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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Ponn01 said:
Hell no with Florida. I'm doing my part here, for the first time ever voting in the presidential race. People are underestimating the college vote (which according to some interesting tidbits I have read are NOT being counted in these polls being taken) here too, Obama's grass roots will keep Florida in play. And on top of that McCain is for offshore drilling which even old republicans here in Florida are voting against and do no want. Obama should really play up that card.

You are right... "drill baby drill" is not going to go over at all for the eastern gulf...


tfur said:
You are right... "drill baby drill" is not going to go over at all for the eastern gulf...

We aren't talking the eastern gulf though, we are talking off the miami coast. If its one thing all floridians agree on its no drilling off the coast and taking water from the everglades and okee.


Steve Youngblood said:
I guess I'm not making my point well.

All I'm saying is that whether it was a slip-up or not, whether it was taken out of context or not, I don't understand the story.

Assume the worst. Take it at face value for just one second, why is this news? Even critics of Obama can't believe that this was anything worth writing about. Either there's nothing to talk about, or we assume that Obama just dropped a bomb by subconsciously letting it be known that he is, in fact, Muslim. Since the latter assumption is preposterous, I don't understand what point there is in discussing the meaning of the statement.

You're assuming that most people are intelligent enough to understand the difference.


Gold Member
Amir0x said:
So what's up today

Well, he's down in polls (granted we're talking about margin of error crap), his epic speech was trounced ratings-wise (still finding that hard to believe), and everything is still in the air.

This is going to be so freaking close. A nail-biter, for sure. Get those voter registrations in, people...especially if you're in a swing state. No excuses.


I watched the Obama REVEALED *fireworks and screams* on CNN the other night. Knowing his history made him so much more human than he's ever appeared to me. But comparing his history with McCain's makes him significantly more believable and attractive.
PhoenixDark said:
I'm not worried about Michigan. Wayne County (Detroit) should guarantee a win for Obama.

Ohio...not so much. I'm not confident about that state at all.

I'm never been confident in OH. Obama has too far to climb uphill there. If he takes OH, it will probably be by the slimmest margins. I have more confidence in Obama taking Iowa, Colorado, NM, and maybe even VA (though that's a stretch too). Georgia isn't worth mentioning and NC is probably a pipe dream. I have a feeling, Indiana will also stay red as will Nevada. I think Minnesota and Wisconsin will definitely go Obama though. Florida is also likely to stay red as well.


Beavertown said:
You're assuming that most people are intelligent enough to understand the difference.
I originally posted it last night, laughingly. Like I said then, he was talking in a hypothetical view but did not make it clear at all that he had transitioned into that. It's not a big idea at all but it is still funny.


I would also add if Obama would like to win Florida he needs to start running advertisements. McCain has had non-stop ads running here for a good 3 weeks with no Obama ad to be found.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Earmarks? Seriously?

Steve Benen said:
John McCain and Sarah Palin are criticizing Democrat Barack Obama over requesting money for his home state of Illinois even though the Alaska governor's record is mixed.At a rally, the Republican presidential nominee and his running mate accused Obama of requesting nearly $1 billion in earmarks.

Now, there are plenty of substantive ways to approach this. One could note, for example, that the McCain campaign is lying, and that Obama sought $311 million in earmarks last year, not $1 billion, and didn't seek any earmarks for Illinois at all this year. One could note that Sarah Palin hired D.C. lobbyists to secure millions of dollars in earmarks for Wasilla while she was its mayor, and during Palin's gubernatorial term, she's requested nearly $750 million in earmarks, easily the largest request in the nation, per-capita. One might even be tempted to note that McCain has been misstating his own record on earmarks for quite a while.

But stepping back, I have an entirely different question: who on earth cares about earmarks?

I mean, really. At what point did the McCain campaign decide that earmarks -- seriously, earmarks -- are the single most important issue in the campaign? I'd love to hear from the voter, anywhere in America, who's willing to say, "I was going to base my vote on healthcare, job creation, global warming, and ending the war in Iraq, but this earmark thing trumps them all."

It's one thing to attack, it's another to attack dishonestly, and it's something else to attack dishonestly on an issue that doesn't really matter.

This pretty well sums up my thoughts on the earmarks criticism.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Maximum 360 you have ZERO idea on what's happening with voter registering in those states.

Obama could win Ohio and Virginia easy if people just come out to vote. Its something that's happened all primary. And NC is within reach. That state maybe really close. It may be as close as Ohio was in 2004.

Why would people break records in the primary but not come out to vote in the real deal?


Ponn01 said:
We aren't talking the eastern gulf though, we are talking off the miami coast. If its one thing all floridians agree on its no drilling off the coast and taking water from the everglades and okee.

My comment is related to the red herring of offshore drilling, the Gulf of Mexico being the primary location in discussion, other that Alaska.

I am saying that there will be no opening of the eastern gulf. I do not see Florida changing there laws to allow deep water drilling. Nobody in Florida is going to embrace "drill baby drill"...
Do you guys think the muslim slip will gain traction? I know FOX will report on it, but do you think it'll sway people who are on the fence?

The feeling of dread I get when I think that this election could be lost on a verbal gaffe is quite sad...


Slurpy said:
Eh, kinda shity article. Couldn't stand how it kept referring to 'American Liberals' as those who support Obama. Give me a break.
Haha. Well, the Manchester Guardian is one of the most liberal newspapers in the UK. Regardless, it is an outside perspective on the past week.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A new national poll taken entirely after the end of the Republican convention suggests the race for the White House between John McCain and Barack Obama is dead even.

Sen. John McCain and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will continue campaigning together early in the week.

McCain and Obama are tied at 48 percent each, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Monday afternoon.

Three percent of voters are undecided in the survey, which was conducted Friday through Sunday.


Palin bump


To see an arena filled with people chanting “drill baby drill” is something I thought we might only see in a purely fictional rendering of a dystopian political rally, a dark future satire. It happened in real life though to my dread and amazement. I think the Republican base sees vainly searching for sufficient oil in Alaska and the Arctic to be a win-win situation. Hitting the jackpot is of course a mathematical possibility, something that pleases their scratch-n-win sensibilities. Failing that the environmental destruction of our north is sure to hasten the apocalypse and I believe that if some of the evangelicals don’t get to see it in their lifetime they are going to feel cheated.


has calmed down a bit.
Suikoguy said:
Yeah, George did not even need to correct it, as he was referring to what others were saying.

In that case, he should've said my "supposed" Muslim faith. But yeah, this isn't a big deal and I hope it just fades away.


Dyno said:
To see an arena filled with people chanting “drill baby drill” is something I thought we might only see in a purely fictional rendering of a dystopian political rally, a dark future satire. It happened in real life though to my dread and amazement. I think the Republican base sees vainly searching for sufficient oil in Alaska and the Arctic to be a win-win situation. Hitting the jackpot is of course a mathematical possibility, something that pleases their scratch-n-win sensibilities. Failing that the environmental destruction of our north is sure to hasten the apocalypse and I believe that if some of the evangelicals don’t get to see it in their lifetime they are going to feel cheated.

We're living "Idiocracy", it turns out that movie was a documentary and not a comedy.


Dyno said:
To see an arena filled with people chanting “drill baby drill” is something I thought we might only see in a purely fictional rendering of a dystopian political rally, a dark future satire. It happened in real life though to my dread and amazement. I think the Republican base sees vainly searching for sufficient oil in Alaska and the Arctic to be a win-win situation. Hitting the jackpot is of course a mathematical possibility, something that pleases their scratch-n-win sensibilities. Failing that the environmental destruction of our north is sure to hasten the apocalypse and I believe that if some of the evangelicals don’t get to see it in their lifetime they are going to feel cheated.
Wow. Since you got your thesaurus out, try looking up ignorant.
Dyno said:
To see an arena filled with people chanting “drill baby drill” is something I thought we might only see in a purely fictional rendering of a dystopian political rally, a dark future satire. It happened in real life though to my dread and amazement. I think the Republican base sees vainly searching for sufficient oil in Alaska and the Arctic to be a win-win situation. Hitting the jackpot is of course a mathematical possibility, something that pleases their scratch-n-win sensibilities. Failing that the environmental destruction of our north is sure to hasten the apocalypse and I believe that if some of the evangelicals don’t get to see it in their lifetime they are going to feel cheated.

1) Wasn't there a scene in the Kevin Costner bomb 'Waterworld' with a bunch of crazed followers of an evil Dennis Hopper character like this?

2) Thomas Friedman absolutely ripped in the "drill, baby, drill" insanity on Fresh Air today.


Dyno said:
To see an arena filled with people chanting “drill baby drill” is something I thought we might only see in a purely fictional rendering of a dystopian political rally, a dark future satire. It happened in real life though to my dread and amazement. I think the Republican base sees vainly searching for sufficient oil in Alaska and the Arctic to be a win-win situation. Hitting the jackpot is of course a mathematical possibility, something that pleases their scratch-n-win sensibilities. Failing that the environmental destruction of our north is sure to hasten the apocalypse and I believe that if some of the evangelicals don’t get to see it in their lifetime they are going to feel cheated.

Truth is stranger than fiction, indeed.
as if the roller-coaster polling wasn't nauseating enough, I have to deal with my candidate being supported by Thomas Friedman, a man who likely masturbates to the text of his own columns.

I'm literally ready to throw up (though the stomach trouble I've had all morning isn't helping :( . )


devilhawk said:
Wow. Since you got your thesaurus out, try looking up ignorant.

Why is it ignorant to be amazed at a huge group of people chanting in approval at a fictional proposal that has 0% chance of accomplishing what the people have been led to believe it will accomplish?

Also, considering that a large portion of Republicans self-identify as evangelicals, a group that professes the speedy return of Jesus in the Rapture, why is it ignorant to point out that a sizable portion of those people probably do take a dim view on environmental issues largely because they think Jesus will come back in the next fifty years... I don't think that is too far off.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
What will Palin say next? The reason why the government bailed out Fannie and Freddie was because of too much regulation? :lol
It's because of how liberal Washington is. We need a CONSERVATIVE Washington!



AniHawk said:
Hey, there's a picture of you there.
Haha. Making a conclusion from the phrase "drill baby drill" that all evangelicals want to pollute the earth so significantly that it triggers an apocalypse is quite a bit of an ignorant generalization.


polyh3dron said:
It's because of how liberal Washington is. We need a CONSERVATIVE Washington!


Don't get Mittens started on rich eastern elites trying to tell Americans how to run their lives! Nothing makes Mittens more angry than Harvard educated, multi-millionaire politicians in places like Boston telling people how to run their lives!

/brain melting
I'm still waiting for a t-shirt that says "jesus will come back and make the big bad carbon dioxide go away" . I'd snap that up in a heartbeat and wear it around chapel hill to the delight of my fellow overeducated communist liberals.


Fragamemnon said:
as if the roller-coaster polling wasn't nauseating enough, I have to deal with my candidate being supported by Thomas Friedman, a man who likely masturbates to the text of his own columns.

:lol :lol

So true.

AniHawk said:
EDIT: That was uncalled for and I'm sorry.

Dammit, now I'm intruiged.
As a lot of you know I am very for the drilling in Alaska. It is something we should have started doing a long time ago of course. It will bring gas prices down in the next 10 years. And just because we drill doesn't mean we stop looking for alternative fuels. We drill to keep us a little more independant with our oil on our soil, and to hopefully keep our country running if we run out of oil in the middle east before America completely switches to alternative fuels. I mean, its not just cars that we use oil for. We use it to make all most of our plastics, electricity, petroleum jelly etc. So thats why I'm for the drilling.
lawblob said:
Also, considering that a large portion of Republicans self-identify as evangelicals, a group that professes the speedy return of Jesus in the Rapture, why is it ignorant to point out that a sizable portion of those people probably do take a dim view on environmental issues largely because they think Jesus will come back in the next fifty years... I don't think that is too far off.

it's fucking mind-blowing people think like that in 2008.




devilhawk said:
Haha. Making a conclusion from the phrase "drill baby drill" that all evangelicals want to pollute the earth so significantly that it triggers an apocalypse is quite a bit of an ignorant generalization.

He said "some." An inarguable truth.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
speculawyer said:
And how can you claim credit for being fiscally responsible by keeping the money?

So now it's about whether or not Alaska should get federal money for infastructure? :lol You're missing the point here. It's apparent she decided that spending that much on a single bridge was stupid and could be better spent elsewhere.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Fragamemnon said:
I'm still waiting for a t-shirt that says "jesus will come back and make the big bad carbon dioxide go away" . I'd snap that up in a heartbeat and wear it around chapel hill to the delight of my fellow overeducated communist liberals.

Why should he? He knows the meek will just put up with whatever Earth they inherit. They are after all, meek.

140.85 said:
So now it's about whether or not Alaska should get federal money for infastructure? :lol You're missing the point here. It's apparent she decided that spending that much on a single bridge was stupid and could be better spent elsewhere.

So when people on this forum post links that demonstrate how wrong and stupid you are, do you read them, or just put your fingers in your ears and hum the Knight Rider tune?
Well, how about Gov. Palin? She's you know, an up and comer from Alaska. She - they're starting to run an ad now saying she opposed the bridge to nowhere. Well now, let's get the facts clear here. When she was mayor, she hired a Washington lobbyist to get earmarks - pork barrel spending - all the things that John McCain says is bad, she lobbied to get! And got a whole lot of it. When it came to the bridge to nowhere, she was for it until everybody started raising a fuss about it and she started running for governor and then suddenly she was against it!

You remember that? For it before you were against it? I mean you can't just make stuff up. You can't just recreate yourself. You can't just reinvent yourself. The American people aren't stupid.

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