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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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First tragedy, then farce.
So when do we name Paulson King again?

I mean, we are giving an unelected official free reign to do whatever he wants.


Posted in econigaf thread, Obama's view on the current plan, which I highly agree with.

As of now, the Bush Administration has only offered a concept with a staggering price tag, not a plan. Even if the U.S. Treasury recovers some or most of its investment over time, this initial outlay of up to $700 billion is sobering. And in return for their support, the American people must be assured that the deal reflects the basic principles of transparency, fairness, and reform.

First, there must be no blank check when American taxpayers are on the hook for this much money.

Second, taxpayers shouldn’t be spending a dime to reward CEOs on Wall Street.

Third, taxpayers should be protected and should be able to recoup this investment.

Fourth, this plan has to help homeowners stay in their homes.

Fifth, this is a global crisis, and the United States must insist that other nations join us in helping secure the financial markets.

Sixth, we need to start putting in place the rules of the road I’ve been calling for for years to prevent this from ever happening again.

And finally, this plan can’t just be a plan for Wall Street, it has to be a plan for Main Street. We have to come together, as Democrats and Republicans, to pass a stimulus plan that will put money in the pockets of working families, save jobs, and prevent painful budget cuts and tax hikes in our states.


Im surprised Republicans are so willing to get behind this. They have to know that it is more than likely that Obama will be President in 4 months with a new Treasury Secretary.


mamacint said:

Fuck that false equivalency. In what way is Obama lying about McCain's support for SS privatization. They're argument is that they'll enact a plan that will screw future generations, but leave out crucial elderly voters in the near-term, so bringing it up is just rude. Thanks for the fucking insight asshole.
I think you're making excuses, to me it looks like Obama is no longer only walking the high road. Consider this:


I still have faith that President Obama will be far better than President McCain, but reading what Capslock posted and this factcheck article has me less sure about the moral superiority of candidate Obama to candidate McCain.

I'm still sure whom I am voting for.
CASTLEWOOD, VA – Joe Biden took on an even folksier tone than usual as he campaigned in rural southwest Virginia this afternoon. Though his focus was again on economic issues, he deviated from script to talk about an issue not often discussed by the Democrats: guns.

The Delaware senator predicted that Republicans would seek to sway voters by threatening that Obama would take away guns. Biden, claiming to be a gun-owner himself who likes “that little over and under,” called that notion bogus.

“Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don't buy that malarkey,” he said. “If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem.”

The riff came as he criticized McCain again for being out of touch on the economy, quoting another Republican as he made the case for putting a new philosophy in the White House.



φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
NewLib said:
I dont see how Florida has much to do with this. Obama doesnt need that state at all.
What the eff? I don't know what you're talking about in regards to Florida, but to say Obama doesn't need that state?

Obama needs every state he can get to win this thing. Take nothing for granted, at all.


First tragedy, then farce.
avatar299 said:
You don't thinks it's important to mention that Barclay acquired Lehman. Of course Barclay is going to be involved.

not true.

They bought Lehmans highly profitable asset management division (their retail investment arm) that owns zero bad assets. All of Lehmans bad debt is still with LEH.

Whattever CMO/CDO debt Barclays has is theirs.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
SpeedingUptoStop said:
It would've been better if he started waving them around.

"Liberal pussy, my ass - WHO'S THE MAVERICK NOW?"

Sadly this would probably give Obama more votes. :(


RubxQub said:
What the eff? I don't know what you're talking about in regards to Florida, but to say Obama doesn't need that state?

Obama needs every state he can get to win this thing. Take nothing for granted, at all.

Take nothing for granted? Im not rooting for one side or the other. Im just saying going by polling results, Obama wont need Florida to win. If he has enough strength to win Florida, he will have atleast taken NM and Colo.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
NewLib said:
Take nothing for granted? Im not rooting for one side or the other. Im just saying going by polling results, Obama wont need Florida to win. If he has enough strength to win Florida, he will have atleast taken NM and Colo.
Possibly, but I wouldn't devalue any of the states that are in play. To say that Obama doesn't need Florida is way too loose of an opinion at this stage of the game.

Just because he's polling well now means jack compared to what happens on Nov 4th.


RubxQub said:
Possibly, but I wouldn't devalue any of the states that are in play. To say that Obama doesn't need Florida is way too loose of an opinion at this stage of the game.

Just because he's polling well now means jack compared to what happens on Nov 4th.

Im not going to say Obama is in a slam dunk position right now, but his position is easily the best since Clinton/Dole for a candidate.
Joe Biden said:
If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
NewLib said:
Im not going to say Obama is in a slam dunk position right now, but his position is easily the best since Clinton/Dole for a candidate.
All I'm saying is that I don't share your analysis that Obama could do without Florida atm. That's it really :D


RubxQub said:
All I'm saying is that I don't share your analysis that Obama could do without Florida atm. That's it really :D

I am by no means saying that he shouldnt spend money in Florida. His 50 state strategy has proven to be a success.

McCain ended his campaign hopes when he selected Palin. Plain and simple. Really the only VP candidate that could have given him a chance to win was Huckabee. Huckabee would have atleast been a great campaigning asset in Virginia and Ohio and could have put Iowa back in play.
NewLib said:
Im not going to say Obama is in a slam dunk position right now, but his position is easily the best since Clinton/Dole for a candidate.

His position is the best since Gore/Bush if we are being realistic. Clinton/Dole was a blowout. This won't be a blowout although this whole discussion is immaterial in general.


Stoney Mason said:
His position is the best since Gore/Bush if we are being realistic. Clinton/Dole was a blowout. This won't be a blowout although this whole discussion is immaterial in general.

Thats why I said since. I know it wont be a blowout. But I dont know how his position can be better than Bush/Kerry but worse than Gore/Bush since one election was much closer than the other.


GhaleonEB said:
A question from Josh Marshall at TPM:


absolute joke....the US government is bailing out foreign banks? WTF are their own governments doing, these banks made the decision to enter the US market and buy these securities and now they want the US tax payer to give them a fresh start

i also read this....unbelievable


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
jey_16 said:
absolute joke....the US government is bailing out foreign banks? WTF are their own governments doing, these banks made the decision to enter the US market and buy these securities and now they want the US tax payer to give them a fresh start

i also read this....unbelievable
NewLib said:
Thats why I said since. I know it wont be a blowout. But I dont know how his position can be better than Bush/Kerry but worse than Gore/Bush since one election was much closer than the other.

I hear what you're saying. Just noting that Gore had a decent chance in that close election. Clinton had an overwhelming chance in his. So if we are counting back to the last Dem victory then yes, but the odds are so much closer now it's sort of more logical to compare it to some of the closer models imo. Although technically your statement is correct.


jey_16 said:
absolute joke....the US government is bailing out foreign banks? WTF are their own governments doing, these banks made the decision to enter the US market and buy these securities and now they want the US tax payer to give them a fresh start

i also read this....unbelievable

The excuse is that if they don't bail them out it will affect Americans as much anyway. That's the excuse. The fact is it is thanks to lobbying, and also a way to incite those countries to take similar measures, but the former more than the later.


Setec Astronomer
Loudninja said:
25,000 to 30,000 Show Up For Obama in Charlotte Today


I was there... kinda. I slept in on account of playing games till 4am so I didn't get on the train to downtown till 11am or so. Now, there were two lines to get in each entrance. The one I didn't see is the blue dot, and the line I was in is the red line.


That length is how long it was at 1pm, when the program started and I was a little over halfway through. It's one block longer than it was when I joined at 11:30 am or so.

Anyway, Obama started before I got to the security barricade and there was a huge mass of people crammed against it with a thin trickle actually getting through. I didn't manage to find a spot where I could see him--that photo showing a checkpoint makes me wonder if that was the one I was next to, because if so then I snuck forward in the wrong direction. :(

Oh well, got to hear the bulk of his speech though, and got to be part of the mayhem.


Clothed, sober, cooperative


I honestly believe that we could have hired a rock to replace the fuckwit in charge right now, but honestly, if Barack Obama can keep thinking, keep cooperating, keep reaching across the aisle, and keep fulfilling his promise and his promises, he could be one of the greats.

And you know what? FUCK Reagan.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
mAcOdIn said:
Possibly, but in reality even pragmatism is an ideal. A pragmatist is merely someone who's ideal is to do what benefits them while an idealist does what they think is right whether it's beneficial or not. So in the end arguing over whether it was pragmatic or not is silly.

I'm sorry you think that's a childish view. If I myself don't bend my ideals to suit an occasion then why shouldn't I expect my government to do the same? And if I do expect my government to warp it's ideals to suit the occasion then what does that say about my own personal integrity as an individual?

Well the world is actually black and white, there always was and always has been right and wrong, that statement was made up by people who want to rationalize doing things that they normally stand against for personal gain.

Supporting a country with limits isn't really support is all I'm saying. I think you're warping the definition. I'm not saying that we should either support Georgia or completely ignore them and offer them to Russia on a plate. I'm saying there's the third option of "we have no position but we will keep ties open and continue to do business with you" type of middle ground, but I in no way would ever call that "support."

I strongly disagree with your viewpoints. The world is not black and white because there are simply too many variables to consider when making important decisions. It is never smart to deal in absolutes as you seem to think.

Why does "support" have to include a pledge that we will fight in a war for them? We can support them with aid, advice, diplomacy and in many more ways while refusing to fight wars for them. To pledge that we will go to war with Russia over a country like Georgia would be stupid and just irresponsible. Why should we have to disregard the safety of our citizens and the safety of the region for Georgia? It doesn't make sense.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Zefah said:
I strongly disagree with your viewpoints. The world is not black and white because there are simply too many variables to consider when making important decisions. It is never smart to deal in absolutes as you seem to think.

Why does "support" have to include a pledge that we will fight in a war for them? We can support them with aid, advice, diplomacy and in many more ways while refusing to fight wars for them. To pledge that we will go to war with Russia over a country like Georgia would be stupid and just irresponsible. Why should we have to disregard the safety of our citizens and the safety of the region for Georgia? It doesn't make sense.

mAc has proven himself to not be smart when it comes to foreign policy conversations. To say there's only black and white is an automatic disqualifer.


Unconfirmed Member
OuterWorldVoice said:
I honestly believe that we could have hired a rock to replace the fuckwit in charge right now,

But would you have wanted to drink a beer with the rock?
I would


Later, Stewart and Stephen Colbert, whose "The Colbert Report" won a writing trophy, teamed to present an award — and exchange banter in which they used a package of prunes as a metaphor for the upcoming presidential election.

"America needs prunes. It may not be a young, sexy plum. Granted, it's shriveled and at times hard to swallow. But this dried-up old prune has the experience we need," Colbert said.



mckmas8808 said:
mAc has proven himself to not be smart when it comes to foreign policy conversations. To say there's only black and white is an automatic disqualifer.
You place safety and prosperity over integrity and loyalty, I just believe the opposite. That's also why you guys would be more in tune with a financial bail out while I'm more apt to say fuck them and watch the whole system collapse smiling while whatever shitstorm that brings comes my way.

I'd rather do what I think is right and laugh all the way to hell or where ever then live a long life with walks on the beach and a boatload of cash. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Edit: Oh and thanks for not reading my third option about just doing business as usual. If you want to feel all good about yourself and call lip service and diplomatic BS aid or support then I guess sure you're right, if you want to be honest with yourself however feel free to come over to my side. I don't think Georgians if occupied by Russia would consider our pleading and money "support," but I digress.


devilhawk said:
That's not a plan. That's saying a bunch of obvious things.
He did not say it was a plan. He said those are "basic principles" the proposed bailout need to adhere to. Ones the current proposal does not incorporate.
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