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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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It's perfectly feasible for Obama to pass his tax cuts and fund his new programs. All it would require would be massive Bush-style deficit spending.
I'm starting to believe, after seeing that the MSM is actually questioning her experience, that this could be absolutely disastrous for mccain


grandjedi6 said:
She looks kinda creepy in that.

Like Cammy (I think) from the E3 nintendo press event.


Dan said:
Wow, this is awkward.

I can't even tell, does this guy want to be president? It feels like he's being forced to do a Q&A with the teacher after a presentation in a class he hates.

Good question.

Years ago, when McCain was still the "Maverick", I would have said yes. But now that he's basically sold his soul to become "Bush mk II", I can't help but wonder if the very notion that he's compromised everything that he once was, in order to get here now, tears at him sometimes.

It's like the "Sure, I got what I wanted...but at what price" type of thing...


Dan said:
Wow, this is awkward.

I can't even tell, does this guy want to be president? It feels like he's being forced to do a Q&A with the teacher after a presentation in a class he hates.

The beautiful thing about McCain is that the man simply cannot hide his true feelings, about anything. It's even more glaring when he's on television. I don't think he actually believes a lot of what he's been saying on the stump.
DancingJesus said:
God Olbermann is a bit too much... I mean there's a line you gotta draw, your a professional. News should be reported without bias, this guy strokes Obama's cock at every given chance.

One of the few left-leaning commentators on the US news stations. Most are transparently right-leaning, even the standard journalists.

Thank Reagan for throwing out the fairness doctrine for that!


reilo said:
How the fuck should I know? I don't live in Alaska.

Don't play the privacy card here. Investigators can legally subpoena your phone record and voicemails to find out whether you did something illegal if there is enough evidence to do so. Why should emails be exempt from this?

Obviously there was a subpoena handed down for her emails, and she invoked executive privilege to prevent those emails from being read. It's the exact same bullshit that Bush has been getting away with. CONNECT THE DOTS.

Considering McCain claimed to have looked at the issue and so far no one's being prosecuted for obstruction of justice over the issue my assumption is there's a pretty sound legal basis for her claiming executive privilege.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Considering McCain claimed to have looked at the issue and so far no one's being prosecuted for obstruction of justice over the issue my assumption is there's a pretty sound legal basis for her claiming executive privilege.

We are not even sure McCain even vetted her. I somehow doubt he even knew she was under investigation.
Keith has to be burnt out a bit right now and is just gliding through the show.

And Bill-O and Laura were on just now complaining about MSNBC. Cause they put "How many houses does she add to the ticket?" on the screen. I said that in the old thread as a joke and it is a bit lame but being at Fox News you have NO ROOM to complain about kooky chyrons.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
pxleyes said:
Oh come on. I think we can all agree they are both biased pundits.

They are biased pundits, but at least Olbermann cites his sources with every line he throws out. O'Reilly cites his own asshole.


reilo said:
We are not even sure McCain even vetted her. I somehow doubt he even knew she was under investigation.

They claimed they did. Do you SERIOUSLY believe they'd allow themselves to nominate someone without vetting them at all? I mean, seriously. Honestly. If you believe that you're SERIOUSLY underestimating your opponent.


Gold Member
Zeliard said:
Don't you think that's a little... simplistic? How does an American not have an American perspective? Unless you're referring to seeing things from others' point of views, in which case I would direct you to Obama's many (sadly controversial) statements over the entire campaign about how he's willing to talk to most anybody in the world and hear things from their perspective.

My point before I got out for the night is that my family and many friends (which are Spanish) all have a different view of both candidates and their platforms. They don't like either of them, they really believe that the U.S. may listen and then does things that will only benefit the country. This is the political reality of all States, but they think the world should work for the common good, even if it will cause economic devastation here. Which I believe is quite strange knowing how the Spanish government has treated Africans and immigrants.


Kildace said:
Local news report about the firing affair..
The more I read about Palin, the more I think that she might be a horrible pick. She was taught creationism as a fact and that homosexuality is a sin. She even sued the US government to take polar bears off the endangered animals list to be able to drill in ANWR.

Yup, and it might suck since the verdict of the investigation will come down the week before election day. She's already been caught making false statements, so no matter what it's going to look bad.


Kildace said:
Local news report about the firing affair..
The more I read about Palin, the more I think that she might be a horrible pick. She was taught creationism as a fact and that homosexuality is a sin. She even sued the US government to take polar bears off the endangered animals list to be able to drill in ANWR.

She was probably picked more to invigorate the right than to realistically appeal to Hillary supporters. Apparently, evangelicals are overly thrilled with the pick.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
They claimed they did. Do you SERIOUSLY believe they'd allow themselves to nominate someone without vetting them at all? I mean, seriously. Honestly. If you believe that you're SERIOUSLY underestimating your opponent.

Considering that the McCain camp also stated that McCain only met TWICE with her in his entire lifetime, then yes, I am casting doubt whether they seriously vetted her.

Do you also think George W Bush vetted Harriet Meiers before appointing her to the US SUPREME COURT?

DancingJesus said:
He just proclaimed John McCain the worst person in the world. :lol jesus

Is this your first time watching Olbermann or something? That's a daily segment of his.


Setec Astronomer
Gaborn said:
They claimed they did. Do you SERIOUSLY believe they'd allow themselves to nominate someone without vetting them at all? I mean, seriously. Honestly. If you believe that you're SERIOUSLY underestimating your opponent.
.... you do remember the consideration of Lieberman, right?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Gaborn said:
Considering McCain claimed to have looked at the issue and so far no one's being prosecuted for obstruction of justice over the issue my assumption is there's a pretty sound legal basis for her claiming executive privilege.
Or a belief that the claim will not be challenged or overturned.
reilo said:
Considering that the McCain camp also stated that McCain only met TWICE with her in his entire lifetime, then yes, I am casting doubt whether they seriously vetted her.

Do you also think George W Bush vetted Harriet Meiers before appointing her to the US SUPREME COURT?

Is this your first time watching Olbermann or something? That's a daily segment of his.

Yea it is the first time I've watched the show. I've seen a bunch of crazy clips on youtube though.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
Do you even know why?

You guys take this shit seriously?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
NICE. They're using one of Beck's new songs for this segment.

DancingJesus said:
Yea it is the first time I've watched the show. I've seen a bunch of crazy clips on youtube though.

He doesn't name them worst persons of the world for no reason. He uses legitimate quotes of theirs to come to that conclusion.


Kildace said:
Local news report about the firing affair..
The more I read about Palin, the more I think that she might be a horrible pick. She was taught creationism as a fact

Her father was a science teacher and the only thing she said was she didn't mind if both ID and evolution were taught side by side. That's a little different than your statement.
and that homosexuality is a sin.

And Obama wasn't taught this? Seriously. Show me this.

She even sued the US government to take polar bears off the endangered animals list to be able to drill in ANWR.

Which we should do.


DancingJesus said:
He just proclaimed John McCain the worst person in the world. :lol jesus

"Worst person in the world" is one of his recurring segments. I believe Olbermann's called himself the worst person in the world before.


Gaborn said:
Her father was a science teacher and the only thing she said was she didn't mind if both ID and evolution were taught side by side. That's a little different than your statement.

And Obama wasn't? Seriously. Show me this.

Which we should do.

How do you feel about her 25% windfall profits tax on oil?:p
Not to be a snob and all, because I have no more of an education than she does, but we're talking about someone who has Bachelor's in Journalism from the University of Idaho who has never left the United States, save for Canada. For ... second in line to be the most powerful person in the world ... ?


I just watch Obama's speech and the video about him before it. I liked it. He comes across as a very genuine individual. I liked that he is for a responsible removal of troops in Iraq, though I still want to know what this means to him. That has been one of my biggest sticking points with his campaign. Sure he was going to end the war but I never knew how. To be honest since I did not care for either candidate I planned to not vote this year. But I will start follow Obama more if I like his plans for withdrawing from Iraq he’ll have my vote.

There is one other thing that bothers me about Obama, his followers. Its easy to blame just the politicians for all our problems, but they wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for the people voting them in. The Dem vs Rep mentality that prevents good legislation from getting approved is just a cared over from the people of this country. We’re the good guy while those other guys are the bad ones plagues the people of the US not just its government. The first five pages of this thread is a perfect example. While I’ll agree that McCain’s choice for VP was shrewd, there is no reason for the disrespect the lady is getting. It’s really pathetic.
I still think they're just going to struggle with the visuals with McCain and Palin standing next to each other. McCain looked VERY awkward today during her speech. I think this comes off because they literally don't know each other and it shows.

Also Obama and Biden together just look like a good "unity" team. On the other hand, McCain and Palin almost look a little creepy together. The age-gap and mannerisms is just so stark. McCain was moving around Palin like she was one of us daughters or campaign aid. They really need to work on their chemistry otherwise they're going to look creepy together.


laserbeam said:
Imagine how much money the government would get if Alaska alone is making 830+ million a year on Oil taxes in Alaska.

I agree. It'd definitely assuage fears of Obama running huge deficits:p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
laserbeam said:
Imagine how much money the government would get if Alaska alone is making 830+ million a year on Oil taxes in Alaska.

Gaborn believes that the 8.5% profit in billions of dollars made by the oil companies will trickle down to the middle class. Somehow.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gaborn said:
They claimed they did. Do you SERIOUSLY believe they'd allow themselves to nominate someone without vetting them at all? I mean, seriously. Honestly. If you believe that you're SERIOUSLY underestimating your opponent.


It's certainly possible, even likely that McCain doesn't know shit about her (he's met her about twice, apparently) but his people know everything about her. This pick is purely strategic, but I think it shows just a hint of desperation. The Christian right called his bluff, basically.

Hillary idiots who would vote McCain would do so anyway.
The Christian right would have come around.
She's not from a battleground state.
Even vetted, she has a lot of problems.

I think it's a bad pick, but not catastrophic. Problematically, I think it was to avoid picking a Mormon, who in every other logical regard, was a better pick.


reilo said:
Gaborn believes that the 8.5% profit in billions of dollars made by the oil companies will trickle down to the middle class. Somehow.

No, I believe that companies are entitled to make a profit without being labled as evil and I don't think setting a precedent to cap one company's profit at 8.5% is appropriate because it makes it easier to set that cap at other, perhaps all, industries.
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