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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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APF, it seems you posted that article in a reply to the notion that the media is fawning over Obama. The problem with the article is that it originally stems from a news source known for blatantly lying and making up stories. Even if it was linked to by CNN, that does not give it credibility. What gives news sources, stories, newpapers, channels, and sites value is the credibility that they hold. In this case, the tabloid doesn't gain credibility from associating with CNN, CNN loses credibility for associating with a tabloid.

As an example of the media fawning over Obama, yours fails. I'm sure you can find one out there, though.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
We all know APF is smarter than this. The fact that some of us feel like we have to actually explain this to him makes me scratch my head.

Either he's a very good troll and plays dumb on purpose, or he has an entirely different mindset than all of us.
Hey, I can damn well try. I appreciate different points of view. They force me to think, see how the other side thinks. I think he's wrong, of course, and no, I don't subscribe to the "balanced" mentality that Fox employs.


Do you guys know of a website where there are arguments and counter-arguments for Barack that address most concerns, silly or not, over his candidacy? Something that would have evidence and such, like:

-Obama has done nothing while in the Senate.
*Counter: Obama has started these initiatives (list), passed these (list), chaired these committies (list).

-Obama does not do this:
*Counter: video

something like that. It'd be damn convenient. Or, if I work with the campaign, would I get such material?
OuterWorldVoice said:
APF however, will conveniently ignore those since he can't argue the point. I am amazed that there are still "librul media" mouthbreathers here on gaf.

CNN actually stacks Glen Beck opinion pieces in its news column.

Beck might be one of the few people with an IQ less than Limbaugh (and that's quite a feat).
McCain meets with the Dalai Lama


While in Colorado, McCain had a 45-minute meeting with the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader who was in Aspen for a conference. McCain called on China to release prisoners from the recent Tibetan uprising, saying the Beijing Olympic Games in August provide a good opportunity for China to demonstrate that it recognizes human rights.

The Dalai Lama praised McCain for his concern — while emphasizing he wasn't endorsing McCain's presidential bid.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So I guess Obama will lose 3 points in the national polls due to him not seeing the troops in Germany. Even though he seen them in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA arrives in Paris, meets with French President Nicholas Sarkozy


Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, is seen with French president Nicolas Sarkozy, right, during a news conference in Paris, Friday, July 25, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Dax01 said:
This picture is awesome.
If you like that check out these :D














way more

The Lamonster said:

Matthews: “Did you see FOX television as a tool when you were in the White House? As a useful avenue to get your message out?”

McClellan: “I make a distinction between the journalists and the commentators. Certainly there were commentators and other, pundits at FOX News, that were useful to the White House.” […] That was something we at the White House, yes, were doing, getting them talkng points and making sure they knew where we were coming from.

Matthews: “So you were using these commentators as your spokespeople.”

McClellan: “Well, certainly.”

Hopefully this is pointed out the next time Fox News gets all butt hurt when someone calls them a mouthpiece for the White House.
Obviously, we know who Sarkozy likes to play as in Brawl.


Looks like Obama has some armor to his grabbing move. Perhaps he likes Ike?
Obama veep team floats Republican name (Ann Veneman)


Barack Obama's vice presidential search team has floated the name of a member of President Bush's first-term Cabinet, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, as Obama's running mate.

The search committee, now led by Caroline Kennedy and Eric Holder, raised Veneman's name — among others — in discussions with members of Congress, two Democrats familiar with the conversations said.

The mention of Veneman's name surprised Democratic lawmakers. The low-profile Republican was close to food and agriculture industries but clashed with farm-state Democrats and environmentalists during her tenure, which lasted from 2001 to 2004.


First tragedy, then farce.
APF said:
I think posting what I characterized as a "reminder" that I actually do have a lot of experience, specifically working within some of the largest and most reputable news and media organizations in the country--if not the world-- (and hey, I declined the job offer from Fox News, so I gotta get some credit for that!) may at the very least give someone pause before they attempt to cartoonishly smear me as a "mouthbreather" for posting an article from CNN of all places. But perhaps I forgot where I was posting and the nonsensical responses I always seem to attract here. Anyway, I'm still genuinely interested in where you've worked, etc; my PM box is open.

Sweet, so we get to claim job history to make us authoritarion figures that can't be challenged on given topics?

I declare myself economy czar of poligaf.


StoOgE said:
Sweet, so we get to claim job history to make us authoritarion figures that can't be challenged on given topics?

I declare myself economy czar of poligaf.

I am the king of fast food and call centers!

Working college student here -_-
Branduil said:
So do people think members of the media being liberal by a 99-1 margin has no effect on their coverage?

I'd love to see your stats on the claim. But here is the deal, the MSM is a business and its trade is controversy and hype. Obama's unique personal situation makes him historical so on it's face that is newsworthy but, with our celebrity driven culture and media it drives it in even more. I mean we knew that Clinton was out of the race offically by TX for the most part but, the MSM kept the thing going becasue it kept business going. The guy sells papers.

At the end of the day Obama is a new toy, I don't see it much more differently than that.
Branduil said:
So do people think members of the media being liberal by a 99-1 margin has no effect on their coverage?

I can and will write school papers that are totally against my own (conservative) politics in the interest of better marks. I don't see how journalists couldn't swallow their beliefs and write against their politics in the interest of higher ratings.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
So do people think members of the media being liberal by a 99-1 margin has no effect on their coverage?

I know you are not this fallible.

List me all of the news stations and media outlets that you think are liberal.


I was basing the 99-to-1 thing on that survey of media donations to candidates a few pages back. Regardless, every survey I've ever seen has most members of the media leaning to the left.

It's a simple question: do you think this has ANY effect on the coverage?
Considering all the henpecking that's going on for the past few months on Obama, and all the free passes they've given McCain since he got the nomination, I'd say no. Not as a whole.


So you're saying if members of the media were overwhelmingly conservative instead of liberal, the coverage would be exactly the same in every way.
Branduil said:
I was basing the 99-to-1 thing on that survey of media donations to candidates a few pages back. Regardless, every survey I've ever seen has most members of the media leaning to the left.

It's a simple question: do you think this has ANY effect on the coverage?


Does it have an effect? Not really, if you look at this thing on the whole Obama has dominated news coverage since Iowa, the difference is that the story was more based on his negatives (not being able to secure blue collars and lations), since he has largely overcome most of his potential anchors during the primary (I mean defeating the Clintons was no easy task) the narrative has now changed to his positives. If McCain had more enthusaism around his campaign then the coverage I think would respond to it.

What Obama has effectively done is make a case for his postions by wrapping it around his charisma (I mean the dude must have a Cha of 20 or 21), McCain is not doing the same thing. In the old days McCain was known as charismatic but, he has just gone up against people who happen to be more charismatic.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Branduil said:
So you're saying if members of the media were overwhelmingly conservative instead of liberal, the coverage would be exactly the same in every way.
AP: "In a speech that risked being seen as presumptuous..."

TIME Magazine: "capable to become the Commander in Chief of a superpower -- without seeming presumptuous..."

The National Journal: "He is well aware voters here at home might see that as presumptuous..."

Washington Post: "Whether by the end of this week he will be seen as presumptuous or overly cocky..."

Chicago Tribune: "That means walking the fine line between looking presidential and appearing arrogant and presumptuous..."

Boston Globe: "plus the growing sense in some quarters that the presumptive Democratic nominee is getting a little presumptuous..."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
I was basing the 99-to-1 thing on that survey of media donations to candidates a few pages back. Regardless, every survey I've ever seen has most members of the media leaning to the left.

It's a simple question: do you think this has ANY effect on the coverage?

You honestly believe that noone from Fox News donated to a republican establishment?
Actually, I do think it'd be mostly the same. Large news networks seem to be taking cues from Fox News' model of success.

Do you see as anything leaning towards the left? MSNBC, perhaps, due to the presence of some members there, but outside of that...

Honestly, I don't see this as a political ideology thing. It's rating. Obama's new, he's exciting, and the United States loves a hero, but more than that, they love seeing a hero fall.


TV news doesn't even cover policy in elections in any meaningful way so lefty righty bias doesn't even come into it. Instead they cover political tactics and poll fights and they want close competitions so ratings go up as the election approaches and on election nights. As such, no, lefty journalists don't have much of an affect on coverage.

The only exceptions are stations that derive their ratings by appealing to a certain very targeted demographic. They pander ot the demographic no matter what happens. Air America and Fox News for example.

In the end it's purely ratings. If networks believed objective reasoned tightly moderated debates on policy drove ratings then every channel would have policy wonk Chuck Todd types as anchors with guests that know what the hell they're talking about and aren't obsessed with repeating the spin of the day on 50 different news shows 50 times a day. As such they believe that letting two talking heads blather talking points with some screaming pundits thrown in are what drive ratings.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Tim-E said:

just saw the video. mccain didnt mean it the way that blog and others are trying to spin it. he really has trouble putting his thoughts into words. sounds like he meant, 'ideally it would be a good time table, but thats not the reality' or something along those lines. the video also cuts off anything he said afterwords, so it could also be terribly misleading.
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