what it took for Americans to rally behind a war we'd have every swinging dick in the military overseas.

And I think that's what's wrong with politics on any level. If someone wouldn't support Georgia or the Ukraine then fine, but don't give lip service to them by saying "we support you but can't risk war with Russia." What kind of pussy shit is that? Just be honest and throw your hands in the air and say "not my problem" or some shit.

If my government says they support a country I want that to mean something in the same I hope the reverse is true. If not, then say it out front. If we won't support Georgia and don't think they're worth the risk then flat out tell Georgia we don't support them. That's all I want from my government and other world governments.

the world isnt black and white. You can support a country without supporting them unconditionally without limits.


thekad said:
I think you and Stooge are arguing two different things. Yes, the war was sold to the American people as a pragmatic idea, but the people doing the selling were neo-con ideologues pushing their agenda. It was a war fought on idealism under the guise of pragmatism.

That's quite a childish outlook.
Possibly, but in reality even pragmatism is an ideal. A pragmatist is merely someone who's ideal is to do what benefits them while an idealist does what they think is right whether it's beneficial or not. So in the end arguing over whether it was pragmatic or not is silly.

I'm sorry you think that's a childish view. If I myself don't bend my ideals to suit an occasion then why shouldn't I expect my government to do the same? And if I do expect my government to warp it's ideals to suit the occasion then what does that say about my own personal integrity as an individual?

StoOgE said:
the world isnt black and white. You can support a country without supporting them unconditionally without limits.
Well the world is actually black and white, there always was and always has been right and wrong, that statement was made up by people who want to rationalize doing things that they normally stand against for personal gain.

Supporting a country with limits isn't really support is all I'm saying. I think you're warping the definition. I'm not saying that we should either support Georgia or completely ignore them and offer them to Russia on a plate. I'm saying there's the third option of "we have no position but we will keep ties open and continue to do business with you" type of middle ground, but I in no way would ever call that "support."
Loudninja said:
25,000 to 30,000 Show Up For Obama in Charlotte Today


More pics from the Obama event in Charlotte.








Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Still don't see any token Asian in those photos. Obama hates Asians confirmed.

Also, MILF'08 is so unnecessary.


NetMapel said:
Still don't see any token Asian in those photos. Obama hates Asians confirmed.

Also, MILF'08 is so unnecessary.
more like aZn hates Obama.

but seriously, i feel like i'm the only asian who supports Obama.
so_awes said:
more like aZn hates Obama.

but seriously, i feel like i'm the only asian who supports Obama.

Well thankfully then that vote is mostly clustered in CA, NY, TX and other big states that are already decided. ;)
platypotamus said:
Lots up here in Washington too, but I think it's pretty settled too.

I was mainly teasing. There are pockets of large asian communities spread in some other states. I haven't seen any demograhics on the asian vote between Mccain and Obama recently.


Ether_Snake said:
Just in:

U.S. Treasury Widens Scope of Bad-Debt Plan Beyond Mortgages


I raise you a:

Goldman, Morgan to Become Bank Holding Companies

In one of the biggest changes to Wall Street in decades, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the last two independent investment banks, will become bank holding companies, the Federal Reserve said Sunday night.

The move fundamentally changes one of the mainstays of modern Wall Street. It heralds new regulations and supervisions of previously lightly regulated investment banks.

The move comes after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the near-collapses of Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch.

Being a bank holding company would give Morgan and Goldman access to the discount window of the Federal Reserve. While they have had access to Fed lending facilities in recent months, regulators had planned to take away discount window access in January.

The regulation by the Federal Reserve brings a host of accounting rule changes that should benefit the two banks in the current environment.

In return, they will submit themselves to greater regulation, including limits on the amount of leverage they can take on.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I say part of the clause for getting a bail out from the government should be a percentage clawback of bonus/wage from the company's top executives.


A question from Josh Marshall at TPM:

The New York Times reports this evening that "foreign banks, which were initially excluded from the [Wall Street bailout] plan, lobbied successfully over the weekend to be able to sell the toxic American mortgage debt owned by their American units to the Treasury, getting the same treatment as United States banks."

The Times further reports that two of the biggest foreign banks in need of such relief are Barclays and UBS. In fact, my understanding is that UBS is more on the line here than any other foreign bank.

Let's add this up.

John McCain's top economics advisor, who is widely believed to be his choice for Treasury Secretary, should he win in November, is former Sen. Phil Gramm. (Indeed, just last night his spokesman refused to say Gramm wouldn't be McCain's choice for Treasury Secretary.)

Gramm is both vice chairman of UBS's US division and a lobbyist for UBS.

If UBS successfully lobbied over the weekend to get in on the bailout, what was Gramm's role in the lobbying?


so_awes said:
more like aZn hates Obama.

but seriously, i feel like i'm the only asian who supports Obama.

yeah it's so sad a lot of our Asian brethren are so white washed it's not even funny.


The bailout plan is The Patriot Act all over again, but this time for the economy, once again rushed through out of panic.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
I am not happy about Obama essentially lying about McCain's stance on Social Security, I expect that sort of shit from the other side, not Obama.

I guess if McCain can go about saying Obama's gonna raise taxes on the middle class Obama can lie about Social Security, I just held him to a higher standard.


Ether_Snake said:
The bailout plan is The Patriot Act all over again, but this time for the economy, once again rushed through out of panic.

I don't get why we're asking Paulson to get us out of this mess, especially with the bailout being such incredible bullshit. He wants free reign to do what he needs/wants? How about instead, he has to go through the remainder of his time as TS with a gun to his head and if he fucks up, he's gone. SOME accountability would be nice.

I'm sick of having a government that can't function even when we give up shit that we shouldn't have to give up. I almost wish Wall Street would fail so this dickhead would have to live with the blame.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
capslock said:
I am not happy about Obama essentially lying about McCain's stance on Social Security, I expect that sort of shit from the other side, not Obama.

I guess if McCain can go about saying Obama's gonna raise taxes on the middle class Obama can lie about Social Security, I just held him to a higher standard.

What did he lie about?
Why do people act like Paulson caused this? This all started long before he was Sec of the Treasury, and I'm not even sure it's his responsibility in that case. I thought he got involved recently because it's his area of expertise from *before* he was secretary.


GhaleonEB said:
A question from Josh Marshall at TPM:


So let me get this straight. These foreign banks, such as UBS, originally lobbied to remove regulation from the US financial system and reaped the rewards. Now that the economy is tanking, the US taxpayer is going to be bailing out Swiss bankers.


Please tell me I am wrong, I hope I am.


Trakdown said:
I don't get why we're asking Paulson to get us out of this mess, especially with the bailout being such incredible bullshit. He wants free reign to do what he needs/wants? How about instead, he has to go through the remainder of his time as TS with a gun to his head and if he fucks up, he's gone. SOME accountability would be nice.

I'm sick of having a government that can't function even when we give up shit that we shouldn't have to give up. I almost wish Wall Street would fail so this dickhead would have to live with the blame.

How's this? Recent changes to the bailout plan over the weekend, making it now more vague than imaginable:

Changes assets eligible for purchase from " mortgage-related assets" to "Troubled Assets". This makes clear the willingness to buy instruments such as collateralized debt obligations, which may not contain only mortgages in their underlying assets, and LBO related paper, such as collatealized loan obligations, and any other dreck the Treasury might see fit to acquire.

Changes the eligible sellers from "any financial institution having its headquarters in the United States" to "any Financial Institution" which is defined as any institution including, but not limited to, banks, thrifts, credit unions, broker-dealers, and insurance companies, having significant operations in the United States; and, upon the Secretary’s determination in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, any other institution he determines necessary to promote financial market stability.


Yes this is appropriate:

Ignatz Mouse said:
Why do people act like Paulson caused this? This all started long before he was Sec of the Treasury, and I'm not even sure it's his responsibility in that case. I thought he got involved recently because it's his area of expertise from *before* he was secretary.

Who cares who, the plan is a kill pill.
Ether_Snake said:
Who cares who, the plan is a kill pill.

I was referring to somebady wanting to hold him accountable by holding a gun to his head.

He's only been on the job for two years, he doesn't need this level of scorn.


Ether_Snake said:
How's this? Recent changes to the bailout plan over the weekend, making it now more vague than imaginable:


Yes this is appropriate:

Who cares who, the plan is a kill pill.


You do NOT bail out other countries' banks/firms when you are in the red. Jesus christ.

My only hope is that this bill is as unpopular as it sounds and doesn't go over without severe overhauls.

@Ignatz: I meant figuratively with the "gun to his head" comment. And there is absolutely no reason to give him this much free reign. The scorn is earned, since he's saying "give me the money, don't ask any questions and I'll fix it." Not in the mood for that kind of mindset right now.
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