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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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He was a POW respect him!!!

King_Slender said:
How does a 2 year governor of Alaska totally hand a 36 year senator his ass in the VP speech?

Palin is going to win a LOT of female voters with her presentation.

wow, you must not hold women with high regard or view them as intelligent and rational beings....


Gamer @ Heart said:
Of course you guys think its all lies. You believe everything the other guy tells you. Seriously, there is no open mindness here. She is doing exactly what she needed to do here. Shed the image she had before.

I want the debates now. That is the make it or break it time. Not a speech where she is preaching to the choir.

Pretty much.


has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
Dude, what exactly are you replying to? I look at my posts, and then I look at your replies, and I can't find the connection. Help me out here - are you meaning to quote someone else's posts?

wah. king slender is mean to obama. wah.

Good thing this thread moves so fast, some of the crap about menstruation and stuff was way worse than the stuff you were crying about, eeyore.
Gamer @ Heart said:
Of course you guys think its all lies. You believe everything the other guy tells you. Seriously, there is no open mindness here. She is doing exactly what she needed to do here. Shed the image she had before.

I want the debates now. That is the make it or break it time. Not a speech where she is preaching to the choir.

Agreed. You guys need to understand that these conventions are pep rallies for each for the respective party.

I'm really looking forward to the debates. That's where it gets real.


VanMardigan said:
wah. king slender is mean to obama. wah.

Good thing this thread moves so fast, some of the crap about menstruation and stuff was way worse than the stuff you were crying about, eeyore.

... whatever floats your boat, friend.


BenjaminBirdie said:
The speech is pure fucking bullying. How can anyone defend this shit? Did you trot through elementary school, watch someone push a kid into a fucking mud puddle and say "Hey! Nice form!"

"I know, let's attack Barack Obama's FAMILY when he did NOTHING TO ATTACK ANY OF OURS"

One campaign acts like they're decent human beings, the other acts like a total shitwad of fucktwat.


It's over. and so is Palin if you ask me.

She's too new to toe the party line so closely. She needed to define herself in a better light for independents before delving into this kinda talk. With the media scrutiny, this was her chance to really show people that she's for a different kind of politics than what we've seen for the past 8 years. Honestly, that could have been a speech for George W. and if not for the POW crap, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.


ArtG said:
The Democrats need to be harder on these assholes. They are fucking liars and tricksters and need to be called such. I guess it'd go against Obama's mantra of unity, but fuck that. These people are not just wrong--they freely lie without reservation with no concern of the outcome.

They are dangerous and will bring the ruin of this nation. Democrats can't sit back and just take this shit. They need to hit McCain/Palin with everything they've got.
Like I said, Palin basically opening her speech with calling community service something that lacks any responsibilty whatsoever makes an aggressive response fair game. Obama defended not only Palin's nomination as some of his surrogates started to trash her, he tried to calm the baby rumors too. She did nothing but trash him. No class.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
rhfb said:
Did you even listen to the speech? She said quite a bit on energy

Nothing about a plan really... Just drill more - which is really fucking strange coming out of the mouth of the Governor of Alaska, a place where she of all people should know how drilling would destroy the environment.


The speech was enraging to watch as an Obama supporter, and it's clearly enthralling to watch as a Republican, but I really have no idea how it'll play to the people in between. I'd like to think that the lack of any serious issues and the rather vicious negativity would turn them off, but the Rovian playbook has worked wonders before, so who knows. Objectively speaking though, I think she did well, given what she had. She was clearly scripted as hell by the higher ups to be the attack dog and to stay the hell away from issues she might fumble on, but she did a convincing job presenting what she was given.

Oh what the hell, McCain seems awkward as hell talking now.
sevenchaos said:
A good speech? Most of what she said isn't factually correct. About her history and Obama's. It's also been nothing but attacks. She has nothing to stand on so she just belittles the people that don't fall in line with her. How is that a good speech?


It was a good speech because she did what she needed to do. Im hearing the analysts on the tv and they are saying the same thing.

Completely forgettable speech, she didn't answer why she is ready to be VP, she didn't talk about the real issues facing America and the economy, no one will remember anything she said tomorrow and it will be back in the hell did McCain pick someone who's completely unprepared to be a Vice President.
Y2Kev said:
That was an excellent speech. :\

Not in content or substance or writing, but she delivered it very well and she is gonna come off VERY charismatic.
I agree . . . she comes off well . . . however, it was filled with a lot of bullshit.

I think the McCain campaign guy said it all when they said "This campaign isn't about issues" . . . they lose on the issues so they make it all about personality.

The question is "Are the American people smart enough to vote on issues not personality?"

And frankly, I'm worried.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Of course you guys think its all lies. You believe everything the other guy tells you. Seriously, there is no open mindness here. She is doing exactly what she needed to do here. Shed the image she had before.

I agree that blind partisaneship sucks. On both sides. But tonight was something else. The lies, the distortion of reality and the personal attacks were disgusting. As a Canadian, there are a lot of reasons why I envy the Americans, but tonight I would be ashamed to be one.
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