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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Is "declaring war" on the newspaper with the largest subscription base in the country the wisest move? Of course, these are the same fundy whackjobs who've declared war on the basic principles of geological biophysics and stellar genesis, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
Qwerty710710 said:
Dunno about NC to many hillbillies for Obama to overcome, but I'm much more confident in VA.

NC is all about the Obama formula: get enough blacks, hispanics, young people and urban/suburban whites and you can win in the red states.
Xisiqomelir said:
Is "declaring war" on the newspaper with the largest subscription base in the country the wisest move? Of course, these are the same fundy whackjobs who've declared war on the basic principles of geological biophysics and stellar genesis, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

They are trying to play the refs. They did this before to disastrous results, and it only plays with their base who hates the Times and probably thinks of it as liberal jew-run media or something.

Did anyone send McCain's team that memo that said "hey guys this is NOT a base election!"? I still can't believe they are running this sort of campaign, it's awful.


BotoxAgent said:
Ok, WTF is this shit?

sorry, I've been out the whole weekend with family and avoided political blogs and the news for my own sanity.

can anyone run down the new stipulations of the debate? I don't see this being talked about much right now.

Not true:

On Wednesday, the commission unanimously rejected a proposal sought by advisers to Ms. Palin and Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican presidential nominee, to have the moderator ask questions and the candidates answer, with no time for unfettered exchanges. Advisers to Mr. Biden say they were comfortable with either format.


mckmas8808 said:
Flaky as in under cutting Obama. Obama pretty much always out performed SUSA's polling in the South.
FWIW, in the Virginia poll Obama is winning 91% of Democrats, but only 86% of the black vote. They're definitely under representing Obama's black support, but might be over-stating the degree to which he's consolidated Democrats. I'll want one more VA poll with Obama up in the next week to really party over his one. But it's a nice sign.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Declaring war on the NYT is retarded. For all the shit that gets thrown at them, they are still the "paper of record."
reilo said:
Keep digging that hole McCain. Keep fucking digging it. Those "elitist" newspapers, have kept your ass relevant for YEARS. Now that you are fucking up, you cannot blame it on the media after they figured out you aren't what you said you were.

They're probably fuming that Ad Nags reported on McCain last week and compared him to Bob Dole. :lol :lol :lol

Jesus Christ, it's like McCain's campaign's message machine accidentally wound up in a episode of "Will it blend?"

On the Emmy red carpet, Fey revealed to Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush she actually refused to play her political look-a-like when it was first proposed.

“I was fighting them all week on it,” Fey said. “I kept saying, ‘I don’t want to do it, I’m not an impressionist.’ I kept telling (‘SNL’ producer) Lorne (Michaels), ‘No! I’ll show up ... I’ll do anything except play her. I can’t do it.’ Then, I was worn down. Lorne wore me down by the end of the week.”

Fey, whose “30 Rock” also picked up the Emmy for Best Comedy Series, Best Writing for a Comedy Series, and Best Actor (for co-star Alec Baldwin), said she was fortunate the figurehead she had to impersonate had an unusual accent.

“Sarah Palin has a crazy voice. I would say, not since ‘Sling Blade’ has there been a person who’s really easy to imitate, so I got really lucky on that one,” Fey said.


artredis1980 said:

I honestly don't think this will really change anything either way. The right already hates the NY Times, and always will, and the most others probably don't give a shit about neverending complaints about the "liberal media" and are likely to ignore any attacks against a paper with the credibility of the New York Times (which is considered the newspaper of record).

You can tell the McCain campaign is getting desperate, though.
Loudninja said:
When was Obama routinely beating by Hillary in the debates?

He did OK when Hillary tried to go after him with idiot sound bites like "Change you can Xerox" and other BS. For the most part she was always his better, but that's because she's just a better politician than Obama is that kind of setting.


worldrunover said:
WTF was this guy just born in June? Does he not remember the primary season?
To be fair (TM), there is a very good chance that he does not remember the primary season actually.

I personally think it's a brilliant republican move. Make a "culture war" between the big bad media and all their "facts" and this anti-establisment (lol) candidate. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, fact is history has proven time and again republicans eat up indignation like they drink water, they wallow in it justified or not. It's a smart move to play the victim card for John Mccain. Of course, if you asked Mccain about it he'd say, "I remember 5 years of my life where I wasn't allowed to play cards."
"The South Will Rise Again" belt buckles were prophetic, but not in the manner intended. "The South Will Rise Again -- on the backs of Yankee Transplants, Technology Jobs, Liberal College Students, and a reawakened Black Populace finding a Political Voice -- to elect the 1st Black President!" wouldn't have fit on the buckle anyway, maybe on the foam beer cozy.

I think Virginia is going to do it. I would love to see NC there as well -- also, those Hagan ads really are perfect in tone.
ronito said:
I personally think it's a brilliant republican move. Make a "culture war" between the big bad media and all their "facts" and this anti-establisment (lol) candidate. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, fact is history has proven time and again republicans eat up indignation like they drink water, they wallow in it justified or not. It's a smart move to play the victim card for John Mccain. Of course, if you asked Mccain about it he'd say, "I remember 5 years of my life where I wasn't allowed to play cards."

This isn't a base election. McCain has not had problems with his base for a while, even before the meth queen was added to the ticket. How does attacking the media help with undecideds and indepenedent voters? It doesn't.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!


very interesting thing about the poll, the neither section which was at 6 last month is now at 2, which means the decided have made up thier mind, the no opinion are the undecided and Obama just needs 2 of those 5 to win , McCain needs all 5 to win


Fragamemnon said:
This isn't a base election. McCain has not had problems with his base for a while, even before the meth queen was added to the ticket. How does attacking the media help with undecideds and indepenedent voters? It doesn't.
Mccain is looking to stir up sympathy to buy himself time. There's about 40 days left, all he needs is time. He knows that if he can shut off criticism from a major media source as "biased" not only will he gain among his base but will confuse independents and undecideds. Fact is if you're still undecided after all this time chances are you haven't been paying much attention and if he can make undecideds think "Hmmm...maybe I can't trust the media on this." All he has to do is do that for 40 days.


ronito said:
I personally think it's a brilliant republican move. Make a "culture war" between the big bad media and all their "facts" and this anti-establisment (lol) candidate. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, fact is history has proven time and again republicans eat up indignation like they drink water, they wallow in it justified or not. It's a smart move to play the victim card for John Mccain. Of course, if you asked Mccain about it he'd say, "I remember 5 years of my life where I wasn't allowed to play cards."
There was a nice article in The Economist this week (posted already?) about the culture war tactic of the GOP and the absurdity of it -


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Stoney Mason said:
'How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis'...
Greenspan's sins return to haunt us...


Wiki'ing the article author, Kevin Hassett:

Kevin Hassett is senior fellow at the think tank American Enterprise Institute where he directs economic policy studies. He regularly appears on Bloomberg Television. He advised President Bush in his campaign, and he currently serves as a senior economic adviser to the John McCain 2008 presidential campaign.

Hassett is coauthor with James K. Glassman, of Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting From the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. It was published in 1999 before the dot-com bubble burst. The book predicted that the Dow Jones industrials index would rise to 36000 within three to five years--i.e., 2002 or 2004.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Chichikov said:
There was a nice article in The Economist this week (posted already?) about the culture war tactic of the GOP and the absurdity of it -

Economist said:
Mr McCain’s running-mate, Sarah Palin, is a Nixonian fantasy come true, perfectly designed to create a cycle of accusation and counteraccusation. The “liberal media” cannot do its job without questioning Mrs Palin’s qualifications, which are astonishingly thin; but they cannot question her qualifications without confirming the Republican suspicion that they are looking down on ordinary Americans.

This is true. Fortunately for us, Palin shoots herself in the foot everytime she opens her mouth, so the left doesn't really have to do all that much. More people as time goes on are finding out what she stands for and how competent she is (or isn't, rather), and that's not doing their campaign any good as evidenced by the polls.

Economist said:
Yet the Republican Party’s decision to rely so heavily on Nixon’s 1972 template is nevertheless depressing. Aren’t Republicans supposed to deplore the politics of victimhood? Conservatives make a good case that treating minority groups as victims diminishes America and institutionalises dependency. But when it comes to election-time they not only play the politics of victimhood, but play it with extraordinary relish, presenting ordinary Americans as the victims of diabolical conspiracies.

Awesome. This cuts right to the heart of it and beautifully reveals the Republicans' inherent hypocrisy.

Great article.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Has anyone addressed the fact that a 700 billion dollar bailout is essentially a massive tax increase that benefits the wealthy heads on Wall Street and the stupid people who bought houses that they couldn't afford? The urgency to pass this bill while the Dow is down at this very moment makes me wonder if this will really fix the problem and punish the people who caused it. I certainly think Obama's message about helping Main Street is only going to get more listeners as this story continues.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
Fragamemnon said:
They are trying to play the refs. They did this before to disastrous results, and it only plays with their base who hates the Times and probably thinks of it as liberal jew-run media or something.

My mother once told me that not a single employee of the NYT was a heterosexual.


Stoney Mason said:
Where did you hear this? Haven't seen such a thing at all. It's probably better for Obama if the last debate is on economics anyway.

There are some websites out there that have the debate topics listed wrong.


ChoklitReign said:
What the hell? MSNBC said Palin was going to meet with fucking Bono in New York. I thought he was really liberal, he should love Obama.

He'll meet with anyone about poverty. Should be a funny conversation though.:lol


shooting blanks
ronito said:
To be fair (TM), there is a very good chance that he does not remember the primary season actually.

I personally think it's a brilliant republican move. Make a "culture war" between the big bad media and all their "facts" and this anti-establisment (lol) candidate. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, fact is history has proven time and again republicans eat up indignation like they drink water, they wallow in it justified or not. It's a smart move to play the victim card for John Mccain. Of course, if you asked Mccain about it he'd say, "I remember 5 years of my life where I wasn't allowed to play cards."


So true.


ChoklitReign said:
What the hell? MSNBC said Palin was going to meet with fucking Bono in New York. I thought he was really liberal, he should love Obama.
He supports Obama, but he's willing to work with anyone he needs to. See: his work with Bush on Aids in Africa.

Obama uses U2 on the trail, with permission.
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