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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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APF said:
But nobody in the German press appears to have been quite as smitten by their visitor as Bild reporter Judith Bonesky, who had the opportunity to work out with Obama in the gym of the Ritz Carlton Hotel earlier in the day.

"Obama (with toned arms and a strong back) puts on his headphones for his iPod to listen to pop music. He hums quietly. Then he jumps on a fitness bike. He pushes three times on the pedals -- but then can't be bothered with it.

"He picks up a pair of 16 kilo weights and starts curling them with his left and right arms, 30 repetitions on each side. Then, amazingly, he picks up the 32 kilo weights! Very slowly he lifts them, first 10 curls with his right, then 10 with his left.

Quickly I ask: "Mr. Obama, could I take a photo?". "Of course!" he answers, before asking my name and coming over to stand next to me. "My name's Judith" I reply. "I'm Barack Obama, nice to meet you!" he says, and puts his arm across my shoulder. I put my arm around his hip -- wow, he didn't even sweat! WHAT A MAN!"

:lol we missed you
Deus Ex Machina said:
This picture is awesome.


APF said:
GhaleonEB said:

GhaleonEB: I'm not sure I understand your point, since I quoted from a CNN article.

German tabloid Bild said Obama had articulated his version of the American dream

But Bild warned

said Bild

The paper noted too that

as Bild reporter Judith Bonesky



I'm trying not to express my true feelings when I respond to your posts, but I'm having a difficult time understanding exactly what your issue is here.


Again, I'm having a hard time understanding what it is you are protesting, or what it is you believe I am denying.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
I'm trying not to express my true feelings when I respond to your posts, but I'm having a difficult time understanding exactly what your issue is here.

Do you also believe the Enquirer when they said that John Edwards has a mistress and an illegitimate child?

Let me explain this to you from someone that lived in Germany: The Bild is a tabloid. They lie to sell papers.


I understand the pitfalls of tabloids, but I don't really see how this relates to that particular story.

Was the reporter lying about admiring Obama? What's the relevance?


Branduil said:
I understand the pitfalls of tabloids, but I don't really see how this relates to that particular story.

Was the reporter lying about admiring Obama? What's the relevance?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
I understand the pitfalls of tabloids, but I don't really see how this relates to that particular story.

Was the reporter lying about admiring Obama? What's the relevance?

Because the relevance is that APF is trying to paint it as all reporters are fawning over Obama, so he uses, what is likely a made up story, as his prime example of reporters going ape-shit over Obama.

If he can find a big name reporter that works for one of the big networks writing an article like this, then he should do so.

People seem to be throwing out that moniker that the press is "in love with Obama", but yet noone can show any credible proof of such.

Meanwhile, we can pinpoint you to over a dozen instances where the media protects McCain or doesn't even bother to report about his missteps. Hell, just this week, CBS literally COVERED UP a story and interview about a major McCain gaffe, yet, Obama is the one being protected by the media?


Branduil said:
I understand the pitfalls of tabloids, but I don't really see how this relates to that particular story.

Was the reporter lying about admiring Obama? What's the relevance?

you don't understand the relevance about why it's a shitty idea to use a tabloid to prove the media is fawning over Obama?

The relevance is CREDIBILITY. A tabloid sells papers by lying, so there's no objective way to know if this specific story is true or not. And even if it was, a TABLOID is not a representative of the media at large or even close.

I am so not in the mood to argue this shit, but I think the point everyone is trying to make is pretty fucking clear here.


Explain to me what the headline of that CNN article is.

Then, explain to me how mainstream CNN is, in terms of US media.

Then, explain to me why you are arguing no one should take the claims in a "tabloid" seriously--or as representative of any legitimate sentiment--yet for some unknown reason CNN did.

way more

Ben Stein drives further off the pier.

From the July 23 edition of CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck:

STEIN: I want -- I'm glad you brought up this Denver thing. I don't like the idea of Senator Obama giving his acceptance speech in front of 75,000 wildly cheering people. That is not the way we do things in political parties in the United States of America. We have a contained number of people in an arena. Seventy-five-thousand people at an outdoor sports palace, well, that's something the Fuehrer would have done. And I think whoever is advising Senator Obama to do this is bringing up all kinds of very unfortunate images from the past.

BECK: Well, yeah, you know what? I've been -- I've been saying that we're headed towards a Mussolini-style presidency forever.

STEIN: Well, I think --

BECK: I mean it's crazy.

STEIN: It's a scary situation. I mean, I think he has to recognize some bounds on his own ego. I understand politicians are politicians because they have ego deficit problems and they try to cure them by having lots of worship and adulation and adoration. But 75,000 people screaming at an outdoor arena, that's just too much. It's just -- it's scarily authoritarian.

It's from Media Matters sure, but it's still their own words. In Stein's brain evolution causes Nazis and apparently so does Obama.


Setec Astronomer
APF said:
Explain to me what the headline of that CNN article is.

Then, explain to me how mainstream CNN is, in terms of US media.

Then, explain to me why you are arguing no one should take the claims in a "tabloid" seriously--or as representative of any legitimate sentiment--yet for some unknown reason CNN did.
Hey, did you know a NASA ASTRONAUT said the government is covering up alien visits?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
reilo said:
Meanwhile, we can pinpoint you to over a dozen instances where the media protects McCain or doesn't even bother to report about his missteps. Hell, just this week, CBS literally COVERED UP a story and interview about a major McCain gaffe, yet, Obama is the one being protected by the media?

APF however, will conveniently ignore those since he can't argue the point. I am amazed that there are still "librul media" mouthbreathers here on gaf.

CNN actually stacks Glen Beck opinion pieces in its news column.


Setec Astronomer
OuterWorldVoice said:
I am amazed that there are still "librul media" mouthbreathers here on gaf.
Really? Come now, it's a mantra that's been around for decades and led to the formation of a certain cable news channel. No reason for it to just go away now, especially not when you're somebody trying to rile up forum posters.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hitokage said:
Really? Come now, it's a mantra that's been around for decades and led to the formation of a certain cable news channel. No reason for it to just go away now, especially not when you're somebody trying to rile up forum posters.

Actually I think that "lubrul media" mouthbreathers actually believe it. They think that all news is leftist since it reports facts rather than their accepted vision of the world. They only believe something is balanced when it agrees with their worldview.


I believe I have more actual real-world media experience than anyone who has spoken thus far, just as a friendly reminder.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
I believe I have more actual real-world media experience than anyone who has spoken thus far, just as a friendly reminder.

I believe you are incorrect. And it's irrelevant anyway. Bill O'Reilly has more experience than you and he's a red faced comical blowhard.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
I should have just stuck with this one.

OuterWorldVoice: oh? Do you work for the Times or something?

Nope. But I studied and practiced journalism (magazine, newspaper and web) for about 10 years. But again it's irrelevant - there are tons of appalling "journalists" with loads of experience and besides, here in my humorless echo chamber you sound like a 12 year old.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Nope. But I studied and practiced journalism (magazine, newspaper and web) for about 10 years.
J-school isn't experience, but I'm interested in your actual professional work--you can PM if you don't want to talk publicly.

OuterWorldVoice said:
But again it's irrelevant - there are tons of appalling "journalists" with loads of experience
A point which, itself, is irrelevant.

OuterWorldVoice said:
and besides, here in my humorless echo chamber you sound like a 12 year old.
Which statement of mine sounds like a 12 year old, specifically? Frankly I'm not sure what age I'd position the kneejerk responses against me so far, but I'm not sure they'd even reach that old.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
Which statement of mine sounds like a 12 year old, specifically? Frankly I'm not sure what age I'd position the kneejerk responses against me so far, but I'm not sure they'd even reach that old.

The one where you claimed to have more real world media experience than anyone "here." It sounded churlish.

Anyway, so did my accusation that you sounded like a 12 year old. So I apologize to you and the thinking people of gaf.

Good day sir.


I think posting what I characterized as a "reminder" that I actually do have a lot of experience, specifically working within some of the largest and most reputable news and media organizations in the country--if not the world-- (and hey, I declined the job offer from Fox News, so I gotta get some credit for that!) may at the very least give someone pause before they attempt to cartoonishly smear me as a "mouthbreather" for posting an article from CNN of all places. But perhaps I forgot where I was posting and the nonsensical responses I always seem to attract here. Anyway, I'm still genuinely interested in where you've worked, etc; my PM box is open.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
the disgruntled gamer said:
"People don't vote for VP"

What now, GAF?

People do in fact vote for VPs if the Presidential candidate is particularly weak. Which if you think about it, is kinda dumb.
Sorry for going OT, but I was watching Countdown tonight and Keith talked about how Scott McClellan said the White House used Fox News for its talking points.

I can't find anything on this on google. I must be retarded or something. Can someone link me to McClellan saying this?


the disgruntled gamer said:
"People don't vote for VP"

What now, GAF?
Well I'm mainly concerned about McCain. I'm worried that he might not last. That makes his VP choice pretty important.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
I think posting what I characterized as a "reminder" that I actually do have a lot of experience, specifically working within some of the largest and most reputable news and media organizations in the country--if not the world-- (and hey, I declined the job offer from Fox News, so I gotta get some credit for that!) may at the very least give someone pause before they attempt to cartoonishly smear me as a "mouthbreather" for posting an article from CNN of all places. But perhaps I forgot where I was posting and the nonsensical responses I always seem to attract here. Anyway, I'm still genuinely interested in where you've worked, etc; my PM box is open.

Wait, Fox News offered you a job?

Connect the dots, dot the i, cross the t... by fucking golly! It all makes sense now.
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