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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
TheKingsCrown said:
wait, how many electoral votes does Colorado have?

Edit: NEIN!


Zeliard said:
I completely agree. Who do you think the moderator is that's best fit for the job?

Im' not sure. Maybe Stephonopolus or Brokaw?

From what I remember of 2004, Lehrer and Shiefer were both completely useless as moderators, so definitely neither of them.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
lawblob said:
Im' not sure. Maybe Stephonopolus...

"Does Reverend Wright love America as much as you do" guy?

Fuck that!


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Odrion said:
Huckabee was on TDS, whenever I see him I'm half angry and half relieved that McCain didn't pick him. He really is good at being charming and appeal to the other side.

Huckabee was great on the Daily Show and truthfully, he should have been McCain's running mate. I am not a Republican by any means but whenever I hear something from Huckabee there is this glimmer (which I don't see in other Republicans) that he truly believes what he is saying is true. Huckabee is someone I can respect.
I'm worried.

This is the first election I've really been aware of. I remember liking Gore, but I'm not sure why. I thought Kerry was a shoo-in, but wasn't too bothered when Bush was brought back.

I dunno what I'd do now. I'm way too emotionally invested in this race. Look at what kind of people are running. I do not think Obama is perfect, but look at the contrast in their approach to things is what really makes the difference.

Obama grabs experts on all the issues, listens to both sides, and does not rely on loyalties. He actively supports the advancement of science, is a man of faith, loyal to his family, a professor on the Constitution and decided to spend several years of his time serving the poor. He's a self-made man, a person who rose from poverty to Harvard based on pure intellect, indebted to our country and not any one group or person. He presents his arguments in a clear, thought out manner, and is willing to consider what you have to say, even if you disagree.

Looking at the alternative, how the hell is McCain a viable alternative? He was a poor student, got to where he was due to his family's connections in the military. He has an active history of flying off the handle. He has shown an ineptitude on a range of topics from economics to international history and politics. His campaign is a mess, run by loyal people who aren't qualified. His answers are shallow, his stances ignorant.

I do not agree with Obama on everything. Corn based ethanol is a waste. FISA was terrible. Plan Colombia should continue to receive our continued support. Nuclear deserves just as much support as anything else. Gays should recieve equal rights and equal naming status in regards to marriage.

Regardless, looking at who he is, what he's done, what he's said, and how he behaved during this campaign, I don't see how not voting, or voting for McCain is a viable proposition, especially for those on the fence or those disgusted with the current system.

I hate it, too. I want real debate. I want focus on the issues, not tabloid scandals. But sitting on your hands won't help. Vote for, and reward, the candidate the has tried to raise the level of discourse. The one that fully explains his positions and careful deliberation. One who prefers a staff based on merit not loyalty.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
reilo said:

Why are you screaming no?
I was beaten in the previous post :lol


Sucks at poetry
FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm worried.

This is the first election I've really been aware of. I remember liking Gore, but I'm not sure why. I thought Kerry was a shoo-in, but wasn't too bothered when Bush was brought back.

I dunno what I'd do now. I'm way too emotionally invested in this race. Look at what kind of people are running. I do not think Obama is perfect, but look at the contrast in their approach to things is what really makes the difference.

Obama grabs experts on all the issues, listens to both sides, and does not rely on loyalties. He actively supports the advancement of science, is a man of faith, loyal to his family, a professor on the Constitution and decided to spend several years of his time serving the poor. He's a self-made man, a person who rose from poverty to Harvard based on pure intellect, indebted to our country and not any one group or person. He presents his arguments in a clear, thought out manner, and is willing to consider what you have to say, even if you disagree.

Looking at the alternative, how the hell is McCain a viable alternative? He was a poor student, got to where he was due to his family's connections in the military. He has an active history of flying off the handle. He has shown an ineptitude on a range of topics from economics to international history and politics. His campaign is a mess, run by loyal people who aren't qualified. His answers are shallow, his stances ignorant.

I do not agree with Obama on everything. Corn based ethanol is a waste. FISA was terrible. Plan Colombia should continue to receive our continued support. Nuclear deserves just as much support as anything else. Gays should recieve equal rights and equal naming status in regards to marriage.

Regardless, looking at who he is, what he's done, what he's said, and how he behaved during this campaign, I don't see how not voting, or voting for McCain is a viable proposition, especially for those on the fence or those disgusted with the current system.

I hate it, too. I want real debate. I want focus on the issues, not tabloid scandals. But sitting on your hands won't help. Vote for, and reward, the candidate the has tried to raise the level of discourse. The one that fully explains his positions and careful deliberation. One who prefers a staff based on merit not loyalty.

Well said. Can't wait for the debates either.


Zeliard said:

And them shits are going to Obama, it's starting to look like.
Axelrod said in an interview a month ago or so that if Obama takes Colorado, McCain has a less than five percent chance of winning. It's one of the key states for Obama to limit McCain's chances.


Needless to say, I really want to see some post-convention polling there.
So you people are saying that all Obama has to win is 6 non-guaranteed electoral votes? The rest, really, ARE guaranteed? I'm not sure if I buy that.
And this thread is already +6 pages.

CAN I LIVE?!?111!

Also Vagrant Story for President!

(Einhander for VP!)

Vagrant Story/Einhander 2012 bitches!

Jay: I'm serious about Obama; Harvard Law is no walk in the park. Why do you think McCain would be more qualified to pick Justices? What's your opinion of Harriet Meiers?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
TheKingsCrown said:
So you people are saying that all Obama has to win is 6 non-guaranteed electoral votes? The rest, really, ARE guaranteed? I'm not sure if I buy that.
This is a great chart to look at based on 538 simulations:



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So if he only needs to flip one of those states, that'd be good. Obama better go on a media blitz in Colorado. Having the convention there was a masterstroke. All those people that got tickets are doing volunteer work.


Guts Of Thor said:
Why the fuck is the Obama Campaign not running with this?
From Biden on MTP today:

“She's a smart, tough politician,” Biden told Tom Brokaw in a “Meet the Press” interview live from Wilmington, Del. “So I think she's going to be formidable. Eventually, she's going to have to sit in front of you like I'm doing and have done. Eventually, she's going to have to answer questions and not be sequestered. Eventually, she's going to have to answer on the record.”



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gary Whitta said:
The Second Amendment is so ridiculously irrelevant and outmoded in the modern era that I'd love to see it abolished so that reason and logic alone could instead define the debate about whether private citizens should be allowed to own firearms. But it will never happen and a hundred years from now the Second Amendment will still be used as an excuse to protect the rights of people to own handheld nuclear-powered space blasters. Provided America is still around in a hundred years, which at this point is starting to look pretty rough.

The most fucking absurd part of the whole debate is a bunch of adults using the Second Amendment to defend the dangerous and stupid parts of their hobby. It's precisely the same kind of reasoning as the lesser known 32nd amendment:

"A well regulated snow squadron being essential to the icy transit of mankind, no restrictions shall be placed on the right of the public to drive sweet-ass snowmobiles on public land."

Countries with sensible gun laws treat it as a hobby legally and with sensible safeguards to protect the public. If I really want a gun in England, for example. I can fill out a form and get a gun.


GhaleonEB said:
From Biden on MTP today:

“She's a smart, tough politician,” Biden told Tom Brokaw in a “Meet the Press” interview live from Wilmington, Del. “So I think she's going to be formidable. Eventually, she's going to have to sit in front of you like I'm doing and have done. Eventually, she's going to have to answer questions and not be sequestered. Eventually, she's going to have to answer on the record.”


God, I seriously can't wait.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Countries with sensible gun laws treat it as a hobby legally and with sensible safeguards to protect the public. If I really want a gun in England, for example. I can fill out a form and get a gun.

That's pretty much how it works here in New Jersey (USA).


TheKingsCrown said:
So you people are saying that all Obama has to win is 6 non-guaranteed electoral votes? The rest, really, ARE guaranteed? I'm not sure if I buy that.
They're not guaranteed, but the weakest two are MI and NH, at about 70%. Almost everything else is 90%+

VA, OH and CO are all about 60% Obama


Clothed, sober, cooperative
CharlieDigital said:
That's pretty much how it works here in New Jersey (USA).

Yep, but you can also go to a warehouse gun show and pay for an AK-47 in quarters. I am actually 100% for most legal types of gun ownership and sport shooting, I just think the emotion, money, politics and utter garbage should be left out of it.


Small balls, big fun!
OuterWorldVoice said:
The most fucking absurd part of the whole debate is a bunch of adults using the Second Amendment to defend the dangerous and stupid parts of their hobby. It's precisely the same kind of reasoning as the lesser known 32nd amendment:

"A well regulated snow squadron being essential to the icy transit of mankind, no restrictions shall be placed on the right of the public to drive sweet-ass snowmobiles on public land."

Countries with sensible gun laws treat it as a hobby legally and with sensible safeguards to protect the public. If I really want a gun in England, for example. I can fill out a form and get a gun.

Part of that is gun ownership rights being a litmus test in the culture war. A lot of conservatives think that The Other is going to come and take away their way of life and see gun control as a signal of that. You don't get that dynamic in Europe or Asia as far as I know.

The other part is that the NRA, while it has strong grassroots support, is an industry lobby. It fights primarily for the benefit of gun manufacturers than for gun owners.

That means trying to stifle any sort of regulations, even ones about keeping guns away from criminals which would probably be supported by ~90% of the population.
Mandark said:
Part of that is gun ownership rights being a litmus test in the culture war. A lot of conservatives think that The Other is going to come and take away their way of life and see gun control as a signal of that. You don't get that dynamic in Europe or Asia as far as I know.

The other part is that the NRA, while it has strong grassroots support, is an industry lobby. It fights primarily for the benefit of gun manufacturers than for gun owners.

That means trying to stifle any sort of regulations, even ones about keeping guns away from criminals which would probably be supported by ~90% of the population.

Just out of curiosity, what measures have been proposed and stifled that would have effectively separated criminals from guns without inferring that gun ownership itself is indicative of criminality (Such as the assault rifle ban that had to manufacture a problem that didn't exist)?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Touchdown said:


Foxnews would hate Martin Luther King Jr. had cable news been around back then. Can you imagine all the stuff they would say about him?
WickedAngel said:
Just out of curiosity, what measures have been proposed and stifled that would have effectively separated criminals from guns without inferring that gun ownership itself is indicative of criminality (Such as the assault rifle ban that had to manufacture a problem that didn't exist)?

I'm all for guns, but SRSLY, why does anyone in their right mind (law enforcement exempted) need a full-auto assault rifle?

Collectors? Fine, let them get an exemption by filling out a form and registering it. But Average Joe? I don't get it.

OuterWorldVoice said:
"A well regulated snow squadron being essential to the icy transit of mankind, no restrictions shall be placed on the right of the public to drive sweet-ass snowmobiles on public land."

:lol awesome


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WickedAngel said:
Just out of curiosity, what measures have been proposed and stifled that would have effectively separated criminals from guns without inferring that gun ownership itself is indicative of criminality (Such as the assault rifle ban that had to manufacture a problem that didn't exist)?

Easy, some would say casual ownership of guns makes them readily available to criminals. Assault rifles were used to great effect against the LAPD, who were actually outgunned, in the most spectacular example of that problem - and gang warfare's impact on innocent bystanders has been dramatically increased by the use of fully and semi-automatic weapons. There's no easy solution, but to suggest that regulation or even simple barriers to entry wouldn't make any difference seems silly.

I suspect that if white people were dying in the same numbers and frequency as black people and Latinos from casual access to guns, there would be a very different approach to the problem.


lawblob said:
I should note, however, that I also think McCain would be much better than Bush. McCain, IMO, is a much more honest person than Bush, and would not be nearly as crooked or crazy as the Bush administration.

I have my reservations about that. McCain has shown himself to be surprisingly inept at drawing distinctions between what he says and the people he chooses to surround himself with and he's certainly willing to abandon any independence streak to win over the core of his base.

AniHawk said:
Did you show up at your democratic center or something? Can you sign up online, or is it too late?

It's not too late, and you can. Sign up to volunteer or go to Obama's Action Center to find out what you can do. They are still hosting Camp Obama sessions around the country to get more volunteers where they'll run you through how to phone bank, canvass, and register voters. You can also become a deputy registrar, go over the issue differences, and discuss down ticket candidates in your state/district. That latter part is important because without a governing majority, little will happen.

TheKingsCrown said:
Didn't know that! I wish you luck.

Can you tell me something? What is Obama doing about getting young people out to vote, since, they could likely turn this election in his favor, especially in Ohio? And also, how might I join those efforts on the fly (I am a busy professional in NYC who is an independent but has recently become very interested in helping with the youth vote).

See above. I'm sure it varies state by state, but you can become a deputy registrar in all of 5 minutes by visiting your local tax office. You can then easily coordinate events or do them on your own through the above links. A lot of the stuff doesn't take a lot of time, but obviously the more time you can commit, the better. Voter registration ends in a month, so if you're interested in the youth vote, the best bet is to become a deputy registrar, help register voters, and then remind them to get on and vote when early voting begins. The local Democratic office here will has a voter registration drop off box where you can drop off the registration forms and they'll help contact those voters about voting deadlines, where to vote, and so on.
CharlieDigital said:
I'm all for guns, but SRSLY, why does anyone in their right mind need a full-auto assault rifle?

Collectors? Fine, let them get an exemption by filling out a form and registering it. But Average Joe? I don't get it.

It would help if you actually understood what the assault rifle ban was about. Full-auto assault rifles aren't a factor in the assault rifle ban and they never have been.

OuterWorldVoice said:
Easy, some would say casual ownership of guns makes them readily available to criminals. Assault rifles were used to great effect against the LAPD, who were actually outgunned, in the most spectacular example of that problem - and gang warfare's impact on innocent bystanders has been dramatically increased by the use of fully and semi-automatic weapons.

It's incredible how confident you can be while being so wrong. Have you actually done any research into what you're saying or are you simply spouting off the talking points of the first person you heard when this argument was originally presented to you.

It's apparent to me that you've never looked at a single document that presented statistics on this matter, judging by the part in bold. Over the past few decades, rifles have accounted for an average of 3% of the guns that were used in violent crimes. That includes all rifles (Not just semi-automatic assault rifles).

OuterWorldVoice said:
I suspect that if white people were dying in the same numbers and frequency as black people and Latinos from casual access to guns, there would be a very different approach to the problem.

That's cute. I guess I can't blame you; if I didn't have any facts, I'd try to make this a racial issue to shroud my ignorance on the subject at hand.
CharlieDigital said:
I'm all for guns, but SRSLY, why does anyone in their right mind need a full-auto assault rifle?

yeah. i had one shoved in my face once by a car jacker. when you go through something like that your stance on firearms changes a little bit.


I just got to meet Kal Penn at his rally for Obama at my school. I'll probably be doing some volunteer work for the next couple of weeks.
WickedAngel said:
It would help if you actually understood what the assault rifle ban was about. Full-auto assault rifles aren't a factor in the assault rifle ban and they never have been.

Excuse us Jerseyians for our lack of total command of this issue :D

The language is misleading. For clarification, this is what wiki says:

The earlier term assault rifle, refers to rifles that are select-fire (that is, rifles that are capable of either semi-automatic or fully-automatic fire), firing intermediate-power rounds (such as the 5.56 x 45 mm NATO, or 7.62 x 39 mm), which along with fully automatic pistols, provided the pre-cursor for the term "assault weapon."

In contrast, the term assault weapon as used in civilian and U.S. legal usage refers to a semi-automatic weapon that fires one shot for each trigger pull

I wasn't aware that they made this distinction.


Is Georgia likely at all to go Blue or would it be worthless to try and get more people to vote Obama here? (i'm already in Atlanta--which is mainly Obama)


testicles on a cold fall morning
glad i missed the meltdown with the new Gallup numbers.

i still think Obama's going to win it, though the positive momentum of the new Palin-McCain ticket is a bit unsettling. the fundamentals underneath still tip in Obama's favor (voter affiliation and voter registration trends, dissatisfaction over the Republican brand, etc.)


scorcho said:
glad i missed the meltdown with the new Gallup numbers.

This AniHawk post effectively desensitized me to the recent Gallup results:

AniHawk said:

Just so no one goes nuts when McCain goes up a lot today, here's a fake graph to make everyone feel better by comparison.
Rehnquist was a PIECE OF SHIT!

Lawrence v. Texas
Edwards v. Aguillard

Telling the Truth About Chief Justice Rehnquist

And for the 4th time Ron Paul is shit.
I don't subscribe to libertarian phiLOLsophy but a guy who does was on TYT. Called himself a Neo-libertarian. Cause on some things the ship has sailed and you can't be a complete nutter. 2 things that he used to point out the fraud/fail that is Ron Paul. Endoresed Don Young and he thought his explanation of ignorance about the newsletter was bullshit.
cnn.com said:
UPDATE, 3:15 p.m.: CNN Correspondent Dana Bash has confirmed additional details about the upcoming interview: According to a McCain aide, the plan is for Gibson to have time with Palin over two days — Thursday and Friday of this coming week. The interview will be part sit-down, part walk-and-talk at various locations in Alaska.
Fuck that. Instead of a live sit-down interview, it's going to be a fluff bio piece and another big platform for Palin to unleash her hateful (and persuasive) attacks.

I can see it now: Palin and Gibson strolling through beautiful Alaska, hands in pockets, pointing at Bison and talking about how this is such a great country.
giga said:
Is Georgia likely at all to go Blue or would it be worthless to try and get more people to vote Obama here? (i'm already in Atlanta--which is mainly Obama)

There's a small chance, if Babar surges and takes votes from McCain and the black turnout is HUGE.

The Babar surge is looking less likely though now that there's a fundie on the ticket.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Easy, some would say casual ownership of guns makes them readily available to criminals. Assault rifles were used to great effect against the LAPD, who were actually outgunned, in the most spectacular example of that problem - and gang warfare's impact on innocent bystanders has been dramatically increased by the use of fully and semi-automatic weapons. There's no easy solution, but to suggest that regulation or even simple barriers to entry wouldn't make any difference seems silly.

I suspect that if white people were dying in the same numbers and frequency as black people and Latinos from casual access to guns, there would be a very different approach to the problem.

Wasn't the ban in full effect at that time? I'm pretty sure the it was the body armor that made the real difference any way.

Guy Legend

The Lamonster said:
Fuck that. Instead of a live sit-down interview, it's going to be a fluff bio piece and another big platform for Palin to unleash her hateful (and persuasive) attacks.

I can see it now: Palin and Gibson strolling through beautiful Alaska, hands in pockets, pointing at Bison and talking about how this is such a great country.

This interview seems like a joke.


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