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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Also I've had all day to think about it, and I really do think Hillary's speech was genuine.

I mean, we'll see how her actions speak when she's on the campaign trail, but it seemed really on point. For all the shit she threw over the months, she has made a large step toward me being able to like her again.
Amir0x said:
heh, Ed Rendell lays out pretty clearly he won't be VP on CNN.

"I learned long ago I'm not a good number two. I can't stay on message, I've been my own boss for too many years. I do not think I'd want VP."

There goes my favorite choice, outside of someone like Richardson.

Meh, no biggie I think Obama needs someone with foreign policy experience like a Richadson or Biden.


First tragedy, then farce.
Amir0x said:
Also I've had all day to think about it, and I really do think Hillary's speech was genuine.

I mean, we'll see how her actions speak when she's on the campaign trail, but it seemed really on point. For all the shit she threw over the months, she has made a large step toward me being able to like her again.

The Clintons are political creatures. Its all out 100% do whatever you have to do to win.. then when there is absolutely zero chance of that happening, you snap back to reality.

To be honest, now that its over, she didnt do anything Huckabee dindt do. He stayed in until McCain hit the magic number, its just with republican rules (no proportional allocation) that number came much sooner.


Limbaugh Parrot
I know that I'm about 10 pages late on posting our own electoral compass things (been busy with work the last couple days) but here we go:


and it looks about right (was pulling for Fred first, then Romney)


StoOgE said:
The Clintons are political creatures. Its all out 100% do whatever you have to do to win.. then when there is absolutely zero chance of that happening, you snap back to reality.

To be honest, now that its over, she didnt do anything Huckabee dindt do. He stayed in until McCain hit the magic number, its just with republican rules (no proportional allocation) that number came much sooner.

You know it's just that for so long, she was sowing such dramatic seeds of doubt in voters minds about Obama. The most unforgivable sin was her actually pimping McCain while criticizing Obama. That still cannot be washed away by a speech.


I am just so glad she didn't win. Mostly because I do not want the Democratic Party following the lead of the GOP by keeping the same families running the White House. Secondly, she's a highly polarizing figure and that would get in the way of much progress (things will be hard enough to deal with to begin with). And, finally, Clintons in the White House should define the 90's and nothing else. Bill was a good President despite his problems. But that was in the past, the country needs to move on. I do not want it to look normal for families to share the White House across a good two or even three (Reagan/Bush, Bush, Dubya) presidencies.


First tragedy, then farce.
Amir0x said:
You know it's just that for so long, she was sowing such dramatic seeds of doubt in voters minds about Obama. The most unforgivable sin was her actually pimping McCain while criticizing Obama. That still cannot be washed away by a speech.

Oh dont get me wrong, she went totally scorched earth, but the republicans were doing the same exact thing to each other even when it was pretty clear that McCain had already won. Romney's concession if you will recall was pretty much "Fuck this guy, but he's pro war and I cant win". The republican rules just ended the thing alot earlier, so now the republican party is "healed". Alot of them (Rush, etc) dont like McCain and still blast him, but ultimitely argue that you have to vote for him. The Dems will be the exact same way in 2 months. There will be Clinton supporters that are still pissed, but will vote for Obama because he's the best option for them.


Kills Photobucket
Amir0x said:
You know it's just that for so long, she was sowing such dramatic seeds of doubt in voters minds about Obama. The most unforgivable sin was her actually pimping McCain while criticizing Obama. That still cannot be washed away by a speech.

I think in the end though Hillary did much more good than bad. She got Obama ready for what he would face in the general election.


I find it troubling how Obama and McCain are neck to neck. I thought there was gonna be an instant 10 point Dem lead whatever, and most people have known Hillary is done for at least a week now.

I really hope Obama gets a boost.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Read the note it is first time donors
You misunderstand me. I SAID that's first time donors. And I suspect on TOP of those, old donors are kicking in again, meaning he's had a great few days of fund raising.


First tragedy, then farce.
Diablos said:
I find it troubling how Obama and McCain are neck to neck. I thought there was gonna be an instant 10 point Dem lead whatever, and most people have known Hillary is done for at least a week now.

I really hope Obama gets a boost.

Dont worry about the bump yet. You have to remember, we are Obama supporters, we are thinking logically "ok, its over now support Obama". Not gonna happen, these supporters are thinking emotionally (and no this isnt sexist, had Obama lost I would have gone off the fucking deep end), they still want Hillary in the whitehouse. They arent going to come around just because its over. It will take them some time.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
StoOgE said:
Dont worry about the bump yet. You have to remember, we are Obama supporters, we are thinking logically "ok, its over now support Obama". Not gonna happen, these supporters are thinking emotionally (and no this isnt sexist, had Obama lost I would have gone off the fucking deep end), they still want Hillary in the whitehouse. They arent going to come around just because its over. It will take them some time.

Everybody doesn't pay attention to the numbers. We are on it everyday while a lot of other people are really passive about this.


Amir0x said:
You know it's just that for so long, she was sowing such dramatic seeds of doubt in voters minds about Obama. The most unforgivable sin was her actually pimping McCain while criticizing Obama. That still cannot be washed away by a speech.

She has a LOT of work to do before she's officially on my good side. There was a lot of stuff that, to me, is just ugly. On top of the McCain praise, there was the fact that she used civil rights and voter's rights as an excuse to keep herself in the race. There was there was the hypocrisy in her "count every vote" movement. There was the sexism/victim card. And the reason all of this still upsets me is because I don't believe, for an instant, that any of this outrage was genuine. And these issues are VERY important, that's why I don't believe a politician should be allowed to drag them through the mud just because they have no other options to win.

It was a great speech today, and a definite first step in the right direction. But keep in mind: all the problems of party unity that were discussed were created by her. She created a very, very polarized "us vs. them" narrative, and for her to encourage talk that somehow, this election was being stolen from her within her own party during a goddamn primary is something that no speech is going to fix.

She did good today, no doubt. But until I know that she hasn't already done irreparable damage, I still don't trust her.


StoOgE said:
Dont worry about the bump yet. You have to remember, we are Obama supporters, we are thinking logically "ok, its over now support Obama". Not gonna happen, these supporters are thinking emotionally (and no this isnt sexist, had Obama lost I would have gone off the fucking deep end), they still want Hillary in the whitehouse. They arent going to come around just because its over. It will take them some time.
I dunno, seems like the whole nation is watching this.

I was really hoping this election would not be close. How could anyone beyond core GOP voters want to vote Republican this time *shivers*


Master of the Google Search
JohnTinker said:
I know that I'm about 10 pages late on posting our own electoral compass things (been busy with work the last couple days) but here we go:


and it looks about right (was pulling for Fred first, then Romney)

The results of his election couldn't have gone worse for you, huh


First tragedy, then farce.
Diablos said:
I dunno, seems like the whole nation is watching this.

I was really hoping this election would not be close. How could anyone beyond core GOP voters want to vote Republican this time *shivers*

eh, the bump is coming, its just unlikely to happen all at once.


JohnTinker said:
I know that I'm about 10 pages late on posting our own electoral compass things (been busy with work the last couple days) but here we go:


and it looks about right (was pulling for Fred first, then Romney)[/QUOTE]
I'm LTTP on this as well, but it looks like I've been supporting the right candidate:


JohnTinker said:
I know that I'm about 10 pages late on posting our own electoral compass things (been busy with work the last couple days) but here we go:


and it looks about right (was pulling for Fred first, then Romney)

So we got the most socially progressive candidate and about as close to the economic center as any of the other candidates. Perfect.


Master of the Google Search
Xeke said:
My dad is super conservative and he wont vote for McCain. He calls him a turncoat.:lol
Which is odd since McCain has mostly voted with his party. Guess this is further proof that perceptions are everything

JohnTinker said:
No, I don't think they will. But anyone who's been paying attention this political season ought to know by now that anything can happen.

Hey at least you still have..... um..well.... Inhofe will probably win his reelection this year?
Diablos said:
I dunno, seems like the whole nation is watching this.

I was really hoping this election would not be close. How could anyone beyond core GOP voters want to vote Republican this time *shivers*

This shit disgusts me
grandjedi6 said:
What part? His generalization that all Republicans = Bush, or his hope that the election wouldn't be close?

That all republicans think the same and mirror Bush. That kind of thinking is beyond childish.


Gamer @ Heart said:
That all republicans think the same and mirror Bush. That kind of thinking is beyond childish.
Where in my post did I say Republicans mirrored Bush? You made that assumption. I've talked to many Republicans who do and don't "mirror" Bush.

Core GOP voters if anything would be the ones who would be most likely to idolize GWB or something.

Many moderate, independent, or on the fence voters are considering voting Republican still. Many of these people may not even typically describe themselves as conservative. I was not implying that everyone who votes Republican mirrors Bush.


Diablos said:
Where in my post did I say Republicans mirrored Bush? You made that assumption. I've talked to many Republicans who do and don't "mirror" Bush.

Core GOP voters if anything would be the ones who would be most likely to idolize GWB or something.

But... Bush isn't running this time.
Diablos said:
Where in my post did I say Republicans mirrored Bush? You made that assumption. I've talked to many Republicans who do and don't "mirror" Bush.

Core GOP voters if anything would be the ones who would be most likely to idolize GWB or something.

The *shiver* is what made me think that.
Still, i think covering up for what you really meant so lets just drop it now.



I know! People told me I was trying to link all those inclined to simply vote Republican to Bush. *I* didn't imply that. This is the point I'm trying to make.



Diablos said:

I know! People told me I was trying to link all those inclined to simply vote Republican to Bush. *I* didn't imply that. This is the point I'm trying to make.


Cheap rhetorical trick, Grandjedi made the assumption for you. The best part was when Diablos claimed/thought that you made the assumption, when he started to shift to that.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gaborn said:
But... Bush isn't running this time.

yes a "maverick" is running. A Maverick who's voting record supports dubya 95% of the time. A "maverick" who's stances that conflicted with the administration he has now renounced.

So, he's basically dubya who believes in global warmingl


StoOgE said:
yes a "maverick" is running. A Maverick who's voting record supports dubya 95% of the time. A "maverick" who's stances that conflicted with the administration he has now renounced.

So, he's basically dubya who believes in global warmingl

In some ways sure, I'm not defending McCain, but I can logically see how a person could vote Republican this time and not be a core Bush voter.


Kills Photobucket
Diablos said:
You think Repubs are gonna lose?

I lean republican (my political compass was just off center in that lower left area) and I think that the republicans should not be able to win with the political climate in the country.

However, if there is one thing the Democratic party knows how to do better than anyone else, it's blow it. So while I think the republicans will loose, I don't put it past the democrats to screw things up. Only a Democratic screw up should result in a Republican victory.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gaborn said:
In some ways sure, I'm not defending McCain, but I can logically see how a person could vote Republican this time and not be a core Bush voter.

Ok, I can agree with that then. I think alot of McCain votes are going to be a lesser of two evils situation. Kinda like Kerry was for Dems in 2004. Not really pumped about the guy, but their best option.


Gaborn said:
In some ways sure, I'm not defending McCain, but I can logically see how a person could vote Republican this time and not be a core Bush voter.
Especially because the media has painted him as such a maverick and moderate, even though he's turned into a COMPLETELY different person (politically speaking) since Bush kicked his ass in 2000.


Diablos said:
Especially because the media has painted him as such a maverick and moderate, even though he's turned into a COMPLETELY different person (politically speaking) since Bush kicked his ass in 2000.

Well, he's definitely changed on a number of positions, it's interesting, he's kind of in the position many bisexuals are in social terms, with neither side truly supporting them strongly, just in McCain's case the hard right is going to have a really hard time swallowing him, and moderates are tired of lapping up his rhetoric of the straight talk expresss. Whereas a bisexual male... actually, I won't go there. Suffice it to say that both the gay and straight communities have different challenges accepting bisexuals.


DrForester said:
I lean republican (my political compass was just off center in that lower left area) and I think that the republicans should not be able to win with the political climate in the country.

However, if there is one thing the Democratic party knows how to do better than anyone else, it's blow it. So while I think the republicans will loose, I don't put it past the democrats to screw things up. Only a Democratic screw up should result in a Republican victory.

haha thats true, and sad at the same time.
I remember one of Michael Moore's books where he had a chapter praising some of the republican values, and the core was that democrats were pussys in some senses and that if they had as a firm belief as the republicans then that would be a good thing.


100% logic failure rate
Was playing with the electoral widget on mydd and saw that if Obama wins Virginia, Colorado and New Mexico along with the other states he's safely ahead in he could lose the whole south, Ohio, Michigan and Missouri and still win the election.


ralexand said:
Was playing with the electoral widget on mydd and saw that if Obama wins Virginia, Colorado and New Mexico along with the other states he's safely ahead in he could lose the whole south, Ohio, Michigan and Missouri and still win the election.
I think Obama either needs a VP from Virginia (guess who) or New Mexico (guess who again).
the disgruntled gamer said:
I'm LTTP on this as well, but it looks like I've been supporting the right candidate:

Geez, for being so ahead of the pack on social issues in this chart he sure seems to fall behind on pretty big issues like gay rights and the separation of church and state.


Yep a real step forward. From one religious nut job to the next.


StoOgE said:
Ok, I can agree with that then. I think alot of McCain votes are going to be a lesser of two evils situation. Kinda like Kerry was for Dems in 2004. Not really pumped about the guy, but their best option.

*raises hand* Douche and turd sandwich.


Diablos said:
I think Obama either needs a VP from Virginia (guess who) or New Mexico (guess who again).

If Obama does go with Webb (and I think he will ultimately) then my guess is a darkhorse candidate for McCain could be Jim Gilmore
He could do this, Richardson or Clark as VP (I'm still doubtful as to either of their domestic benefits) and unleash the Clintons on the rust belt. What Obama has going for him is a shitload of surrogates in every region that have high approval ratings.

I'm not sure that McCain can call on the same type of ground game in some of those battleground states (I have conceded FL to the GOP).
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