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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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MrHicks said:
how long till the debates?
wanna see palin get chewed up by biden

I still can't believe the Dems agreed to a structured format for the VP Debate :-\

The stipulation was being pushed by the McCain camp, to help Palin. What a crock!


Fatalah said:
I still can't believe the Dems agreed to a structured format for the VP Debate :-\

The stipulation was being pushed by the McCain camp, to help Palin. What a crock!

She will look like a moron regardless of the time limit for answering questions. If she can't even put together a coherent answer at a friendly town hall, she will fold like a newspaper under the pressure of the debate. Prepare for non sequitors 10x bigger than 'fungible molecule oil.'


BenjaminBirdie said:
Because it's foreign policy.

The general electorate believes de facto that McCain is superior in foreign policy because he has more experience, but the guy is wrong on pretty much every FP issue. Most Americans are also against the Iraq War. Obama could make some serious gains in the foreign policy department if he doesn't take that debate too lightly (and, of course, if people pay attention to it).


lawblob said:
She will look like a moron regardless of the time limit for answering questions. If she can't even put together a coherent answer at a friendly town hall, she will fold like a newspaper under the pressure of the debate. Prepare for non sequitors 10x bigger than 'fungible molecule oil.'

She will however have a lot more time to prepare her answers than before, not to say she will do much better. I still believe that no mater how stupid she looks during the debate people are still going to support her. Considering all thats happened during the campaign trail it seems like some people will following McCain/Palin no matter how badly they fuck up.
Pakkidis said:
She will however have a lot more time to prepare her answers than before, not to say she will do much better. I still believe that no mater how stupid she looks during the debate people are still going to support her. Considering all thats happened during the campaign trail it seems like some people will following McCain/Palin no matter how badly they fuck up.

If Bush or Quayle could do it then she can certainly do it. The debates ain't shit.
Palin's only problem will be associating a debate question with the proper memorized debate response.

I hear they are teaching her how to associate the question and response using old episodes of Bill Cosby's Picturepages.
Stoney Mason said:
Obama's problem is he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who could go into an Applebee's salad bar, and people think he fits in naturally there...

He's less elitist than you, I bet!

applebee's doesn't have a salad bar
Incognito said:

No one likes Liddy Dole, not even the Republicans. A lot of them blame her for losing the Senate in 2006, and she has really been a terrible Senator when it comes to actually representing the state-she's been a leadership lackey and in a far bluer NC than in 2004that's just not going to fly.

I will say this right now-Richard Burr is grade-A fucked in 2010. He's going to get creamed Santorum style if a popular NC Democrat runs against him.

Edit: Chuck Schumer's DSCC ads for Hagan are some of the finest NC ads I have ever seen-they capture the rural essence of the state with an uncanny level of precision. They are what resurrected this race after Dole's early ad blitz and when the cycle is done that ad firm is going to be hotly in demand in future election cycles.


Synth_floyd said:
I can't believe people are actually against privatization. You contribute all of this money into a general social security fund, which gets abused by the politicians and now the program is totally insolvent. Privatization at least lets you control some of the money that YOU have contributed. It's bad enough that social security is mandatory but the way that it has been mismanaged is a disgrace.

I'm with you (and I think against the rest of PoliGAF) on this one. People have this idea that SS should work the same way that pensions did for their grandparents and great-grandparents, you'd work hard all your life, a little would be skimmed off the top, and then when you retired you'd have enough to live out the rest of your days on.

This cannot happen in our current situation because every government in the world is on fiat currency, and rampant inflation is the inevitable consequence of that. Basic cash holdings will always have their value printed away (as Phoenix says: You'll make a Happy Meal a year, enjoy your savings account), so the only way to keep pace with inflation, let alone actually staying ahead of the curve, is to be a skilled and educated investor. I think PoliGAF is against this because they all know Pop-pop and Gangy will sign away their life savings to the first asshole who comes calling from Citi; however in the meantime all of us are still on the hook for payroll taxes, and it's just about certain that we won't ever get anything back from our efforts.
Door2Dawn said:
Isn't that like,a gay drink? <.<
No it's a delicious drink. And who's to say I'm not gay and what would be wrong with that?

I'm not gay. But STILL

Incognito said:
What's up with the text going through the people's bodies? LAME

GhaleonEB said:
Wow, McCain really is desperate.
That McCain ad is confusing. They're aren't really attacking Obama's staff...just people he's had ties to. And again going back to that Rezko business?

Fuck, get some new goddamn material.
BrandNew said:
That McCain ad is confusing. They're aren't really attacking Obama's staff...just people he's had ties to. And again going back to that Rezko business?

Fuck, get some new goddamn material.
There is nothing new about John McCain.
Xisiqomelir said:
I'm with you (and I think against the rest of PoliGAF) on this one. People have this idea that SS should work the same way that pensions did for their grandparents and great-grandparents, you'd work hard all your life, a little would be skimmed off the top, and then when you retired you'd have enough to live out the rest of your days on.

Social Security is not a retirement plan as you and the other poster describe it. It ensures that the elderly have some level of income. Retirement savings can be wiped out, or never saved because a person literally lived from paycheck to paycheck for most of their lives. In that case, Social Security is a safety net to save those people from total poverty.

The right wing has been trying to frame Social Security as a "retirement savings plan" run by the government for a very long time. That isn't accurate at all, really-it is a collective social insurance plan we all buy into.


RapeApe said:

I don't have a bike. McCain it is!


we all knew her
Fragamemnon said:
Palin's only problem will be associating a debate question with the proper memorized debate response.

I hear they are teaching her how to associate the question and response using old episodes of Bill Cosby's Picturepages.

I hope her pen starts playing music while she's taking notes during the debate.


BrandNew said:
That McCain ad is confusing. They're aren't really attacking Obama's staff...just people he's had ties to. And again going back to that Rezko business?

Fuck, get some new goddamn material.
I think it indicates that Obama's ads and stump theme of hammering McCain for all the lobbyists on his staff is working. McCain is now trying the same, but now it's by past association, rather than the current direct employment on McCain's end. He's hoping the media and voters don't see the difference. Rezko is the first step to Wright, and playing it six weeks out, to me, means he's getting desperate.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Fragamemnon said:
Social Security is not a retirement plan as you and the other poster describe it. It ensures that the elderly have some level of income. Retirement savings can be wiped out, or never saved because a person literally lived from paycheck to paycheck for most of their lives. In that case, Social Security is a safety net to save those people from total poverty.

The right wing has been trying to frame Social Security as a "retirement savings plan" run by the government for a very long time. That isn't accurate at all, really-it is a collective social insurance plan we all buy into.

Thank you! Lots of REPs don't seem to understand how many people really live on Social Security.

It's not something that needs to be thrown into the market.


Fragamemnon said:
Social Security is not a retirement plan as you and the other poster describe it. It ensures that the elderly have some level of income. Retirement savings can be wiped out, or never saved because a person literally lived from paycheck to paycheck for most of their lives. In that case, Social Security is a safety net to save those people from total poverty.

The right wing has been trying to frame Social Security as a "retirement savings plan" run by the government for a very long time. That isn't accurate at all, really-it is a collective social insurance plan we all buy into.

Retirement benefits are the main component of SS expenditures, aren't they?


so_awes said:
McCain interview this morning on the Today Show: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/26834408#26834408

i didn't watch the whole thing but i saw the part where he praises Carly Fiorina. he thinks she did a good job as CEO but doesn't know the details of her compensation package (BS!!).

looks like that part got cut off and then the interview goes to Palin -_-
I still haven't met one person at HP that thinks Merging with Compaq was a good ideal. Even after 10+ years the two companies have not fully integrated.


Synth_floyd said:
I can't believe people are actually against privatization. You contribute all of this money into a general social security fund, which gets abused by the politicians and now the program is totally insolvent. Privatization at least lets you control some of the money that YOU have contributed. It's bad enough that social security is mandatory but the way that it has been mismanaged is a disgrace.

Wow, I just now noticed this horrible post.

For starters, Social Security is NOT insolvent. Social Security is and will be solvent for years to come under its current operating structure. The thing that made SS appear insolvent was the Bush Administration and Republican Congress who stole the money from the fund over the last eight years to pay for the War, etc.. But it is not insolvent. Additionally, there are minor changes that could be made to SS that would further extend its solvency for decades more into the future. SS is actually one of the most efficient entitlement programs the Gov. operates. If you really want to make a change to a program, you are better off starting with Medicare or Medicaid than SS.

Secondly, the reason Bush's privatization plan was rejected is not just because it wanted to change SS, it is because Bush's plan was a con-man scheme to fleece Americans.

Under Bush's plan, the US would have to borrow several trillion dollars to start the plan, you would be incredibly limited in what you could actually invest in, and you would not even 'own' your account in the sense that you probably think you would. You would only be entitled to an annuity payment, equal to a comparable payment on the current model.

Even the Bush Administrations' own projections only anticipated that Bush's plan would result in the average consumer reaping an additional 1-2% increase in their SS annual return. This is a negligible increase compared to the $2 trillion price tag of the program..... not to mention the collapse of the investment banking system. If SS had been privatized under Bush's plan, your retirement account would be wiped out right now.

IMO, a partial privatization scheme would be a good idea. Unfortunately, the Republican's proposal in 2005 was such a clusterfuck of incompetence, I doubt we will see any serious work towards a privatization program for years to come.
Fatalah said:
I still can't believe the Dems agreed to a structured format for the VP Debate :-\

The stipulation was being pushed by the McCain camp, to help Palin. What a crock!

Ok, WTF is this shit?

sorry, I've been out the whole weekend with family and avoided political blogs and the news for my own sanity.

can anyone run down the new stipulations of the debate? I don't see this being talked about much right now.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
lawblob said:
Wow, I just now noticed this horrible post.

For starters, Social Security is NOT insolvent. Social Security is and will be solvent for years to come under its current operating structure. The thing that made SS appear insolvent was the Bush Administration and Republican Congress who stole the money from the fund over the last eight years. But it is not insolvent. Additionally, there are minor changes that could be made to SS that would further extend its solvency for decades more into the future. SS is actually one of the most efficient entitlement programs the Gov. operates. If you really want to make a change to a program, you are better off starting with Medicare or Medicaid than SS.

Secondly, the reason Bush's privatization plan was rejected is not just because it wanted to change SS, it is because Bush's plan was a con-man scheme to fleece Americans.

Under Bush's plan, the US would have to borrow several trillion dollars to start the plan, you would be incredibly limited in what you could actually invest in, and you would not even 'own' your account in the sense that you probably think you would. You would only be entitled to an annuity payment, equal to a comparable payment on the current model.

Even the Bush Administrations' own projections only anticipated that Bush's plan would result in the average consumer reaping an additional 1-2% increase in their SS annual return. This is a negligible increase compared to the $2 trillion price tag of the program..... not to mention the collapse of the investment banking system. If SS had been privatized under Bush's plan, your retirement account would be wiped out right now.

IMO, a partial privatization scheme would be a good idea. Unfortunately, the Republican's proposal in 2005 was such a clusterfuck of incompetence, I doubt we will see any serious work towards a privatization program for years to come.

If SS was privatizated would we have to spend even more money to bail it out too?


lawblob said:
*bush plan slam*

I definitely agree with this, Bush's plan was super-shady. I guess we can't ever have a good (do what you what with the money) privatization plan though, because people are stupid and would get burned. :/
Partial privatization undermines the whole system-SS only works because we are all contributing to it together. If we start re-routing pay-ins to private accounts the likely result will destroy the operating principles of the system.

If we want a privatized retirement benefit system, it's best to handle that as a separate savings program, something that Democrats have been pushing for years.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
BotoxAgent said:
Ok, WTF is this shit?

sorry, I've been out the whole weekend with family and avoided political blogs and the news for my own sanity.

can anyone run down the new stipulations of the debate? I don't see this being talked about much right now.

It's some BS. They changed the debate so that the answers need to be shorter and less talking to the other person.

So Biden can't directly ask Palin certain questions off cuff. And the answers are going to be shorter now, which obviously helps Palin.

Yes it's sad as fuck.
mckmas8808 said:
It's some BS. They changed the debate so that the answers need to be shorter and less talking to the other person.

So Biden can't directly ask Palin certain questions off cuff. And the answers are going to be shorter now, which obviously helps Palin.

Yes it's sad as fuck.

Obama still won out overall by getting Domestic to be the last debate before the election.


Fragamemnon said:
Partial privatization undermines the whole system-SS only works because we are all contributing to it together. If we start re-routing pay-ins to private accounts the likely result will destroy the operating principles of the system.

If we want a privatized retirement benefit system, it's best to handle that as a separate savings program, something that Democrats have been pushing for years.

Can you show me these program proposals? Would it be a complete replacement for SS?


mckmas8808 said:
If SS was privatizated would we have to spend even more money to bail it out too?

Probably. Right now SS operates on a low risk investment strategy. The gov. puts the SS revenue into the safest investments possible, to guarantee a small return on the money.

Under Bush's plan, $2 trillion would have been borrowed from banks, and given to Wall St. investment banks to set up the plans. Depending on the risk allowed, it is presumable that many of those plans that would have been established would now be at a lower value than when they initialized. The gov. would not let them fail, it would cost the gov. more in the long run to deal with millions of insolvent old people than it would to just bail out the privatized plan.
mckmas8808 said:
It's some BS. They changed the debate so that the answers need to be shorter and less talking to the other person.

So Biden can't directly ask Palin certain questions off cuff. And the answers are going to be shorter now, which obviously helps Palin.

Yes it's sad as fuck.

It'll prevent Biden from looking like a bully, too, which is why the O camp agreed to it.


mckmas8808 said:
It's some BS. They changed the debate so that the answers need to be shorter and less talking to the other person.

So Biden can't directly ask Palin certain questions off cuff. And the answers are going to be shorter now, which obviously helps Palin.

Yes it's sad as fuck.

Fucking bullshit is what it is. On the plus side, not asking direct questions means they can't claim gender bullying. Not that they won't try it anyway, the scumbags.
Tobor said:
Fucking bullshit is what it is. On the plus side, not asking direct questions means they can't claim gender bullying. Not that they won't try it anyway, the scumbags.

Even if the moderator is female, they'll still play the media bias card. It's a lost debate from the start. Luckily, no one cares about her anymore.
Wolffen said:
At this point I'm expecting her beehive to contain a radio receiver, ala Bush's back in the 2004 debates.

I've quietly hoped that the Obama team has cylon-grade portable jamming equipment for both McCain and Palin. After Saddleback, where McCain clearly was outside the "Cone of Silence", it's pretty clear they don't mind cheating if they think they can get away with it.
mckmas8808 said:
It's some BS. They changed the debate so that the answers need to be shorter and less talking to the other person.

So Biden can't directly ask Palin certain questions off cuff. And the answers are going to be shorter now, which obviously helps Palin.

Yes it's sad as fuck.

fuck man.

but I guess it can help Biden be more succinct himself and may look less bullyish. But this still sucks. Palin is a total idiot and deserves no free pass. I can't believe Obama's team agreed to this farce.
Fragamemnon said:
Partial privatization undermines the whole system-SS only works because we are all contributing to it together. If we start re-routing pay-ins to private accounts the likely result will destroy the operating principles of the system.

If we want a privatized retirement benefit system, it's best to handle that as a separate savings program, something that Democrats have been pushing for years.

yeah, isn't "private social security" kind of an oxymoron anyway?

It's not very social if everyone's making private investments, and it's not very secure if it's subject to the whims of stock markets.
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