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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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The good side of this nonsense is that the Democrats don't have to worry about looking like bullies going after her.


has calmed down a bit.
Xisiqomelir said:
Huck is a pretty classy guy, but my god he's scary with the raging fundyism.

Huck is the man. The only Republican who comes off as sincere instead of conniving, IMO. Whether you agree with his conservative views or not, you don't think he's trying to trick you, like Rudy or Mittens or Palin.
C'mon everyone . .. respect those Vietnam vets!



They should just have Palin stand up on stage with "AMERICA!! FUCK YEAH!!!" endlessly streaming in the background! :lol :lol :lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mahadev said:
I think you're being condescending. I refuse to believe that all republicans are so stupid and uninformed to believe this bullshit.

Why don't you have a seat over there?
Of course you guys think its all lies. You believe everything the other guy tells you. Seriously, there is no open mindness here. She is doing exactly what she needed to do here. Shed the image she had before.

I want the debates now. That is the make it or break it time. Not a speech where she is preaching to the choir.


King_Slender said:
How does a 2 year governor of Alaska totally hand a 36 year senator his ass in the VP speech?

Palin is going to win a LOT of female voters with her presentation.

By presenting it as a complete strawman to direct narrative, fueled by inarguable lies, fearmongering and veiled gender card playing

Also, she didn't beat Biden - she'll only got more viewers than Biden, which is natural being the gimmick that she is. Gimmicks are natural curiosities.
Mahadev said:
I think you're being condescending. I refuse to believe that all republicans are so stupid and uninformed to believe this bullshit.

Are you not listening to the crowd? She's saying exactly what they believe and want to hear. I'm not being condescending... much.
gcubed said:
i 100% agree... the only fact is, they wont win with just the base... which is confusing. Her being the pick drove away independents and women... as recent polls have shown. And it increased McCains republican backing from 90 to... 92%?

She's doing a pretty good job of delivering the speech, irregardless of the message.

Yep, tonight has been an incredibly bizarre shift from last night's outreach to independents and moderate democrats. Maybe they thought those folks would be satisfied with what they heard last night and wouldn't bother tuning in again.

I maintain, though, that what's really going on here is the total lack of focus and direction in the party.


Bitches love smiley faces
-Kees- said:
John Kerry also served his country honorably. What did they do? They fucking lied about his service in order to belittle him.
Ugh, don't remind me how some of these fucks started putting on band-aids with purple hearts.


ArtG said:
The Democrats need to be harder on these assholes. They are fucking liars and tricksters and need to be called such. I guess it'd go against Obama's mantra of unity, but fuck that. These people are not just wrong--they freely lie without reservation with no concern of the outcome.

They are dangerous and will bring the ruin of this nation.
Democrats can't sit back and just take this shit. They need to hit McCain/Palin with everything they've got.

For the record, this is the kind of bullshit I was referring to.
I have a terrible feeling that McCain/Palin is going experience a pretty big bump after this convention. Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, and now Palin have given really "convincing" and articulate speeches and I think Lieberman's prominence at the convention and the Democrat's childishly punitive response is going to sway quite a few independents back to the Republican column. If McCain gives a good speech, the Republicans will benefit immensely.

I'm still optimistic that Obama/Biden can win especially after they mop the floor with the opposition in the upcoming debates but I am so disappointed in America for making this election, of all years, a nail biter.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Oh... Liberal GAF you makes me laffs..

So far I think the speech is good.

I'm still on the line on who I want to vote for though.
A good speech? Most of what she said isn't factually correct. About her history and Obama's. It's also been nothing but attacks. She has nothing to stand on so she just belittles the people that don't fall in line with her. How is that a good speech?
TurtleSnatcher said:
Oh... Liberal GAF you makes me laffs..

So far I think the speech is good.

I'm still on the line on who I want to vote for though.

The speech is pure fucking bullying. How can anyone defend this shit? Did you trot through elementary school, watch someone push a kid into a fucking mud puddle and say "Hey! Nice form!"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
That was an excellent speech. :\

Not in content or substance or writing, but she delivered it very well and she is gonna come off VERY charismatic.
echoshifting said:
Yep, tonight has been an incredibly bizarre shift from last night's outreach to independents and moderate democrats. Maybe they thought those folks would be satisfied with what they heard last night and wouldn't bother tuning in again.

I maintain, though, that what's really going on here is the total lack of focus and direction in the party.
Correct. Reminds me of Sony. What happened there again?


when is my burrito
Democratic response should be

The theme for tonight's RNC convention was 152 (or whatever) Lies. Put every single one in a press release.
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