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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
PantherLotus said:
Personally, I like my leaders to be well educated. This is the equivalent of having Jesse Ventura on the national ticket.
you can't grade someone's intelligence based on the current ranking of the school they graduated from over two decades ago.


oh wow :lol

scorcho said:
you can't grade someone's intelligence based on the current ranking of the school they graduated from over two decades ago.

I don't know, I certainly think it says a lot about a person. Not necessarily just their intelligence, but their dedication, work ethic, etc.


I just got home and I'm curious what GAF's reaction is to McCain's VP pick. I'm personally shocked; it's a terrible, terrible choice for a man who is as old as he is, and it reeks of desperation. What the hell?
Cool I agree with Reilo about, the Princes of Saudi and the other oppressive or underdeveloped countries where you have only extreme wealth and extreme poverty without real middle class. The wealth usually unfairly drained from the bottom to support the top.

Funky Papa

Half-serious question: what if McCain wins *and* proceeds to kick the bucket? I wonder about Palin's stance on Iraq and the economy.


Gaborn said:
Which VP could McCain have picked that you wouldn't characterize it as a disaster? Just for the sake of curiosity.
Mittens! Actually outside of the Mormon issue, he was easily the best choice.
Funky Papa said:
Half-serious question: what if McCain wins *and* proceeds to kick the bucket? I wonder about Palin's stance on Iraq and the economy.

So does she. Sounds like she's sort of "feeling that stuff out".

But hey...!



Setec Astronomer
CharlieDigital said:
I couldn't agree more. Hope you read the full essay and some of his other stuff. Really well written and well thought out.
Indeed, but my favorite arguments, aside from opening a history book, are those that accept libertarian premises and follow them to their conclusions. Examples:

- Absolute rights of property and inheritance means America must at once forfeit its domain and return it to its rightful owners, although America can legitimately renegotiate for it afterwards. Furthermore, taxation isn't immoral because it's one benefactor of theft taking stolen property from another benefactor to theft. (Already mentioned)

- Violation of property rights does not become less sinful the more it effects, it becomes more sinful. Any government with a mandate to protect property rights must have an environmental protection agency with utmost policing authority.


ronito said:

Naw, that'd be a disaster with the religious right and people that actually believe government shouldn't be involved in things like health care and education to the extent he put them in in Massachusetts.


I think the funniest part of the timing of all this is that the Republicans are spending the news cycle defending the VP pick instead of picking apart Obama's speech.


Gaborn said:
Naw, that'd be a disaster with the religious right and people that actually believe government shouldn't be involved in things like health care and education to the extent he put them in in Massachusetts.
Agreed the religious right would've eaten one of their own alive.

But to the right he'd pander fear, abortion, and CEO experience. To the center he'd sell UCH and education.
It's like I'm still waiting for a punch line....

Haven't talked about it with anyone today yet (not American so it just hasn't come up)... But I've been thinking about it all day since I'm a diehard politics fan. And I just don't get it.

I mean, how can McCain possibly have credibility attacking Obama's experience now when he's willing to make Palin second-in-line to President...

It's as if he's just thrown away his best and likely most justified argument...

I don't get it. Like I said, I'm waiting for a "ah-haaa... now I see" moment.
Gaborn said:
Naw, that'd be a disaster with the religious right and people that actually believe government shouldn't be involved in things like health care and education to the extent he put them in in Massachusetts.

But it would be gold for Independents.

You know, the 13% who will actually be deciding this election.

Rawk Hawk

I am slightly curious, although I'm sure I know the answer. But a lot of heat is being draw to Palin as the VP pick, would you have voted for McCain if he picked any of the other members off his short list?

Maybe this pick is exactly what he needed to draw attention away from last nights speech and put himself in the media's eye. 85,000+ people gathered last night, does anyone remember? Where was it again St Louis?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
MaizeRage25 said:
I don't know, I certainly think it says a lot about a person. Not necessarily just their intelligence, but their dedication, work ethic, etc.
Let's be fair.

It may or may not say anything about intelligence, dedication, work ethic, etc. There are a lot of factors that go into selecting a college beyond academics. I don't think any conclusions can be made from whatever Wikipedia has on her early life.

Secondly, it may only speak to those attributes for that time period. I know this is politics, but people can change.

Let's attack her on legitimate things, not blindly reaching conclusions based on what school she attended*. At least if you knew how she did there, that'd be something closer.

*Unless that person's school was Liberty University.


Zabka said:
I think the funniest part of all the timing of all this is that the Republicans are spending the news cycle defending the VP pick instead of picking apart Obama's speech.

Yeah, it's good to see this is backfiring for all the right reasons.


BenjaminBirdie said:
But it would be gold for Independents.

You know, the 13% who will actually be deciding this election.

With Romney McCain would worry about the 33% of the electorate that may not be inclined to come out for him in that scenario.
Rawk Hawk said:
I am slightly curious, although I'm sure I know the answer. But a lot of heat is being draw to Palin as the VP pick, would you have voted for McCain if he picked any of the other members off his short list?

Maybe this pick is exactly what he needed to draw attention away from last nights speech and put himself in the media's eye. 85,000+ people gathered last night, does anyone remember? Where was it again St Louis?

Are you kidding me? McCain could have run someone over and gotten the same result. Would you call that good for his campaign?

This is not GOOD coverage. This is an entire news cycle of pretty much EVERYONE calling his judgement into question.


Gaborn said:
With Romney McCain would worry about the 33% of the electorate that may not be inclined to come out for him in that scenario.
You gotta admit that if religion wasn't an issue a Biden/Romney debate would most likely go very badly for democrats.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
adamsappel said:
I recall librulGAF railing at Fox News about O'Reilly, Hannity, et al for their biased punditry simply because they were on a news station and could be mistaken for reporters and their opinions as news. I think this was one of APF's fights, so maybe he'll chime in. Goose, gander, etc.

LOTS of librul gafers think Olberman is a holier than thou grandstanding prick, even when they agree with his rhetoric.

Fox News is hated on because it's demonstrably evil garbage. CNN is heading the same way to compete, and MSNBC isn't all that much better. Fox is leagues worse though.

And nobody rails at Hannity or O'Reilly for misrepresentation of journalism, they are railed at because they're pricks.

There is no Liberal Media and every time someone claims that there is, they're saying, "I'm a fucking sad obedient parrot."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
I don't know how many jobs have been created by these conglomerates and huge businesses, I'm not sure any have been taken away by them either though.

So are you saying you WOULD cap more than just oil companies profits if they make 8.5% or higher?

I never said anything about capping other businesses, as I cannot think of any other business ventures that directly influence everybodies lives.

I'm not a person that is all about black and white, like libertarians and many other supporters of utopian theories are. This world doesn't run on absolutes, so to say that "we cannot do one thing because what about this other thing?!" does not fly. You adapt to the situation at hand.


*drowns in jizz*
What I've noticed is that the republican shills are more foaming-at-the-mouth than usual in their justification of Palin, seeing how much doubt the MM has towards her. It's like they're trying to balance it out by being just a bit louder, just a bit more obnoxious, defensive, and hyperbolic.

They're still asking 'who Obama is' and telling us not to trust him because 'we don't know who he really is and where he stands' while he's been in the spotlight everyday for a couple years now, while they're demanding we trust and have faith in this person who, LITERALLY, just popped into existence for most people, and who is 'absolutely qualified' to be president.
Going from extreme opposites, H&C are just as biased as Olbermann. What the hell.. is there a fucking decent news channel? I guess ill go back to TDS/Colbert.


Rawk Hawk said:
I am slightly curious, although I'm sure I know the answer. But a lot of heat is being draw to Palin as the VP pick, would you have voted for McCain if he picked any of the other members off his short list?

Maybe this pick is exactly what he needed to draw attention away from last nights speech and put himself in the media's eye. 85,000+ people gathered last night, does anyone remember? Where was it again St Louis?
Zabka said it best:

Zabka said:
I think the funniest part of all the timing of all this is that the Republicans are spending the news cycle defending the VP pick instead of picking apart Obama's speech.
The pick definitely become the real highlight today instead of Obama's speech, however, it also accentuates and highlights the "failed judgement" that Dems have been pushing to attack the Reps.

It just even glares more the difference between good-making decisions between Dems and Reps for the news media and the people watching.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So the Republican VP pick is a woman with 5 children, 1 of which is a 4-month-old with downs syndrome.


Seriously? As someone who leans to the right on a lot of things not related to gays/religious stuff/stem cells, I'm astonished.

Yeah, you can't really be the president and a good mother to a special needs infant at the same time. There's only enough time in the day. I decided today that I'm 100% voting for Obama come November.


Setec Astronomer
DancingJesus said:
Going from extreme opposites, H&C are just as biased as Olbermann. What the hell.. is there a fucking decent news channel? I guess ill go back to TDS/Colbert.
It's not on cable.

Rawk Hawk

BenjaminBirdie said:
Are you kidding me? McCain could have run someone over and gotten the same result. Would you call that good for his campaign?

This is not GOOD coverage. This is an entire news cycle of pretty much EVERYONE calling his judgement into question.

Depends on who he hit I suppose, obviously no. But it does have a lot of core conservatives stepping up and defending him, maybe he just picked who he needed to. I must say his moderate/liberal background left me debating not voting.. But now, I don't know. I will have to learn more about this Palin, but from what I can tell from here it's making things very interesting.

EDIT: Arde5643 - Failed judgement is listening to Rev. Wright for more than one Sunday, Failed judgement is not out front denouncing known terrorist and bomber William Aires(sp?). I think judgement is a very good topic for McCain.
Dan said:
Let's be fair.

It may or may not say anything about intelligence, dedication, work ethic, etc. There are a lot of factors that go into selecting a college beyond academics. I don't think any conclusions can be made from whatever Wikipedia has on her early life.

Secondly, it may only speak to those attributes for that time period. I know this is politics, but people can change.

Let's attack her on legitimate things, not blindly reaching conclusions based on what school she attended*. At least if you knew how she did there, that'd be something closer.

*Unless that person's school was Liberty University.

I was speaking more to class ranking then college choice. Of course there are many reasons for why someone selects a certain school that go outside the scope of personal characteristics. And again, I was not talking about Palin specifically, but more about people in general.
Slurpy said:
What I've noticed is that the republican shills are more foaming-at-the-mouth than usual in their justification of Palin, seeing how much doubt the MM has towards her. It's like they're trying to balance it out by being just a bit louder, just a bit more obnoxious, defensive, and hyperbolic.

They're still asking 'who Obama is' and telling us not to trust him because 'we don't know who he really is and where he stands' while he's been in the spotlight everyday for a couple years now, while they're demanding we trust and have faith in this person who, LITERALLY, just popped into existence for most people, and who is 'absolutely qualified' to be president.

Actually, the GOP pundits on TV keep dodging that question. It's fucking hilarious. "That's not really the questions we should be asking."


Look, Obama's spent like TWO YEARS answering that question again and again. So nice to see McCain leaving his entire party a hotfoot.

There's shit in it, also.
Shuster just said that the GOP convention is still a go....despite the hurricane. It's like an epic backfire on those who were praying for thunderstorms in Denver yesterday.

"God don't like ugly."
This is so best case scenario, If the Dems want lack of experience to be the number one issue in the election.... Are they trying to lose an "un-losable"election that was theirs yesterday. They need to drop the if McCain dies thing quick!
The pics of this woman remind me of a dumb freshman girl, and the pointing out of her "motherly" like qualities make me lol even more.

This is so best case scenario, If the Dems want lack of experience to be the number one issue in the election.... Are they trying to lose an "un-losable"election that was theirs yesterday. They need to drop the if McCain dies thing quick!
:lol :lol :lol

Are you kidding? Mccain may have just turned the repubs greatest strength into its greatest weakness, and you think they're going to drop it?


DancingJesus said:
Going from extreme opposites, H&C are just as biased as Olbermann. What the hell.. is there a fucking decent news channel? I guess ill go back to TDS/Colbert.
The only difference is that Olbermann calls out bullshit on the democratic side when he has to. Fox, not so much.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This is so best case scenario, If the Dems want lack of experience to be the number one issue in the election.... Are they trying to lose an "un-losable"election that was theirs yesterday. They need to drop the if McCain dies thing quick!

Uhm, the experience argument is off the table now with the Palin pick. This is only advantageous to Obama.
This dude only met this woman one freaking time, you have to be kidding me ideology aside this is fucking ludacris.

fuck those who say John is wrapped tight.

America is not a game you gamble with and for those who all of a sudden claim they know her history blow me, this bith was a bucannon solider enough said.
Rawk Hawk said:
Depends on who he hit I suppose, obviously no. But it does have a lot of core conservatives stepping up and defending him, maybe he just picked who he needed to. I must say his moderate/liberal background left me debating not voting.. But now, I don't know. I will have to learn more about this Palin, but from what I can tell from here it's making things very interesting.

So, his base. That's what you're saying.

This is GAF, we all play video games, so we should all get this analogy, but this is like McCain got to an end boss where the opening animation tells you that your guns are useless, and you can only beat the boss with grenades, and he just sat there.


Bases are not going to win this election. Everyone has said that for like months. McCain had an opportunity to court the people actually deciding this election with a pick like Ridge or Romney.

Instead, he exercised extraordinarily poor judgement.


This is so best case scenario, If the Dems want lack of experience to be the number one issue in the election.... Are they trying to lose an "un-losable"election that was theirs yesterday. They need to drop the if McCain dies thing quick!
The issue isn't that Obama gains. The issue is that McCain loses the ability to make that argument.


Setec Astronomer
This is so best case scenario, If the Dems want lack of experience to be the number one issue in the election.... Are they trying to lose an "un-losable"election that was theirs yesterday. They need to drop the if McCain dies thing quick!
People who feel that Republicans are unduly excluded from PoliGAF should understand that this kind of post isn't going to fix it.
Rawk Hawk said:
I am slightly curious, although I'm sure I know the answer. But a lot of heat is being draw to Palin as the VP pick, would you have voted for McCain if he picked any of the other members off his short list?

The top of the ticket is what really matters. In no circumstance does the VP choice enhance the ticket, any ticket for that matter, for me, it is either neutral or negative and I would definitely consider the Palin choice negative considering the likeliness of Palin, at some point, taking over a hypothetical McCain administration.
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