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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
WickedAngel said:
Watching those people be crushed under the poor economic strategy of another eight years of Republican rule would be the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time.

So, you're saying, if they want their free-market economics, then they can have them? Just as long as they don't come crying foul when they start losing their jobs and it gets harder and harder to pay their bills due to bad economic policy?

The problem with that theory, is that it is completely antithetical to what Obama's campaign is all about, AND, it will leave just as many millions of people that supported Barack Obama in the same shitty situation.


Hito and Frank: I suppose the sheer amount of toss-up states gives us better odds, but again, with a 50/50 shot at each of those, I don't see how you can be supremely confident that "He's Got This."


Hitokage said:
Jesus fuck people. Six electoral votes.




WickedAngel said:
Watching those people be crushed under the poor economic strategy of another eight years of Republican rule would be the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time.

People who are too stupid to reject Repubs after the last 8 years are too far gone to change their mind with another 8 years.

It has been said before, but most people honestly don't pay enough attention to know what is going on. The typical Republican is barely aware of what their party actually stands for vs. what they practice. And realistically, it's probably not much better with typical Democrats. The average American is incredibly stupid when it comes to politics.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
thekad said:
Hito and Frank: I suppose the sheer amount of toss-up states gives us better odds, but again, with a 50/50 shot at each of those, I don't see how you can be supremely confident that "He's Got This."

Because just winning half of those toss-up states wins him the election.

Hell, actually, all Obama would need is Ohio to win the election, if he wins all Kerry states. If he loses Ohio, he can win it with Virginia and Colorado. If not Virginia, then he can win it with Colorado, NM, and NV.

Obama has multiple maps to victory as opposed to what Kerry had in 2004. Kerry NEEDED Ohio. Obama, on the other hand, does not.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
thekad said:
Hito and Frank: I suppose the sheer amount of toss-up states gives us better odds, but again, with a 50/50 shot at each of those, I don't see how you can be supremely confident that "He's Got This."
It's a funny picture, and it says "I Got This", not "He's Got This".

Obama has been doing an exceptional job at running his campaign. It's just an expression of his confidence in himself and his staff as well as our confidence in them.
Gary Whitta said:
I wonder if Sarah Palin has ever even heard of Thomas Aquinas.

Less than 1% of the American public knows who Thomas Aquinas is. How do I know this? Because most Americans have no idea when their own civil war was fought, let alone a 13th century Italian priest.


Palin's refusal to accept interviews could be a tactic designed to increase the bargaining power she has, the first interview should pull some big numbers.. what odds the first interviewer will agree to conditions such as a pre-approved list of questions ?
thekad said:
Gibson: Governor, how awesome is John McCain?

Yeah, it will definitely be a softball interview, otherwise the McCain people would never allow it. Still, it would be hilarious if she made a huge gaffe anyway.


Small balls, big fun!
WickedAngel said:
Watching those people be crushed under the poor economic strategy of another eight years of Republican rule would be the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in a long time.

I vote Democratic in part to keep people from being crushed by a mismanaged economy or even by their own poor decisions.

Hoping they get crushed so that Democrats may win has it completely backwards. Jesus.
reilo said:
So, you're saying, if they want their free-market economics, then they can have them? Just as long as they don't come crying foul when they start losing their jobs and it gets harder and harder to pay their bills due to bad economic policy?

The problem with that theory, is that it is completely antithetical to what Obama's campaign is all about, AND, it will leave just as many millions of people that supported Barack Obama in the same shitty situation.

I know what Obama's campaign is about; you're missing the point. This isn't about Obama. It's about the uneducated masses who won't take five minutes of their time to fact check a decision that could very well put them into financial ruin over the course of the next eight years.

If the Democrats can't pull this out (After everything that has happened over the past eight years), they'll never win again unless something drastic happens to this country (I'm talking about something similar to the Great Depression here).

Mandark said:
I vote Democratic in part to keep people from being crushed by a mismanaged economy or even by their own poor decisions.

Hoping they get crushed so that Democrats may win has it completely backwards. Jesus.

I didn't say I hoped that they would get crushed. I'm saying they deserve to be.


thekad said:
Hito and Frank: I suppose the sheer amount of toss-up states gives us better odds, but again, with a 50/50 shot at each of those, I don't see how you can be supremely confident that "He's Got This."

I think they should put out some more attack ads to swing momentum back to Obama/Biden after the RNC. Waiting until the debates gives McCain/Palin too much breathing room.
stressboy said:
Most liberal member of the Senate.. didn't they also say the same bullshit about John Kerry?

The National Review - a conservative magazine - did indeed do this to John Kerry as well. And they will likely do it all future Democratic candidates who are Senators.

This is because during the two years leading up to election, Senators only really have time to vote on the big issues and the hot-button issues. Thus, an extreme polarization appears. This is the same reason why it's easy for Democrats to say that McCain voted with Bush "95% of the time" last year.


qwertybob said:
Palin's refusal to accept interviews could be a tactic designed to increase the bargaining power she has, the first interview should pull some big numbers.. what odds the first interviewer will agree to conditions such a pre-approved list of questions ?



Frank the Great said:
Can someone do the math and figure out the odds of O-man not winning at least ONE of those?
Well, to be fair you still have to factor in the non-negligible risk of losing Michigan as well as near-negligible risks for other states, but put it all together and it's 68% right now.

But with Obama's super effective GROUND GAME and NEW REGISTRATION attacks, there are reasons to be confident.
reilo said:
Because just winning half of those toss-up states wins him the election.

Hell, actually, all Obama would need is Ohio to win the election, if he wins all Kerry states. If he loses Ohio, he can win it with Virginia and Colorado. If not Virginia, then he can win it with Colorado, NM, and NV.

Obama has multiple maps to victory as opposed to what Kerry had in 2004. Kerry NEEDED Ohio. Obama, on the other hand, does not.

I listed 5 tossup states.


The point is, Obama needs to only win ONE of these to win the election. Any one. Being 50/50 for each state, the odds are ridiculously good, no?


Small balls, big fun!
Getting back to the interminable 2nd amendment debate, I think the idea of an armed public as a check against government power has been rendered obsolete by the last couple centuries of history.
Mandark said:
Getting back to the interminable 2nd amendment debate, I think the idea of an armed public as a check against government power has been rendered obsolete by the last couple centuries of history.

We've already established that history, and reality in general, has no bearing on the discussion.


qwertybob said:
Palin's refusal to accept interviews could be a tactic designed to increase the bargaining power she has, the first interview should pull some big numbers.. what odds the first interviewer will agree to conditions such as a pre-approved list of questions ?

Palin's refusal to accept interviews is a wise decision by her handlers to get her up to speed. They have no other choice really. Until then she'll spout the same talking points as her RNC speech. They probably had to agree to some ground rules to get 'me first'. Ratings will be high and most likely they didn't mind accepting 'some' conditions to get first dibs. We get to see what she's made of when she goes up against Biden. Unfortunately for us, it's just one debate! If she doesn't screw up (low expectations) it'll look like she won just for holding her own. I expect Obama to destroy McCain though. :D


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Frank the Great said:
I listed 5 tossup states.


The point is, Obama needs to only win ONE of these to win the election. Any one. Being 50/50 for each state, the odds are ridiculously good, no?

If he also wins every Kerry state? How does winning just one of those win him the election again?
From Reuters:

"Within the next few days and I'm strongly recommending that [Palin] come on 'Face the Nation' with Bob Schieffer," McCain said in an interview that was taped on Saturday.

But McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, would not go that far.

"She'll agree to an interview when we think it's time and when she feels comfortable doing it," David said on "Fox News Sunday."

Davis said Palin has not been treated fairly by the media so far.

"Why would we want to throw Sarah Palin into a cycle of piranhas called the news media that have nothing better to ask questions about than her personal life and her children?" he asked.

I'm sorry, but since when do Vice Presidents need to be "comfortable?"


PS2 KID said:
Palin's refusal to accept interviews is a wise decision by her handlers to get her up to speed. They have no other choice really. Until then she'll spout the same talking points as her RNC speech. They probably had to agree to some ground rules to get 'me first'. Ratings will be high and most likely they didn't mind accepting 'some' conditions to get first dibs. We get to see what she's made of when she goes up against Biden. Unfortunately for us, it's just one debate! If she doesn't screw up (low expectations) it'll look like she won just for holding her own. I expect Obama to destroy McCain though. :D

Getting the crib notes education on foreign policy and other issues before getting into debates with the likes of Biden is... going to be amusing.
Mandark said:
Getting back to the interminable 2nd amendment debate, I think the idea of an armed public as a check against government power has been rendered obsolete by the last couple centuries of history.
The Second Amendment is so ridiculously irrelevant and outmoded in the modern era that I'd love to see it abolished so that reason and logic alone could instead define the debate about whether private citizens should be allowed to own firearms. But it will never happen and a hundred years from now the Second Amendment will still be used as an excuse to protect the rights of people to own handheld nuclear-powered space blasters. Provided America is still around in a hundred years, which at this point is starting to look pretty rough.


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reilo said:
If he also wins every Kerry state? How does winning just one of those win him the election again?
2004 election:

Popular Vote: 62,040,606
Electoral Votes: 286

Popular Vote: 59,028,109
Electoral Votes: 252

A slight shift in points would yield an Obama win.


Zeliard said:
Getting the crib notes education on foreign policy and other issues before getting into debates with the likes of Biden is... going to be amusing.

I think the VP debate will be largely determined by who moderates it. If the moderator is willing to ask follow up questions to penetrate past the initial fluff answers she gives, we could get some fireworks. If the moderator is a spineless pussy who allows her, or Obama for that matter, to give some bullshit answer to a substantive question, then Palin's popularity will only go higher, because the campaign can claim she 'silenced her critics!'

Remember, the average American is so stupid when it comes to foreign policy, they don't know the difference between a good answer & a bullshit answer.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
2004 election:

Popular Vote: 62,040,606
Electoral Votes: 286

Popular Vote: 59,028,109
Electoral Votes: 252

A slight shift in points would yield an Obama win.

But not by winning just either Colorado or Nevada. That still puts McCain over 272.

Guy Legend said:
Well well, Fox news. Big fucking surprise.

Charlie Gibson is ABC...


reilo said:
If he also wins every Kerry state? How does winning just one of those win him the election again?
Kerry + IA and NM (the Gore states) all of which are very will in hand at this point.


reilo said:
But not by winning just either Colorado or Nevada. That still puts McCain over 272.
Right, but Obama has pretty much put away a couple Bush states already. Iowa is solid blue this year - it's not even a question. New Mexico has tipped the same way - it's very unlikely McCain will take it. So the question is, where does the rest come from? Obama just needs 6 EV with those two states locked down. Lots and lots of places to get them.
Gruco said:
Kerry + IA and NM (the Gore states) all of which are very will in hand at this point.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gruco said:
Kerry + IA and NM (the Gore states) all of which are very will in hand at this point.
GhaleonEB said:
Right, but Obama has pretty much put away a couple Bush states already. Iowa is solid blue this year - it's not even a question. New Mexico has tipped the same way - it's very unlikely McCain will take it. So the question is, where does the rest come from? Obama just needs 6 EV with those two states locked down. Lots and lots of places to get them.



lawblob said:
I think the VP debate will be largely determined by who moderates it. If the moderator is willing to ask follow up questions to penetrate past the initial fluff answers she gives, we could get some fireworks. If the moderator is a spineless pussy who allows her, or Obama for that matter, to give some bullshit answer to a substantive question, then Palin's popularity will only go higher, because the campaign can claim she 'silenced her critics!'

Remember, the average American is so stupid when it comes to foreign policy, they don't know the difference between a good answer & a bullshit answer.

I completely agree. Who do you think the moderator is that's best fit for the job?


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Anyone watching football right now?

It's been nothing but the horrible ass McCain ad where they claim Obama is going to raise taxes and is surrounding himself with terrible people.

Despicable ad, but there is no counter Obama ad being run at all (on CBS in Philly).
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