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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Tyrone Slothrop said:
yeah. i had one shoved in my face once by a car jacker. when you go through something like that your stance on firearms changes a little bit.

Call me a cynic but I have a hard time believing that you had a fully-automatic rifle pulled on you for a car jacking.


WickedAngel said:
Call me a cynic but I have a hard time believing that you had a fully-automatic rifle pulled on you for a car jacking.
My friend had a shotgun pointed at his face during a car jacking.
WickedAngel said:
Call me a cynic but I have a hard time believing that you had a fully-automatic rifle pulled on you for a car jacking.
There was a time here in St. Louis where a group of criminals used shotguns to carjack people; I wouldn't put it past baddies to use assault rifles as well. I fucking hate crime.

M3wThr33 said:
My friend had a shotgun pointed at his face during a car jacking.
lol your friend live in St. Louis?


giga said:
Is Georgia likely at all to go Blue or would it be worthless to try and get more people to vote Obama here? (i'm already in Atlanta--which is mainly Obama)
GA has a long shot chance thanks to Bob Barr. But really I don't think ATL and Athens can overpower the rest of the state.


The Lamonster said:
There was a time here in St. Louis where a group of criminals used shotguns to carjack people; I wouldn't put it past baddies to use assault rifles as well. I fucking hate crime.


lol your friend live in St. Louis?
Los Angeles


The Lamonster said:

Fuck that. Instead of a live sit-down interview, it's going to be a fluff bio piece and another big platform for Palin to unleash her hateful (and persuasive) attacks.

I can see it now: Palin and Gibson strolling through beautiful Alaska, hands in pockets, pointing at Bison and talking about how this is such a great country.

Yup, basically.

October 2nd can't come soon enough.
M3wThr33 said:
My friend had a shotgun pointed at his face during a car jacking.

A shotgun is infinitely cheaper than a fully automatic assault rifle. Even legally owned semi-automatic assault rifles can range from $700~3000, depending on the quality.

A criminal with an automatic assault rifle would be robbing a bank, not stealing a car.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
it was a tek9

houston's a rough city

A Tek9 isn't an assault rifle (And all automatic weapons are already illegal for civilian ownership).

The assault rifle ban has nothing to do with automatic weapons; I don't think they've ever been on the table.
anybody post this yet? panix, o noez


Here's what I think it's safe to conclude: the GOP had a successful convention. John McCain now holds a 3-point lead over Barack Obama in the Gallup daily tracking poll, his largest lead since May. And Rasmussen shows the race tied at 48-48, after having shown Barack Obama with a 5-6 point lead at the peak of his convention bounce.

We will have to see how the other polls weigh in (sorry if I can't take anything from Zogby Interactive too seriously, although it is officially included in our model.) More critically, we will have to see what the new state-level electoral landscape looks like. Since John McCain's daily results seem to be improving over the course of the tracking window, by the way, we should probably expect this bounce to get bigger before it gets smaller.

Still, we just don't know in what direction the polls are going to move from here forward. There just isn't any precedent for so many political molecules being packed into such a tight space, with the conventions and VP selections having come right on top of one another. If one assumes that the Republicans are getting a typical 6 or 7-point convention bounce, that suggests that the race still probably leans by a a couple of points to Barack Obama once the polls return to equilibrium, the current numbers representing some sort of short-lived, dead cat bounce along the lines of what happened to Walter Mondale in 1984. If, on the other hand, one assumes that both parties have had their say and that these polls already represent the new equilibrium, things are looking up for McCain-Palin. The truth, of course, is most likely somewhere in between. Our tracking graph still regards Barack Obama as roughly a 3-point favorite, but it is designed to respond cautiously to new information. If McCain sustains these numbers over the course of the next week or so, it will shift toward him relatively rapidly.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
well it was a tek9. that was what my gun buff friend said it was. eith way, it was really effective. i threw down my keys and wallet the second i saw it :lol

Would you have reacted differently if it were a revolver?


Im sooooo hoping that during the VP debate they give Biden a chance to refute points made by Palin and vice versa or else the whole thing will be a shame.

Joe Lieberman: Sarah we have to get you ready, we have a month to get you caught up with foreign policy and American involvement in the last 20 years.

Biden's secretary: Mr. Biden, you have a debate tommorrow with Sarah Palin
Biden: *BIG SMILE* Showtime!
Tyrone Slothrop said:
well it was a tek9. that was what my gun buff friend said it was. either way, it was really effective. i threw down my keys and wallet the second i saw it :lol

I don't really blame you. I'm not here to make fun of you or anything; I really wish people didn't have to go through shit like this.

The question people have to ask is whether or not we should strip away the rights of the many due to the actions of the few. Would you have been any less intimidated if the guy had pulled a butcher knife on you?
PrivateWHudson said:
Would you have reacted differently if it were a revolver?

The question people have to ask is whether or not we should strip away the rights of the many due to the actions of the few. Would you have been any less intimidated if the guy had pulled a butcher knife on you?

having any firearm pulled on me would've gotten the same reaction. but it being a tek9 definitely made it a more surreal OMGWTF reactionary thing.

but yes i see the point.
Pakkidis said:
Im sooooo hoping that during the VP debate they give Biden a chance to refute points made by Palin and vice versa or else the whole thing will be a shame.

Joe Lieberman: Sarah we have to get you ready, we have a month to get you caught up with foreign policy and American involvement in the last 20 years.

Biden's secretary: Mr. Biden, you have a debate tommorrow with Sarah Palin
Biden: *BIG SMILE* Showtime!

As others have said, Biden will OBLITERATE Palin on every front. Hell, he could do it eating a peanut butter sandwich or brushing his teeth behind the podium. Problem is, the expectations for Palin are so unbelievably low that short of her pulling out a 20 gauge shotgun and blowing holes in the audience, she'll be seen as the horribly treated hockey mom who took on big bad Biden but stood tall and made women proud for standing up for what she believes in.


WickedAngel said:
I don't really blame you. I'm not here to make fun of you or anything; I really wish people didn't have to go through shit like this.

The question people have to ask is whether or not we should strip away the rights of the many due to the actions of the few. Would you have been any less intimidated if the guy had pulled a butcher knife on you?

I think you may have that backwards buddy.



Article said:

Obama-Biden camp turns reporters' gag into attack on Palin

WILMINGTON, Delaware (CNN) – So far, Sen. Joe Biden has declined to question opponent Sarah Palin's record, but a gag by the press corps traveling in Biden's plane gave the senator's staff an opportunity to take aim at Palin for ducking the media and being "more of the same."

A group of reporters covering the vice presidential nominee brought a cardboard cut-out of Sen. John McCain aboard Biden's plane–an irreverent reference to the Democrat's tendency to cite John McCain as "my friend" and tell voters a variation of this story he told in West Palm Beach, Fla. last week: "If John McCain picked up the phone today and said, Joe, I need you to get in a plane and fly out to Missoula, I can't tell you why, I'd get in a plane and I'd go. And I believe he'd do it for me."

Before Biden's campaign plane taxied to the runway, headed for Montana, Biden spokesman David Wade responded to the joke with a jab at Palin. "You realize you could've made history," Wade said. "If you'd found a cardboard cut-out of Governor Palin, that's the closest she would've been to taking tough questions from the national media since she was selected…Yet another way that McCain-Palin is more of the same."

The McCain camp has fired back. “This is probably a great day for Joe Biden,” Ben Porritt, a spokesman for McCain-Palin 2008, told CNN. “He’s never been shy about wanting to campaign on the same ticket as John McCain.”

Palin was the only of the four nominees not to make an appearance on a news talk show Sunday. The Alaska governor has been making a western swing with John McCain this week, and drawing crowds in the tens of thousands.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
having any firearm pulled on me would've gotten the same reaction. but it being a tek9 definitely made it a more surreal OMGWTF reactionary thing.

but yes i see the point.

Now think about how much he would have shit bricks if you whipped out this:

MassiveAttack said:
she'll be seen as the horribly treated hockey mom who took on big bad Biden but stood tall and made women proud for standing up for what she believes in.

i think since the convention people see her as more of an attack dog (pitbull, hur hur) rather than some hapless soccor mom, so i really don't see people walking away from the debates with that impression. though the mccain people will try and paint a defeat any way they can.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i think since the convention people see her as more of an attack dog (pitbull, hur hur) rather than some hapless soccor mom, so i really don't see people walking away from the debates with that impression. though the mccain people will try and paint a defeat any way they can.
She's definitely building herself up to take a beating. Now I just want to see her get beat.
Beavertown said:
I think you may have that backwards buddy.

I'm not your buddy, and no, it's people like you who have it backwards. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the United States. There are tens of thousands of gun crimes per year.

Hundreds of Millions of Guns: The rights of the many.
Tens of Thousands of Gun Crimes: The actions of the few.


Bulla564 said:
GOD I love this election!!! Weak trolling from McCain camp.
If there is anything I've learned from this election, it's that anything that looks stupid, dishonest or otherwise bad for McCain, it's actually a positive thing and people will like him for it.
GhaleonEB said:
If there is anything I've learned from this election, it's that anything that looks stupid, dishonest or otherwise bad for McCain, it's actually a positive thing and people will like him for it.
example: Saddleback Forum. McCain gives short simpleton answers. The simpleton voters love him for it. Maher: "Nobody ever lost any votes underestimating voters."



The Obama team should send this article, and others like it, to every voter in all the swing states. Millions of copies in the mail for everybody. I don't think intelligent analysis/observation of the situation will help much to be honest, this election is more like a dumb contest in a middle school for special needs, but it might help with a few thousand voters, maybe even several hundred thousand.

Edit: A few thousand sounds ridiculous actually... I'm thinking at least a few hundred thousands, and solidify some that aren't too sure on Obama.


I don't understand how anyone could believe McCain's drivel about how he'll bring the "real" change to Washington.

Please, please America - Don't fuck this up AGAIN. Have we NOT figured out that somebody who is a carbon copy
+50 years lol
of Bush would NOT be good for this country that has gone to the shitter these past 8 years? WTF.


Hootie said:
I don't understand how anyone could believe McCain's drivel about how he'll bring the "real" change to Washington.

Please, please America - Don't fuck this up AGAIN.

It's the "Obama will raise your taxes" thing that really gets to me, because that's such an incredibly blatant lie. Other statements are lies as well, but that's the most egregious and inaccurate one by far and something the electorate would know is completely untrue if they payed even a modicum of fucking attention.


WickedAngel said:
I'm not your buddy, and no, it's people like you who have it backwards. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the United States. There are tens of thousands of gun crimes per year.

Hundreds of Millions of Guns: The rights of the many.
Tens of Thousands of Gun Crimes: The actions of the few.


I guess common sense doesn't enter into your equation does it buddy ol' pal.

All violent and serious crime is inherently tied to firearms. Take the gun out of someone hands, and they're more likely to not do the crime, whatever it may be.

Further only 25% of people in the US own guns, "legally." So I would say they are on the few side.

In any case, the idea that there are more legal guns out there than illegal on the street is just idiotic and stupid. It's bullshit that gun-makers and right wingers feed to the masses.

That said, I'm not really sure how I feel about taking away those rights of the few. But I do think that casual or lesser gun crimes would drop dramatically.


Zeliard said:
It's the "Obama will raise your taxes" thing that really gets to me, because that's such an incredibly blatant lie. Other statements are lies as well, but that's the most egregious and inaccurate one by far and something the electorate would know is completely untrue if they payed even a modicum of fucking attention.

The republicans have done a fantastic job of hammering this lie into the "minds" of idiot Americans who will take this "knowledge" with them to the polls come Election Day. It's quite sad really.

I'd say at least half the people who vote don't pay 1 minute of attention to who they're voting for or against, but since they're either a Republican or Democrat or black or white, they'll vote for him/her just because.


Hootie said:
I don't understand how anyone could believe McCain's drivel about how he'll bring the "real" change to Washington.

He won't. For all the talk about being a maverick, it seems to account to nothing more than being a conscientious objector(i.e. yelling at his pary w/o actually reforming it). It's simple; McCain does what's necessary to keep his job.
Beavertown said:

I guess common sense doesn't enter into your equation does it buddy ol' pal.

All violent and serious crime is inherently tied to firearms. Take the gun out of someone hands, and they're more likely to not do the crime, whatever it may be.

Further only 25% of people in the US own guns, "legally." So I would say they are on the few side.

In any case, the idea that there are more legal guns out there than illegal on the street is just idiotic and stupid. It's bullshit that gun-makers and right wingers feed to the masses.

That said, I'm not really sure how I feel about taking away those rights of the few. But I do think that casual or lesser gun crimes would drop dramatically.

You accuse me of parroting the "bullshit" of gun-makers/right wingers without making a single citation throughout your entire spiel.. I guess it's easy to cite "common sense" instead of actually doing the fact-checking and statistic analysis to back up baseless statements.

You've made some serious claims here, the most significant of which are;

1. All violent and serious crimes are inherently tied to firearms.
2. Only 25% of the American population owns a firearm.
3. Heavy restrictions on gun ownership will reduce the amount of crime (Which suggests that the majority of the guns being used in crimes now are legal).

Would you mind telling us where you got this information?


Back in the previous Poligaf thread, someone posted a picture of the proposed taxation changes between McCain and Obama based upon income ranges. Can anyone dig that up? Didn't it have McCain actually raising taxation on the poor?
Guy Legend said:
This interview seems like a joke.
At some point she has to go on Meet the Press and some of the more serious shows. I've said it before but I've never been sadder that Russert is dead, he would have eaten her for breakfast. Brokaw has not been doing anything like the same job since he took over.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Zen said:
Back in the previous Poligaf thread, someone posted a picture of the proposed taxation changes between McCain and Obama based upon income ranges. Can anyone dig that up? Didn't it have McCain actually raising taxation on the poor?

no, but the super rich get a much much larger tax break than the super poor.

Zen said:
Back in the previous Poligaf thread, someone posted a picture of the proposed taxation changes between McCain and Obama based upon income ranges. Can anyone dig that up? Didn't it have McCain actually raising taxation on the poor?

That image should just be auto-posted to every page man :lol

speculawyer to the rescue! quadriplegicjon for the win!


Beavertown said:
I guess common sense doesn't enter into your equation does it buddy ol' pal.

Your "common sense" doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

All violent and serious crime is inherently tied to firearms. Take the gun out of someone hands, and they're more likely to not do the crime, whatever it may be.

Exactly, because all firearms are intelligent items with high ego scores and can subvert the will of their owner to make them commit crimes. Common sense, indeed.

Further only 25% of people in the US own guns, "legally." So I would say they are on the few side

Why the quotation marks? Do I get to say that people get abortions "legally" since I don't agree with those?

In any case, the idea that there are more legal guns out there than illegal on the street is just idiotic and stupid. It's bullshit that gun-makers and right wingers feed to the masses.

Source please, otherwise you're the one spouting idiotic bullshit. There are many millions of responsible gun owners. To say that the majority of gun owners use them to commit crimes is ridiculous.


giga said:
Is Georgia likely at all to go Blue or would it be worthless to try and get more people to vote Obama here? (i'm already in Atlanta--which is mainly Obama)

Go for it. I don't follow polling data closely enough to tell you what the odds are offhand, but polling data in itself changes and the circumstances seem favorable enough. At the very least, you may be able to get enough people out there to win some of the down ticket races.
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