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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I can't wait to see political scandals 20-30 years from now...we'll see how a someone's pedobear photoshop from long ago has sunk their campaign.


Tamanon said:
Cheebs: Matthews only did a short bit on his hero on Friday, this is his way of grieving, I'm sure it'll be the last real bit on Russert today.
He hosted a roundtable about Russert on Sunday. I watched it. Oh well.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
I just turned on Hardball and its a roundtable about Russert. I am begining to think they are dragging this on, Russert would want them to be talking about the Solis Doyle and Gore news I think.
Clark said he'd recommend Sebelius if he's considered.

Richardson isn't being considered.

Webb would turn off feminists.

Nunn has homophobic issues.

Who's left?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Who's left?

FlightOfHeaven said:
Clark said he'd recommend Sebelius if he's considered.

Richardson isn't being considered.

Webb would turn off feminists.

Nunn has homophobic issues.

Who's left?



FlightOfHeaven said:
Clark said he'd recommend Sebelius if he's considered.

Richardson isn't being considered.

Webb would turn off feminists.

Nunn has homophobic issues.

Who's left?
About 20 of the names Obama's VP team floated when on the hill last week. :lol

I want Biden but my prediction is Kaine.


Kettch said:
A usual Green Party/Other voter here. If Obama picked Feingold as VP, he'd gain my vote.

Cynthia McKinny is the green nominee and she is batshit insane and starts fights with security guards.


reilo said:
He likes helping republicans. In our electoral system third parties help the opposition party. THird parties are harmful unless the electoral system ends.

Star Power said:
She's actually really awesome. You should watch the documentary American Blackout
Starting fights with guards and accusing them of nonsense isn't awsome.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Deus Ex Machina said:
Check the homepage. (Yep, that's the ACTUAL page below).

Republicans must love being on the same side as some of the most ardent Hillary supporters...


Mmm, "The Chuck Todd Show."

The Chuck Todd Wizard and God of Holy Trinity Church of Jesus Christ and Sainthood of Numbers of Mathematics Super Show, I would watch such a program no doubt. I would watch it every day, while resting on my embroidered Chuck Todd The White of Gandalf Pillow.
I really don't understand all the Chuck Todd love here? I only watch MSNBC usually... and I have never found him to be that remarkable. He's good... but just not as good as people here make him out to be.


Karma Kramer said:
I really don't understand all the Chuck Todd love here? I only watch MSNBC usually... and I have never found him to be that remarkable. He's good... but just not as good as people here make him out to be.

He's the most wonderful number guru of all time. His mastery of the mystical art of arithmetic has slain dragons and won the hearts of maidens world wide. No one can defy his rulings, for they are potent and great. Such magic resides in his charts and graphs that it is said he personally slaughtered Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, Ghost Bruce Lee AND Mecha George W. Bush all at once merely by spouting off the delegate allocation of every individual state in the country. From heart!


He attained the God title only from his explanations of delegate breakdowns. He was just a God of Delegate Math originally but like any god, his power is directly attributable to the number of followers!


Karma Kramer said:
I really don't understand all the Chuck Todd love here? I only watch MSNBC usually... and I have never found him to be that remarkable. He's good... but just not as good as people here make him out to be.
I don't watch cable TV - or any TV - regularly, but he stands out to me every time by bringing a sensibleness to the conversation. In the midst of all the inane punditry of the primary, he brought a calm, mathematical analysis and praciticality. He strikes me as a pragmatist in the sea of hyperbole that is cable "news".
Full List of 15 New Staff Appointments to Obama's GE Campaign today.

Constituency Director: Brian Bond - formerly LGBT Outreach Director at the DNC

National Field Director: Jon Carson - formerly Obama for America Voter Contact Director

Senior Advisor to the Campaign and Chief of Staff to Michelle Obama: Stephanie Cutter

Industrial States Regional Director: Paul Diogardi - formerly Political

Director for the Democratic Governor's Association.

Battleground States Director: Jen O'Malley Dillon - formerly Iowa State

Director for John Edwards for President

Chief of Staff to the Vice Presidential Nominee: Patti Solis Doyle

Latino Vote Director: Temo Figueroa - formerly Obama for America National

Field Director
First Americans Vote Director: Wizipan Garriott

Northeast Regtional Director: Eureka Gilkey - formerly Obama for America Deputy Political Director

50-State Voter Registration Director: Jason Green - formerly Obama for America political and field staff

Campaign Chief of Staff: Jim Messina - formerly Chief of Staff to Senator Max Baucus

LGBT Vote Director: Dave Noble - formerly of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

West Regional Director: Matt Rodriguez -.formerly Obama for America New Hampshire State Director

Senior Advisor: Michael Strautmanis

African American Vote Director: Rick Wade
CHICAGO, IL--The Obama campaign took a major step today in readying for the general election fight, announcing fifteen new members of the campaign's leadership team. The staff members--a combination of new hires and current staff assuming new roles will help broaden and deepen the reach of this campaign for change--from field organizing to constituency outreach to voter registration.

"From the beginning, we've asked the American people to stand up and take ownership of this campaign--and it's because of their overwhelmingly positive response that 16 months later we're poised to make history together," campaign manager David Plouffe said. "Today we're adding to our leadership team so that we reach even more Americans who share the belief that people who love their country can change it. These staff members bring a wealth of organizing experience to their new role, and they'll provide key insight and direction as we continue to build our coalition."



Greggory or Andrea Mitchell will get MTP I suspect. Todd is a math guy, not a interviewer.

Can you see Chuck Todd interviewing world leaders in Europe and stuff like Russert did?


Karma Kramer said:
I really don't understand all the Chuck Todd love here? I only watch MSNBC usually... and I have never found him to be that remarkable. He's good... but just not as good as people here make him out to be.
I think he is liked because he is non threatening. He seems evenhanded. Out of everyone on MSNBC He is the most able to become a Tm Russert; a level headed reporter.


Cheebs said:
Greggory or Andrea Mitchell will get MTP I suspect. Todd is a math guy, not a interviewer.

Can you see Chuck Todd interviewing world leaders in Europe and stuff like Russert did?

Do we want people interviewing world leaders in Europe like Russert, or in his/her own (hopefully superior) fashion?


GhaleonEB said:
I don't watch cable TV - or any TV - regularly, but he stands out to me every time by bringing a sensibleness to the conversation. In the midst of all the inane punditry of the primary, he brought a calm, mathematical analysis and praciticality. He strikes me as a pragmatist in the sea of hyperbole that is cable "news".
oh yea and all of this as well.
GhaleonEB said:
He is often as astute at analyzing non-mathematical situations in an equally calm and intelligent manner.

I'd rather have Keith or Chris host personally, cause they are entertaining and provide good insight as well... and then have the Todd's etc of the media be guests or co-hosts or something.

Chuck Todd should just be MSNBC's numbers guy.


The Lamonster said:
Todd is more than just stats - ever see him on MTP?
But can he interview? And isn't it a bit iffy when some of his family income comes from a sitting senator?

Deus Ex Machina said:
I don't like his style. I hated when he got defensive when Scott M. called out the media..
Exactly. He is a media whore who just happens to cover politics. Russert loved politics first and the media was just a means to share his passion.
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