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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
mAcOdIn said:
while I'm more apt to say fuck them and watch the whole system collapse smiling while whatever shitstorm that brings comes my way..

I appreciate your enthusiasm for chaos and tragedy, but seriously, this makes all your opinions utterly worthless. This is precisely the same philosophy espoused by Vivian from The Young Ones, who enjoyed, at least, the luxury of being an actual joke character.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I appreciate your enthusiasm for chaos and tragedy, but seriously, this makes all your opinions utterly worthless. This is precisely the same philosophy espoused by Vivian from The Young Ones, who enjoyed, at least, the luxury of being an actual joke character.
Well continue on living standing for nothing guys, not like your opinion of me matters to me in the slightest, and if that's what you want from your government as well I don't want to hear you bitch about anything in the future if your side comes down on the opposite side of the pragmatic view, you reap what you sow.

I can actually stand people disagreeing with me on opinions but to just be wishy washy flakes? That I can't respect. I don't want to ever here anything about flip flopping for any reason from you guys because that's all you guys are.

So carry on with your group orgy!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
mAcOdIn said:
Well continue on living standing for nothing guys, not like your opinion of me matters to me in the slightest, and if that's what you want from your government as well I don't want to hear you bitch about anything in the future if your side comes down on the opposite side of the pragmatic view, you reap what you sow.

I can actually stand people disagreeing with me on opinions but to just be wishy washy flakes? That I can't respect. I don't want to ever here anything about flip flopping for any reason from you guys because that's all you guys are.

So carry on with your group orgy!

Seeya! :)
mAcOdIn said:
Well continue on living standing for nothing guys, not like your opinion of me matters to me in the slightest, and if that's what you want from your government as well I don't want to hear you bitch about anything in the future if your side comes down on the opposite side of the pragmatic view, you reap what you sow.

I can actually stand people disagreeing with me on opinions but to just be wishy washy flakes? That I can't respect. I don't want to ever here anything about flip flopping for any reason from you guys because that's all you guys are.

So carry on with your group orgy!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the first meltdown of the season.
Why is it that every time one of these guys gets banned another one springs up in their place? Whether it's King Slender, SEGASAMMY, or this mAcOdIn guy there always seems to be one wing nut that comes along, makes hamfisted claims they can't substantiate or defend logically, and then slowly work themselves into a froth complaining about the poligaf liberal conspiracy when anyone calls them on their shit or disagrees.

The only question now is whether he'll actually leave or keep poking his head in to make snarky comments until he crosses the line and gets banned.


Small balls, big fun!
Plenty of the Obama supporters here reveal a scary level of ignorance about how the world works whenever they go past 80 words in a post. They've lucked into picking the right candidate for the wrong reasons but it doesn't make them smarter.

The difference between them and a Republican poster (who is by definition naive and wrong) is that they don't have five people arguing against their every post.

People disagreeing with you isn't a crime and I've got a bucket of rolleyes for anyone who acts like posting at GAF is somehow speaking truth to power, but I do wonder how many of the regular posters in this thread would be able to handle minority status as graciously as mAc has.
Hitokage said:
Lolz he disagree wit me banz him!

Not sure if that's a reference to my post. I'm just noting a pattern with a certain personality type in these threads which has nothing to do with holding a dissenting view and everything to do with how they react when pressed on their beliefs. I don't deign to suggest who should or shouldn't be banned, but I can recognize the inevitable when I see it. I've mostly lurked this thread for a few months now, and in that short time I've seen guys like Gaborn, JayDubya, and ToxicAdam go against the general flow of opinion here, but they actually engage in polite, if heated, conversation without resorting to this horseshit about "not standing for anything" and having a "group orgy".

And Mandark, you've got a point about being piled on, but I don't think that poster handled it particularly gracefully. Personally I'm an Obama supporter, although somewhat less fervent than most of the regulars here, especially since the FISA vote. The reason why I generally lurk more than post is that I accept the limits of my political knowledge and therefore avoid making an ass of myself by raging against people who are wittier and better informed on the issues. Don't overextend your opinion and you won't be so susceptible to ridicule, right? The flack mAcOdIn is getting is predictable, and largely his own fault imo.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
And Mandark, you've got a point about being piled on, but I don't think that poster handled it particularly gracefully

It is very difficult to be graceful when you have 10 people having a go at you with varying levels of antagonism. I speak from first hand experience.

There are some obnoxious conservatives on here that spring to mind that deserve to be goaded and derided but at least recently in the thread from what I've seen mAcOdIn hasn't been one of those. Things get way too personal in the thread way too often and part of the blame has always laid with my fellow liberals. If someone is willing to have a reasonable conversation and admit flaws within their own side there is no need to go the extra step and provoke something.
these threads have always been anti-minority opinion, pretty much. it's not really a bad thing per se. it's internet, and a political discussion to boot, so what can you do, really. i went through it during the "omg hillary iz a cunt!!" phase.


formerly sane
Tyrone Slothrop said:
these threads have always been anti-minority opinion, pretty much. it's not really a bad thing per se. it's internet, and a political discussion to boot, so what can you do, really. i went through it during the "omg hillary iz a cunt!!" phase.

She is, doesn't change the fact she'd make a good leader than most political figures of her time. Personally I keep crap like that down, name calling, as with the case like generalizing does nothing but cause strife and bigger divisions in the discussion.
Stoney Mason said:
It is very difficult to be graceful when you have 10 people having a go at you with varying levels of antagonism. I speak from first hand experience.

There are some obnoxious conservatives on here that spring to mind that deserve to be goaded and derided but at least recently in the thread from what I've seen mAcOdIn hasn't been one of those. Things get way too personal in the thread way too often and part of the blame has always laid with my fellow liberals. If someone is willing to have a reasonable conversation and admit flaws within their own side there is no need to go the extra step and provoke something.
I agree with everything you're saying about things getting personal and how people address each other, but I read mAcOdIn as becoming unnecessarily antagonistic in a matter of a few posts from where I picked up his exchange with StoOgE a few pages back. Maybe I missed something?

capslock said:
I am not happy about Obama essentially lying about McCain's stance on Social Security, I expect that sort of shit from the other side, not Obama.

I guess if McCain can go about saying Obama's gonna raise taxes on the middle class Obama can lie about Social Security, I just held him to a higher standard.

So the alleged lie is 'McCain wanted to privatized Social Security' when the plan only dealt changing the plan for younger people? I'm not so sure than is really intentionally a lie. For the older people, I guess it sort of is a lie since the system doesn't change for them but for younger people it is true since they get put into a completely different system.

However, I do think this would have directly affected older people as well. The way the plan would have worked would have been by borrowing zillions to fund these accounts for the younger people. And when you do that, it would have massively increased in the size of the deficit . . . which would have devalued the dollar all that much more such that payments to the older social security recipients would have been worth much less.

And besides, 'privatizing social security' is just a shorthand term for whatever the Bush/McCain proposal was and that proposal was soundly defeated. ]

So I really don't think this was such a lie.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
I agree with everything you're saying about things getting personal and how people address each other, but I read mAcOdIn as becoming unnecessarily antagonistic in a matter of a few posts from where I picked up his exchange with StoOgE a few pages back. Maybe I missed something?


From what I saw I couple of people said snarky things and he said some snarky things back. It wasn't that big a deal (He shouldn't have used the orgy line but then I also don't think he started the attacks). What generally happens though is once the conservative retaliates back with snark he opens himself open to getting smashed from a cascade of posters. I don't have a problem with this if the poster is generally a troll but if he's not then bringing down the wrath of god from multiples posters only makes sure the snarkiness continues and dialogue ends.

See Andyisthemoney or minus_273 postings for classic examples of trollish annoying behavior.


Small balls, big fun!
As someone who was paying a lot of attention during the SS privatization debate (and made a thread about it here), I've got no problem with Obama's attacks.

McCain really did support personal accounts, that would mean tons of borrowing, it would be a step from changing SS from away from being a defined-benefit plan, and we'd be in even more dire straits now if it had passed.
Mandark said:
Plenty of the Obama supporters here reveal a scary level of ignorance about how the world works whenever they go past 80 words in a post. They've lucked into picking the right candidate for the wrong reasons but it doesn't make them smarter.

The difference between them and a Republican poster (who is by definition naive and wrong) is that they don't have five people arguing against their every post.

People disagreeing with you isn't a crime and I've got a bucket of rolleyes for anyone who acts like posting at GAF is somehow speaking truth to power, but I do wonder how many of the regular posters in this thread would be able to handle minority status as graciously as mAc has.
dogpile on the wabbit!! :)

that brings back good memories


First it was houses...now it's cars.


CNN Article said:
(CNN) — Democrats eager to portray John McCain as out of touch with average Americans and as a flip-flopper seized on a report Sunday the Arizona senator and his wife, Cindy, own more than a dozen cars — including several foreign-made automobiles.

A Newsweek article published on the magazine's Web Site Sunday said registration records show the McCains currently own 13 cars — two of which are foreign-made: a Honda and a Volkswagen. That appears to contradict the Republican presidential nominee's past statements he only buys cars made in America. (Cindy McCain also drives a Lexus and daughter Meghan owns a Toyota Prius, but neither are registered to the McCains.)

Newsweek also reported Barack Obama owns one car: a Ford Escape Hybrid.

In a quickly-arranged conference call organized by the Democratic National Committee, United Auto Worker Union President Ron Gettelfinger — an Obama supporter — said the registration records show McCain is not being truthful with Americans and undermining autoworkers.

"The last thing we need is a presidential candidate who undermines autoworkers, and these days it seems that John McCain is doing just exactly that," he said. "When he's in the Midwest, he tells voters he supports the industry, when he is in other states he brags about buying a foreign car, as he did with the Prius." (It is not clear if McCain or his daughter bought the Prius)

Gettelfinger also pointed to comments McCain made in an interview with Detroit TV station WXYZ, saying, "I've bought American literally all my life and I'm proud."

"That's really a nice campaign line," Gettelfinger said of the comments. "But it turns out that John McCain wasn't being straight with the people of Detroit, or the state of Michigan, or our country as a matter of effect," adding later, "The American auto industry and the American voters deserve a president who will be straight with them.”

For the record, Honda has four major automobile and engine plants in the United States employing more than 25,000 Americans, according to its Web site. Volkswagen is scheduled to open a plant in Tennessee in 2011 that is expected to employ 2,000 people, the AP reported in July.

Brian Rogers, a spokesman for McCain, said "Barack Obama is more interested in childish political attacks than confronting the reality that his plans to raise taxes and close off trade will kill our American auto industry and the jobs of hardworking folks in Michigan and all around our nation."

Rogers also said McCain was referring to his own car in the WXYZ interview: "He drives a Cadillac today and has always driven American cars," Rogers said.

Newsweek's report comes a month after McCain now-infamously could not name how many houses he owned in an interview with Politico. The publication later reported he owns at least eight properties.
I can't believe people are actually against privatization. You contribute all of this money into a general social security fund, which gets abused by the politicians and now the program is totally insolvent. Privatization at least lets you control some of the money that YOU have contributed. It's bad enough that social security is mandatory but the way that it has been mismanaged is a disgrace.


Stoney Mason said:
From what I saw I couple of people said snarky things and he said some snarky things back. It wasn't that big a deal (He shouldn't have used the orgy line but then I also don't think he started the attacks). What generally happens though is once the conservative retaliates back with snark he opens himself open to getting smashed from a cascade of posters. I don't have a problem with this if the poster is generally a troll but if he's not then bringing down the wrath of god from multiples posters only makes sure the snarkiness continues and dialogue ends.

See Andyisthemoney or minus_273 postings for classic examples of trollish annoying behavior.

He may have stated his case more eloquently than other conservative posters but often times his posts came close to bordering on belittling due to his dogmatism. And after he said the world must be seen in a prism of black and white and remained stubborn on that position. I think most would, at least in my experience, feel it is tedious and tiresome to try and deal with someone with such a stubbornly impractical and unrealistic view of foreign policy. I dont advocate belittling him back but I probably would have dismissed him all the same, as I feel that someone with that mindset isn't worth wasting my time knocking down every one of their flimsy rationales for supporting it.


NewLib said:
Well its his own fault. Dont make your opponent out to be an elitist if you own a bunch of houses and cars.

And maybe that would've been a sticking point before the conventions, but there's so much to work with what happened last week still.
The polls are close in Michigan, so this is just a stunt to try to give Obama a bit of a boost there.

But I agree, this is a bit silly to bring up right now especially when Obama has the momentum right now on real issues. Small mud battles benefit McCain not Obama.

Though this seems like a DNC stunt not an Obama campaign thing.


Classic neogaf. Obama doesn't make attack ads or attacks the opponent's integrity and you whine. He makes them and you whine again.

Personally I welcome any kind of attacks that expose McCain's hypocrisy. Like many others have said here the undecided are idiots and you have to drop to their level to appeal to them. Sorry but that's the sad truth.


formerly sane
AniHawk said:
And maybe that would've been a sticking point before the conventions, but there's so much to work with what happened last week still.

I think you just reminded me of obama's problem when it comes to going after McCain. There's a lot to attack but they often prioritize really isn't as damaging as other potential if framed right could be.

Like the cars and houses, rather than point out something one of their constituents would attribute to his class and status as a citizen. They could better point that out and tie to the bigger issue of the economy and rampant cronyism that is very pervasive and damaging to the country. That's my issue with obama's attacks at this point he goes after a few without really tying them in to a bigger scope. He can never win the experience argument. What he can win is judgement and everything should tie in it that solely.

Mahadev said:
Personally I welcome any kind of attacks that expose McCain's hypocrisy. Like many others have said here the undecided are idiots and you have to drop to their level to appeal to them. Sorry but that's the sad truth.

Nothing sad about fighting fire with fire, too many people do not understand the true meaning of that quote.


mj1108 said:
First it was houses...now it's cars.

Democrats eager to portray John McCain as out of touch with average Americans and as a flip-flopper seized on a report Sunday the Arizona senator and his wife, Cindy, own more than a dozen cars — including several foreign-made automobiles.

Why not just constantly point out the bajillion stances he's flipped since 2000?


Mahadev said:
Classic neogaf. Obama doesn't make attack ads or attacks the opponent's integrity and you whine. He makes them and you whine again.

Personally I welcome any kind of attacks that expose McCain's hypocrisy. Like many others have said here the undecided are idiots and you have to drop to their level to appeal to them. Sorry but that's the sad truth.

Now the house thing was good, because it was "Well, gee, I have so many, how can I keep track." This just seems unnecessary, especially in light of bigger problems going on right now.
Mandark said:
McCain really did support personal accounts, that would mean tons of borrowing, it would be a step from changing SS from away from being a defined-benefit plan, and we'd be in even more dire straits now if it had passed.
1) The plan was basically going out on margin to fund a retirement account .. . something you are explicitly not allowed to do with a 401(k) or an IRA . . . and with good reason.
2) Considering how the market has pretty much cratered (and will likely continue to do so) since then, we basically would have started out with accounts worth less than the amount borrowed to fund them.

The whole plan just didn't make sense . . . and I'm not someone who is totally against the idea of private accounts.
you know drudge is getting desperate when Democrats pounce on the number of cars McCain has and drudge shows a story that Obama uses a 727 to travel across the country,

both john mccain and Obama have planes



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
AniHawk said:
Wow. That car thing sounds like such a non-issue.

Dude what? Why?

The "two foreign cars!!!1!" being The Smoking Gun of the article is a little silly, but WTF, how many cars does YOUR family own?

I generally don't buy into any politician calling any other politician "out of touch" with the "average American," but the more I hear, the more I really DO wonder whether McCain has any real clue what my life or the life of another typical American is like.


AniHawk said:
Five, at one point.
Ah, you're one of those uppity elitist families.

It really seems like a petty line of attack. Obama wants the race to be about issues, make it about the issues.

I'm confident Obama has a clear edge in both issues and personality (not that hard considering the shitty and despicable way McCain handled his campaign in the past month), though, so it doesn't really matter outside of principle (what should a presidential election be about etc.)
The Today show is live in Philadelphia right now for a battle ground week. I feel like going to Independance Hall and holding up a sign saying "NeoGAF is for McCain, Believe!!!".


Illuminati said:
The Today show is live in Philadelphia right now for a battle ground week. I feel like going to Independance Hall and holding up a sign saying "NeoGAF is for McCain, Believe!!!".
Why would you show a pro-McCain sign? You can't be for him right?
Morning Joe sucks as always. Haven't been up to watch one in a while.


Well done in filling another 2 min with horse race horse shit guys.


I need someone to do an in-depth investigation into how many shoes Cindy McCain owns before I decide whether or not I want to have a drink with, and therefore vote for, her husband.
Joey just HAD to have Frumy on to say history may show how things are actually pretty awesome thanks to Bush.

'China and India is what Bush will be judged on 50 years from now no so much Iraq'


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Apparently Michael Steele is playing Obama in the mock debates....thank god for that one lone black republican eh....
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