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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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gcubed said:
"as a small town mayor you have actual responsibilities"

like bleed the town dry and leave it with 20+ million in debt?
Also acceptable
"I stood up to the entrenched interests in Washington" by begging them for hand outs.


Doc Holliday said:
The Republican party needs a massive purge, seriously this is fucking ridiculous. Reagan is rolling in his grave.
Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln. Probably even my great-grandparents if they could see this shit now.


dabbled in the jelly
Doc Holliday said:
The Republican party needs a massive purge, seriously this is fucking ridiculous. Reagan is rolling in his grave.
:lol :lol

More like tickled pink having a jelly bean. This is the best conservative card in AGES.



awwwwww my kids miss the chef aren't i cute and completely without substance

"thanks but no thanks on the bridge to nowhere" that is going to be a soundbite in an ad pretty soon I guaran-fucking-tee it. You weren't always opposed to it Palin, we all know, and soon everyone will know.
grandjedi6 said:
It's like he's from some kind of alternate dimension.


testicles on a cold fall morning
1050pm: Trig Palin has now been held by everyone in the Palin family, Cindy McCain and a couple of delegates.


Unconfirmed Member
The RNC wrote Obama's speeches too? Cool!
Sorry guys its my first time back at the zoo and I had to see the new troll.

I won't feed it anymore

FUUUUUUCK 10 minutes and the post I quoted was 7 pages back. :lol NM deleted
"thanks but no thanks"

"I gave the ppl of alaska money handouts.. then my approval ratings sky rocketed"

(i added a little spin to that quote)
Incognito said:
All you Obama supporters should donate some $$$ tonight.


Also, MoveOn.org has a pretty sweet deal - $12 donation for an American Apparel Obama shirt. Truth be told, I did it just for the shirt.


King_Slender said:

Bitter liberal tears being shed in this thread.

On the gaming side this degree of trolling doesn't usually play so well.

perfectchaos007 said:
My dad just said she really likes her because she sounds like she is smart and has probably banned a lot of books.


He's a smart man, your dad.
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