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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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drakesfortune said:
You lost Mass because of the tone deafness on the HC issue. You think it will get better if you continue to go down that destructive path? That's NUTS. It makes no sense...at ALL! Hey, if you just punch your wife one more time, she'll forgive and truly love you then. Ooooookay.

In 1994 Republicans would not have DREAMED of taking a senate seat in Mass. Jeesh. There is a MASS Tsunami coming if Dems don't drop it, and change course.
first of all you're a giant troll right down to your username but I'll tango with you anyway

"I" lost in Massachusetts because Martha Coakley was an awful candidate with an awful campaign and an awful message (or lack of one) and I've said this before many times so don't think I'm trying to cover my ass here.

The worst fucking thing for the democrats would do right now is to retreat. We let the republicans take control over the debate because our leadership is comprised of fucking pussies who back into a corner as soon as it looks like things are heading south. We lost in 1994 because Clinton couldn't get health care through with Republicans VEHEMENTLY opposed letting the good guys triumph, and Kristol's memo that circulated amongst the republican leaders said it all ("we can't let them win or people will like them and not us")

Guess what? I did not cast my ballot in 2008 just so these assholes can fuck around on the most important domestic issue of our time, I cast it so they could DO something about it. Going back to square one is the absolute fucking worst idea ever because the Republican party still won't want to play ball, and we'll have spent a year's worth of political capital on this bullshit with no result. This should have gotten done in fucking August.

So while your right-wing media has twisted and distorted everything about this bill, from saying that Obama wants to kill grandma to Obama wants to give Pedro at Wal-Mart health insurance like it's the worst fucking thing in the world that immigrants are coming to OUR country for opportunities that they can't find in the shitholes they once called home, just to keep themselves in the pocket of the insurance companies, I've kept a clear head and understand what's actually in the fucking thing. This must pass. If it doesn't pass, Democrats will have nothing to show for the past two years and the voters will have nothing to give in November.

And I'll be the first to say "fuck the Democrats" when I scribble aimlessly in the location around Ralph Nader's name because it seems no one in Minnesota knows how to properly fill in a goddamn ballot


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
cntrational said:
I would want good legislation. I wouldn't compromise if going so would give me bad or worse legislation. Compromise* should only happen if it's impossible to do anything; I would only listen to the other side if they'd give me a good idea.

*In the sense of "both sides making concessions"

Right, you want good legislation in YOUR eyes, and damn the eyes of everyone else! :lol That may make your left wing professor at Berkley happy, but it's no way to run a democratic country.


mckmas8808 said:
I'mma laugh so fucking hard when these old fucks lose their Medicare because nobody wants to actually handle the situation. :lol

America is going the way of California. You can't govern this peice of shit country anymore.

The old guard with its big money pockets and hats are keeping the country from progressing and that goes for both sides of the isle. This kind of shit wouldn't have been put up in a less policed/docile state.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
mckmas8808 said:
I'mma laugh so fucking hard when these old fucks lose their Medicare because nobody wants to actually handle the situation. :lol

America is going the way of California. You can't govern this peice of shit country anymore.

are we that worse than detroit?


thefit said:
So they got their broken system kinda back with this win. You think there's enough time between now and November to vilify the GOP enough and get the knee jerk public running back to the Democrats or at least minimize losses?

Maybe. Things changed a ton over this year, things could change again.

(Fully expect someone angered over this election to contradict this post)
What we need is a liberal revolt. After losing the public option, the insurance exchange, and now probably the entire damn bill, I think it's time all the disgruntled Obama voters come together and remind the Democrats why we put them in Washington in the first place.

Except Franken. He's cool.


mckmas8808 said:
I'mma laugh so fucking hard when these old fucks lose their Medicare because nobody wants to actually handle the situation. :lol

America is going the way of California. You can't govern this peice of shit country anymore.



Aaron Strife said:
What we need is a liberal revolt. After losing the public option, the insurance exchange, and now probably the entire damn bill, I think it's time all the disgruntled Obama voters come together and remind the Democrats why we put them in Washington in the first place.

Except Franken. He's cool.

I promise to vote for more liberal representatives. Of course, my Senators are John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, so I have a lot of room in which to maneuver.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Aaron Strife said:
So while your right-wing media has twisted and distorted everything about this bill, from saying that Obama wants to kill grandma to Obama wants to give Pedro at Wal-Mart health insurance like it's the worst fucking thing in the world that immigrants are coming to OUR country for opportunities that they can't find in the shitholes they once called home, just to keep themselves in the pocket of the insurance companies, I've kept a clear head and understand what's actually in the fucking thing. This must pass. If it doesn't pass, Democrats will have nothing to show for the past two years and the voters will have nothing to give in November.

In the same paragraph you say right wingers are lying for saying that Obama wants Pedro to get health care for free, and they you say, as if that's a bad thing. You wonder why these things stick? It's because we know that's what you want. We also know that we can NOT afford it. Also, if the insurance companies are so awful and evil as you say, why are these people you speak of climbing barbed wire fences to get into our "awful" system? It makes no sense. Clearly our system is pretty great if these people want in.

Also, I like how I'm a troll because I'm speaking my mind, but you're not. Hell, look at my tag, I've been trolled plenty because I don't go along with the flow with the left wing leanings on this site. In fact, just about anyone from the right that says something against the left has a derogatory tag, or has been banned. What does that tell you? Is that the only way debates can be won? But I will not stop speaking my mind. I feel what's been going in this country over the last year has been obscene. That's my heart felt opinion. It is not trolling, it's how I feel.

So I'm a troll for speaking my mind, and because I like Uncharted Drake's Fortune? I'm pretty sure it won about 90% of the game of the year awards this year. So that I too, enjoy the most popular game of the year, that makes me a troll? Whatever.

I truly hope dems come to their senses and compromise on the issues now. It's what the country needs.


mckmas8808 said:
America is going the way of California. .

Wait, I thought this vote tonight was to prevent the kind of shit that has doomed California for the past 2 decades? California is notoriously more liberal than the country at large and now they can't pay the bills for all of their shiny toys. Their high taxes have driven many of the wealthy to the mountain states. The answer? You raise more taxes.

It's always sad when a cheerleader loses his smile.


cntrational said:
Maybe. Things changed a ton over this year, things could change again.

(Fully expect someone angered over this election to contradict this post)

You know the Democrats are going to give it their all to sucker the undecided vote into voting them back in only to squander it again.
drakesfortune said:
In the same paragraph you say right wingers are lying for saying that Obama wants Pedro to get health care for free, and they you say, as if that's a bad thing. You wonder why these things stick? It's because we know that's what you want. We also know that we can NOT afford it. Also, if the insurance companies are so awful and evil as you say, why are these people you speak of climbing barbed wire fences to get into our "awful" system? It makes no sense. Clearly our system is pretty great if these people want in.

Also, I like how I'm a troll because I'm speaking my mind, but you're not. Hell, look at my tag, I've been trolled plenty because I don't go along with the flow with the left wing leanings on this site. In fact, just about anyone from the right that says something against the left has a derogatory tag, or has been banned. What does that tell you? Is that the only way debates can be won? But I will not stop speaking my mind. I feel what's been going in this country over the last year has been obscene. That's my heart felt opinion. It is not trolling, it's how I feel.

So I'm a troll for speaking my mind, and because I like Uncharted Drake's Fortune? I'm pretty sure it won about 90% of the game of the year awards this year. So that I too, enjoy the most popular game of the year, that makes me a troll? Whatever.

I truly hope dems come to their senses and compromise on the issues now. It's what the country needs.
So all I have to do to get a tag is act like a complete fucking dumbass? Man I wish I had known that sooner.

Also saying that we're slightly better than third world countries is damning us with faint praise, then again I'd say republicans are usually damning us without praise so I guess that's a step up.


drakesfortune said:
Right, you want good legislation in YOUR eyes, and damn the eyes of everyone else! :lol That may make your left wing professor at Berkley happy, but it's no way to run a democratic country.

A good level of political debate based off logic (perhaps one based on scientific debate?) should tell me what manner of legislation a person should peruse. Of course, politics is based more on rhetoric at the moment, so anybody thinking like this would have to encourage society to ask for politicians to engage in reasoned debate and not-elect/unelect anybody who doesn't.
WickedAngel said:
Click "drakesfortune" -> "View Profile" -> Add User to Ignore.
There's a part of me that gets some pleasure out of this. I think it runs in the family.

The only time I've ever felt a compelling need to Ignore someone was when JayDubya took a shot at Teddy.
drakesfortune said:
Right, you want good legislation in YOUR eyes, and damn the eyes of everyone else! :lol That may make your left wing professor at Berkley happy, but it's no way to run a democratic country.

Elections are supposed to have consequences to some degree. What's the point of electing new leadership if they have to cater to every need of the group voted out?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Verano said:
are we that worse than detroit?

Things are horrible. America as a country is a great country. But politics wise it's a shit hole.

Nobody on both sides can do any fucking thing. I shouldn't say that. Somethings got done last year, but this year in 2010 nothing will happen.

Everybody will be telling Obama "NO"


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Here's Zuckerman, who's donated $42,000 to Dems, and $20,000 to independents over his lifetime, telling Obama how badly he screwed the whole thing up. So don't take it from me, take it from him:


dynamitejim said:
Elections are supposed to have consequences to some degree. What's the point of electing new leadership if they have to cater to every need of the group voted out?

Yeah they are, but do you think it was maybe dishonest of Obama to campaign as a guy who'd bring us all together and work with Republicans, and then come to the table and say, 'you lost, we won, tough shit', which is in essence what he did? That's not what the 5 to 10 percent in the middle that decide elections voted for. They really believed that he'd work with republicans at whatever cost to make sure that things were done in a bipartisan manner, and not deciding votes that fundamentally change the country without a single Republican vote of support.

And to prove it, look at his poll numbers! His most popular issue is Afghanistan!! Why? Because people like me, and many in the middle left SUPPORT his decisions there. Obama is doing a damn fine job on Afghanistan, and I'm not scared to say so. I wish he'd be as pragmatic domestically as he has been with regard to foreign policy.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ToxicAdam said:
Wait, I thought this vote tonight was to prevent the kind of shit that has doomed California for the past 2 decades? California is notoriously more liberal than the country at large and now they can't pay the bills for all of their shiny toys. Their high taxes have driven many of the wealthy to the mountain states. The answer? You raise more taxes.

It's always sad when a cheerleader loses his smile.

I was never a fucking cheerleader. That's your fucking problem.
"I'm sorry, but you are crazy. Bush always had a large percentage of Democrats on board with whatever he did outside of ONE tax vote. On prescription drugs, he had a majority of dems, on Afghanistan, a majority of dems, on the Patriot Act all but ONE dem, on Iraq, a majority of dems."

Maybe its because democrats are more willing to shed their ego and vote on a bill introduced by a republican president, compared to repubs voting on a bill by a democratic president?

It really doesn't take a genius to figure out republican strategy. Their strategy is "No means NO!". How do you compromise with that? Look at the crap Obama got just by responding to the underwear bomber. The republican faces were all over TV blaming Obama. For what??? Limbaugh attacks Obama for just responding to Haiti disaster. Its like the republicans are lying in ambush just waiting for something happening regardless of whether it has anything to do with the President's performance so they can come out and blame Obama. How do you compromise with that? You don't. If you compromise with whiny crybaby children, they'll make a habit of pulling the same thing over and over.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
I'm a dem but the loss was well deserved. Coakley is a bumbling idiot.

Just be glad the Republicans are nowhere near having a supermajority, yet (god that would be scary).
Does anyone watch/read one piece?

Remember that one part where Nami spent 8 years collecting money to buy her village from Arlong so that all of her old friends/relatives could spend the rest of their lives without having to worry about paying his enormously high taxes?

But then Arlong pulls a fast one by brokering an under-the-table deal with a corrupt naval officer to confiscate all of Nami's money and give him part of it, so Nami ends up with zilch and all her efforts were wasted?

This is kind of like that except Barack Obama can't stretch his body like rubber.


Won't stop picking the right nation
drakesfortune said:
Here's Zuckerman, who's donated $42,000 to Dems, and $20,000 to independents over his lifetime, telling Obama how badly he screwed the whole thing up. So don't take it from me, take it from him:


Yeah they are, but do you think it was maybe dishonest of Obama to campaign as a guy who'd bring us all together and work with Republicans, and then come to the table and say, 'you lost, we won, tough shit', which is in essence what he did? That's not what the 5 to 10 percent in the middle that decide elections voted for. They really believed that he'd work with republicans at whatever cost to make sure that things were done in a bipartisan manner, and not deciding votes that fundamentally change the country without a single Republican vote of support.

And to prove it, look at his poll numbers! His most popular issue is Afghanistan!! Why? Because people like me, and many in the middle left SUPPORT his decisions there. Obama is doing a damn fine job on Afghanistan, and I'm not scared to say so. I wish he'd be as pragmatic domestically as he has been with regard to foreign policy.
Hasn't it occurred to you that Republicans realize this and resist any attempts at bipartisanship specifically because they can get back into power?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The DEMs need to show that they can still govern. Obama needs to yell at the HOUSE to pass the Senate bill. Rahm Emmuanel will need to work 20 hour days everyday for the next 3 weeks. It's time for the White House to make it happen.

That's the only way the DEMs can save themselves from losing the HOUSE this year. Why should people vote for the DEMs this year if they can't pass a HCR? They spent 6 full months pushing for it just to get nothing? That can't happen.

And the HOUSE needs to shallow their pride and do what needs to be done.


ToxicAdam said:
Wait, I thought this vote tonight was to prevent the kind of shit that has doomed California for the past 2 decades? California is notoriously more liberal than the country at large and now they can't pay the bills for all of their shiny toys. Their high taxes have driven many of the wealthy to the mountain states. The answer? You raise more taxes.

It's always sad when a cheerleader loses his smile.

We aren't broke because we are liberal we are broke because our constitution is retarded. We allow the majority of voters to amend it and because of that years ago we got Prop 13 (also see prop 8) wich capped property taxes and therefore the state has had to tax everything else since but most importantly it led to us constantly borrowing money from wall st to keep the state running. The state has been a fiscal nightmare since. We also amended our constitution so that any new taxes have to be voted with 2/3 majority a Republican trick seeing as they most often win the Governorship but are almost always the minority in the state assembly. Properly having taxed our state would not have put us were we are now.


mckmas8808 said:
The DEMs need to show that they can still govern. Obama needs to yell at the HOUSE to pass the Senate bill. Rahm Emmuanel will need to work 20 hour days everyday for the next 3 weeks. It's time for the White House to make it happen.

That's the only way the DEMs can save themselves from losing the HOUSE this year. Why should people vote for the DEMs this year if they can't pass a HCR? They spent 6 full months pushing for it just to get nothing? That can't happen.

And the HOUSE needs to shallow their pride and do what needs to be done.
The supermajority requirement in the Senate, combined with a uniformly obstructionist opposition party, renders the government incapable of any substantial response to, well, anything.

If the House would pass the Senate bill, that's one thing. But scores of Dems have said since the results of tonight's election that they will not pass the Senate bill (including Barney Frank, which will carry some weight in the caucus).

Healthcare reform, cap and trade, financial regulations, jobs bill - all dead.

The legislative branch will be in full standstill for the foreseeable future. (Incidentally, the economy as a result is even more hosed as a result.)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mgoblue201 said:
Hasn't it occurred to you that Republicans realize this and resist any attempts at bipartisanship specifically because they can get back into power?

And it's bad enough that Americans will be willing to give them back this power. But at the end of the day the democrats need to fight for their vote.

It's amazing to me that what the REPs are doing is so transparent, yet lots of people can't see it at all.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Mgoblue201 said:
Hasn't it occurred to you that Republicans realize this and resist any attempts at bipartisanship specifically because they can get back into power?

I guarantee you that if Obama's efforts at bipartisan outreach had been seen as even MODERATELY sincere, the people would have been with him. There was NO sincerity in his outreach. He said to Republicans what you have been saying, elections have consequences. That's is the furthest thing from a bipartisan message.

He's said OVER and OVER again that we are where we are because of the failed policies of the past. Half were Republican and half Democrat, that's what he doesn't say. BOTH parties put us in this mess. Clinton signed into law the very deregulation that lead to the collapse, and Republicans pushed for it to. It was a bipartisan problem, and Obama to this day still places 100% of the blame on Republicans. That is getting him nowhere.

Again, read the Mort Zuckerman article. He is a Democrat. He voted for Obama. He donated to Obama. I am not crazy to think Obama is way out on a limb right now, and he MUST change course or we are all in for big trouble. All of us. It is NOT good for one party to have so much power, but Obama will lay the groundwork for decades of pragmatic conservative rule, which will lead to corruption, if he doesn't change course NOW.
drakesfortune said:
I guarantee you that if Obama's efforts at bipartisan outreach had been seen as even MODERATELY sincere, the people would have been with him. There was NO sincerity in his outreach. He said to Republicans what you have been saying, elections have consequences. That's is the furthest thing from a bipartisan message.

He's said OVER and OVER again that we are where we are because of the failed policies of the past. Half were Republican and half Democrat, that's what he doesn't say. BOTH parties put us in this mess. Clinton signed into law the very deregulation that lead to the collapse, and Republicans pushed for it to. It was a bipartisan problem, and Obama to this day still places 100% of the blame on Republicans. That is getting him nowhere.

Again, read the Mort Zuckerman article. He is a Democrat. He voted for Obama. He donated to Obama. I am not crazy to think Obama is way out on a limb right now, and he MUST change course or we are all in for big trouble. All of us. It is NOT good for one party to have so much power, but Obama will lay the groundwork for decades of pragmatic conservative rule, which will lead to corruption, if he doesn't change course NOW.

Are you insane? Obama has done nothing but try to appease the Republicans since he got into office.


Ugh, EFCA is dead too. The unions get majorly screwed again. Oh and don't forget immigration reform. Pack it up Juan that shit is dead. lets face it the entire agenda is screwed. Can we call sony and request a reboot?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
The supermajority requirement in the Senate, combined with a uniformly obstructionist opposition party, renders the government incapable of any substantial response to, well, anything.

If the House would pass the Senate bill, that's one thing. But scores of Dems have said since the results of tonight's election that they will not pass the Senate bill (including Barney Frank, which will carry some weight in the caucus).

Healthcare reform, cap and trade, financial regulations, jobs bill - all dead.

Yeah it sucks. That's why I belive "politically" we are going the way of California. Everything that needs to be done, will not be done. Nobody in Congress will ever pull the trigger on anything now.

Many people will find out that compromising over the last year will look great compared to what we will/will not get over the next 3 years. Now people will see what it's really like to truly get nothing at all. And getting nothing will fell alot worse than getting a compromise solution.

Can't wait to lose the HOUSE this year. DEMs suck hard.
Mgoblue201 said:
Hasn't it occurred to you that Republicans realize this and resist any attempts at bipartisanship specifically because they can get back into power?

Also, it's an extremely dubious assertion that the American public cares about bipartisanship for its own sake - to the extent that they do care, it's often because they aren't aware that getting Republican support would necessitate drastically altering the policies in question. Examples here, here, and here.


thefit said:
We aren't broke because we are liberal we are broke because our constitution is retarded. We allow the majority of voters to amend it and because of that years ago we got Prop 13 (also see prop 8) wich capped property taxes and therefore the state has had to tax everything else since but most importantly it led to us constantly borrowing money from wall st to keep the state running. The state has been a fiscal nightmare since. We also amended our constitution so that any new taxes have to be voted with 2/3 majority a Republican trick seeing as they most often win the Governorship but are almost always the minority in the state assembly. Properly having taxed our state would not have put us were we are now.

So, it's the voters fault for preventing politicians from raising taxes on their properties? Wow, try running for office on that idea.

It's not like California is under-taxed in that regard either, they are ranked about 25th per capita.

thefit said:
Ugh, EFCA is dead too. The unions get majorly screwed again. Oh and don't forget immigration reform. Pack it up Juan that shit is dead. lets face it the entire agenda is screwed. Can we call sony and request a reboot?

Eh, I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. Maybe with some REAL bipartisan attempts from the House/Senate, things can get done. Probably not issues many liberals care about, but other things that can help the country.
RiskyChris said:
Obama's plan isn't "blame the Republicans." Your political analysis is empty and soulless, drakey.

It isn't his plan but it very well could be; it's not like they've done anything but obstruct every piece of legislation that has been crafted so far.

drake's strategy is akin to punching a child in the face and then loudly proclaiming "OH WOW, I GUESS YOU'RE GOING TO CRY AND TATTLE NOW?!"; the child would be entirely justified in doing so but the right course of action has been painted as if it were wrong.
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