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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Deus Ex Machina said:
McCain meets with the Dalai Lama

If I didn't know better, I'd assume that was a photo of an imperial leader being greeted by one of his colony's puppet leaders.


Aaaaaaand it's over.

Can't say I enjoyed that very much.

Since England is his last stop, will he be back in the US by the end of the weekend?
Dan said:
If I didn't know better, I'd assume that was a photo of an imperial leader being greeted by one of his colony's puppet leaders.
It seems like something from the GodFather honestly.

McCain can't look natural doing anything.

I... I think he's a robot. Or just senile.


Is there any reason why it seems McCain can't lift his arms higher than his chest? Is it the suits he's wearing? I get annoyed by it, though I'm not sure why. Just strange..:lol


Setec Astronomer
Branduil said:
I was basing the 99-to-1 thing on that survey of media donations to candidates a few pages back. Regardless, every survey I've ever seen has most members of the media leaning to the left.
There are reporters, and then there are editors. Guess who isn't so left-leaning, and guess who ultimately decides what gets published.

Azih said:
In the end it's purely ratings. If networks believed objective reasoned tightly moderated debates on policy drove ratings then every channel would have policy wonk Chuck Todd types as anchors with guests that know what the hell they're talking about and aren't obsessed with repeating the spin of the day on 50 different news shows 50 times a day. As such they believe that letting two talking heads blather talking points with some screaming pundits thrown in are what drive ratings.
I absolutely love programs like these, but they're almost always on a medium that whores itself on donations not ratings.
Hitokage said:
There are reporters, and then there are editors. Guess who isn't so left-leaning, and guess who ultimately decides what gets published.

I absolutely love programs like these, but they're almost always on a medium that whores itself on donations not ratings.

If you have XM Radio, listen to channel 130 (POTUS 08). It's completely unbiased political news coverage with tons of media guests, full-length speeches and really quality radio personalities (oh, and no commercials!). They don't need donations, either. It's like NPR with a budget. It's all I listen to anymore.


Setec Astronomer
worldrunover said:
If you have XM Radio, listen to channel 130 (POTUS 08). It's completely unbiased political news coverage with tons of media guests, full-length speeches and really quality radio personalities (oh, and no commercials!). They don't need donations, either. It's like NPR with a budget. It's all I listen to anymore.
I happen to have interests that expand beyond politics.
Agent Icebeezy said:
AP: "In a speech that risked being seen as presumptuous..."

TIME Magazine: "capable to become the Commander in Chief of a superpower -- without seeming presumptuous..."

The National Journal: "He is well aware voters here at home might see that as presumptuous..."

Washington Post: "Whether by the end of this week he will be seen as presumptuous or overly cocky..."

Chicago Tribune: "That means walking the fine line between looking presidential and appearing arrogant and presumptuous..."

Boston Globe: "plus the growing sense in some quarters that the presumptive Democratic nominee is getting a little presumptuous..."

presumptuous is the new "uppity"!
Link648099 said:
I'm sorry...please someone tell me that GAF has discussed the fact that Mccain, after attacking Obama 7,000,000 times for his timetable, is now agreeing with it.:lol :lol :lol Please. Thank you.

I really hope the DNC and Obama really, really push this point, emphasizing how the 'foreign policy expert' has come to see Obama's good judgement regarding this critical issue; because McCain will try to frame it not as a flip-flop but will continue blabbering about the surge and how that's what's enabling the timetable.


If McCain keeps up the surge talk, then all Obama needs to do is have one of his surrogates offer McCain a job as Secretary of Surges.


From Mark Halperin:

Obama: “His focus now includes five colleagues in the U.S. Senate — Joseph Biden, Evan Bayh, Chris Dodd, Hillary Clinton and Jack Reed — and two governors, Tim Kaine of Virginia and Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, according to Democratic operatives, though he could still make a different pick.”
McCain: “They include ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a rival during the Republican primaries; Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, with whom he has a strong friendship; and former Rep. Rob Portman of the battleground state of Ohio. Republicans also are touting Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, and campaign adviser Carly Fiorina, ex-CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co., among others.”

From the list I say Obama is going to go with Bayh or Kaine and McCain will go with Romney or Pawlenty.


FlightOfHeaven said:
APF, it seems you posted that article in a reply to the notion that the media is fawning over Obama. The problem with the article is that it originally stems from a news source known for blatantly lying and making up stories. Even if it was linked to by CNN, that does not give it credibility. What gives news sources, stories, newpapers, channels, and sites value is the credibility that they hold. In this case, the tabloid doesn't gain credibility from associating with CNN, CNN loses credibility for associating with a tabloid.

As an example of the media fawning over Obama, yours fails. I'm sure you can find one out there, though.

I posted it because it was funny, and because the content was relevant to the post I was replying to, a sarcastic quip about reporters marrying Obama.

I'll give this one more shot. The problem with your focusing on the idea that, because someone called a source a "tabloid" therefore it lacks credibility as a media outlet, and therefore you can't "trust" what it says, is twofold:

First, there's a difference between a "tabloid" like the free, mostly-AP-clipping Metros, the NY Observer, the NY Post, the Boston Herald, and a supermarket tabloid--the former may (or may not, in terms of the Metro) be written in a less "objective" tone than, say, the NY Times (which, of course, has also been known to "blatantly [lie] and [make] up stories," as have major news networks, major cable networks, major magazines, and major news outlets of all shapes and sizes--everyone gets burnt, everyone has fallen into the trap of going with scoops that turn out to be duds, everyone has had fabulists on their payroll, etc), but the idea that the journalists who write articles for it cannot be considered "media" or "journalists" even, is just an ignorant statement.

Second, the question of credibility itself is a red herring; while you can say, for example, that the NY Post has a definite slant, and you have to take much of what they write with a grain of salt, the idea that when the Post publishes an article--or writes a punny headline--that bashes Hillary, you can't "trust" that the Post doesn't like her, is bizarre. It's like saying, because Fox News is pretty transparent about its political biases, you therefore can't trust an anchor or commentator when they reveal their personal preferences for President Bush or John McCain, or against the Democrats--huh?? The credibility issue comes not when expressing their personal feelings, but when they are attempting to present a story as containing factual news.

When you say, CNN quoting the response of their writer doesn't give them credibility, I have to ask, exactly what question are you trying to answer here? It doesn't increase the credibility of which "factual" statement, that I am apparently presenting as factual? The fact that a writer gushes over Obama in the first person is not an issue where the credibility of the news organization comes into play, unless you're trying to say that writer was being obnoxiously sarcastic (in which case that raises their credibility, IMO at least :) ). Further, if you know so much about this particular "tabloid," and you know that no one should be quoting them to demonstrate anything, then that raises the question of why CNN did, why they saw nothing wrong with the source, why they saw nothing wrong with the content (I guess you question the legitimacy of statements like, "Unlike George W. Bush, he wants to do this in cooperation with others, especially Europe. That's his message from Berlin: Let's try this together!" or that Obama would be a "friend of Berlin"), and why they felt it supported their piece--which was not a, "the media is biased" piece at all, it was a completely non-partisan review of media commentary. I think in fact, because everyone here is so paranoid and insane over the prospect of losing this election, they grasp at straws to find any possible way of immediately dismissing anything that may not play into the narrative they've convinced themselves of, viv their candidate--to the extent that they'll assert it's a legitimate argument to say a writer's expression of personal feelings can't be trusted because the venue that quoted them gave their workplace a qualifier.

Hitokage: When people say editors are conservative, they don't mean politically.


Setec Astronomer
Further, if you know so much about this particular "tabloid," and you know that no one should be quoting them to demonstrate anything, then that raises the question of why CNN did, why they saw nothing wrong with the source, why they saw nothing wrong with the content, and why they felt it supported their piece--which was not a, "the media is biased" piece at all, it was a completely non-partisan review of media commentary.

If CNN fucks up they fuck up. Don't treat them like a sacred cow.


Hitokage said:

If CNN fucks up they fuck up. Don't treat them like a sacred cow.
Not to be a broken record, but I don't understand your point here. How am I treating CNN like a sacred cow? I'm just saying they're a mainstream media source. Trust me, there's nothing sacred about that designation.
So now you guys don't recognize satire when APF is the messenger? If anything that article was mocking Obama.

If he doesn't win in November this trip is going to look pretty hilarious


So when does Obama get back to kickin' the old man's ass here in the States? McCain's gotten to talk all kinds of shit in his absence though I give him credit for not likening Obama to an authoritarian fascist. Yet.


He's coming back to the States tonight, will probably take a day to recuperate and hit the US airwaves and trail on Monday. Apparently he's planning a week off in August:p


Cheebs said:
From Mark Halperin:

From the list I say Obama is going to go with Bayh or Kaine and McCain will go with Romney or Pawlenty.
Reed has already taken himself out of contention, so Halperin is a bit behind.

Obama's been really restrained not to respond to McCain this week while overseas. I suspect he's going to give a speech when he gets back talking about how his trip reinforced his positions - Iraq timetable, Afghanistan - and calling out McCain for flopping all over the place.
Obama's vice presidential search team has floated the name of a former member of President Bush's first-term cabinet, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, as Obama's running mate.

The search committee, now led by Caroline Kennedy and Eric Holder, raised Veneman's name — among others — in discussions with members of Congress, said two Democrats familiar with the conversations.

The mention of Veneman's name surprised Democratic lawmakers. The low-profile Republican was close to food and agriculture industries but clashed with farm-state Democrats and environmentalists during her tenure, which lasted from 2001 to 2004.

But Veneman, 59, has a biography that could be suited to Obama's unifying message. A Republican raised on a California peach farm, she rose to become the nation’s first female agriculture secretary. In 2002 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which was treated successfully. Today she serves as executive director of the United Nations children's agency UNICEF.

The selection of a Republican could bolster Obama's unifying message, a Capitol Hill Democrat familiar with the discussion said.

"You select a strong independent woman who appeals to Republicans and independents, and so that's hard to beat," the Hill source said, explaining the logic of the possible choice. "Choosing someone like [Veneman] doesn't hurt you with the Democrats. It just doesn't hurt you. But it helps you with Independents and Republicans."
more at link http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0708/12059.html


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
He's coming back to the States tonight, will probably take a day to recuperate and hit the US airwaves and trail on Monday. Apparently he's planning a week off in August:p

Olympics. No need for either candidate to do a thing during the Olympics, no one will be paying attention.


StoOgE said:
Olympics. No need for either candidate to do a thing during the Olympics, no one will be paying attention.
Exactly. They will be resting and relaxing during the olympics because starting late august they wont be able to ever take a day off.
StoOgE said:
Olympics. No need for either candidate to do a thing during the Olympics, no one will be paying attention.
That's awesome news. It will be an awesome week. Nothing to keep up with except for OLYMPICS of the SUMMER variety!


I love how he says timetable a couple times and then corrects himself to say time horizon. Shows what a farce the whole thing is.


Tamanon said:
I love how he says timetable a couple times and then corrects himself to say time horizon. Shows what a farce the whole thing is.

Why is he so eager to lose a war to lose an election? The mind boggles.


Tamanon said:
I love how he says timetable a couple times and then corrects himself to say time horizon. Shows what a farce the whole thing is.
Seriously, I know the GOP loves their newspeak, but 'horizons'?
They're losing it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
I love how he says timetable a couple times and then corrects himself to say time horizon. Shows what a farce the whole thing is.

Doubleplusungood anyone?

Chichikov: GET OUT OF MY HEAD.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:

Rasmussen widened to six.

Edit: Since PoliGAF loves graphs.


bu.bu.bu.bu.bbbbb......the trip really hasn't done anything for him in the polls!!!1111one11!!

Looks like everyday people can see that Obama can handle himself with any government in the world.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Link648099 said:
I'm sorry...please someone tell me that GAF has discussed the fact that Mccain, after attacking Obama 7,000,000 times for his timetable, is now agreeing with it.:lol :lol :lol Please. Thank you.

And how the hell does McCain say that Maliki won't want our troops out in 2010? Why the hell would he say that RIGHT AFTER Maliki said that he wanted us out in 2010?!

It's like I live in another world than the one McCain lives in. McCain is worst than Hillary when it comes to living in reality. Why is he so bad with keeping up with what's really happening around him?


First tragedy, then farce.
mckmas8808 said:
bu.bu.bu.bu.bbbbb......the trip really hasn't done anything for him in the polls!!!1111one11!!

Looks like everyday people can see that Obama can handle himself with any government in the world.

1) I dont rely on Daily Tracking polls at all, they are fairly unscientific. The fact that MSM has started actually using them is sad actually, but they need talking points, and Gallup and Rassumussen provide them.

2) As Chuck God has said all week, the bump for something is never immidiete, there is always a trailing reaction to it. People want to process it, think it over, make sure no new information comes to the forefront and then form an opinion on something. If you believe these daily tracking polls, we are starting to see the reaction from his trip to Iraq last week. The "bump" from Germany (if it happens) wont happen until mid-week.

Then again, these are daily tracking polls and they get entirely different people every day, so the margin of error is pretty nuts in these things (despite what the reported margin of error is)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ralexand said:
But Bill O'Reilly said this trip will cause him to drop in daily tracking polls. :lol

What was his reason? I still don't understand why people thought Obama would be worst after meeting with like 12 different world leaders in 7 days.

Weren't people saying that Obama (being that 3 big anchors were going with him) might make a mistake and that could hurt him? Well since he didn't shouldn't the pundits now say that Obama out did their opinions and at least this one time surprised them?
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