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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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FBI searches Kernell apt., roommates subpoenaed

Posted by Richard Koman @ September 22, 2008 @ 7:51 AM

The FBI searched the apartment of David Kernell, the son of a Democratic Tennessee state representative, suspected of breaking into Sarah Palin’s Yahoo email account. Three of his roommates could testify before a Chattanooga grand jury.

And, hey, once you’ve hacked the governor’s email (because, it’s clear, this account was used for official business; it wasn’t just her account for family photos) and the entire Internet has fingered you as the culprit, why not throw a party? Apparently that’s what Kernell was doing because the FBI broke up a party when they stopped by to serve the search warrant.

To be fair, maybe the roommates were throwing the party and Kernell was moping silently in the corner with sweat dripping down his face and staring at his phone showing 346 missed calls.

Reports local TV station KBIR:

everal agents arrived at The Commons of Knoxville around midnight. They presented their badges upon entering Kernell’s apartment, where several students were having a party, and took down their names.

The witness tells us they asked him and those who did not live in the unit to go outside. He believes the investigators took about 1.5 to 2 hours taking pictures of everything inside the apartment.

Witnesses say Kernell and his friends fled the apartment when the FBI agents arrived. Kernell’s three roommates were also subpoenaed, and must testify this week in Chattanooga, according to the witness.

Meanwhile, Gabriel Ramuglia, webmaster of Ctunnel, the proxy service used to attack the Yahoo account, has identified the IP user of the perpetrator but he doesn’t think it points to Kernell, Computerworld reports.

“Because I’m not in contact with the Internet service provider, I’m not 100% sure of where the IP is based,” he said. “But from what I can tell, the IP address doesn’t look consistent with the media reports.”

The FBI will be able to close the loop, though, with the records of the ISP to which that IP address is assigned. Ramuglia said it is a small, residential ISP.

A grand jury will convene on Tuesday.
I have a question about the right wing lie on Obama's donations and FM. FactCheck debunked the story, but this caught me by surprise:


We talked to a spokesperson from the Center for Responsive Politics who told us that looking at all election cycles since 1989 (the first year for which CRP has data), Barack Obama is in fact the second-largest recipient of contributions from employees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, their unemployed spouses and dependent children and both of the FMs’ political action committees.

According to CRP, Obama’s total contributions from the FMs work out to $126,349. Of that sum, $6,000 comes from the FMs’ political action committees, and the rest from individuals who work for one of the two companies. Obama’s FM contributions account for about 0.03 percent of his total contributions to date. McCain’s FM haul is a smaller $21,550, all from individuals. That’s about 0.01 percent of his total contributions. We stand by our doubts that either candidate will be much swayed by numbers of this size.

FM's PAC? What does that mean?
syllogism said:

So where are the WMDs?
Tobor said:
Fucking bullshit is what it is. On the plus side, not asking direct questions means they can't claim gender bullying. Not that they won't try it anyway, the scumbags.

I hope the story of Republicans trying to rig the format to compensate for her idiocy will become more news as the VP debates draw near.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
FM's PAC? What does that mean?

Corporations commonly have political action committees, they are federally regulated groups that can donate money to campaigns. It's likely that they donated to previous campaigns Obama ran before now, since Obama has a big no-PAC money thing going in his run for president.

Individual contributions are totally benign and harmless, and represent a somewhat sacred right as Americans to voice our support for candidate by giving them money while following the very modest maximum contribution rules in place.


ViperVisor said:
Joey just HAD to have Frumy on to say history may show how things are actually pretty awesome thanks to Bush.

'China and India is what Bush will be judged on 50 years from now no so much Iraq'

What? What about Bush and China/India?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Pakkidis said:
She will however have a lot more time to prepare her answers than before, not to say she will do much better. I still believe that no mater how stupid she looks during the debate people are still going to support her. Considering all thats happened during the campaign trail it seems like some people will following McCain/Palin no matter how badly they fuck up.

are they getting the questions beforehand?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think people are just now getting news from the news cycle a few days back. I know my sister emailed me today asking about the Palin molecule answer. So I think that might be affecting her ratings even as she hasn't really done anything.
Y2Kev said:
I think people are just now getting news from the news cycle a few days back. I know my sister emailed me today asking about the Palin molecule answer. So I think that might be affecting her ratings even as she hasn't really done anything.
Somehow, the Great Lamonster hadn't heard about that one either. Link and/or details plz?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Diablos said:

you forgot to bold this part:

Meanwhile, Gabriel Ramuglia, webmaster of Ctunnel, the proxy service used to attack the Yahoo account, has identified the IP user of the perpetrator but he doesn’t think it points to Kernell, Computerworld reports.

“Because I’m not in contact with the Internet service provider, I’m not 100% sure of where the IP is based,” he said. “But from what I can tell, the IP address doesn’t look consistent with the media reports.”


Clothed, sober, cooperative
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oy. Had to be a democrat.


Meanwhile, Gabriel Ramuglia, webmaster of Ctunnel, the proxy service used to attack the Yahoo account, has identified the IP user of the perpetrator but he doesn’t think it points to Kernell, Computerworld reports.

Looks like frame job. Possibly by other teen a-hole.
Fragamemnon said:
Obama up 47-42 in the latest Diageo/Hotline poll. Up one tick from yesterday. McCain/Palin fav/unfavorables continue to drop.

And, thinking again about Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for Vice-President, 
assume for a moment that John McCain were elected President and she were elected 
Vice-President. How prepared do you think she is to serve as President if John McCain 
became unable to serve as President for some reason.  Do you think she is…   
SARAH PALIN  9/18 9/19 9/20 9/21 9/22 
Prepared      47%  48% 47%  47%  45% 
Unprepared    49%  47% 48%  48%  50%
That SUSA poll is a bombshell.

The GOP has to be scared shitless about Virginia-it looks like the kind of state that goes blue and doesn't come back.
Incognito said:
Everyone go to ThePage

Steve Schimdt is losing his marbles. :lol

Steve Schimdt's current space-time continuum reminds me of that TNG episode where Bev Crusher keeps seeing everyone disappear, only instead of people Schmidt is losing electoral votes instead.
Tina Fey dodges acclaim, loses purse

Sep 22, 1:13 AM (ET)

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Isn't it just like Tina Fey to have something go haywire on the night she's recognized for her many talents?
"If anyone's seen my purse," Fey announced to reporters backstage after winning three Emmys, "I left it under my seat."
It might have been the first thing the "30 Rock" mastermind did wrong all night after picking up trophies for outstanding comedy writing, comedy series and lead actress in a comedy.
When prodded by reporters, she humbly dodged praise and questions about her contributions.
"I think our cast is diverse and talented," she said in one breath.
"We've had the greatest guest stars," she said in another.
"Alec elevates the show to another level with his abilities," she said.
She even shrugged off her resemblance to Gov. Sarah Palin, whom she won raves for portraying on the season premiere of "Saturday Night Live."
"But then my kids saw her on TV and started saying, 'Mommy?'" she said.
She was more open about her thoughts on reprising the "SNL" role. As in, she'd prefer not to.
"I want to be done playing this lady Nov. 5," she said. "So if anybody can help me be done playing this lady Nov. 5, that would be good for me."

Television comedy's Jill-of-all-trades has always been self-deprecating, mining her apparent struggle with life's chaos for her character on "30 Rock," her self-portrayal in a new series of American Express commercials and the persona she presents to the public.
But to win TV's top honors for creating, writing and starring in her own television show might've been more than even Fey can deflect. When cornered to say how she felt about the different Emmys, she finally turned off the modesty. Kinda.
"They look identical," Fey quipped. "Alec was just saying to me backstage that maybe this means I can now stop apologizing for being an actor and writing on the show. The one for the show, that really belongs to everybody, so I don't like it as much."
During his acceptance speech for lead comedy actor for "30 Rock," Baldwin noted that Fey was this generation's Elaine May, the director, screenwriter and actress who famously partnered with Mike Nichols onstage.
"We have the greatest writers, but the show was created by one woman," Baldwin said backstage. "This was Tina's idea. This was Tina's thing. She is the head writer. She is there every day, even when she's not shooting as an actress. She goes back and forth between acting and writing. We're very, very lucky."

Tina Fey rocks


I've been out of the politics loop the past few days, and I just checked out the Palin/molecule thing. Who was it again that said that Palin, and I quote, "knows more about energy than anyone else in America"?

Oh yeah, it was McCain.
Zeliard said:
I've been out of the politics loop the past few days, and I just checked out the Palin/molecule thing. Who was it again that said that Palin, and I quote, "knows more about energy than anyone else in America"?

A half-depleted energizer battery knows more about energy than Sarah Palin does.


Fragamemnon said:
That SUSA poll is a bombshell.

The GOP has to be scared shitless about Virginia-it looks like the kind of state that goes blue and doesn't come back.
Yup. McCain just shifted a lot of resources into North Carolina, so I had assumed Virginia was really in play as well. Looks like Obama has a shot at taking both.
44 page PDF
...While the Treasury would receive much of the authority that it wants to buy up distressed assets, Dodd's add-ons have many of the populist ideas that will appeal to skeptical Democrats. His plan is also broader than the one unveiled by House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), so there will be significant negotiations in the days ahead between the House and Senate if Congress is to pass a bill by the end of the week.

Among the major provisions Dodd is adding:

* Authority for bankruptcy judges to restructure mortgages for homeowners facing foreclosure. This was considered a poison pill in a housing bill that passed Congress earlier this summer, but it has gained much more currency now that Washington wants to bail out Wall Street.

* A provision that would require the Treasury to take 65 percent of any profits it makes from the newly purchased assets and put it into the federal government's HOPE program, an affordable housing program.

* An oversight board that not only includes the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the SEC, but congressionally appointed, non-governmental officials.

* Limits on executive compensation. This is a major stumbling point for Paulson in his negotiations with Congress, but cracking down on Wall Street executive salaries will be a major selling point for lawmakers. Dodd and Frank have put in place what's known as a "claw back" provision aimed at revoking compensation that executives received based on fraudulent claims.

* An independent inspector general to investigate the Treasury asset program, appointed by the president.
McCain Campaign Declares War on NY Times

Steve Schmidt, a McCain campaign senior adviser, declared on a conference call with reporters Monday that The New York Times “is not a journalistic organization.”

“Whatever The New York Times once was, it is today not by any standard a journalistic organization,” Schmidt said. “It is a pro-Obama advocacy organization that every day impugns the McCain campaign, attacks Senator McCain, attacks Governor [Sarah Palin]. It excuse Senator Obama. …

“Everything that is read in The New York Times that attacks this campaign should be evaluated by the American people from that perspective – that it is an organization that has made a decision to deemphasize its journalistic integrity and tradition, to advocate for the defeat of one candidate – in this case, John McCain – and to advocate for the election of the other candidate, Barack Obama.”

Schmidt said later that the Obama campaign has been “abetted” by a compliant media that gives more scrutiny to the Republican than to the Democrat.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and his aides have gone public with a series of grievances against “The Gray Lady.”

On Monday, the paper published an article on page A18 tying Campaign Manager Rick Davis to lobbying group set up by troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
When CNN’s Dana Bash asked about the article, Schmidt unloaded.

“Let me first say: We are First Amendment absolutists on this campaign,” he began. “The press, and anybody who wishes to cover this race from the blogosphere perspective or from a media perspective, … of course is constitutionally protected with regard to writing … whatever they want to write. But let’s be clear and be honest with each other about something fundamental to this race.”

Then, naming The Times, he said: “There is no level of public vetting with Senator Obama’s record, his background, his past statements. There’s no level of outrage directed at his deceitful ads. This is an organization that is completely, totally, 150 percent in tank for the Democratic candidate, which is their prerogative to be. But let’s not be dishonest and call it something other than what it is.”



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Fragamemnon said:
They were flaky as biscuits in the South this year during the primaries, but pretty decent everywhere else.

Flaky as in under cutting Obama. Obama pretty much always out performed SUSA's polling in the South.


a child left behind
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. McCain just shifted a lot of resources into North Carolina, so I had assumed Virginia was really in play as well. Looks like Obama has a shot at taking both.

Dunno about NC to many hillbillies for Obama to overcome, but I'm much more confident in VA.
Ambinder is floating the idea that McCain might actually start leading opposition against the bailout legislation completely. I'll believe it when I see it, but I think that the American people know at this point it is a necessary evil and it would make McCain's logic on the whole fiasco even more tortured.
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