Aaron Strife
first of all you're a giant troll right down to your username but I'll tango with you anywaydrakesfortune said:You lost Mass because of the tone deafness on the HC issue. You think it will get better if you continue to go down that destructive path? That's NUTS. It makes no sense...at ALL! Hey, if you just punch your wife one more time, she'll forgive and truly love you then. Ooooookay.
In 1994 Republicans would not have DREAMED of taking a senate seat in Mass. Jeesh. There is a MASS Tsunami coming if Dems don't drop it, and change course.
"I" lost in Massachusetts because Martha Coakley was an awful candidate with an awful campaign and an awful message (or lack of one) and I've said this before many times so don't think I'm trying to cover my ass here.
The worst fucking thing for the democrats would do right now is to retreat. We let the republicans take control over the debate because our leadership is comprised of fucking pussies who back into a corner as soon as it looks like things are heading south. We lost in 1994 because Clinton couldn't get health care through with Republicans VEHEMENTLY opposed letting the good guys triumph, and Kristol's memo that circulated amongst the republican leaders said it all ("we can't let them win or people will like them and not us")
Guess what? I did not cast my ballot in 2008 just so these assholes can fuck around on the most important domestic issue of our time, I cast it so they could DO something about it. Going back to square one is the absolute fucking worst idea ever because the Republican party still won't want to play ball, and we'll have spent a year's worth of political capital on this bullshit with no result. This should have gotten done in fucking August.
So while your right-wing media has twisted and distorted everything about this bill, from saying that Obama wants to kill grandma to Obama wants to give Pedro at Wal-Mart health insurance like it's the worst fucking thing in the world that immigrants are coming to OUR country for opportunities that they can't find in the shitholes they once called home, just to keep themselves in the pocket of the insurance companies, I've kept a clear head and understand what's actually in the fucking thing. This must pass. If it doesn't pass, Democrats will have nothing to show for the past two years and the voters will have nothing to give in November.
And I'll be the first to say "fuck the Democrats" when I scribble aimlessly in the location around Ralph Nader's name because it seems no one in Minnesota knows how to properly fill in a goddamn ballot