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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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JayDubya said:
Yeah. I was hoping for something more straightforward.

"Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved."

So like... Town hall meetings or something? Who hires them?
Community Organizers exercise their personal liberty and take it upon themselves to help their community.


ComputerNerd said:
That last part is funny. That would raise outsourcing. I thought he was against outsourcing?
companies still have to pay taxes even if the majority of their workforce is outside the US.


ronito said:
You know all that stuff you say would be done by charities instead of government for the poor if you ran the world? Well, if your world had poor people in it that is. That's a community organizer.

Also, WTF at the people saying Palin's conservatisim reborn??? She read a speech she didn't write. How is that conservatism reborn....oh wait...I see.

but dude, she has girl power!


drakesfortune said:
If you want to underestimate Palin's appeal to both conservatives and moderates, that will be your own mistake. If you guys want to continue to believe that all women and Hillary voters are pro-abortion and that it's the only thing they care about, that will be your mistake to make. She has very broad appeal, and her dissection of Obama tonight was delivered with the most disarming smile I've seen in my life. Will it appeal to you? No, you'll hate her and call her "shrill", but many moderate democrats and independents will not see it that way. You can act like Biden and Obama didn't try to take McCain apart, but then who'd you be kidding yourself. Everyone knows that they're both taking each other apart, and so it becomes a non factor in the end, and the people with the best argument and the record will hopefully win.


"First, women in both groups were impressed with Palin's speaking ability and poise. But they were hardly convinced that she was qualified to be vice president, or that she truly represented the "change" they were looking for, especially in light of what was deemed an overly harsh "sarcasm" pervading her address."

Good luck with that broad appeal argument tonight . . .


drakesfortune said:
If you guys want to continue to believe that all women and Hillary voters are pro-abortion and that it's the only thing they care about, that will be your mistake to make. She has very broad appeal, and her dissection of Obama tonight was delivered with the most disarming smile I've seen in my life.
A lot of women are pro-life as well, however what of her records or policies or actions actually make her interesting to women in general?
ronito said:
You know all that stuff you say would be done by charities instead of government for the poor if you ran the world? Well, if your world had poor people in it that is. That's a community organizer.

Also, WTF at the people saying Palin's conservatisim reborn??? She read a speech she didn't write. How is that conservatism reborn....oh wait...I see.
Palin am the new Goldwater CONFIRMED


ronito said:
What's that? Getting some nerd to write your speech for you?
not just any nerd, the same guy who writes for George Bush, yeah the same guy that siad that the french lacked motivation because they dont have a word for entrepenuer
ComputerNerd said:
Bush Jr. was never a true fiscal conservative. He said before he got elected that he was going to expand government. Anyone who thinks otherwise wasn't paying attention. Both he and Gore promised bigger government.
And every Republican since Nixon has expanded government larger then the last.

Bill Clinton was the last "fiscally conservative" president.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
She's the rebirth of conservatism because she represents and lives a middle America life and conservative values
Conservative values like being a polished liar and the mother to an apparent drunken whore?
*Edit, I forgot to add using someone's cancer as a fun way to belittle them. Another fine conservative value, no?


*drowns in jizz*
Well, I just gave another $100. I'll do my part to fight against the utter hatred and contempt I witnessed today.


She supposedly knocked it out of the park, yet how come nobody brings up the ISSUES that they erlaly agree with her or McCain on.

Foreign Policy? She has no experience and no real opinion on it. What is there to agree with there? You can argue that you agree with McCain's foreign policy assessment, but I'm weary of a man who is singing "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran," as if war is something humorous.

Energy? Drill more. Good for some people, but I'm more towards moving away from oil and expanding our sources of energy, which is what we will have to do eventually.

Economy? McCain admitted he didn't know much about the economy. I don't really know his stances on it either? Cut taxes? What are Palin's stances on the economy?

Education? Anyone know what McCain's and Palin's stances are on this issue?

Seriously, from an issues basis, can any of the McCain Palin supporters elaborate on why they like what their candidates are offering?


ComputerNerd said:
The companies would move outside the US.
You mean like how the companies moved to tax havens under the Bush admin to get more tax cuts? Like in Cayman Islands?

Don't pretend like the sky is gonna fall if we try to keep some jobs in the US. It already has.
Thunder Monkey said:
And every Republican since Nixon has expanded government larger then the last.

Bill Clinton was the last "fiscally conservative" president.

I mostly agree with that. I'll just add that Clinton cut spending mostly in the wrong areas. He left our military ill equipped for a large war, or in the case we have now, two wars.


*drowns in jizz*
kevm3 said:
She supposedly knocked it out of the park, yet how come nobody brings up the ISSUES that they erlaly agree with her or McCain on.

Foreign Policy? She has no experience and no real opinion on it. What is there to agree with there? You can argue that you agree with McCain's foreign policy assessment, but I'm weary of a man who is singing "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran," as if war is something humorous.

Energy? Drill more. Good for some people, but I'm more towards moving away from oil and expanding our sources of energy, which is what we will have to do eventually.

Economy? McCain admitted he didn't know much about the economy. I don't really know his stances on it either? Cut taxes? What are Palin's stances on the economy?

Education? Anyone know what McCain's and Palin's stances are on this issue?

Seriously, from an issues basis, can any of the McCain Palin supporters elaborate on why they like what their candidates are offering?

If they could have, they would have done so a long time ago.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
She's the rebirth of conservatism because she represents and lives a middle America life and conservative values and very importantly as we saw tonite telegenic. The media has successfuly convinced people that republicans represent the decayed ruins of a corrupt old white man party out of touch with reality. Palin shows that the republican party is still alive, vibrant, in touch with America (at least outside of Washington) and can represent America into the future.
The whole middle America values have been touted to hell and back by almost any presidential candidate - can you explain what is it of her speech/policies/actions that represent this middle America values?

Coincidentally, if anyone were to watch the speech last night, the audience showed didn't really reflect your point that the old white men party image is refuted. Can you even refute this point? If not, just say no.

And lastly, what is it in her that shows that republicans can represent America into the future? While I hear a lot of attacks and condemnations in her speech, I fail to hear any specific policies put out that explains how you were able to pick this up.
Perhaps you can show some examples of this.


ComputerNerd said:
I mostly agree with that. I'll just add that Clinton cut spending mostly in the wrong areas. He left our military ill equipped for a large war, or in the case we have now, two wars.

well, we know who to thanks for at least one of those wars
Bulla564 said:
The term is vetting, which people and the media are just picking up the slack of what McCain did not do. Sorry... let me rephrase that, since McCain did NOT really want Palin.

Moreover, unlike Obama's shit-flinging-to-walls fest, everything about Palin is turning out to be true, and very indicative of McCain's poor judgement.

Compare that to throwing as much shit (Rezko, Ayres, Wright, etc) to the wall, and nothing sticks because it is all baseless.
Oh I get, destroying a 17 year old girl is ok, asking why a canddiate for president is friendly to some degree with an unrepentant terrorist is not. Airing baseless and easily disproven rumors that Palin had her daughters baby is ok, investigating Obama's close ties to his friend a convicted real estate developer who helped him buy his house is not. Lying about Palin's membership in a secessionist party is ok, talking about the anti-America racist hate speech Obama's spiritual advisor spewed for 20 years is not.

McCain vetted Palin and knew about all of this, he just never thought the media would sink so low. Look I don't mind the media is doing this, it shows a lot more about the media than Palin or McCain which the sooner the mainstream media self implodes the better. The American people can compare Palin and Obama and decide for themselves, I'm pretty sure which of the two they will be more concerned about (which polls have already indicated as much regarding Obama at least).


it's 4th of July in my asshole
:lol wow at all the old people, havnt seen this many walking corpses sinces Dawn Of The Dead. Where the brothers at! havnt seen any black people in the arena, thought they would be zoomin in on random black people aswell :(
ronito said:
You mean like how the companies moved to tax havens under the Bush admin to get more tax cuts? Like in Cayman Islands?

Don't pretend like the sky is gonna fall if we try to keep some jobs in the US. It already has.

How exactly would raising business taxes keep jobs in the US?


Xenon said:
People were blasting her for anything that could get a grip on. At first it was because she was a mayor of a small town.

Which is valid...there were many more Republicans who were more experienced than herself, this move didn't just surprise Democrats, it also surprised, and was criticized, by Republicans.

Then it was that here daughter was pregnant.

Which is relevant because she was against sex-education in schools. This is akin to those who are against gay-marriage, and have a homosexual relationship themselves.

Now more facts are coming out and people have something more substantial. Thing is it doesn't matter because people who blindly follow their beliefs will defend their position with anything.

Nothing blind in looking into her history.

I'd stack some Obama followers next to a religious zealot any day. "We're good, they're evil." Same shit different icon.

Except that Obama supporters are looking at history and facts, and aren't rumour mongering.

drakesfortune said:
Obama will have to make a decision on day one, and he has zero executive experience, and very very little foreign policy experience (the Georgia gaf, the Iran unconditional/preconditions gafs etc prove this).

This point is moot considering that back in 2002 I believe, Obama was interviewed in his thoughts on the proposed Invasion of Iraq, and he outlined why he opposed it.

He pointed out that sectarian violence between the Shi'ite and Sunnis would occur, and that it could reach near civil war conditions. This was back in 2002.

Fast forward to 2008, where it was exposed that McCain didn't know the difference between Sunnis and Shi'ites and implied that Iran (a Shi'ite nation) was assisting Al Qaeda (a Sunni organization). Couple this with the fact that Iran and Al Qaeda have been at odd since the persecution of Afghan Shi'ites by the Taliban in the 90's.

Fact is, Obama knows more about foreign politics than McCain. What could is experience if you don't know shit?

A secretary could have 20 years experience with computers, but that's not going to make her more qualified than an IT graduate when it comes to fixing network problems.

Bush, McCain, Cheney...they all have experience. None of it qualified them to make the right decision.

NONE of that experience translated into logical reasoning.

Watch this video and tell me that experience matters when it comes to foreign policy.

Intelligence (both meanings of the term) should trump experience. The ability to make sound decisions, should trump experience. The ability to exhert political pressure through words, rather than soldier's lives, should trump experience.

If I were an employer, I would NEVER hire someone who was shit at his job, even if he was at that job for 30 years.
JayDubya said:


Whores charge!
You think Levi isn't paying via forced marriage, etc? Though, truth be told, he probably already has an agent and will be hosting a reality show or working as a Fox commentator soon.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Finally the thread is moving slower.

What I wrote before the speech but did not have time to post.

I would just like to put some stuff out there. You want to know the people who really feel it when the republicans spew this crap and there bad economic policies get in place.. My parents have owned there own company for a while now and they are are the only two people who work there. My dad is an industrial hygienist (indoor air quality, lead testing, mold testing) and they have been doing pretty well and by pretty well I mean they can keep the house have food and do what they need to do. We only have used cars no new cars and my parents are very fiscally responsible people. I have been away from home for a while now since I am in college and have had an internship every summer. Luckily I was able to get a full scholarship to my school or this computer engineering degree would have really put them in debt. This summer I was home for a week before my last semester here and I sat down and talked to my mom about the business and it was really heartbreaking. Since the decline in the economy it has been a lot tougher for them. No one wants to spend money for services so it’s hard to get business. With this jacked up healthcare system my parents have to pay a ridiculous amount of money a month for health insurance and since they are getting older they insurance company has jacked the price up ridiculously. I am sure this is a reality for a lot more small businesses around the country. You want to support the growth of businesses in America and not just big business then put your money where your mouth is republicans and fix the damn economy and stop lying through your teeth. Not everyone has it easy. Your not going to fix anything and I know this.

What I wrote after the speech

After watching the speeches today I do not think I could ever be a republican after this. Sarah stop lying on the bridge to nowhere. Stop saying that community service is laughable because its not. I really resent that. As a student I have done a lot of work in the community and been involved with different mentoring programs and such and to see someone laugh at Obama for what he’s done has actually made me felt like they have no idea what is going on in the world. They aren’t for change unless the change is bad

On another point stop using religion as your party platform. Not everyone in the US is a Christian. Enough said on that point.

Great job pimping your family. You guys really milked it after Obama let it go and said he would not be touching family issues you know that he cant touch that crap and you milked the hell out of it.

Lets stop our oil dependency by drilling for more oil.

I am truly worried about the future of this country more than I ever have been. After seeing the RNC and what they are willing to do to win.
ComputerNerd said:
I mostly agree with that. I'll just add that Clinton cut spending mostly in the wrong areas. He left our military ill equipped for a large war, or in the case we have now, two wars.
The military we have would be sufficient if we had someone in charge with half a brain.

We didn't need to spend like we did. We didn't need to extend our already formidable military to the breaking point. Under Clinton military operations were undertaken better, faster, with fewer casualties and little cost.

Don't blame Clinton for Bush's failings.


ComputerNerd said:
I mostly agree with that. I'll just add that Clinton cut spending mostly in the wrong areas. He left our military ill equipped for a large war, or in the case we have now, two wars.
So what you're saying is the two wars that Clinton left ill-equipped is somehow the fault of Clinton?
Or perhaps you're just trying to put some digs into Clinton even though the current two wars that we have has nothing to do with Clinton's legacy at all?


*drowns in jizz*
ComputerNerd said:
I mostly agree with that. I'll just add that Clinton cut spending mostly in the wrong areas. He left our military ill equipped for a large war, or in the case we have now, two wars.

Yeah, because the military should be funded with the assumption that they will be fighting multiple wars at the same time, right? Give me a fucking break. You REALLY don't think that amount of money can be better spent elsewhere??
ComputerNerd said:
How exactly would raising business taxes keep jobs in the US?

"Country First" in action people. Right here.

Slurpy said:
Yeah, because the military should be funded with the assumption that they will be fighting multiple wars at the same time, right? Give me a fucking break. You REALLY don't think that amount of money can be better spent elsewhere??

I'm pretty sure that been the US goal for quite some time now.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
Oh I get, destroying a 17 year old girl is ok, asking why a canddiate for president is friendly to some degree with an unrepentant terrorist is not. Airing baseless and easily disproven rumors that Palin had her daughters baby is ok, investigating Obama's close ties to his friend a convicted real estate developer who helped him buy his house is not. Lying about Palin's membership in a secessionist party is ok, talking about the anti-America racist hate speech Obama's spiritual advisor spewed for 20 years is not.

McCain vetted Palin and knew about all of this, he just never thought the media would sink so low. Look I don't mind the media is doing this, it shows a lot more about the media than Palin or McCain which the sooner the mainstream media self implodes the better. The American people can compare Palin and Obama and decide for themselves, I'm pretty sure which of the two they will be more concerned about (which polls have already indicated as much regarding Obama at least).
Cognitive dissonance get!


MThanded said:
Stop saying that community service is laughable because its not. I really resent that. As a student I have done a lot of work in the community and been involved with different mentoring programs and such and to see someone laugh at Obama for what he’s done has actually made me felt like they have no idea what is going on in the world. They aren’t for change unless the change is bad

You know, I wonder how much volunteer work Bristol has done . . .


ComputerNerd said:
I mostly agree with that. I'll just add that Clinton cut spending mostly in the wrong areas. He left our military ill equipped for a large war, or in the case we have now, two wars.
In Clinton's defense he didn't foresee the endless war strategy that was going to be employed by the neocons.
People don't realize how Obama's experience as a community organizer has translated to his campaign. He's been running on this fundamental principle that if WE organize ourselves, "we the people" as it were, we can stand up to the corporations and special interests and have an equal influence on Washington because after all, we DO outnumber them.

This knack for bringing people together has translated to his campaign registering voters at a RECORD pace, he has the largest network of small donors in HISTORY and he really means it when he says that we are the ones we've been waiting for.


140.85 said:
McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told Washington Post editors Tuesday that issues will have an impact on undecided voters but will not be conclusive.

“This election is not about issues,” Davis said. “This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates.”

In other words, you believe that Americans will choose to talk about slander, personal attacks as led by the GOP, rather than focusing on actual issues and policies that actually affect their daily lives as the Dems would like?

Or to say it in a short sentence, do you believe that Americans likes to make big issues of small politics instead of the real policies?


ComputerNerd said:
How exactly would raising business taxes keep jobs in the US?
Well first off, the Patriot Company act isn't about raising taxes it's about granting tax cuts to companies that employ good jobs within the US. Unless you're talking opportunity costs or something different I'm at a loss to see your point.

Now if you're talking about capital gains. Let me put this way. I have a friend, all he does is trade stock for a living. That's it. That's all. We work the same hours, make about the same amount of money in a year, yet he pays about 15% taxes and I'm over 33%. Why should he pay less for just moving money around? I create projects, projects which employ people.


polyh3dron said:
People don't realize how Obama's experience as a community organizer has translated to his campaign. He's been running on this fundamental principle that if WE organize ourselves, "we the people" as it were, we can stand up to the corporations and special interests and have an equal influence on Washington because after all, we DO outnumber them.

This knack for bringing people together has translated to his campaign registering voters at a RECORD pace, he has the largest network of small donors in HISTORY and he really means it when he says that we are the ones we've been waiting for.

Ok, we have another contender for perfect post . . .


JCreasy said:
You know, I wonder how much volunteer work Bristol has done . . .
Funny that isn't it? I mean she demeans volunteers. Which is ironic in that if her daughter were to be born under different circumstances or to a poorer family, Palin just insulted the very people that would be helping her daughter.


Slurpy said:
If they could have, they would have done so a long time ago.
It's hard to find what issues to agree with McCain and Palin on because McCain and Palin don't even really know their stances.

Also, anybody care to explain why if executive experience is what truly mattered, why didn't McCain pick Giuliani? Mayor of NYC during 9/11. NYC alone ahs several times the population of the whole state of Alaska. If executive experience was what mattered most, there were several other candidates which had a longer stint of executive experience and managed much more than Palin. So in regards to McCain's judgment, how did he choose the best executive to run the job? Why not Mitt Romney, who was not only a governmor, but a CEO?

So if executive experience or governorship is truly what mattered, why isn't another candidate in Palin's place, who has much more of those two traits?
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