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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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That's what he was spending the 3 hours in the gym on, his three-pointers!

Dude just looks so young with the troops, like he could be one of them now.

And the troops look like they LOVE him. It helps that most of them are young people.
threeball (1 minute ago) Show Hide
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how about some videos of obama with some white troops? oh wait, they support mccain and dont want to be seen with the traitor that obama is

Can't be the same 'threeball' that used to post here, can it? :lol Strikingly similar views, though...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How has McCain been spinning this? As a "look what we made him do" or has he STFU'd?

btw: Is there a neogaf group I can join? I want to donate to Obama.
Y2Kev said:
How has McCain been spinning this? As a "look what we made him do" or has he STFU'd?

Caught a few minutes of FoxNews earlier (at the grandparents house...) and their spin is that Obama shouldn't be traveling overseas during such times of economic crisis at home.


Master of the Google Search
Y2Kev said:
How has McCain been spinning this? As a "look what we made him do" or has he STFU'd?

btw: Is there a neogaf group I can join? I want to donate to Obama.

Yeah there is. I suppose you can find it on the site by simply searching for Neogaf on it


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Latest Electoral-Vote.com results:

Obama takes the lead in Nevada, McCain ties in Virginia.

Obama is at 312 electoral votes to McCain's 199, and 27 tied.

Also, Obama is now up 9pts in Oregon, and only 4pts behind in South Dakota.


I'm starting to think if Obama doesn't make any errors on this trip, then McCain's side is going to be ratcheting up the negativity bigtime. We're talking patriotism/Reverend Wright redux/bitter in ads.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
I'm starting to think if Obama doesn't make any errors on this trip, then McCain's side is going to be ratcheting up the negativity bigtime. We're talking patriotism/Reverend Wright redux/bitter in ads.

And I think that will ultimately bite him in the ass, as Obama will be able to ratchet up the "change" message and then he can slam McCain on going negative and just doing "what republicans do."


Oh I'm not saying it'll work at all, but he's going to have to drastically change things up, and he can't afford to change his policy anymore.:p
reilo said:
Latest Electoral-Vote.com results:

Obama takes the lead in Nevada, McCain ties in Virginia.

Obama is at 312 electoral votes to McCain's 199, and 27 tied.

Also, Obama is now up 9pts in Oregon, and only 4pts behind in South Dakota.

Didn't the electoral vote have Kerry beating Bush up until the election in 04? I'm always sketchy when it comes to the electoral polling.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Deus Ex Machina said:
Senator Obama Opening Remarks in Kuwait - Enthusiastic Response!


I could barely understand a word, but what a crowd reaction!

worth watching just to see the faces of the soldiers :D

Those videos don't count. Most of those troops were African American soldiers. Of course they would like Obama. [/republican talking point]


Hitokage said:

Keep hitting "Next report" to see how things progressed.
Heh. On today's date in 2004, the results were almost the same as now.


Kerry 322, Bush 205. A nice reality check.

Also, the Prime Minister backing Obama's 16 month time table is really huge news. It completely undercuts McCain on Iraq, right when Obama is kicking off his foreign tour. There's just no way for McCain to counter that.


Setec Astronomer
Only looking at the electoral vote tallies. Kerry's support in 04 was fairly soft and the map was filled with borderline states he needed to win, while Bush's states were firmly in his column for the most part.

That situation is reversed now. Oh, and Obama isn't counting on a win in Florida this time.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Only looking at the electoral vote tallies. Kerry's support in 04 was fairly soft and the map was filled with borderline states he needed to win, while Bush's states were firmly in his column for the most part.

That situation is reversed now. Oh, and Obama isn't counting on a win in Florida this time.

Obama can lose Ohio and Florida and still win the election. When Kerry lost those two states, he lost the election.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Heh. On today's date in 2004, the results were almost the same as now.


Kerry 322, Bush 205. A nice reality check.

There's a difference this time though. The political fundamentals are different. The country right now are against the republican brand, where as in 04 the war was strong and people didn't want to give up on their president.


Hitokage said:
Only looking at the electoral vote tallies. Kerry's support in 04 was fairly soft and the map was filled with borderline states he needed to win, while Bush's states were firmly in his column for the most part.

That situation is reversed now. Oh, and Obama isn't counting on a win in Florida this time.
Oh, I agree. The dynamics are very differant, and while Kerry had essentially one path to win, Obama has a half dozen or more. As you said - Montana.

The polls also don't capture the huge voter registration shifts or ground game Obama has going (over 3x the field offices in Missouri, for example).

Still. I'm holding off on getting too excited until a bit further down the road. But things are looking good.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Oh, I agree. The dynamics are very differant, and while Kerry had essentially one path to win, Obama has a half dozen or more. As you said - Montana.

The polls also don't capture the huge voter registration shifts or ground game Obama has going (over 3x the field offices in Missouri, for example).

Still. I'm holding off on getting too excited until a bit further down the road. But things are looking good.

And he has 4 times the number of offices in Virginia! Obama really is putting out real money on the ground.
:lol :lol :lol

Maliki really f*cked the McCain campaign. Unlike before, there is ZERO wiggle room in the comments he made.

The only way the McCain campaign can try to spin it is to blame it on a "translation" error or dismiss Maliki as playing politics for local consumption.

It seems the White House saw this coming though with their whole "Time Horizon" spiel. I just hope the media isn't stupid enough to fall for it again. The White House successfully won the battle over the "Surge" or "Escalation" terminology.
KRS7 said:
P.S. If you didn't catch CNN's Fareed Zakaria interview of Obama on foreign affairs topics it is a very interesting video.

part 1
part 2
It's too bad that he can do an interview like this where he CLEARLY shows his complete competence in foreign affairs and it goes completely under the radar and at the same time, polls showing that people don't trust Obama with foreign affairs or national security make the headlines EVERY MINUTE. It really is sickening.

Of course it's "too many big words" and can't be condensed down to a sound bite like McCain's empty rhetoric.


The Chosen One said:
:lol :lol :lol

Maliki really f*cked the McCain campaign. Unlike before, there is ZERO wiggle room in the comments he made.

The only way the McCain campaign can try to spin it is to blame it on a "translation" error or dismiss Maliki as playing politics for local consumption.

It seems the White House saw this coming though with their whole "Time Horizon" spiel. I just hope the media isn't stupid enough to fall for it again. The White House successfully won the battle over the "Surge" or "Escalation" terminology.

Not really


So this afternoon the McCain campaign called attention to a new video documenting the shifts in Obama's Iraq withdrawal position and issued a statement by foreign policy advisor Randy Scheunemann that said in full:

"The difference between John McCain and Barack Obama is that Barack Obama advocates an unconditional withdrawal that ignores the facts on the ground and the advice of our top military commanders. John McCain believes withdrawal must be based on conditions on the ground.

"Prime Minister Maliki has repeatedly affirmed the same view, and did so again today. Timing is not as important as whether we leave with victory and honor, which is of no apparent concern to Barack Obama.

"The fundamental truth remains that Senator McCain was right about the surge and Senator Obama was wrong. We would not be in the positio to discuss a responsible withdrawal today if Sen. Obama's (anti-surge) views had prevailed."

A small problem is Spiegel changed around the answer. It first said

SPIEGEL: Would you hazard a prediction as to when most of the US troops will finally leave Iraq?

Maliki: As soon as possible, as far as we're concerned. US presidential candidate Barack Obama is right when he talks about 16 months. Assuming that positive developments continue, this is about the same time period that corresponds to our wishes.

which then changed to

SPIEGEL: Would you hazard a prediction as to when most of the US troops will finally leave Iraq?

Maliki: As soon as possible, as far as we're concerned. U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months. That, we think, would be the right timeframe for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes.

I expect more controversy over it but it doesn't change from McCain's view.
Tamanon said:
That's what he was spending the 3 hours in the gym on, his three-pointers!

Dude just looks so young with the troops, like he could be one of them now.

And the troops look like they LOVE him. It helps that most of them are young people.








Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ripclawe said:
Not really

A small problem is Spiegel changed around the answer. It first said

which then changed to

I expect more controversy over it but it doesn't change from McCain's view.

the fuck? so now mccain is all about a withdrawal? why hasnt he been called out on that HUGE flipflop??
quadriplegicjon said:
the fuck? so now mccain is all about a withdrawal? why hasnt he been called out on that HUGE flipflop??

Exactly... McCain has been all about "victory" at whatever costs. It could be 18 months, 10 years, or 100 years. He's never been about making "Withdrawal" the new mission.


The Chosen One said:
Exactly... McCain has been all about "victory" at whatever costs. It could be 18 months, 10 years, or 100 years. He's never been about making "Withdrawal" the new mission.


Obama: The Democratic candidate says he supports a phased withdrawal of troops, promising to remove all combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months of taking office if he becomes president.

McCain: Does not think American troops should return to the United States until Iraqi forces are capable of maintaining a safe, democratic state.

Sorry, but don't see how McCain stance equals withdraw. If Iraqi & US government feels the situation is right for US to leave, how's that withdraw?

Now, Obama's is another story. He wants US forces to leave no matter what happens in 16 months. Not to mention, Obama still wants to leave a sizable force there, could be 30K. Wonder how far left would feel about that.


A German magazine quoted Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as saying that he backed a proposal by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq within 16 months.

"U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months," he said in an interview with Der Spiegel that was released Saturday.

"That, we think, would be the right time frame for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes," he said.

But a spokesman for al-Maliki said his remarks "were misunderstood, mistranslated and not conveyed accurately."

Government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said the possibility of troop withdrawal was based on the continuance of security improvements, echoing statements that the White House made Friday after a meeting between al-Maliki and U.S. President Bush.
The prime minister's remarks emerged as Obama visited Kuwait and Afghanistan before embarking on a tour of the Middle East and Europe to boost his foreign policy credentials. He also plans to visit Iraq.

The Democratic candidate says he supports a phased withdrawal of troops, promising to remove all combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months of taking office if he becomes president.

McCain does not think American troops should return to the United States until Iraqi forces are capable of maintaining a safe, democratic state.

He has been a strong advocate of the 2007 "surge" to escalate U.S. troop levels and says troops should stay in Iraq as long as needed.

McCain says Obama is wrong for opposing the increased troop presence, and Obama says McCain's judgment is flawed.

Statement from McCain's campaign.

Let’s be clear, the only reason that the conversation about reducing troop levels in Iraq is happening is because John McCain challenged the failed Rumsfield-strategy in Iraq and argued for the surge strategy that is responsible for the successes we’ve achieved and which Barack Obama opposed.

Unlike Barack Obama, John McCain has never ignored the facts on the ground in Iraq, he’s never avoided the warzone before proposing new strategy, and he’s never voted against funding our troops in the field. If John McCain was following Barack Obama’s lead on foreign policy, the United States would have already withdrawn from Iraq in a humiliating defeat at the hands of al Qaeda.
Holy shit CNN, Obama goes to visit the middle east and assess the situation over there first hand, and the first thing you show of him is him playing basketball.


polyh3dron said:
Wow at the comments there. The Muslim and Marxist shtick is still running strong. We have some real inbred idiots in this country.
It's the internet. The worst of everything comes out here.


Looks like the media really is trying to bury the news of the day. Josh Marshall:

Todd Gitlin notes the major papers' rather reticent response to al Maliki's Der Spiegel interview.

Todd wrote about three hours ago. As of just before midnight, as far as I can tell, the Post relegates the story to two paragraphs near the top of the paper's story about Obama's trip to Afghanistan. The article returns to the topic and provides some elaboration at the end. The Times gives the story almost the identical treatment -- a short reference below the lede and returned to at the end of the piece.

The most credulous take I've seen so far is CNN's which all but takes al Dabbagh's 'translation error' explanation at face value.

Let me know what write-ups you're seeing.

Late Update: I'm not sure precisely what it 'means'. But in scanning around the major news sites I'm noticing that the better coverage of this story seems to be in the big papers' blogs rather than in their front page stories -- most of which are now out on the websites.

It would be campaign-ending if he's backed McCain.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
knitoe said:

Obama: The Democratic candidate says he supports a phased withdrawal of troops, promising to remove all combat brigades from Iraq within 16 months of taking office if he becomes president.

McCain: Does not think American troops should return to the United States until Iraqi forces are capable of maintaining a safe, democratic state.

Sorry, but don't see how McCain stance equals withdraw. If Iraqi & US government feels the situation is right for US to leave, how's that withdraw?

Now, Obama's is another story. He wants US forces to leave no matter what happens in 16 months. Not to mention, Obama still wants to leave a sizable force there, could be 30K. Wonder how far left would feel about that.

because mccain was never using the word withdrawal.. he wanted to stay the course, etc. but now he has changed up his language. from the article i was responding to: "John McCain believes withdrawal must be based on conditions on the ground. " he is now talking about withdrawals. its a complete change.. i noticed that when his campaign accused obama of flipflopping.. he himself shifted more towards center with his own accusation. saying that obama's withdrawal plan was now more similar to his.. he never had a plan before!
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