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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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She has been talking for ten minutes and hasn't spoken of a single issue.

I'm loving every second of this. The worst fear was that she would come out and be some energizing force that attacked on the issues but the reality is that the Republicans have actually accepted the fact that they can't win there.

Nobody can attack these speeches. Not from a lack of things to attack, mind you...but from being overwhelmed. When an entire night is filled with factual misrepresentations/falsifications, how do you narrow it down and attack it?


Gold Member
Wow I was so nervous about Palin looking weak, seems like she has more balls than some men! This is the equivalent of Obama's speech caling out McCain, and she is very effective.


dabbled in the jelly
Gamecocks625 said:
Obama is getting totally owned tonight. I'm loving it :lol
That's what he gets trying to be President with such a piss poor flippitty floppiddy record with ZERO executive experience. He didn't vote 130 freakin times!


Dax01 said:
Community organizers don't responsibilities? :lol

Just because they're organizers and are thus in charge of putting everything together and making sure everything always goes to plan, it doesn't mean they have responsibilities, since that would imply they were responsible for those things.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant




this convention confirms what I've been thinking about: it doesn't matter if your smart when it comes to survival of the fittest; the stupid can outlive the smart.


Master of the Google Search
King_Slender said:
Oh god, looks like Obama is realizing he going to lose to McCain, so he's now running with a promise to pursue criminal charges against Bush.



The next 2 months will be sweet joy to watch as the Dems wonder how in the hell they fucked this up.
King_Slender said:
Palin is in the fucking GAME!
King_Slender said:

Bitter liberal tears being shed in this thread.

My god she is talking about true reform when she bought a lobbyist to secure $27 million in earmarks and then ran up $22 million in debt for a hick town, guaranteeing that the citizens will be paying tax to cover interest for years to come.
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