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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
AniHawk said:
Actually the panic comes from McCain not doing a thorough process in picking a partner and how that poor judgment and panicked decision-making would result in future poor judgment and panicked decision making in the unfortunate event should he become president.

Also, if Sarah Palin's a rebirth of conservatism, George W Bush was too.

:lol I don't know a single conservative who wasn't leaping and cheering their TV with more excitement than I've ever seen for a conservative in my life. You can keep speaking this line till the sky falls down, but it only stands to lower expectations for Palin, which as you can see from tonight is an incredibly dangerous game to play.

On CNN they were saying today that McCain was actually raising expectations for Palin today, which is something they said they never see in modern politics. That ought to tell how much confidence there is in this woman.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
As to whoever asked for a Palin supporter (while insulting other supporters who've posted which I won't join in) I'm certainly one. We're seeing the rebirth of conservatism which is one reason why the dems and media have been so panicked since she was announced.

There is so much wrong with that statement but I'm going to bed. I'd be curious though to see if the libertarians on the board who always fancy themselves arch-conservatives will take the bait here.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Im watchin this convention thing now on TV in Aus :lol :lol wtf are the yokels saying? when ever this New York dude says something they keep chanting some shit.

Anyways yeah, this shits as real as wrestling, got the signs out, im just waitin for Rick Flair to come out WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Bending_Unit_22 said:
No you're correct, 3 of the candidates have ZERO EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. The only one with any is Palin. How much does that matter, well most of the worst presidents were senators and most of the best governors and generals.
So in your mind Palin is more qualified to be president than John McCain?
drakesfortune said:
Yeah well, community organizers are not a constituency of the Republican party, nor is there any hope that community organizers would vote for a Republican under ANY circumstance. I have no doubt that community organizers will be offended by her speech, but to be real, that's not a single vote lost. On the other hand, small town America IS a huge constituency of the Republican party, and it also happens to be the group that is by far the weakest of Obama supporters. So at the expense of community organizers, a non-republican voting block, she strengthened her hand with swing voters in rural America. It was a brilliant move.
All Community Organizers are DIRTY LIBRULS amirite?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
drakesfortune said:
Once again, you have to deny the fact that Palin was governor running a 12 billion dollar budget with 25000 employees, and commanding the national guard to deal with wildfires and and other natural disaster needs for your argument to have any weight. And then the argument that Obama running his campaign for HIMSELF, with a selfish goal, is the equivilent of running even a small town with a 12 million dollar budget (way to exaggerate that) for the PEOPLE is totally laughable. If Obama wants to keep going down that road, the McCain camp will eat that laughable experience ALIVE. I mean you really have to be drinking the coolaid to say with a straight face that running a campaign, which his campaign MANAGERS REALLY run is at all the same as being a mayor or a governor. Seriously man, that argument is worse than no argument at all.

this is false. the commanding officer of the alaskan national guard has said that palin has had absolutely no input towards their deployment and such.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
numble said:
Plouffe e-mail:
Community organizing is how ordinary people respond to out-of-touch politicians and their failed policies.

I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.
drakesfortune said:
I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Joke Character COMNFIRMED
AniHawk said:
Also, if Sarah Palin's a rebirth of conservatism, George W Bush was too.
Completely true. How is another hick with failed businesses and christian fundamentalism a 'rebirth'?

It's the same shit warmed over but with a vagina and an ability to speak better.


drakesfortune said:
:lol I don't know a single conservative who wasn't leaping and cheering their TV with more excitement than I've ever seen for a conservative in my life.
So basically what you're saying is, the speech appeals to the already republican base who was already going to vote for republicans come election time anyway?
speculawyer said:
Panicked? :lol :lol Belly-laughing is more accurate.

Good luck on the fiscally irresponsible theocratism. I think the country has had quite enough of it.
Belly laughing would lead to a "haha, ok loser whatever, now on to the Obama coronation" not the panic striken race to the gutter with left wing bloggers throwing every dirty rumor they can find against a wall hoping something will stick we've seen since last Friday.

Amazing you know my ideological beliefs already, I wish I could read minds like that. If the country is so sick of republicans I would suspect Obama would be running away with it right now and not barely managing to lead McCain with everything going his way (including the Wilder poll effect).


That was the best episode of the daily show in a long time. Also I just got an email from Obama saying that McCain's campaign manager said "this elections not about issues." :lol Is that true?
drakesfortune said:
I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.
Arde5643 said:
So in your mind Palin is more qualified to be president than John McCain?
Yes that's true. I rather dislike McCain and if the democrats had not picked a candidate who makes McGovern and Mondale look positively presidential then I'd be sitting out the election or voting for Hillary for tactical reasons.


drakesfortune said:
I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.
So do you mean to say, despite the steel plants closing down, jobs being transferred overseas, that no one in those community who has community organizers or charity organizations trying to help rebuild them will ever, ever heard of community organizers before Obama's time?

So are you truly implying that the rural towns that usually get hit the hardest during this economic hardships and will require the most help from charity and community organizations will not know what a community organizer is before Obama?


Bending_Unit_22 said:
No you're correct, 3 of the candidates have ZERO EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. The only one with any is Palin. How much does that matter, well most of the worst presidents were senators and most of the best governors and generals. Legislative experience is nowhere near as good as executive experience but it is political experience and there McCain slaughters Obama with no contest which is why the Obama camp tried to compare their presidential candidate with the republican VP. However, that isn't working out since the republican VP just showed she can go mano a womano with Obama on experience which is embarrasing if you ask me.

As to whoever asked for a Palin supporter (while insulting other supporters who've posted which I won't join in) I'm certainly one. We're seeing the rebirth of conservatism which is one reason why the dems and media have been so panicked since she was announced.

If executive experience is what really mattered, why didn't McCain pick someone with more extensive executive experience like Giuliani? Just under 2 years isn't extensive executive experience, so I don't see why she is being heralded as if she has tons of it. Are you also saying that Palin has a higher likelihood of being a better presidential candidate than McCain?

Also, in what ways is Palin a rebirth of conservatism? The fact that she can get the audience to clap along with her talking points? I'd also like to know what points of hers that you agree with? Her foreign policy opinions? The only thing that I see that she has brought to the table in regards to having some kind of framework for is energy, and essentially her plan is to drill. What is her opinion on the economy, and what about it do you like?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
drakesfortune said:
I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.

Says who? Just because Palin doesn't know what it is (like many, many things apparently) doesn't mean thats its not an important role, even more so now that the economy is in the shitter.


drakesfortune said:
I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.
Stoney Mason said:
There is so much wrong with that statement but I'm going to bed. I'd be curious though to see if the libertarians on the board who always fancy themselves arch-conservatives will take the bait here.
At this point, "Conservative" means fiscally irresponsibly Christian fundamentalist who talk nonstop about being fiscally conservative but can only deliver deficits. So it is basically a slur as far as I can tell.

Wait . . . I said the magic phrase!



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drakesfortune said:
:lol I don't know a single conservative who wasn't leaping and cheering their TV with more excitement than I've ever seen for a conservative in my life. You can keep speaking this line till the sky falls down, but it only stands to lower expectations for Palin, which as you can see from tonight is an incredibly dangerous game to play.

On CNN they were saying today that McCain was actually raising expectations for Palin today, which is something they said they never see in modern politics. That ought to tell how much confidence there is in this woman.

it just really looks like the Republicans are trying to copy the enthusiasm and energy that is found within Obama. She said a couple of jokes and you suddenly say,"Hey she came out punching, What a good girl. You go sister! Sell that plane on ebay, oh you also like hockey, wow your just like us." She said nothing that talked about any of the things that would change under their administration. Play the blame game as much as you want but if its all to deliver a bunch of not so witty lines, than you might as well vote Obama. He kinda knows to make some good speaches.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I donated $30 tonight. FUCK the RNC. I can't let this happen anymore. They will not run my country into the ground again.



Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Arde5643 said:
So basically what you're saying is, the speech appeals to the already republican base who was already going to vote for republicans come election time anyway?

If you want to underestimate Palin's appeal to both conservatives and moderates, that will be your own mistake. If you guys want to continue to believe that all women and Hillary voters are pro-abortion and that it's the only thing they care about, that will be your mistake to make. She has very broad appeal, and her dissection of Obama tonight was delivered with the most disarming smile I've seen in my life. Will it appeal to you? No, you'll hate her and call her "shrill", but many moderate democrats and independents will not see it that way. You can act like Biden and Obama didn't try to take McCain apart, but then who'd you be kidding yourself. Everyone knows that they're both taking each other apart, and so it becomes a non factor in the end, and the people with the best argument and the record will hopefully win.


ComputerNerd said:
Obama's campaign, and the media, have been on the attack for quite some time now.

You know what? I'm sick of this twisted logic being shitted all over the place and no one calls you asses on it.

If anyone wants to know how low brow and classless the GOP attack machine is, take a look at this:


"Tonight at the RNC, the McCain campaign made their feelings about community organizers abundantly clear. Defeated primary opponents spit on their name. Conventioneers loudly mocked their existence. Sarah Palin told not one, but two jokes about them, which is certainly a comedy foul, because everyone knows you are supposed to use the Rule Of Three.

Tonight, community organizers were made to feel the brunt of the Republicans' smarmy derision. And for what? You know, one overworked conservative trope from tonight was that the American people should not expect the government to solve all of their problems. You know who would agree with that? Community organizers. These men and women serve a public duty, taking care of those who do fall through the cracks of government largesse, motivating citizens to give their time and sweat to serve society's needs without making an unnecessary dip in the taxpayer till.

Why in the HELL would anyone want to attack the role that community organizers play in our society? Why? Even if you have an issue with Obama, how would that even make sense to attack people that volunteer to help those less fortunate? If anything, the GOP proved what we've all known for a long time now. That most Republicans, not all, but most, are a bunch of spoiled asses, so far out of touch with the needs of the common man, that they think the role of the American community organizer is a joke to be made fun of for political purposes.

But you know what? There will be a reckoning for this. If you read to the end of that article, the last bit put a smile on my face:

"Here's a little bit of delicious irony. It's been pointed out to me tonight that on September 11, Senators McCain and Obama will appear in New York City, participating in a forum for Service Nation. The topic? Community service and volunteerism. I imagine that many of you might have come out of tonight's RNC festivities with great concerns about the future welfare of our nations' community organizers. You might share your concerns with the event's organizers, by contacting them here. With any luck, this forum could get quite awkward for one of these candidates!"


drakesfortune said:
I would say at least 99% of them are liberals, yes. Without a doubt.
So are you saying that most religion based groups will not support community organizing although a lot of community organizing is done in churches and religious buldings?
kevm3 said:
If executive experience is what really mattered, why didn't McCain pick someone with more extensive executive experience like Giuliani? Just under 2 years isn't extensive executive experience, so I don't see why she is being heralded as if she has tons of it. Are you also saying that Palin has a higher likelihood of being a better presidential candidate than McCain?

Also, in what ways is Palin a rebirth of conservatism? The fact that she can get the audience to clap along with her talking points?
She was mayor for 5 years and head of the AK Oil&Gas commision for 2 years in adition to being governor for 2 years. Giuliani carries many more risks than Palin and since Palin already obliterates everyone elses executive experience its not as important to find someone with even more.

She's the rebirth of conservatism because she represents and lives a middle America life and conservative values and very importantly as we saw tonite telegenic. The media has successfuly convinced people that republicans represent the decayed ruins of a corrupt old white man party out of touch with reality. Palin shows that the republican party is still alive, vibrant, in touch with America (at least outside of Washington) and can represent America into the future.

EDIT: Ahh, you've added to your post. I don't support anyone 100% so I do have some disagreements. I support her energy plan although I would like it to go further, a little less on renewables more on coil-to-oil and shale oil. I especially liked that she linked the energy restrictions in the US leading to our gas prices jumping up and down based on whether there was a riot in Nigeria (though she didn't use those words). Going by her time as governor and mayor I like her tax cut and spending cut policies. She fought corruption while head of the oil commission which is good, no just going along with the flow like other candidates. I like her dedication to victory in Iraq and elsewhere, though I would like to ehar more about Russia, China, and Iran. In general I agree with her social/religious beliefs as well.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
Belly laughing would lead to a "haha, ok loser whatever, now on to the Obama coronation" not the panic striken race to the gutter with left wing bloggers throwing every dirty rumor they can find against a wall hoping something will stick we've seen since last Friday.

The term is vetting, which people and the media are just picking up the slack of what McCain did not do. Sorry... let me rephrase that, since McCain did NOT really want Palin.

Moreover, unlike Obama's shit-flinging-to-walls fest, everything about Palin is turning out to be true, and very indicative of McCain's poor judgement.

Compare that to throwing as much shit (Rezko, Ayres, Wright, etc) to the wall, and nothing sticks because it is all baseless.


speculawyer said:

Yeah. I was hoping for something more straightforward.

"Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved."

So like... Town hall meetings or something? Who hires them?
speculawyer said:
At this point, "Conservative" means fiscally irresponsibly Christian fundamentalist who talk nonstop about being fiscally conservative but can only deliver deficits. So it is basically a slur as far as I can tell.

Wait . . . I said the magic phrase!



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Bush Jr. was never a true fiscal conservative. He said before he got elected that he was going to expand government. Anyone who thinks otherwise wasn't paying attention. Both he and Gore promised bigger government.


is now taking requests
Ok, so the swedish newspapers are calling the Palin speech a "great success", is this really true?

Please say they got it wrong...
masud said:
Serioulsy how the fuck can some of you guys defend this shit? I know, I know "go team go" or whatever but have some fucking integrity! Don't you see how dumb these people think you are?


JayDubya said:
In all seriousness, can someone explain what a community organizer does?
You know all that stuff you say would be done by charities instead of government for the poor if you ran the world? Well, if your world had poor people in it that is. That's a community organizer.

Also, WTF at the people saying Palin's conservatisim reborn??? She read a speech she didn't write. How is that conservatism reborn....oh wait...I see.


polyh3dron said:
Did you watch the speeches tonight?

Yes, as I did the democrat speeches. However, unlike most people here I hadn't made my mind about them before they started. Palin made some good points, if thats too hard to swallow, sorry. Obama did as well.

The problem is perspective, any of these people can seem weak or strong depending how they examine the candidates.


Personally I feel that the Reps are setting up Palin for 2012 with this VP pick. BUt Im sure they would rather win now.


Banstick Emeritus
drakesfortune said:
I hate to break it to him, but ordinary people outside of major cities hadn't heard of community organizers until Obama ran for president. That's what's out of touch.
oh ffs
Bending_Unit_22 said:
the panic striken race to the gutter with left wing bloggers throwing every dirty rumor they can find against a wall hoping something will stick we've seen since last Friday.
This is rich.

Are you fucking kidding me? Republicans have made debasing the national dialogue an art form yet when an unvetted, arch-conservative, fundamentalist running for the second highest office in the nation prompts the media, both independent and otherwise, to find out the truth about this unknown quantity, the GOP has the gall to pretend to be outraged. Absurd.
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