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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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avatar299, I think you need to learn the dark truths behind the 1996 Telecoms Act and the villainy of the telcos during the interim.

This would be a good place to start:


BTW, Obama's stated intent of forcing the FCC to redefine 'broadband' to its originally intended value, before the telco lobbyists decimated the bill, is why I knew he had solid tech advisers.


girl: just do me a favor and vote for mccain
me: no way in hell. do you watch the view? michelle obama is hosting it.
girl: no i hate that bitch
me: hate? why do you hate her?
girl: she lied and still says she has yale college debt which is obviously bullshit. plus she hates america.
me: i'm pretty sure she doesnt hate america and that's all blown out of proportion.
girl: do you even read the newspaper?
me: :facepalm:

this election is going to be way too close for comfort. there's too many dumbfucks out there.

i like to tell people that obama is actually the only one doing it correctly. hand on heart for pledge, hands to side during national anthem.


Terry McAuliffe just got roped into doing a quick gaggle (it didn't take much convincing)... Looking relaxed, McAuliffe stopped by to speak briefly with reporters, saying the entire campaign staff is looking to "take some time, relax, and do everything we can to help Barack Obama."

"It was a great campaign, 17 months, everybody worked their hearts out," he said. "Talk about her breaking the glass ceiling, and I think she shattered it. She got in, she got more than 18 million votes, she won a lot of important states. I think I speak for all the staff here, they’re very proud. It was an exciting campaign. It was very close, but now we do everything we can to help Barack Obama become the next president, because it’s about the issues."

McAuliffe said Clinton's mood is "great." Asked if she'd soon do a campaign swing for Obama, he said she would "do anything."

"She has made that clear, she will do anything she can to help Barack Obama," he said. "If he wants her to travel every day she’ll do that."

He would not give much insight into what she'd say tomorrow, saying only that it would get people "pumped up" and build the momentum for the final five months.

As for McAuliffe himself? "Disneyland," he said, with his five children.


SSGMUN10000 said:
WTF? Were was he going with that?

Did anyone catch his new ad trying to play into our fears? Saying he wants to keep america safe.
I think he was talking about disaster relief and went off-script to add the word "hot" into it.

Is this the ad you saw?


They say it's McCain's swing-state spot.

Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war.
When I was five years old, my father left for war.
My grandfather came home from war and died the next day.
I was shot down over Vietnam and spent five years as a POW. Some of the friends I served with never came home.
I hate war.
And I know how terrible its costs are.
I'm running for President to keep the country I love safe.
I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

Who is that first line aimed at?


Joe said:
girl: just do me a favor and vote for mccain
me: no way in hell. do you watch the view? michelle obama is hosting it.
girl: no i hate that bitch
me: hate? why do you hate her?
girl: she lied and still says she has yale college debt which is obviously bullshit. plus she hates america.
me: i'm pretty sure she doesnt hate america and that's all blown out of proportion.
girl: do you even read the newspaper?
me: :facepalm:

this election is going to be way too close for comfort. there's too many dumbfucks out there.

i like to tell people that obama is actually the only one doing it correctly. hand on heart for pledge, hands to side during national anthem.

Michelle Obama didn't even goto Yale. These stupid whisper campaigns are the biggest challenge at the moment



Whaaat? I never knew I was that socially progressive.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
GhaleonEB said:
I think he was talking about disaster relief and went off-script to add the word "hot" into it.

Is this the ad you saw?


They say it's McCain's swing-state spot.

Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war.
When I was five years old, my father left for war.
My grandfather came home from war and died the next day.
I was shot down over Vietnam and spent five years as a POW. Some of the friends I served with never came home.
I hate war.
And I know how terrible its costs are.
I'm running for President to keep the country I love safe.
I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

Who is that first line aimed at?

Yup thats the one im talking about.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:
Wtf is going on in this picture?

Is Obama collecting all the pirate lords' "pieces of eight"?
Obama Statement on Pride Month

Chicago, IL -- Senator Barack Obama today released the following statement commemorating Pride month.

“I am proud to join with our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered brothers and sisters in celebrating the accomplishments, the lives, and the families of all LGBT people during this Pride season. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans.”

“It’s time to live up to our founding promise of equality by treating all our citizens with dignity and respect. Let’s enact federal civil rights legislation to outlaw hate crimes and protect workers against discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Let’s repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell and demonstrate that the most effective and professional military in the world is open to all Americans who are ready and willing to serve our country. Let’s treat the relationships and the families of LGBT Americans with full equality under the law.”

“We are ready to accomplish these goals because of the courage and persistence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people who are working every day to achieve equal rights. The gay couple who demand equal treatment in our family laws as they raise their children; the lesbian soldier who wants nothing more than to serve her country openly and honestly; the transgendered workers who asks for the simple dignity of being judged by the quality of their work. Generations of LGBT Americans, at once ordinary and extraordinary, have made possible this moment in our history. With leadership and hard work, we can fulfill the promise of equality for all.”
I was hoping he'd get some rest this weekend...

After appearing here, Obama traveled to a rally in northern Virginia's D.C. suburbs, then headed back to his hometown of Chicago to take the weekend off. He's looking forward to "a date" tonight with his wife, Michelle, a round of golf on Saturday ("the best I can do is the low 80s," Obama said) and a bike ride with his children on Sunday.

Not that he is expecting it to be entirely relaxing. On Saturday night, Obama will face a challenge familiar to many American parents: Eight 7-year-olds are due at his house for a birthday sleepover in honor of his daughter, Sasha.

"These kids are planning to make pizza so who knows what our kitchen will look like," Obama said. "They shouldn't call these sleepovers. They should call them wake-overs."
Then again I thought he would be at Hillary's endorsement.


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The Lamonster said:
hahaha yeah what the hell is this all about

It's cause he's wearing a suit. His shoulders bunch up making his torso look long and the suite jacket bottom hangs low. He's also bending his knees, but the light doesn't quite capture that so his legs look shorter and disproportionate.


RubxQub said:

That's it... I've voting for McCain. I'll take hot bottled water for dehydrated babies over this bullshit.

OH NOES! He sounds like a real dad! The shame...the shhhaammmmmee
VistraNorrez said:
It's cause he's wearing a suit. His shoulders bunch up making his torso look long and the suite jacket bottom hangs low. He's also bending his knees, but the light doesn't quite capture that so his legs look shorter and disproportionate.
Good eye! Please submit your application to Mythbusters.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
pxleyes said:
OH NOES! He sounds like a real dad! The shame...the shhhaammmmmee
Wake-overs is easily the worst attempt at a joke ever.

Obama doesn't write his own speeches. He's a secret Muslim. Lapel pins. Flag pins... Bambi... Waffles...

It's over man.
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